path: root/wheelwork.lisp
diff options
authorColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-06-22 09:25:57 -0500
committerColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-06-22 09:25:57 -0500
commiteb34cd2d8798ef144425c8b4f03b7e6d9efd7f08 (patch)
tree637ae05c080b57818513df6b95938df788ddd5ae /wheelwork.lisp
parent7a9f89e46e21f2c18d6e61eee16c6d37bdd27800 (diff)
[fix] bad slots in cache invalidation code.
Diffstat (limited to 'wheelwork.lisp')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/wheelwork.lisp b/wheelwork.lisp
index a66d6a6..ffa0005 100644
--- a/wheelwork.lisp
+++ b/wheelwork.lisp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
(defmethod (setf closer-mop:slot-value-using-class) :after
(newval class (unit unit) slot)
(when (member (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot)
- '(scale-y scale-x rotation tx ty))
+ '(x y width height rotation ))
(setf (cached-model unit) nil)))
(defclass/std container ()
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ order). Makes sure to remove the unit from its current container if necessary."
:doc "ALIST of (EXT CLASS). EXT is a string, file estension. CLASS is a symbol, class name.")
(assets :with :a :std (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
:doc "maps asset names to asset instances.")
- (scale :with :a :std 1.0)
+ (scale :with :std 1.0)
(width height :with :std 800)
(projection :with :a :doc "The projection matrix for the scene. Orthographic by default.")
(window :with :a)
@@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ order). Makes sure to remove the unit from its current container if necessary."
(defun start (app &key (x :centered) (y :centered))
(sdl2:with-init (:everything)
+ (sdl2:gl-set-attr :context-major-version 3)
+ (sdl2:gl-set-attr :context-minor-version 3)
+ (sdl2:gl-set-attr :context-profile-mask
+ sdl2-ffi:+sdl-gl-context-profile-core+)
+ (sdl2:gl-set-attr :doublebuffer 1)
(sdl2:with-window (window
:flags '(:shown :opengl)
:title (application-title app)
@@ -107,6 +113,7 @@ order). Makes sure to remove the unit from its current container if necessary."
(sdl2:with-gl-context (ctx window)
(sdl2:gl-make-current window ctx)
(gl:viewport 0 0 (application-width app) (application-height app))
+ (gl:enable :depth-test)
(let ((*application* app))
@@ -125,17 +132,7 @@ order). Makes sure to remove the unit from its current container if necessary."
(render thing))
(sdl2:gl-swap-window (application-window app)))
-(defun eventloop (app)
- (let ((next-frame-time
- (get-universal-time))
- (*frame-time*
- (get-universal-time)))
- (sdl2:with-event-loop (:method :poll)
- (:idle ()
- (when (<= next-frame-time (setf *frame-time* (get-universal-time)))
- (setf next-frame-time (+ *frame-time* (frame-wait app)))
- (render app)))
- (:quit () t))))
(defgeneric translate-by (thing dx dy))
(defgeneric rotate-by (thing radians))
@@ -214,9 +211,104 @@ order). Makes sure to remove the unit from its current container if necessary."
- (pngload:data png)))))
+ (pngload:data png))
+ (gl:bind-texture :texture-2d 0))))
+(defclass/std event-handler ()
+ ((event-type handler-function :ri)))
+(defclass/std listener ()
+ ((keydown keyup mousedown mouseup mousemove mousewheel focus blur perframe
+ :r :with :type event-handler)
+ (keydown-table
+ keyup-table
+ mousedown-table
+ mouseup-table
+ mousemove-table
+ mousewheel-table
+ focus-table
+ blur-table
+ perframe-table
+ :static
+ :std (make-hash-table)
+ :doc "Keyed by DISPLAY-UNIT instance, holds an EVENT-HANDLER if handler is defined for unit."))
+ (:documentation "Event handlers per object. The static hash tables
+ are keyed by UNIT and hold Event-Handler instances."))
+(defclass/std interactive-unit (unit)
+ ((listener :type (or null listener) :std nil :a)))
+(defun set-handler (unit handler)
+ (when (null (listener unit))
+ (setf (listener unit) (make-instance 'listener)))
+ (setf
+ (slot-value (listener unit) (event-type handler)) handler
+ (gethash unit (listener-table-for (listener unit) (event-type handler))) t))
+(defun unset-handler (unit handler-or-event-type)
+ "Handler can be an instance of EVENT-HANDLER or can be a symbol
+ whose name is an event type."
+ (when (listener unit)
+ (let ((event-type (etypecase handler-or-event-type
+ (keyword (intern (symbol-name handler-or-event-type)))
+ (symbol (intern (symbol-name handler-or-event-type)))
+ (event-handler (event-type handler-or-event-type)))))
+ (setf (slot-value (listener unit) event-type) nil)
+ (remhash unit (listener-table-for (listener unit) event-type)))))
+(defun listener-table-for (listener event-type)
+ (ecase event-type
+ (keydown (keydown-table listener))
+ (keyup (keyup-table listener))
+ (mousedown (mousewheel-table listener))
+ (mouseup (mouseup-table listener))
+ (mousemove (mousemove-table listener))
+ (mousewheel (mousewheel-table listener))
+ (focus (focus-table listener))
+ (blur (blur-table listener))
+ (perframe (perframe-table listener))))
+(defun should-listen-for-p (listener event-type)
+ (plusp (hash-table-count (listener-table-for listener event-type))))
+(defun refocus-on (target &optional (app *application*))
+ "Handles changing application focus, calling appropriate blur and focus handlers."
+ (when-let (blur-handler (and (application-focus app)
+ (get-handler-for (application-focus app) 'blur)))
+ (funcall (handler-function blur-handler) (application-focus app)))
+ (setf (application-focus app) target)
+ (when-let (focus-handler (get-handler-for target 'focus))
+ (funcall (handler-function focus-handler) target)))
+(defun get-focus (&optional (app *application*))
+ (or (application-focus app) app))
+(defun get-handler-for (unit event-type)
+ "EVENT-TYPE must be one of the slot value names for WHEELWORK::LISTENER."
+ (when (listener unit)
+ (slot-value (listener unit) event-type)))
+(defun eventloop-keydown (app sdl-keysym)
+ (let ((target (get-focus app)))
+ (format t "Calling eventloop-keydown~%")
+ (when-let (handler (get-handler-for target 'keydown))
+ (format t "Handling the event.~%")
+ (apply (handler-function handler)
+ target
+ (sdl2:scancode sdl-keysym)
+ (sdl2:mod-keywords (sdl2:mod-value sdl-keysym))))))
-(defclass/std bitmap (unit)
+(defun eventloop (app)
+ (sdl2:with-event-loop (:method :poll)
+ (:keydown
+ (:keysym keysym)
+ (eventloop-keydown app keysym))
+ (:idle () (render app))
+ (:quit () t)))
+(defclass/std bitmap (interactive-unit)
((texture :ri :std (error "A bitmap requires a texture."))
(vao shader :with :r :static)))
@@ -284,6 +376,8 @@ order). Makes sure to remove the unit from its current container if necessary."
(define-symbol-macro +float-size+
(cffi:foreign-type-size :float))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((bitmap bitmap) &key)
(with-slots (vao shader width height texture) bitmap
(setf texture (ensure-loaded texture)
@@ -360,42 +454,96 @@ disk."
(make-instance (asset-class-for asset-id)
:path (uiop:merge-pathnames* asset-id (asset-root app)))))))
-;; (defun get-focus (&optional (app *application*))
-;; (or (application-focus app)
-;; (display-root app)))
-;; (defun get-projection (&optional (app *application*))
-;; (application-projection app))
-;; (defun application-width (&optional (app *application*))
-;; (multiple-value-bind (w h) (sdl2:get-window-size (application-window app))
-;; (declare (ignore h))
-;; w))
-;; (defun application-height (&optional (app *application*))
-;; (multiple-value-bind (w h) (sdl2:get-window-size (application-window app))
-;; (declare (ignore w))
-;; h))
-;; (defclass/std event-handler ()
-;; ((event-type handler-function :ri)))
-;; (defclass/std listener ()
-;; ((keydown keyup mousedown mouseup mousemove mousewheel focus blur perframe
-;; :r :with :type event-handler)
-;; (keydown-table
-;; keyup-table
-;; mousedown-table
-;; mouseup-table
-;; mousemove-table
-;; mousewheel-table
-;; focus-table
-;; blur-table
-;; perframe-table
-;; :static
-;; :std (make-hash-table)
-;; :doc "Keyed by DISPLAY-UNIT instance, holds an EVENT-HANDLER if handler is defined for unit."))
-;; (:documentation "Event handlers per object. The static hash tables
-;; are keyed by UNIT and hold Event-Handler instances."))
+(defmacro on-perframe
+ ((target time) &body body)
+ `(make-instance
+ 'event-handler
+ :event-type 'wheelwork::perframe
+ :handler-function (lambda (,target ,time)
+ (declare (ignorable ,target ,time))
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro on-keydown
+ ((target scancode modifiers) &body body)
+ "Creates a lambda suitable for the value of a keydown event
+ handler. The function accepts two positional arguments TARGET and
+ SCANCODE and one &REST argument MODIFIERS.
+ SCANCODE will be a keyword of the form :SCANCODE-A, :SCANCODE-B ...
+ The members of MODIFIERS look like :LSHIFT, :RCTRL, RALT, etc"
+ `(make-instance
+ 'event-handler
+ :event-type 'wheelwork::keydown
+ :handler-function (lambda (,target ,scancode &rest ,modifiers)
+ (declare (ignorable ,target ,scancode ,modifiers))
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro on-keyup ((target scancode modifiers) &body body)
+ "Creates a lambda suitable for the value of a keyup event
+ handler. The function accepts two positional arguments TARGET and
+ SCANCODE and one &REST argument MODIFIERS.
+ SCANCODE will be a keyword of the form :SCANCODE-A, :SCANCODE-B ...
+ The members of MODIFIERS look like :LSHIFT, :RCTRL, RALT, etc"
+ `(make-instance
+ 'event-handler
+ :event-type 'wheelwork::keyup
+ :handler-function (lambda (,target ,scancode &rest ,modifiers)
+ (declare (ignorable ,target ,scancode ,modifiers))
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro on-mousemove
+ ((target x y xrel yrel state) &body body)
+ `(make-instance
+ 'event-handler
+ :event-type 'wheelwork::mousemove
+ :handler-function (lambda (,target ,x ,y ,xrel ,yrel ,state)
+ (declare (ignorable ,target ,x ,y ,xrel ,yrel ,state))
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro on-mousedown
+ ((target x y clicks button) &body body)
+ `(make-instance
+ 'event-handler
+ :event-type 'wheelwork::mousedown
+ :handler-function (lambda (,target ,x ,y ,clicks ,button)
+ (declare (ignorable ,target ,x ,y ,clicks ,button))
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro on-mouseup
+ ((target x y clicks button) &body body)
+ `(make-instance
+ 'event-handler
+ :event-type 'wheelwork::mouseup
+ :handler-function (lambda (,target ,x ,y ,clicks ,button)
+ (declare (ignorable ,target ,x ,y ,clicks ,button))
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro on-mousewheel
+ ((target x y dir) &body body)
+ `(make-instance
+ 'event-handler
+ :event-type 'wheelwork::mousewheel
+ :handler-function (lambda (,target ,x ,y ,dir)
+ (declare (ignorable ,target ,x ,y ,dir))
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro on-blur
+ ((target) &body body)
+ `(make-instance
+ 'event-handler
+ :event-type 'wheelwork::blur
+ :handler-function (lambda (,target)
+ (declare (ignorable ,target))
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro on-focus
+ ((target) &body body)
+ `(make-instance
+ 'event-handler
+ :event-type 'wheelwork::focus
+ :handler-function (lambda (,target)
+ (declare (ignorable ,target))
+ ,@body)))