diff options
authorColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-03-13 10:17:18 -0500
committerColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-03-13 10:17:18 -0500
commitebc79c386d4db262ae76bb2ba0386460a35648f9 (patch)
parentf39523d713c538f81d6f0cdc056fa750ae8a257e (diff)
tweaks to synopsis definition
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/app/app.lisp b/app/app.lisp
index ff8322c..0e8b103 100644
--- a/app/app.lisp
+++ b/app/app.lisp
@@ -101,78 +101,81 @@ export EDITOR=/usr/bin/zile
(flag :long-name "all-flagged"
:description "Request that only flagged oneliners are returned. Without any TERMS, simply returns all flagged oneliners.")
(flag :long-name "not-flagged"
- :description "Request that no flagged oneliners are returned with the search results. Does nothing without TERMS")
+ :description "Request that no flagged oneliners are returned with the search results. Does nothing without TERMS.")
(flag :long-name "newest"
:description "Return newest oneliners that match. Without any TERMS, simply returns the newest oneliners."))
(group (:header "RUNNING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol [OPTIONS] run <IDENTIFIER> [ARGS...]")
- (text :contents "Run the oneliner identified by IDENTIFIER, if it exists, with optionally supplied ARGS")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Run the oneliner identified by IDENTIFIER, if it exists, with any required ARGS.")
(text :contents "IDENTIFIER should either be the name or the unique numeric ID of a oneliner.")
(text :contents "E.g. `ol run demo foo bar` # run \"demo\" with args \"foo\" and \"bar\"")
(text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Options include:")
(lispobj :long-name "timeout"
- :short-name "t"
:argument-type :optional
:argument-name "SECONDS"
:default-value 1
:typespec 'integer
:description "How many seconds to wait for standard output before giving up."))
(group (:header "CLIPPING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol clip <IDENTIFIER> [ARGS...]")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Instead of running a oneliner, copy it to your system's clipboard")
(text :contents "ol clip demo-1 foo extra=bar"))
(group (:header "SHOWING INFORMATION ABOUT ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol show <IDENTIFIER>")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Print information about a oneliner to the screen."))
(group (:header "NEW ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol new")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Interactively create a new oneliner and upload it to the server."))
(group (:header "EDITING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol edit <IDENTIFIER>")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Interactively alter a oneliner and uplaod it to the server."))
(group (:header "FLAGGING AND UNFLAGGING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol <flag | unflag> <IDENTIFIER>")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents
"Flag or unflag a oneliner. A flagged oneliner is marked as potentially hazardous and will prompt users before exectuion.")
(text :contents
"Flagged oneliners may also be specifically factor into search using the --all-flagged or --not-flagged search options."))
(group (:header "LOCKING AND UNLOCKING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol <lock | unlock> <IDENTIFIER>")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "(ADMINS ONLY) Lock or unlock a oneliner. A locked oneliner may not be altered or edited."))
(group (:header "REDEEMING INVITE TOKENS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol redeem <INVITE> <HANDLE> <PASSWORD>")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Redeem an invite token, INVITE, and reate a new contributor account on the wiki server with user handle and password."))
(group (:header "INVITE TOKENS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol invite")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Generate a new invite token if you are allowed to do so."))
(group (:header "LOGIN AND LOGOUT" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol <login | logout> [HANDLE PASWORD]")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Login or logout. If logging in, provide a handle and password.")
(text :contents "Once logged in to your configured server, an API access token will be written to your config file, allowing you to make contributions to the wiki."))
(group (:header "PASSWORD CHANGES" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol password <OLD> <NEW> <REPEATED>")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Change your password on the configured server."))
(group (:header "SIGNATURE CHANGES" :hidden t)
- (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Usage: ol signature")
+ (text :contents " ")
(text :contents "Interactively update your contributor signature."))
+ (group (:header "WHOIS CONTRIBUTOR" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol whois <HANDLE>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Print information about a contributor."))
(group (:header "HELP MENU")
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol help [COMMAND TOPIC]")
(text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Usage: ol help [TOPIC]")
(text :contents "Print a help menu. With no arguments, prints this help.")
- (text :contents "Help topics include: search, run, clip, show, new, edit, flag, lock, redeem, invite, login, password, signature")))
+ (text :contents "Command topics include: search, run, clip, show, new, edit, flag, lock, redeem, invite, login, password, signature")))