diff options
authorColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-02-15 15:52:12 -0600
committerColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-02-15 15:52:12 -0600
commit23e428950a8846882df7365cf40ddd2220b3d594 (patch)
parentb57959ace342b83a65a8961f7a26be2f89963263 (diff)
changed commands field to tags. simplified and tested search
2 files changed, 55 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/src/main.lisp b/src/main.lisp
index b956b0a..4097ee5 100644
--- a/src/main.lisp
+++ b/src/main.lisp
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@
(defclass invite (db:store-object)
:reader invite-code
- :initarg :code
- :initform (error "invite code required")
+ :initform (uuid)
:index-type bknr.indices:string-unique-index
:index-reader invite-by-code)
@@ -70,13 +69,13 @@
:accessor oneliner
:initarg :oneliner
:initform (error "Onliner required"))
- (commands
- :accessor oneliner-commands
- :initarg :commands
+ (tags
+ :accessor oneliner-tags
+ :initarg :tags
:initform nil
:index-type bknr.indices:hash-list-index
:index-initargs (:test 'equal)
- :index-reader oneliners-by-command
+ :index-reader oneliners-by-tag
:documentation "The commands that this oneliner principally involves.")
:accessor oneliner-brief
@@ -106,11 +105,6 @@
:accessor flagged-by
:initform nil
:documentation "NIL or :anonymous or a CONTRIBUTOR object.")
- (audited-by
- :accessor audited-by
- :initform nil
- :documentation "NIL or a CONTRIBUTOR object. Indicates that a user
- has approved of this oneliner.")
:accessor lockedp
:initform nil
@@ -118,6 +112,24 @@
admin priviliges can lock/unlock."))
(:metaclass db:persistent-class))
+(defmethod json:%to-json ((instance oneliner))
+ (with-slots
+ (db::id oneliner tags brief description
+ created-at edited-at last-edited-by created-by
+ flagged-by audited-by lockedp)
+ instance
+ (json:with-object
+ (json:write-key-value "id" db::id)
+ (json:write-key-value "oneliner" oneliner)
+ (json:write-key-value "tags" tags)
+ (json:write-key-value "brief" brief)
+ (json:write-key-value "description" description)
+ (json:write-key-value "createdAt" created-at)
+ (json:write-key-value "editedAt" (if edited-at edited-at :null))
+ (json:write-key-value "createdBy" (contributor-handle created-by))
+ (json:write-key-value "isFlagged" (if (not (null flagged-by)) t :false))
+ (json:write-key-value "isLocked" (if lockedp t :false)))))
(defclass query-results-page (db:store-object)
:initarg :limit)
@@ -282,24 +294,29 @@
(make-instance 'api-access :contributor contributor)))
(defun make-new-oneliner (contributor plist)
- (print (list :contributor contributor :plist plist))
- (oneliner commands brief description) plist
- (print (list oneliner commands brief description))
+ (oneliner tags brief description) plist
(unless brief
(http-err 400 "Oneliner requires a breif description"))
(unless oneliner
(http-err 400 "Oneliner cannot be blank"))
- (unless commands
- (http-err 400 "This oneliner does not seem to involve any commands"))
(db:with-transaction ()
(make-instance 'oneliner
:created-by contributor
:description (or description "")
- :commands commands
+ :tags tags
:oneliner oneliner
:brief brief))))
+(defun query-oneliners (&key tags notflagged limit)
+ ;; inefficient but easy to express
+ (let ((ols (oneliners-with-all-tags tags)))
+ (a:subseq* (if notflagged
+ (remove-if #'flagged-by ols)
+ ols)
+ 0 (or limit 10))))
@@ -377,60 +394,22 @@
(make-new-oneliner (request-contributor) (lzb:request-body))
-;; (defendpoint* :get "/search" ((commands a-csl)
-;; (keywords a-csl )
-;; (limit an-int)
-;; (pagekey a-page-key)
-;; (nextpage a-boolean)
-;; (notflagged a-boolean)
-;; (onlyaudited a-boolean))
-;; ()
-;; "A search endpoint returning a JSON encoded array of Oneliner Entries.
-;; **Note**: either command or keywords are required.
-;; "
-;; (cond
-;; (pagekey ; return page if present.
-;; (to-json (fetch-next-page page)))
-;; ((or commands keywords) ; else search for oneliners
-;; (let* ((limit
-;; (or limit 10)) ;TODO: no magic numbers
-;; (results
-;; (query-oneliners :commands commands
-;; :keywords keywords
-;; :notflagged notflagged
-;; :onlyaudited onlyaudited))
-;; (limited-results
-;; (a:subseq* results 0 limit)))
-;; (to-json
-;; (if nextpage
-;; (list
-;; :page (make-next-page limit (nthcdr limit results))
-;; :oneliners limited-results)
-;; (list :oneliners limited-results)))))
-;; (t ; else responde with 400
-;; (http-err 400))))
-;; (defendpoint* :put "/oneliner/:oneliner object-with-id:" () (:auth t)
-;; "Updates a oneliner entry in the wiki database."
-;; (cond
-;; (oneliner
-;; (update-oneliner (request-contributor)
-;; oneliner
-;; (lzb:request-body))
-;; "true")
-;; (t (http-err 404))))
-;; (defendpoint* :post "/oneliner" () (:auth t)
-;; "Adds a new oneliner entry to the wiki database."
-;; (a:if-let (new-oneliner (add-oneliner-to-db (request-contributor) (lzb:request-body)))
-;; "{}" ; dummy implementation
-;; (http-err 400)))
-;; (defendpoint* :post "/auth" () ()
-;; "Requests an authorization token")
+(defendpoint* :get "/search" ((tags a-csl)
+ (limit an-int)
+ (notflagged a-boolean))
+ ()
+ "A search endpoint returning a JSON encoded array of Oneliner Entries.
+**Note**: either command or keywords are required.
+ (if tags
+ (to-json
+ (list :oneliners (query-oneliners :tags tags
+ :notflagged notflagged
+ :limit limit)))
+ (t ; else responde with 400
+ (http-err 400))))
@@ -512,28 +491,9 @@ names. NAME must be a symbol or a string."
thereis (search word description :test #'char-equal))))
-(defun onliners-with-all-commands (commands)
- (reduce #'intersection (mapcar #'oneliners-by-command commands)))
-(defun query-oneliners (&key commands keywords notflagged onlyaudited)
- (print "in query-oneliners")
- (print (list :commands commands :keywords keywords :notflagged notflagged :onlyaudited onlyaudited))
- nil)
-;; (defun query-oneliners (&key commands keywords notflagged onlyaudited)
-;; (if commands
-;; (remove-if-not
-;; #$(and (not (and notflagged (flagged-by $ol)))
-;; (or (not onlyaudited) (audited-by $ol))
-;; (or (null keywords) (oneliner-mentions-any $ol keywords)))
-;; (oneliners-with-all-commands command))
-;; (remove-if-not
-;; #$(and (not (and notflagged (flagged-by $ol)))
-;; (or (not onlyaudited) (audited-by $ol)))
-;; (oneliners-from-keywords keywords))))
-;; (defun oneliners-from-keywords (keywords)
-;; (error "TBD"))
+(defun oneliners-with-all-tags (tags)
+ (reduce #'intersection (mapcar #'oneliners-by-tag tags)))
(defun to-json (thing)
(let ((jonathan:*false-value* :false)
diff --git a/src/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp
index 279eb37..9575d3e 100644
--- a/src/package.lisp
+++ b/src/package.lisp
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
(:use :cl)
(:local-nicknames (#:lzb #:lazybones)
(#:a #:alexandria-2)
- (#:db #:bknr.datastore))
+ (#:db #:bknr.datastore)
+ (#:json #:jonathan))
(:import-from #:lazybones