diff options
authorColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-17 12:42:42 -0500
committerColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-07-17 12:42:42 -0500
commit53019e4770d1cf9999201e261fd6d93ab3c0d849 (patch)
parentb72153a73875fc0081d072b90ac411c0eaef08a8 (diff)
6 files changed, 109 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/examples/11-canvas-geometry.lisp b/examples/11-canvas-geometry.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1147ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/11-canvas-geometry.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+;;;; examples/11-canvas-geometry.lisp
+(defpackage #:ww.examples/11
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:export #:start))
+(in-package :ww.examples/11)
+(defclass geo-demo (ww:application) ())
+(defmethod ww:boot ((app geo-demo))
+ (let ((canvas
+ (make-instance 'ww:canvas
+ :pixel-width 500
+ :pixel-height 500)))
+ ;; stretch canvas over the whole app
+ (setf (ww:width canvas) (ww::application-width app)
+ (ww:height canvas) (ww::application-height app))
+ ;; add it to the display tree
+ (ww:add-unit app canvas)
+ ;; draw a circle
+ (ww::with-grid-circle (x y) (50 50 30)
+ (ww::with-pixel (r g b a) (ww::pixel canvas x y)
+ (setf r (mod (* x y) 255)
+ g x
+ b y)))
+ ;; blit the canvas
+ (ww::blit canvas)))
diff --git a/src/grid-geometry.lisp b/src/grid-geometry.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef69f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/grid-geometry.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+;;; grid-geometry.lisp
+(in-package :wheelwork )
+(defmacro with-grid-line
+ ((x y) (start-x start-y) (end-x end-y) &body body)
+ "Execute BODY for X and Y assigned to integer values in a line
+connecting the integer point START-X , START-Y and END-X, END-Y. "
+ (with-gensyms (sx sy ex ey distance step progress xdiff ydiff)
+ `(loop
+ with ,sx = ,start-x
+ with ,sy = ,start-y
+ with ,ex = ,end-x
+ with ,ey = ,end-y
+ with ,xdiff = (- ,ex ,sx)
+ with ,ydiff = (- ,ey, sy)
+ with ,distance = (max (abs ,xdiff) (abs ,ydiff))
+ for ,step from 0 to ,distance
+ for ,progress = (if (zerop ,distance) 0.0 (/ ,step ,distance))
+ for ,x = (round (+ ,start-x (* ,progress ,xdiff)))
+ for ,y = (round (+ ,start-y (* ,progress ,ydiff)))
+ do (progn ,@body))))
+(defmacro with-grid-path
+ ((x y) (path &key autoclosep interiorp) &body body)
+ (with-gensyms (points x1 y1 x2 y2 more)
+ (let ((autoclose-block
+ (when autoclosep
+ `(destructuring-bind (,x2 ,y2) (first ,points)
+ (with-grid-line (,x2 ,y2) (,x1 ,y1) ,@body)))))
+ `(let ((,points ,path))
+ (loop
+ for ((,x1 ,y) (,x2 ,y2) . ,more) on ,points
+ while ,x2 do
+ (with-grid-line (,x ,y) (,x1 ,y1) (,x2 ,y2) ,@body)
+ finally (progn ,autoclose-block))))))
+(defun grid-bbox-for (poly)
+ "POLY is a list of pairs of xy coordinates. Return a pair of
+pairs, ((min-x min-y) (max-x max-y)), representing the bottom left and
+top right corners of the bounding box for POLY "
+ (loop for (x y) in poly
+ minimizing x into x-min
+ maximizing x into x-max
+ minimizing y into y-min
+ maximizing y into y-max
+ finally (return (list (list x-min y-min)
+ (list x-max y-max)))))
+(defmacro with-grid-poly-interior
+ ((x y) perimeter &body body)
+ "PERMIETER is expected to evaluate to a list of contiguous points,
+representing the permimeter a polygon in 2d space. Execute BODY for
+each point interior to this polygon."
+ (with-gensyms (points bottom left top right)
+ `(let ((,points ,permieter))
+ (destructuring-bind ((,left ,bottom) (,right ,top)) (grid-bbox-for ,points)
+ (loop )
+ )))
+ )
+(defmacro with-grid-circle
+ ((x y) (cx cy radius &key interiorp) &body body)
+ (with-gensyms (rad sx sy)
+ (let ((comparator
+ (if interiorp '>= '=)))
+ `(let ((,sx ,cx) (,sy ,cy) (,rad ,radius))
+ (with-grid-rect (,x ,y) ((- ,sx ,rad) (- ,sy ,rad) (+ ,sx ,rad) (+ ,sy ,rad))
+ (when (,comparator ,rad (round (euclidean-dist ,x ,y ,sx ,sy)))
+ ,@body))))))
diff --git a/src/interactive/canvas.lisp b/src/interactive/canvas.lisp
index e8bdc39..7f24d89 100644
--- a/src/interactive/canvas.lisp
+++ b/src/interactive/canvas.lisp
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ e.g., drawing a line in a particular color."
(with-grid-line (,x ,y) (,start-x ,start-y) (,end-x ,end-y)
(with-pixel (,r ,g ,b ,a) (pixel ,pxs ,x ,y) ,@body)))))
(defvar *canvas-shader-program* nil)
(defvar *canvas-render-vao* nil)
(defvar *canvas-count* 0)
diff --git a/src/utils.lisp b/src/utils.lisp
index 4037b7a..7b68e3d 100644
--- a/src/utils.lisp
+++ b/src/utils.lisp
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ and B intersects the linesegment between C and D, NIL otherwise."
while b2
thereis (segments-intersect-p a1 a2 b1 b2))))
(defun closed-path-p (path)
(equalp (first path)
(first (last path))))
@@ -63,8 +62,6 @@ and B intersects the linesegment between C and D, NIL otherwise."
(return (oddp intersection-count)))))
(defun path-encloses-path-p (path-a path-b)
"T if path-b is totally contained in path-a and does not intersect path-a"
(assert (closed-path-p path-a) () "Enclosing path must be a closed path.")
@@ -115,23 +112,7 @@ the path."
`(let ((,value ,value-form))
(setf ,@clauses))))
-(defmacro with-grid-line
- ((x y) (start-x start-y) (end-x end-y) &body body)
- "Execute BODY for X and Y assigned to integer values in a line
-connecting the integer point START-X , START-Y and END-X, END-Y. "
- (with-gensyms (sx sy ex ey distance step progress xdiff ydiff)
- `(loop
- with ,sx = ,start-x
- with ,sy = ,start-y
- with ,ex = ,end-x
- with ,ey = ,end-y
- with ,xdiff = (- ,ex ,sx)
- with ,ydiff = (- ,ey, sy)
- with ,distance = (max (abs ,xdiff) (abs ,ydiff))
- for ,step from 0 to ,distance
- for ,progress = (if (zerop ,distance) 0.0 (/ ,step ,distance))
- for ,x = (round (+ ,start-x (* ,progress ,xdiff)))
- for ,y = (round (+ ,start-y (* ,progress ,ydiff)))
- do (progn ,@body))))
+(defun euclidean-dist (x1 y1 x2 y2)
+ (let ((dx (- x2 x1))
+ (dy (- y2 y1)))
+ (sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))))
diff --git a/wheelwork-examples.asd b/wheelwork-examples.asd
index 862358c..ca6e328 100644
--- a/wheelwork-examples.asd
+++ b/wheelwork-examples.asd
@@ -15,4 +15,5 @@
(:file "07-renderarea")
(:file "08-pong")
(:file "09-ghoulspree")
- (:file "10-canvas-sneks")))
+ (:file "10-canvas-sneks")
+ (:file "11-canvas-geometry")))
diff --git a/wheelwork.asd b/wheelwork.asd
index 06fa686..086c1c7 100644
--- a/wheelwork.asd
+++ b/wheelwork.asd
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
:components ((:file "package")
(:file "protocol")
(:file "utils")
+ (:file "grid-geometry")
(:module "gl"
:components ((:file "util")
(:file "texture")