diff options
authorColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-08-04 10:54:39 -0500
committerColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-08-04 10:54:39 -0500
commit5c590a614544c977964692e41b0e5c19043b142c (patch)
parentd0136dac1e04fac93839e3876f711bfa1837141a (diff)
[wip] working on clingon refactor
6 files changed, 527 insertions, 364 deletions
diff --git a/app/app.lisp b/app/app.lisp
index 784d887..a4ff596 100644
--- a/app/app.lisp
+++ b/app/app.lisp
@@ -19,366 +19,33 @@
(in-package :oneliners.cli.app)
-(defparameter +ol-version+ "0.7.1")
-(defparameter +oneliners-variables-help-text+
-Oneliners may contain variables. There are positional variables and
-named variables.
-POSITIONAL VARIABLES appear in the oneliner as a # followed by a
-number, which must 1 or greater. For example:
- echo Hello #1, Happy #2
-The #1 and #2 are a positional variables. You might call the above
- ol run 8 Doofus Tuesday
-Assuming that the above oneliner has ID 8, then \"Hello Doofus,
- Happy Tuesday\" would print to the console.
-NAMED VARIABLES are similar. They appear in the oneliner as # followed
-by a letter in the Roman alphabet, followed by any sequence of Roman
-letters, numbers, or the symbol _. For example:
- echo Hello #name you get a #thing
-The #name and #thing are named variables. You might call the above like so:
- ol run 3 name=Goober thing='sock in the nose'
-Which should print \"Hello Goober you get a sock in the nose\".
-Finally, you can MIX POSITIONAL AND NAMED VARIABLES so long as, when
-you run the oneliner, all positional variables appear first.
-(defparameter +configure-your-edtior+
- "Adding explainations for oneliners, either with --add or --edit,
-will use a default system editor. If you do not like the default
-editor you may configure it by the exporting the EDITOR environment
-variable to whatever you prefer.
-E.g. in your .bashrc you might put
-export EDITOR=/usr/bin/zile
-(defparameter +icons-in-printout-docs+
- "In the printout of oneliners, several unicode \"icons\" appear.
-Their meaning is as follows:
-- ⚠ : Indicates that the oneliner is flagged.
-- 🔒 : Indicates that the oneliner is locked.
-- 📋 : Indicates that the oneliner will be copied to the clipboard.
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defun group-by (n xs &optional default)
- (loop for l on xs by (lambda (l) (nthcdr n l))
- when (<= n (length l))
- collect (subseq l 0 n)
- else
- collect (append l (loop repeat (- n (length l)) collect default))))
- (defun tabulate-strings (line-width columns strings)
- (let ((row-format
- (apply 'concatenate 'string
- "~" (prin1-to-string line-width) "<"
- (loop for i from 0 below columns
- collect "~a"
- when (< i (1- columns))
- collect "~;"
- else
- collect "~>"))))
- (loop for group in (group-by columns strings " ")
- collect (apply 'format nil row-format group)))))
-(defsynopsis (:postfix "COMMAND [ARGS...]")
- (group (:header "SEARCHING FOR ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol [OPTIONS] search [TERMS...]")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Search for oneliners that have been tagged with all of TERMS.")
- (text :contents "E.g. `ol search grep awk`")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Options:")
- (lispobj :long-name "limit"
- :argument-type :optional
- :argument-name "NUMBER"
- :default-value 10
- :description "The maximum number of results to return."
- :typespec 'integer)
- (flag :long-name "all-flagged"
- :description "Request that only flagged oneliners are returned. Without any TERMS, simply returns all flagged oneliners.")
- (flag :long-name "not-flagged"
- :description "Request that no flagged oneliners are returned with the search results. Does nothing without TERMS.")
- (flag :long-name "newest"
- :description "Return newest oneliners that match. Without any TERMS, simply returns the newest oneliners."))
- (group (:header "RUNNING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol [OPTIONS] run <IDENTIFIER> [ARGS...]")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Run the oneliner identified by IDENTIFIER, if it exists, with any required ARGS.")
- (text :contents "IDENTIFIER should either be the name or the unique numeric ID of a oneliner.")
- (text :contents "E.g. `ol run demo foo bar` # run \"demo\" with args \"foo\" and \"bar\"")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Options:")
- (lispobj :long-name "timeout"
- :argument-type :optional
- :argument-name "SECONDS"
- :default-value 1
- :typespec 'integer
- :description "How many seconds to wait for standard output before giving up.")
- (flag :long-name "verbose"
- :short-name "v"
- :description "Prints a message indicating the oneliner text that is about to be run prior to execution.")
- (flag :long-name "confirm"
- :short-name "c"
- :description "Prompts the user for confirmation before running. Implies --verbose.")
- (flag :long-name "draft"
- :description "Indicates that you wish to run a draft of a oneliner identified by IDENTIFIER."))
- (group (:header "CLIPPING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol clip <IDENTIFIER> [ARGS...]")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Instead of running a oneliner, copy it to your system's clipboard")
- (text :contents "ol clip demo-1 foo extra=bar"))
- (group (:header "SHOWING INFORMATION ABOUT ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol show <IDENTIFIER>")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Print information about a oneliner to the screen."))
- (group (:header "NEW ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol new")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Interactively create a new oneliner and upload it to the server."))
- (group (:header "EDITING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol edit <IDENTIFIER>")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Interactively alter a oneliner and uplaod it to the server.")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Options:")
- (flag :long-name "redraft"
- :description "Indicates that you wish to edit a draft instead of a published oneliner."))
- (group (:header "PUBLISHING ONELINER DRAFTS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol publish <DRAFT>")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Submits a draft oneliner to the wiki server, and, when successful, deletes the draft."))
- (group (:header "DRAFTS LISTING" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol drafts")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Prints a listing of current drafts of oneliners yet to be published."))
- (group (:header "TRASH DRAFT" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol trash <DRAFT>")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Trashes a draft."))
- (group (:header "FLAGGING AND UNFLAGGING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol <flag | unflag> <IDENTIFIER>")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents
- "Flag or unflag a oneliner. A flagged oneliner is marked as potentially hazardous and will prompt users before exectuion.")
- (text :contents
- "Flagged oneliners may also be specifically factor into search using the --all-flagged or --not-flagged search options."))
- (group (:header "LOCKING AND UNLOCKING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol <lock | unlock> <IDENTIFIER>")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "(ADMINS ONLY) Lock or unlock a oneliner. A locked oneliner may not be altered or edited."))
- (group (:header "REDEEMING INVITE TOKENS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol redeem <INVITE> <HANDLE> <PASSWORD>")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Redeem an invite token, INVITE, and reate a new contributor account on the wiki server with user handle and password."))
- (group (:header "INVITE TOKENS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol invite")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Generate a new invite token if you are allowed to do so."))
- (group (:header "LOGIN AND LOGOUT" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol <login | logout> [HANDLE PASWORD]")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Login or logout. If logging in, provide a handle and password.")
- (text :contents "Once logged in to your configured server, an API access token will be written to your config file, allowing you to make contributions to the wiki."))
- (group (:header "PASSWORD CHANGES" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol password <OLD> <NEW> <REPEATED>")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Change your password on the configured server."))
- (group (:header "SIGNATURE CHANGES" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol signature")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Interactively update your contributor signature."))
- (group (:header "WHOIS CONTRIBUTOR" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol whois <HANDLE>")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Print information about a contributor."))
- (group (:header "EDITOR CONFIGURATION" :hidden t)
- (text :contents +configure-your-edtior+))
- (group (:header "VARIABLES IN ONELINERS" :hidden t)
- (text :contents +oneliners-variables-help-text+))
- (group (:header "ICONS IN PRINTOUT" :hidden t)
- (text :contents +icons-in-printout-docs+))
- (group (:header "VERSION" :hidden t)
- (text :contents "Usage: ol version")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Prints the version of this client."))
- (group (:header "HELP MENU")
- (text :contents "Usage: ol help [SECTION]")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Print a help menu. With no arguments, prints this help.")
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Command sections include:")
- (text :contents
- (str:join
- #\newline
- (tabulate-strings
- 40 5
- '("search" "run" "clip" "show" "new" "edit"
- "delete" "drafts" "trash" "publish" "flag"
- "lock" "redeem" "invite" "login" "whois"
- "password" "signature" "version"))))
- (text :contents " ")
- (text :contents "Additional topics include:")
- (text :contents
- (str:join
- #\newline
- (tabulate-strings
- 40 5
- '("variables" "editor" "icons"))))))
-(defun find-group-with-header (header)
- "This function should be built in. Is it? How to know? The
-documentation is both extensive and trash. Any manual that expects
-you to go to sleep with it at night is written for the author more
-than the users."
- (loop for item in (net.didierverna.clon::items *synopsis*)
- when (and (typep item 'net.didierverna.clon::group)
- (string-equal header (net.didierverna.clon::header item)
- :end2 (length header)))
- return item))
+(defparameter +ol-version+ "0.8.0")
+(defun toplevel/options ()
+ "Returns a list of the top level command's options"
+ (list))
+(defun toplevel/subcommands ()
+ "Returns a list of the subcommands for the top level command"
+ (list
+ (search/command)))
+(defun toplevel/handler (cmd)
+ "Prints usage statement and then exits"
+ (cli:print-usage-and-exit cmd *standard-output*))
+(defun toplevel/command ()
+ "Returns the toplevel command object."
+ (cli:make-command
+ :name "ol"
+ :version +ol-version+
+ :description "CLI client for oneliners wiki service."
+ :authors '("Colin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>")
+ :license "AGPL-3.0-only"
+ :handler #'toplevel/handler
+ :options (toplevel/options)
+ :sub-commands (toplevel/subcommands)))
(defun main ()
- (macrolet ((help-and-quit-unless (topic check)
- `(unless ,check
- (help-topic ,topic)
- (uiop:quit))))
- (make-context)
- (handler-case
- (a:if-let (arguments (remainder))
- (destructuring-bind (command . args) arguments
- (let ((id-or-name
- (when args
- (or (parse-integer (first args) :junk-allowed t)
- (first args)))))
- (cli:with-local-state
- (handler-case
- (ecase (a:make-keyword (string-upcase command))
- (:help
- (princ #\newline)
- (help-topic (or (first args) "help")))
- (:version
- (format t "ol v~a~%" +ol-version+ ))
- (:search
- (cond
- ;; if there are args, use them as search terms
- (args
- (cli:search-for-oneliners
- args
- (getopt :long-name "limit")
- (getopt :long-name "not-flagged")
- (getopt :long-name "all-flagged")
- (getopt :long-name "newest")))
- ;; no args, but a --newest flag, just return newest
- ((getopt :long-name "newest")
- (cli::newest-oneliners (getopt :long-name "limit")))
- ;; no args, but a --all-falgged
- ((getopt :long-name "all-flagged")
- (cli::all-flagged-oneliners (getopt :long-name "limit")))
- ;; otherwise, print help for search
- (t
- (help-topic "search")
- (uiop:quit))))
- (:run
- (help-and-quit-unless "run" id-or-name)
- (cli:run-item id-or-name (rest args)
- :verbose (getopt :long-name "verbose")
- :confirm (getopt :long-name "confirm")
- :timeout (getopt :long-name "timeout")
- :draftp (getopt :long-name "draft")))
- (:clip
- (help-and-quit-unless "clip" id-or-name)
- (cli:run-item id-or-name (rest args)
- :force-clip t
- :draftp (getopt :long-name "draft")))
- (:show
- (help-and-quit-unless "show" id-or-name)
- (cli:print-item-explanation id-or-name))
- (:new
- (cli:add-new-oneliner))
- (:edit
- (help-and-quit-unless "edit" id-or-name)
- (cli:edit-item id-or-name (getopt :long-name "redraft")))
- (:delete
- (help-and-quit-unless "delete" id-or-name)
- (cli::delete-item id-or-name))
- (:publish
- (help-and-quit-unless "publish" id-or-name)
- (cli::publish-draft id-or-name))
- (:trash
- (help-and-quit-unless "trash" id-or-name)
- (cli::drop-draft id-or-name))
- (:drafts
- (cli::print-drafts))
- (:flag
- (help-and-quit-unless "flag" id-or-name)
- (cli:flag-item id-or-name))
- (:unflag
- (help-and-quit-unless "flag" id-or-name)
- (cli:unflag-item id-or-name))
- (:lock
- (help-and-quit-unless "lock" id-or-name)
- (cli:lock-item id-or-name))
- (:unlock
- (help-and-quit-unless "lock" id-or-name)
- (cli:unlock-item id-or-name))
- (:redeem
- (help-and-quit-unless "redeem" (= 3 (length args)))
- (apply 'cli:redeem-invite args))
- (:invite
- (cli:request-invite-code))
- (:login
- (help-and-quit-unless "login" (= 2 (length args)))
- (apply 'cli:login args))
- (:logout
- (cli:revoke-access))
- (:password
- (help-and-quit-unless "password" (= 3 (length args)))
- (apply 'cli:change-pw args))
- (:signature
- (cli:change-signature))
- (:whois
- (help-and-quit-unless "whois" args)
- (cli:show-contributor (first args))))
- (#+sbcl sb-kernel:case-failure ()
- (help-topic "help"))))))
- (help-topic "help"))
- (#+sbcl sb-sys:interactive-interrupt
- #+ccl ccl:interrupt-signal-condition
- ()
- (format t "Aborted by User Interrupt.~%")
- (uiop:quit))))
- (uiop:quit))
-(defun help-topic (topic)
- (a:if-let (group (find-group-with-header topic))
- (help :item group)
- (help)))
+ (cli:run (toplevel/command)))
diff --git a/app/app.orig.lisp b/app/app.orig.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e83bd66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/app.orig.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+;;;; app.lisp -- definition of CLI options and entry point.
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Colin Okay
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(in-package :oneliners.cli.app)
+(defparameter +ol-version+ "0.8.0")
+(defparameter +oneliners-variables-help-text+
+Oneliners may contain variables. There are positional variables and
+named variables.
+POSITIONAL VARIABLES appear in the oneliner as a # followed by a
+number, which must 1 or greater. For example:
+ echo Hello #1, Happy #2
+The #1 and #2 are a positional variables. You might call the above
+ ol run 8 Doofus Tuesday
+Assuming that the above oneliner has ID 8, then \"Hello Doofus,
+ Happy Tuesday\" would print to the console.
+NAMED VARIABLES are similar. They appear in the oneliner as # followed
+by a letter in the Roman alphabet, followed by any sequence of Roman
+letters, numbers, or the symbol _. For example:
+ echo Hello #name you get a #thing
+The #name and #thing are named variables. You might call the above like so:
+ ol run 3 name=Goober thing='sock in the nose'
+Which should print \"Hello Goober you get a sock in the nose\".
+Finally, you can MIX POSITIONAL AND NAMED VARIABLES so long as, when
+you run the oneliner, all positional variables appear first.
+(defparameter +configure-your-edtior+
+ "Adding explainations for oneliners, either with --add or --edit,
+will use a default system editor. If you do not like the default
+editor you may configure it by the exporting the EDITOR environment
+variable to whatever you prefer.
+E.g. in your .bashrc you might put
+export EDITOR=/usr/bin/zile
+(defparameter +icons-in-printout-docs+
+ "In the printout of oneliners, several unicode \"icons\" appear.
+Their meaning is as follows:
+- ⚠ : Indicates that the oneliner is flagged.
+- 🔒 : Indicates that the oneliner is locked.
+- 📋 : Indicates that the oneliner will be copied to the clipboard.
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defun group-by (n xs &optional default)
+ (loop for l on xs by (lambda (l) (nthcdr n l))
+ when (<= n (length l))
+ collect (subseq l 0 n)
+ else
+ collect (append l (loop repeat (- n (length l)) collect default))))
+ (defun tabulate-strings (line-width columns strings)
+ (let ((row-format
+ (apply 'concatenate 'string
+ "~" (prin1-to-string line-width) "<"
+ (loop for i from 0 below columns
+ collect "~a"
+ when (< i (1- columns))
+ collect "~;"
+ else
+ collect "~>"))))
+ (loop for group in (group-by columns strings " ")
+ collect (apply 'format nil row-format group)))))
+(defsynopsis (:postfix "COMMAND [ARGS...]")
+ (group (:header "SEARCHING FOR ONELINERS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol [OPTIONS] search [TERMS...]")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Search for oneliners that have been tagged with all of TERMS.")
+ (text :contents "E.g. `ol search grep awk`")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Options:")
+ (lispobj :long-name "limit"
+ :argument-type :optional
+ :argument-name "NUMBER"
+ :default-value 10
+ :description "The maximum number of results to return."
+ :typespec 'integer)
+ (flag :long-name "all-flagged"
+ :description "Request that only flagged oneliners are returned. Without any TERMS, simply returns all flagged oneliners.")
+ (flag :long-name "not-flagged"
+ :description "Request that no flagged oneliners are returned with the search results. Does nothing without TERMS.")
+ (flag :long-name "newest"
+ :description "Return newest oneliners that match. Without any TERMS, simply returns the newest oneliners."))
+ (group (:header "RUNNING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol [OPTIONS] run <IDENTIFIER> [ARGS...]")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Run the oneliner identified by IDENTIFIER, if it exists, with any required ARGS.")
+ (text :contents "IDENTIFIER should either be the name or the unique numeric ID of a oneliner.")
+ (text :contents "E.g. `ol run demo foo bar` # run \"demo\" with args \"foo\" and \"bar\"")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Options:")
+ (lispobj :long-name "timeout"
+ :argument-type :optional
+ :argument-name "SECONDS"
+ :default-value 1
+ :typespec 'integer
+ :description "How many seconds to wait for standard output before giving up.")
+ (flag :long-name "verbose"
+ :short-name "v"
+ :description "Prints a message indicating the oneliner text that is about to be run prior to execution.")
+ (flag :long-name "confirm"
+ :short-name "c"
+ :description "Prompts the user for confirmation before running. Implies --verbose.")
+ (flag :long-name "draft"
+ :description "Indicates that you wish to run a draft of a oneliner identified by IDENTIFIER."))
+ (group (:header "CLIPPING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol clip <IDENTIFIER> [ARGS...]")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Instead of running a oneliner, copy it to your system's clipboard")
+ (text :contents "ol clip demo-1 foo extra=bar"))
+ (group (:header "SHOWING INFORMATION ABOUT ONELINERS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol show <IDENTIFIER>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Print information about a oneliner to the screen."))
+ (group (:header "NEW ONELINERS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol new")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Interactively create a new oneliner and upload it to the server."))
+ (group (:header "EDITING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol edit <IDENTIFIER>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Interactively alter a oneliner and uplaod it to the server.")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Options:")
+ (flag :long-name "redraft"
+ :description "Indicates that you wish to edit a draft instead of a published oneliner."))
+ (group (:header "PUBLISHING ONELINER DRAFTS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol publish <DRAFT>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Submits a draft oneliner to the wiki server, and, when successful, deletes the draft."))
+ (group (:header "DRAFTS LISTING" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol drafts")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Prints a listing of current drafts of oneliners yet to be published."))
+ (group (:header "TRASH DRAFT" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol trash <DRAFT>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Trashes a draft."))
+ (group (:header "FLAGGING AND UNFLAGGING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol <flag | unflag> <IDENTIFIER>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents
+ "Flag or unflag a oneliner. A flagged oneliner is marked as potentially hazardous and will prompt users before exectuion.")
+ (text :contents
+ "Flagged oneliners may also be specifically factor into search using the --all-flagged or --not-flagged search options."))
+ (group (:header "LOCKING AND UNLOCKING ONELINERS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol <lock | unlock> <IDENTIFIER>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "(ADMINS ONLY) Lock or unlock a oneliner. A locked oneliner may not be altered or edited."))
+ (group (:header "REDEEMING INVITE TOKENS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol redeem <INVITE> <HANDLE> <PASSWORD>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Redeem an invite token, INVITE, and reate a new contributor account on the wiki server with user handle and password."))
+ (group (:header "INVITE TOKENS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol invite")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Generate a new invite token if you are allowed to do so."))
+ (group (:header "LOGIN AND LOGOUT" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol <login | logout> [HANDLE PASWORD]")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Login or logout. If logging in, provide a handle and password.")
+ (text :contents "Once logged in to your configured server, an API access token will be written to your config file, allowing you to make contributions to the wiki."))
+ (group (:header "PASSWORD CHANGES" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol password <OLD> <NEW> <REPEATED>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Change your password on the configured server."))
+ (group (:header "SIGNATURE CHANGES" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol signature")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Interactively update your contributor signature."))
+ (group (:header "WHOIS CONTRIBUTOR" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol whois <HANDLE>")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Print information about a contributor."))
+ (group (:header "EDITOR CONFIGURATION" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents +configure-your-edtior+))
+ (group (:header "VARIABLES IN ONELINERS" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents +oneliners-variables-help-text+))
+ (group (:header "ICONS IN PRINTOUT" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents +icons-in-printout-docs+))
+ (group (:header "VERSION" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol version")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Prints the version of this client."))
+ (group (:header "HELP MENU")
+ (text :contents "Usage: ol help [SECTION]")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Print a help menu. With no arguments, prints this help.")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Command sections include:")
+ (text :contents
+ (str:join
+ #\newline
+ (tabulate-strings
+ 40 5
+ '("search" "run" "clip" "show" "new" "edit"
+ "delete" "drafts" "trash" "publish" "flag"
+ "lock" "redeem" "invite" "login" "whois"
+ "password" "signature" "version"))))
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Additional topics include:")
+ (text :contents
+ (str:join
+ #\newline
+ (tabulate-strings
+ 40 5
+ '("variables" "editor" "icons"))))))
+(defun find-group-with-header (header)
+ "This function should be built in. Is it? How to know? The
+documentation is both extensive and trash. Any manual that expects
+you to go to sleep with it at night is written for the author more
+than the users."
+ (loop for item in (net.didierverna.clon::items *synopsis*)
+ when (and (typep item 'net.didierverna.clon::group)
+ (string-equal header (net.didierverna.clon::header item)
+ :end2 (length header)))
+ return item))
+(defun main ()
+ (macrolet ((help-and-quit-unless (topic check)
+ `(unless ,check
+ (help-topic ,topic)
+ (uiop:quit))))
+ (make-context)
+ (handler-case
+ (a:if-let (arguments (remainder))
+ (destructuring-bind (command . args) arguments
+ (let ((id-or-name
+ (when args
+ (or (parse-integer (first args) :junk-allowed t)
+ (first args)))))
+ (cli:with-local-state
+ (handler-case
+ (ecase (a:make-keyword (string-upcase command))
+ (:help
+ (princ #\newline)
+ (help-topic (or (first args) "help")))
+ (:version
+ (format t "ol v~a~%" +ol-version+ ))
+ (:search
+ (cond
+ ;; if there are args, use them as search terms
+ (args
+ (cli:search-for-oneliners
+ args
+ (getopt :long-name "limit")
+ (getopt :long-name "not-flagged")
+ (getopt :long-name "all-flagged")
+ (getopt :long-name "newest")))
+ ;; no args, but a --newest flag, just return newest
+ ((getopt :long-name "newest")
+ (cli::newest-oneliners (getopt :long-name "limit")))
+ ;; no args, but a --all-falgged
+ ((getopt :long-name "all-flagged")
+ (cli::all-flagged-oneliners (getopt :long-name "limit")))
+ ;; otherwise, print help for search
+ (t
+ (help-topic "search")
+ (uiop:quit))))
+ (:run
+ (help-and-quit-unless "run" id-or-name)
+ (cli:run-item id-or-name (rest args)
+ :verbose (getopt :long-name "verbose")
+ :confirm (getopt :long-name "confirm")
+ :timeout (getopt :long-name "timeout")
+ :draftp (getopt :long-name "draft")))
+ (:clip
+ (help-and-quit-unless "clip" id-or-name)
+ (cli:run-item id-or-name (rest args)
+ :force-clip t
+ :draftp (getopt :long-name "draft")))
+ (:show
+ (help-and-quit-unless "show" id-or-name)
+ (cli:print-item-explanation id-or-name))
+ (:new
+ (cli:add-new-oneliner))
+ (:edit
+ (help-and-quit-unless "edit" id-or-name)
+ (cli:edit-item id-or-name (getopt :long-name "redraft")))
+ (:delete
+ (help-and-quit-unless "delete" id-or-name)
+ (cli::delete-item id-or-name))
+ (:publish
+ (help-and-quit-unless "publish" id-or-name)
+ (cli::publish-draft id-or-name))
+ (:trash
+ (help-and-quit-unless "trash" id-or-name)
+ (cli::drop-draft id-or-name))
+ (:drafts
+ (cli::print-drafts))
+ (:flag
+ (help-and-quit-unless "flag" id-or-name)
+ (cli:flag-item id-or-name))
+ (:unflag
+ (help-and-quit-unless "flag" id-or-name)
+ (cli:unflag-item id-or-name))
+ (:lock
+ (help-and-quit-unless "lock" id-or-name)
+ (cli:lock-item id-or-name))
+ (:unlock
+ (help-and-quit-unless "lock" id-or-name)
+ (cli:unlock-item id-or-name))
+ (:redeem
+ (help-and-quit-unless "redeem" (= 3 (length args)))
+ (apply 'cli:redeem-invite args))
+ (:invite
+ (cli:request-invite-code))
+ (:login
+ (help-and-quit-unless "login" (= 2 (length args)))
+ (apply 'cli:login args))
+ (:logout
+ (cli:revoke-access))
+ (:password
+ (help-and-quit-unless "password" (= 3 (length args)))
+ (apply 'cli:change-pw args))
+ (:signature
+ (cli:change-signature))
+ (:whois
+ (help-and-quit-unless "whois" args)
+ (cli:show-contributor (first args))))
+ (#+sbcl sb-kernel:case-failure ()
+ (help-topic "help"))))))
+ (help-topic "help"))
+ (#+sbcl sb-sys:interactive-interrupt
+ #+ccl ccl:interrupt-signal-condition
+ ()
+ (format t "Aborted by User Interrupt.~%")
+ (uiop:quit))))
+ (uiop:quit))
+(defun help-topic (topic)
+ (a:if-let (group (find-group-with-header topic))
+ (help :item group)
+ (help)))
diff --git a/app/package.lisp b/app/package.lisp
index 7e4c234..edc4d54 100644
--- a/app/package.lisp
+++ b/app/package.lisp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(defpackage #:oneliners.cli.app
- (:use #:cl #:net.didierverna.clon)
+ (:use #:cl)
(:local-nicknames (#:a #:alexandria)
- (#:cli #:oneliners.cli)))
+ (#:ol #:oneliners.cli)
+ (#:cli #:clingon)))
diff --git a/app/run.lisp b/app/run.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2591927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/run.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+;;;; run.lisp -- run a command
+(in-package :oneliners.cli.app)
+(defun run/options ()
+ (list
+ (make-option
+ :integer
+ :short-name #\t
+ :long-name "timeout"
+ :key :timeout
+ :initial-value 1
+ :description "Seconds to wait for output before giving up.")
+ (make-option
+ :flag
+ :short-name #\v
+ :long-name "verbose"
+ :key :verbose
+ :description "echoes the oneliner text that is about to be run")
+ (make-option
+ :flag
+ :short-name #\c
+ :long-name "confirm"
+ :key :confirm
+ :description "prompts the user for confirmation before running the command")))
+(defun run/handler (cmd))
+(defparameter +run/examples+
+ '(()))
+(defun run/command ()
+ (cli:make-command
+ :name "run"
+ :description ""))
diff --git a/app/search.lisp b/app/search.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..015a749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/search.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+;;;; search.lisp -- search function interface for oneliners wiki cli
+(in-package :oneliners.cli.app )
+(defun search/options ()
+ "Returns a list of options for the search command."
+ (list
+ (cli:make-option
+ :integer
+ :short-name #\l
+ :long-name "limit"
+ :description "number of results to return"
+ :initial-value 10
+ :key :limit)
+ (cli:make-option
+ :flag
+ :short-name #\f
+ :long-name "flagged"
+ :description "only flagged oneliners are returned"
+ :key :flagged)
+ (cli:make-option
+ :flag
+ :short-name #\F
+ :long-name "no-flagged"
+ :description "only unflagged oneliners are returned"
+ :key :no-flagged)
+ (cli:make-option
+ :flag
+ :short-name #\n
+ :long-name "newest"
+ :description "the newest matching oneliners are returned"
+ :key :newest)))
+(defun search/handler (cmd)
+ "Handler function for the search command. "
+ (let ((args
+ (cli:command-arguments cmd))
+ (limit
+ (cli:getopt cmd :limit)))
+ (cond
+ (args
+ ;; if there are search terms, call the main search function
+ (ol:search-for-oneliners
+ args
+ limit
+ (cli:getopt cmd :no-flagged)
+ (cli:getopt cmd :flagged)
+ (cli:getopt cmd :newest)))
+ ;; if no search terms, but --newest or -n
+ ((cli:getopt cmd :newest)
+ (ol::newest-oneliners limit))
+ ;; no args, but --flagged or -f
+ ((cli:getopt cmd :flagged)
+ (ol::all-flagged-oneliners limit))
+ (t
+ (cli::print-usage-and-exit cmd t)))))
+(defparameter +search/examples+
+ '(("Search for oneliners involving grep and awk" .
+ "ol search grep awk")
+ ("Limit search to flagged oneliners (useful for contributors)" .
+ "ol search --flagged grep awk")))
+(defun search/command ()
+ "Creates a new command for interfacing with the search api."
+ (cli:make-command
+ :name "search"
+ :description "search for oneliners with provided tags"
+ :options (search/options)
+ :handler #'search/handler
+ :examples +search/examples+))
diff --git a/oneliners.cli.asd b/oneliners.cli.asd
index af94496..f1fb01b 100644
--- a/oneliners.cli.asd
+++ b/oneliners.cli.asd
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
- "net.didierverna.clon"
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@
:version "alpha-0.7.1"
:author "Colin Okay"
:license "AGPLv3"
- :depends-on ("net.didierverna.clon"
+ :depends-on ("clingon"
:components ((:module "app"