diff options
authorColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-18 10:21:08 -0500
committerColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-18 10:21:08 -0500
commit84cfbd5c52d035a166bcb8d8ce9bd566b01e4513 (patch)
parent55ad89e92a9796979d6f075afba74a6076f45d6d (diff)
[add] mouse event bubbling; [example] click-and-drag to 01
4 files changed, 98 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/examples/01-bitmap-display.lisp b/examples/01-bitmap-display.lisp
index c9e0275..4bcdba8 100644
--- a/examples/01-bitmap-display.lisp
+++ b/examples/01-bitmap-display.lisp
@@ -8,6 +8,24 @@
(defclass bitmap-display (ww::application ) ())
+(ww::defhandler dragging-unit
+ (ww::on-mousemotion (app x y)
+ (let ((unit
+ (first (ww:container-units app))))
+ (setf (ww:x unit) x
+ (ww:y unit) y))))
+(ww:defhandler start-drag
+ (ww:on-mousedown (target)
+ (ww::add-handler
+ (ww::unit-container target)
+ #'dragging-unit)))
+(ww:defhandler stop-drag
+ (ww::on-mouseup (app)
+ (ww::remove-handler app #'dragging-unit)))
(defmethod ww::boot ((app bitmap-display))
(let ((bm
(make-instance 'ww::bitmap
@@ -15,13 +33,19 @@
(describe (ww::model-matrix bm))
(describe bm)
(describe app)
- (ww::add-unit app bm)))
+ (ww::add-unit app bm)
+ (ww::add-handler bm #'start-drag)
+ (ww::add-handler app #'stop-drag)
+ (format t "CLICK AND DRAG THE GHOUL~%")
+ ))
(defun start ()
+ :mouse-button-events-bubble-p t
+ :mouse-motion-events-bubble-p t
:asset-root (merge-pathnames
(asdf:system-source-directory :wheelwork)))))
diff --git a/src/application.lisp b/src/application.lisp
index e9a41dc..ef5e92f 100644
--- a/src/application.lisp
+++ b/src/application.lisp
@@ -22,7 +22,13 @@
:std t
:doc "When T, clicking on a visible object will set the
application focus to that object.")
- (focus last-motion-target :with :a)
+ (mouse-button-events-bubble-p
+ mouse-motion-events-bubble-p
+ :std nil
+ :doc "determines whether the search for event handlers stops at
+ the first visible unit under the xy position of the mouse or
+ not. ")
+ (focus last-motion-target :with :a)
(fps :std 30 :doc "Frames Per Second")
(frame-wait :r))
(:documentation "The application contains the information and data
diff --git a/src/utils.lisp b/src/utils.lisp
index 4a35aee..f3dba06 100644
--- a/src/utils.lisp
+++ b/src/utils.lisp
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ the path."
(sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))))
(let ((cache
- (make-array 100 :adjustable t :initial-element nibbles:)))
+ (make-array 100 :adjustable t :initial-element nil)))
(defun factorial (n)
((zerop n) 1)
diff --git a/src/wheelwork.lisp b/src/wheelwork.lisp
index 41157e6..31efe14 100644
--- a/src/wheelwork.lisp
+++ b/src/wheelwork.lisp
@@ -71,8 +71,18 @@ TARGET is FOCUSABLEP"
(defun unit-contains-point-p (unit pt)
(path-encloses-point-p (get-rect unit) pt))
+(defun mouse-event-targets (app x y &optional bubblep)
+ "Returns a list of one or more objects found under the x y
+position. The list always contains the app itself as the last element."
+ (nconc (if bubblep
+ (all-units-under app x y)
+ (unit-under app x y))
+ (list app)))
(defun unit-under (app x y)
- "Finds the visible unit that contains the point x y."
+ "Finds the visible unit that contains the point x y, returns it as a
+single elemtn list, or nil if none found"
(let ((xy (vec:vec x y 0.0 1.0)))
((finder (thing)
@@ -83,9 +93,35 @@ TARGET is FOCUSABLEP"
(find-if #'finder (container-units thing) :from-end t)))
(when (unit-contains-point-p thing xy)
- (return-from unit-under thing)))))))
+ (return-from unit-under (list thing))))))))
(finder app))))
+(defun all-units-under (app x y)
+ "Finds all units under the point x y"
+ (let ((xy
+ (vec:vec x y 0.0 1.0))
+ (units
+ nil))
+ (labels
+ ((finder (thing)
+ (when (unit-visiblep thing)
+ (etypecase thing
+ (container
+ (when (unit-contains-point-p thing xy)
+ (mapc #'finder (container-units thing))))
+ (unit
+ (when (unit-contains-point-p thing xy)
+ (push thing units)))))))
+ (finder app))
+ units))
+(defvar *event-still-bubbling-p* nil
+ "Controls whether an event is bubbling")
+(defun stop-bubbling ()
+ (setf *event-still-bubbling-p* nil))
(defun screen-to-world (x y &optional (app *application*))
"Scales the screen point - the literal pixel position relative to
the top corner of the application window - to reflect the
@@ -99,33 +135,42 @@ application's scaling factor."
Additionally, if the APPLICATION's REFOCUS-ON-MOUSEDOWN-P is T, try to
give focus to whatever was clicked."
(destructuring-bind (x y) (screen-to-world wx wy)
- (let ((target
- (or (unit-under app x y) ; if no unit is under the mouse,
- app))) ; then target the app itself
- (when (and (refocus-on-mousedown-p app) (focusablep target))
- (refocus-on target))
- (when-let (handlers (get-handlers-for target 'mousedown))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler target x y clicks button wx wy))))))
+ (let ((candidate-targets
+ (mouse-event-targets app x y (mouse-button-events-bubble-p app))))
+ ;; refocus always occurs on the "top" focasable thing
+ (when (and (refocus-on-mousedown-p app)
+ (focusablep (first candidate-targets)))
+ (refocus-on (first candidate-targets)))
+ (let ((*event-still-bubbling-p*
+ (mouse-button-events-bubble-p app)))
+ (loop for target in candidate-targets
+ do
+ (dolist (handler (get-handlers-for target 'mousedown))
+ (funcall handler target x y clicks button wx wy))
+ while *event-still-bubbling-p*)))))
(defun eventloop-mousebuttonup (app wx wy clicks button)
(when (should-listen-for-p 'mouseup app)
(destructuring-bind (x y) (screen-to-world wx wy)
- (when-let* ((target (or (unit-under app x y)
- app))
- (handlers (get-handlers-for target 'mouseup)))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler target x y clicks button wx wy))))))
+ (let ((*event-still-bubbling-p*
+ (mouse-button-events-bubble-p app)))
+ (loop for target in (mouse-event-targets app x y (mouse-button-events-bubble-p app))
+ do
+ (dolist (handler (get-handlers-for target 'mouseup))
+ (funcall handler target x y clicks button wx wy))
+ while *event-still-bubbling-p*)))))
(defun eventloop-mousemotion (app wx wy wxrel wyrel state)
(when (should-listen-for-p 'mousemotion app)
(destructuring-bind (x y) (screen-to-world wx wy)
(destructuring-bind (xrel yrel) (screen-to-world wxrel wyrel)
- (when-let* ((target (or (unit-under app x y)
- app))
- (handlers (get-handlers-for target 'mousemotion)))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler target x y xrel yrel state wx wy wxrel wyrel)))))))
+ (let ((*event-still-bubbling-p*
+ (mouse-motion-events-bubble-p app)))
+ (loop for target in (mouse-event-targets app x y (mouse-motion-events-bubble-p app))
+ do
+ (dolist (handler (get-handlers-for target 'mousemotion))
+ (funcall handler target x y xrel yrel state wx wy wxrel wyrel))
+ while *event-still-bubbling-p*))))))
(defun eventloop-mousewheel (app wx wy dir)
(when (should-listen-for-p 'mousewheel app)
@@ -134,7 +179,6 @@ give focus to whatever was clicked."
(dolist (handler handlers)
(funcall handler focus wx wy dir)))))
(defun eventloop (app)
(sdl2:with-event-loop (:method :poll)