diff options
authorColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-15 17:10:33 -0500
committerColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-15 17:10:33 -0500
commit5654b8b4c30fd783dd1d1d1eb716e4f21c0ac83e (patch)
parentb70a404c640785010ecad52af29b4a96184b2c7e (diff)
[bugfix] in ww::setf-many; [example] fiddling with example 10
2 files changed, 37 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/examples/10-canvas.lisp b/examples/10-canvas.lisp
index cdade2b..7d701df 100644
--- a/examples/10-canvas.lisp
+++ b/examples/10-canvas.lisp
@@ -12,22 +12,42 @@
(defclass/std canvas-example (ww::application)
+(defun color-clamp ( x)
+ (max (min (round x) 255) 0))
+(ww:defhandler color-shifts
+ (ww:on-perframe ()
+ (let ((time-class (1+ (mod time 256))))
+ (ww::with-pixels-rect (x y r g b a) (target)
+ (if (or (zerop (mod time-class (1+ x)))
+ (zerop (mod time-class (1+ y))))
+ (setf
+ r (mod (* x time) time-class)
+ g (mod (* y time) time-class)
+ b (mod time time-class)
+ a 255)
+ (ww::setf-many r g b a 0))))
+ (ww::blit target)))
(defmethod ww::boot ((app canvas-example))
"Adds the intro text and sets up the start button handler."
(let ((c (make-instance
- :x 100 :y 100
- :pixel-height 100
- :pixel-width 100)))
+ :pixel-height 10
+ :pixel-width 10)))
(ww::with-pixels-rect (x y r g b a) (c)
- (setf r (- 255 x)
- g (- 255 y)
- b (+ x y)))
+ (setf r (- 255 (* 25 x))
+ g (- 255 (* 25 y))
+ b (color-clamp (* 25 (+ x y)))))
(ww::blit c)
- ;(ww:scale-by c 100)
- (ww:add-unit app c)))
+ (setf (ww:width c) 800
+ (ww:height c) 600)
+ (ww:add-unit app c)
+ (ww:add-handler c #'color-shifts )))
(defun start (&optional (scale 1.0))
diff --git a/src/utils.lisp b/src/utils.lisp
index 0f268be..9e1e46b 100644
--- a/src/utils.lisp
+++ b/src/utils.lisp
@@ -105,9 +105,15 @@ the path."
(defmacro setf-many (&rest places-and-value)
"e.g. (setf-many a b c 10) would set a b and c to 10"
- (let ((value-form
- (first (last places-and-value))))
- `(setf ,@(butlast places-and-value) ,value-form)))
+ (let* ((value-form
+ (first (last places-and-value)))
+ (value
+ (gensym))
+ (clauses
+ (loop for place in (butlast places-and-value)
+ append `(,place ,value))))
+ `(let ((,value ,value-form))
+ (setf ,@clauses))))
(defmacro with-line