diff options
authorColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-23 10:44:40 -0500
committerColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-23 10:44:40 -0500
commit8fc1317f0c3c32e3d75b17260b9b0c3ed810fd76 (patch)
parent00841605110612f6e7f3bbfc054ceff980bf25be (diff)
[add] menu basics and [example]
6 files changed, 174 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/examples/13-menus.lisp b/examples/13-menus.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66d455c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/13-menus.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+;;;; menus.lisp
+(defpackage #:ww.examples/13
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:export #:start))
+(in-package :ww.examples/13)
+(defclass menus-demo (ww::application) ())
+(defclass numbered-image (ww::image)
+ ((n :initarg :num :reader num)))
+(ww:defhandler option-clicked
+ (ww::on-mousedown (img)
+ (format t "~a was clicked~%" (num img))))
+(defmethod ww::boot ((app menus-demo))
+ (let ((vscroller
+ (make-instance 'ww::vscroller
+ :scroll-speed 10
+ :region (make-instance 'ww::region
+ :left 0 :right 100
+ :top 250 :bottom 0))))
+ (loop for i to 10
+ for img = (make-instance 'numbered-image
+ :num i
+ :texture (ww:get-asset "Fezghoul.png"))
+ do
+ (ww::add-handler img #'option-clicked)
+ (ww::add-menu-option vscroller img))
+ (ww:add-unit vscroller)
+ (ww:refocus-on vscroller)))
+(defun start (&optional (scale 1.0) (side 500))
+ (ww:start
+ (make-instance
+ 'menus-demo
+ :fps 30
+ :width (round (* scale side))
+ :height (round (* scale side))
+ :scale scale
+ :title "Canvas demo"
+ :asset-root (merge-pathnames
+ "examples/"
+ (asdf:system-source-directory :wheelwork)))))
diff --git a/gui/menus.lisp b/gui/menus.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c4166c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/menus.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+;;;; menus.lisp
+(in-package :wheelwork)
+(defclass/std menu (unit interactive)
+ ((options :with :std nil
+ :doc "A list of interactive units")
+ (region :std (error "Menus require an explicit region"))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((menu menu) &key)
+ (with-slots (base-width base-height region) menu
+ (setf base-width (width region)
+ base-height (height region)
+ (x menu) (region-left region)
+ (y menu) (region-bottom region))))
+ ((def-menu-accessors (&rest accessor-names)
+ (let ((defs
+ (loop for name in accessor-names
+ collect
+ `(defmethod ,name ((menu menu))
+ (,name (unit-region menu)))
+ collect
+ `(defmethod (setf ,name) (newval (menu menu))
+ (let ((diff (- newval (,name menu))))
+ (setf (,name (unit-region menu)) newval)
+ (dolist (o (menu-options menu))
+ (incf (,name o) diff)))))))
+ `(progn ,@defs))))
+ (def-menu-accessors x y width height))
+(defgeneric add-menu-option (menu option))
+(defmethod add-menu-option ((menu menu) option)
+ (setf (unit-region option) (unit-region menu))
+ (add-unit option)
+ (setf (menu-options menu)
+ (nconc (menu-options menu) (list option))))
+(defun remove-menu-option (menu option)
+ (when (member option (menu-options menu))
+ (drop-unit option)
+ (setf (unit-region option) *application*)
+ (setf (menu-options menu)
+ (delete option (menu-options menu)))))
+(defmethod render ((menu menu))
+ (dolist (o (menu-options menu))
+ (render o)))
+(defclass/std vscroller (menu)
+ ((scroll-speed :std 1)
+ (vert-scroll :std 0
+ :doc "Vertical distance options have been displaced.")))
+(defmethod (setf vert-scroll) :after (val (vs vscroller))
+ (loop
+ for o in (menu-options vs)
+ for y = (+ (y vs) (height vs) val) then (- y (height o))
+ do (setf (y o) y)))
+(defhandler vscroller-scroll
+ (on-mousewheel (vs horiz vert)
+ (let ((oh (vscroller-options-height vs))
+ (h (height vs)))
+ (format t "oh: ~a h: ~a scroll:~a ~%" oh h (vert-scroll vs))
+ (setf (vert-scroll vs)
+ (clamp 0
+ (+ (vert-scroll vs) (* vert (scroll-speed vs)))
+ (- oh h))))))
+(defun vscroller-options-height (vs)
+ (loop for o in (menu-options vs) summing (height o)))
+(defmethod add-menu-option :before ((vs vscroller) option)
+ (setf (x option) (x vs)
+ (y option) (- (+ (y vs) (height vs) (vert-scroll vs))
+ (vscroller-options-height vs))))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((vscroller vscroller) &key)
+ (add-handler vscroller #'vscroller-scroll))
diff --git a/src/region.lisp b/src/region.lisp
index 2355db6..4f22763 100644
--- a/src/region.lisp
+++ b/src/region.lisp
@@ -4,3 +4,35 @@
(defclass/std region ()
((left bottom top right :with :std 0)))
+(defmethod width ((region region))
+ (- (region-right region) (region-left region)))
+(defmethod (setf width) (newval (region region))
+ (with-slots (left right) region
+ (setf right (+ left newval))))
+(defmethod height ((region region))
+ (- (region-top region) (region-bottom region)))
+(defmethod (setf height) (newval (region region))
+ (with-slots (top bottom) region
+ (setf top (+ bottom newval))))
+(defmethod x ((r region))
+ (region-left r))
+(defmethod (setf x) (newval (region region))
+ (let ((width (width region))) ;;get before change
+ (with-slots (left right)
+ (setf left newval
+ right (+ newval width)))))
+(defmethod y ((r region))
+ (region-bottom r))
+(defmethod (setf y) (newval (region region))
+ (let ((height (height region))) ;;get before change
+ (with-slots (top bottom) region
+ (setf bottom newval
+ top (+ newval height)))))
diff --git a/src/wheelwork.lisp b/src/wheelwork.lisp
index 4a20553..e411c52 100644
--- a/src/wheelwork.lisp
+++ b/src/wheelwork.lisp
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@
"current application")
(defun add-unit (unit)
+ "Adds a unit to the display."
(assert *application*)
(push unit (application-scene *application*))
(setf (unit-in-scene-p unit) t))
(defun drop-unit (unit)
+ "A removes a unit from the display."
(assert *application*)
(setf (application-scene *application*)
(delete unit (application-scene *application*)))
diff --git a/wheelwork-examples.asd b/wheelwork-examples.asd
index 31f6d0b..085523a 100644
--- a/wheelwork-examples.asd
+++ b/wheelwork-examples.asd
@@ -17,4 +17,5 @@
(:file "09-ghoulspree")
(:file "10-canvas-sneks")
(:file "11-canvas-geometry")
- (:file "12-canvas-drawing-language")))
+ (:file "12-canvas-drawing-language")
+ (:file "13-menus")))
diff --git a/wheelwork-gui.asd b/wheelwork-gui.asd
index aa58010..b6483a3 100644
--- a/wheelwork-gui.asd
+++ b/wheelwork-gui.asd
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
:serial t
:depends-on (#:wheelwork)
:pathname "gui/"
- :components ((:file "button")))
+ :components ((:file "button")
+ (:file "menus")))