path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-12-14Loop style nitsHEADmaincolin
2024-12-14Replaced defclass-std with defrefactor-with-defcolin
2023-08-06Fix frameset initializationcolin
2023-08-05Bugfix; boneheadedcolin
2023-08-05Add docstring to add-unitcolin
2022-07-29[add] drop-unit-ifColin Okay
2022-07-28[add] canvas-paint example; [refactor] with-current-penColin Okay
2022-07-28[bugfix] in calculation of yrel for mousemotion eventsColin Okay
2022-07-27[refactor] represent scene as a vector; [refactor] shared text shaderColin Okay
2022-07-27[add] alpha support to image classColin Okay
2022-07-27[refactor] to get rid of finalizers. [add] pre-exit-hooksColin Okay
2022-07-27[refactor] to [optimize] a few numeric functionsColin Okay
2022-07-27[refactor] to reduce use of vecColin Okay
2022-07-24[add] cleanup for menu and interactiveColin Okay
2022-07-23[change] only bother witht the scissor box if the box isn't the appColin Okay
2022-07-23[remove] spurious refs to display tree events; [tweak] menu focusColin Okay
2022-07-23[fix] typo in listener-table-forColin Okay
2022-07-23[refactor] event-handlers to include a tagColin Okay
2022-07-23[change] option->item in menuColin Okay
2022-07-23[modified] focus [event] firing logic, slightlyColin Okay
2022-07-23[change] generic add/drop unit; [add] impls for menu classColin Okay
2022-07-23[add] menu basics and [example]Colin Okay
2022-07-22[version] [refactor] [redesign] removed containersColin Okay
2022-07-21[add] gui package. moved button.lisp into guiColin Okay
2022-07-21[refactor] make-frameset to use clearler namingColin Okay
2022-07-20[refactor] odd behavior in with-grid-bezierColin Okay
2022-07-20[rename] canvas-api and updated the [example]Colin Okay
2022-07-20[export] canvas apiColin Okay
2022-07-20[export] canvas apiColin Okay
2022-07-20[doc] docstrings to canvas language [add] stroke/fill stepsColin Okay
2022-07-20[modify] how apply-pen-at handles pen widthColin Okay
2022-07-20[add] fill bezier. [example] tweakingColin Okay
2022-07-20[change] state saving formsColin Okay
2022-07-20[fix] bug in stroke and fill rect; [refactor] pen color stateColin Okay
2022-07-19[fix] setting of pen function in canvasColin Okay
2022-07-19[example] fiddling with the exampleColin Okay
2022-07-19[add] canvas language and [example]Colin Okay
2022-07-19[rename] bitmap/imageColin Okay
2022-07-18[add] mouse event bubbling; [example] click-and-drag to 01Colin Okay
2022-07-18[doc] docstring on with-grid-bezierColin Okay
2022-07-18[add] bezier curve surrportColin Okay
2022-07-18[modify] with-grid-path autoclosep assumed when interiorpColin Okay
2022-07-17[add] path drwing and filling to canvasColin Okay
2022-07-17[add] path drawingColin Okay
2022-07-17[wip]Colin Okay
2022-07-17[refactor] [rename] with-line/with-grid-line; all vars now in loopColin Okay
2022-07-16[refactor] blit to use glTexSubImage2DColin Okay
2022-07-15[example] tweaking canvas exampleColin Okay
2022-07-15[bugfix] in ww::setf-many; [example] fiddling with example 10Colin Okay