path: root/src/application.lisp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-07-27[refactor] represent scene as a vector; [refactor] shared text shaderColin Okay
2022-07-27[add] alpha support to image classColin Okay
2022-07-27[refactor] to get rid of finalizers. [add] pre-exit-hooksColin Okay
2022-07-23[remove] spurious refs to display tree events; [tweak] menu focusColin Okay
2022-07-23[modified] focus [event] firing logic, slightlyColin Okay
2022-07-22[version] [refactor] [redesign] removed containersColin Okay
2022-07-18[add] mouse event bubbling; [example] click-and-drag to 01Colin Okay
2022-07-09[refactor] use trival-garbage finalizers to clean up gl resourcesColin Okay
2022-07-08[docs] added docstrings to exportsColin Okay
2022-07-06[refactor] containers have render boundsColin Okay
2022-07-01[add] frameset class and an [exmaple] using itColin Okay
2022-06-30[modify] moved *application* into wheelwork; should-listen-for-pColin Okay
2022-06-30[moved] fps functins into wheelwork.lispColin Okay
2022-06-29[refactor] [structure] modularized project file structureColin Okay