path: root/shoshimacs.org
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-04-05Fix: undeclared org-directory varHEADmainGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2023-03-17Add: better handling of setting default frame fontshoshin
2023-03-01Add: org-capture-templates and Fix: telephone-line configGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2023-02-27Add: a bunch of stuff for slime, telephone-line config, companyGrant Shangreaux
2023-02-14Add: nov.el, slime setup fix, and ox-md eval after loadGrant Shangreaux
2023-02-07Fix: slime contrib setupGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2023-02-04Add: slime requires and ruby-end packageGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2023-01-30Add: more robust [slime][common-lisp] configurationGrant Shangreaux
2023-01-21Fix: restclient-repo typoGrant Shangreaux
2023-01-21Add: show all themes toggle commandGrant Shangreaux
2023-01-21Add: CRDT packageGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2023-01-17Add: show-trailing-whitespace [editing]Grant Shoshin Shangreaux
2023-01-09Add: [package] restclient from sourceGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2023-01-09Add: slime from source and remove sly [common-lisp]Grant Shoshin Shangreaux
2023-01-09Add: ruby to [org][babel] languagesGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2022-12-19Add: increased font size on hidpi machinesGrant Shangreaux
2022-12-14Add: lisp to org-babel-load-languagesGrant Shangreaux
2022-12-13Add: screenshot-svg commandshoshin
2022-11-09Add: org mode to org-babel-load-languagesshoshin
2022-10-17Add: plantuml configGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2022-10-14Add: autothemer packageshoshin
2022-10-14Add: [org]-tree-slide packageshoshin
2022-10-12Clean: replace my-hostname with system-name built inshoshin
2022-09-16Clean: use fset instead of (setf (symbol-function ...))shoshin
2022-09-16Docs: use symbol function def for project keymapshoshin
2022-09-14Fix: project prefix map [keybinding]shoshin
2022-09-14Add: smaller font size for some hostsGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2022-09-13Add: [consult]-git-grep instead of ripgrep, and tangleshoshin
2022-09-13Docs: hostname, config helpers, packages and keybinding notesshoshin
2022-09-08Fix: [flymake] eval after load for keymapshoshin
2022-09-08Add: 🎵 [apps] EMMS and ERC setupGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2022-09-08Add: 💎 [ruby] linting, minitest, inf-ruby setupGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2022-09-07Add: ef-[themes] package, themes to my-chosen-themesshoshin
2022-09-07Fix: use cl-first in bepasty setupshoshin
2022-08-22Fix: hostname issue and turn off some [ui] elementsGrant Shangreaux
2022-08-20Add: bepasty configGrant Shangreaux
2022-08-16Add: [org][babel][font] font size based on host name & ob-shellGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2022-08-16Fix: theme loading before installationGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2022-08-04Fix: path to config for *my-config* variableGrant Shangreaux
2022-08-04Fix: link to tangled el fileGrant Shangreaux
2022-08-04Clean: old files and rename configGrant Shangreaux