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authorColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-15 22:08:13 -0500
committerColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-15 22:08:13 -0500
commit55acc817ad919c47de39e0febe8630304792793f (patch)
parent5654b8b4c30fd783dd1d1d1eb716e4f21c0ac83e (diff)
[example] tweaking canvas example
2 files changed, 107 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/examples/10-canvas.lisp b/examples/10-canvas.lisp
index 7d701df..5539bdf 100644
--- a/examples/10-canvas.lisp
+++ b/examples/10-canvas.lisp
@@ -9,56 +9,106 @@
-(defclass/std canvas-example (ww::application)
- ())
-(defun color-clamp ( x)
- (max (min (round x) 255) 0))
-(ww:defhandler color-shifts
- (ww:on-perframe ()
- (let ((time-class (1+ (mod time 256))))
- (ww::with-pixels-rect (x y r g b a) (target)
- (if (or (zerop (mod time-class (1+ x)))
- (zerop (mod time-class (1+ y))))
- (setf
- r (mod (* x time) time-class)
- g (mod (* y time) time-class)
- b (mod time time-class)
- a 255)
- (ww::setf-many r g b a 0))))
- (ww::blit target)))
-(defmethod ww::boot ((app canvas-example))
+(defclass/std sneking (ww::application)
+ ((sneks snek-pit)))
+(defclass/std snek ()
+ ((x y)
+ (dx dy :std 1)
+ (brain :std 0.0)
+ (bod :std (list))
+ (len :std 4)
+ (color :std (list 255 255 255))
+ (home :std (list 0 0 100 100))))
+(defun snek-is-home-p (snek)
+ (with-slots (x y home) snek
+ (destructuring-bind (left bottom right top) home
+ (and (<= left x (1- right))
+ (<= bottom y (1- top))))))
+(defun snek-change-mind (snek)
+ (when (zerop (random 2))
+ (setf (dx snek) (* -1 (dx snek))))
+ (when (zerop (random 2))
+ (setf (dy snek) (* -1 (dy snek)))))
+(defun advance-snek-pos (snek)
+ (with-slots (x y dx dy home bod len) snek
+ (incf x dx)
+ (incf y dy)
+ (unless (snek-is-home-p snek)
+ (decf y dy)
+ (decf x dx)
+ (snek-change-mind snek))
+ (push y bod)
+ (push x bod)
+ (when (< len (length bod))
+ (setf bod (nreverse (cddr (nreverse bod)))))))
+(defun snek-thots (snek)
+ (incf (brain snek) 0.01)
+ (when (< (random 1.0) (brain snek))
+ (setf (brain snek) 0.0)
+ (snek-change-mind snek)))
+(defun update-snek (snek)
+ (advance-snek-pos snek)
+ (snek-thots snek))
+(defun draw-snek (snek canvas)
+ (with-slots (bod color) snek
+ (destructuring-bind (red green blue) color
+ (let ((alpha 255))
+ (loop
+ for (x y . more) on bod by #'cddr
+ do (ww::with-pixel (r g b a) (ww::pixel canvas x y)
+ (setf r red g green b blue a alpha))
+ (setf alpha (max 0 (- alpha 10))))))))
+(defun random-between (lo hi)
+ (+ lo (random (- hi lo))))
+(defun random-snek (&optional (boundx 100) (boundy 100))
+ (make-instance 'snek
+ :color (list (random 256) (random 256) (random 256))
+ :dy (random-between -1 1)
+ :dx (random-between -1 1)
+ :len (random-between 50 70)
+ :home (list 0 0 boundx boundy)
+ :x (random boundx)
+ :y (random boundy)))
+(ww:defhandler sneks-a-go-go
+ (ww::on-perframe (app ticks)
+ (with-slots (sneks snek-pit) app
+ (ww::clear-canvas snek-pit)
+ (dolist (snek sneks)
+ (update-snek snek)
+ (draw-snek snek snek-pit))
+ (ww::blit snek-pit))))
+(defmethod ww::boot ((app sneking ))
"Adds the intro text and sets up the start button handler."
- (let ((c (make-instance
- 'ww::canvas
- :pixel-height 10
- :pixel-width 10)))
- (ww::with-pixels-rect (x y r g b a) (c)
- (setf r (- 255 (* 25 x))
- g (- 255 (* 25 y))
- b (color-clamp (* 25 (+ x y)))))
- (ww::blit c)
- (setf (ww:width c) 800
- (ww:height c) 600)
- (ww:add-unit app c)
- (ww:add-handler c #'color-shifts )))
-(defun start (&optional (scale 1.0))
+ (setf (snek-pit app)
+ (make-instance 'ww:canvas :pixel-width 100 :pixel-height 100)
+ (sneks app)
+ (loop repeat 60 collect (random-snek 100 100)))
+ (setf (ww:width (snek-pit app)) 800
+ (ww:height (snek-pit app)) 800)
+ (ww::add-unit app (snek-pit app))
+ (ww:add-handler app #'sneks-a-go-go))
+(defun start ()
- 'canvas-example
- :fps 30
- :width (round (* 800 scale))
- :height (round (* 600 scale))
- :scale scale
+ 'sneking
+ :fps 20
+ :width 800
+ :height 800
:refocus-on-mousedown-p nil
- :title "canvas demo"
+ :title "sneks"
diff --git a/src/interactive/canvas.lisp b/src/interactive/canvas.lisp
index 2fa341c..ce7829b 100644
--- a/src/interactive/canvas.lisp
+++ b/src/interactive/canvas.lisp
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
:element-type 'unsigned-byte
:initial-element 255))))
+(defun pixel-offset (x y pixels)
+ (* 4 (+ x (* y (pixel-width pixels)))))
(let ((cached-pixel))
(defun pixel (pixels x y &optional (use-cached t))
"When USE-CACHED is NIL, return a fresh array displaced to
@@ -50,8 +53,7 @@
(,a (aref ,pixel-var 3)))
-(defun pixel-offset (x y pixels)
- (* 4 (+ x (* y (pixel-width pixels)))))
(defmacro with-pixels-rect ((x y r g b a) (pixels &key left right top bottom) &body body)
"Executes BODY on all pixels in the box bounded by LEFT RIGHT TOP and BOTTOM of PIXELS.
@@ -73,11 +75,15 @@
(loop for ,x from (if ,lv ,lv 0) below (if ,rv ,rv (pixel-width ,pxs)) do
(loop for ,y from (if ,bv ,bv 0) below (if ,tv ,tv (pixel-height ,pxs))
do (progn
- (setf ,px (adjust-array ,px 4
- :displaced-to (pixels-data ,pxs)
- :displaced-index-offset (pixel-offset ,x ,y ,pxs)))
+ (setf ,px (adjust-array ,px 4
+ :displaced-to (pixels-data ,pxs)
+ :displaced-index-offset (pixel-offset ,x ,y ,pxs)))
+(defun clear-canvas (canvas &key (r 0) (g 0) (b 0) (a 255))
+ (with-pixels-rect (x y pr pg pb pa) (canvas)
+ (setf pr r pg g pb b pa a)))
(defmacro with-pixels-line ((x y r g b a) (pixels start-x start-y end-x end-y) &body body)
"A convenience macro for doing something to a whole line of pixels -
e.g., drawing a line in a particular color."