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authorBoutade <>2019-10-02 19:12:45 -0500
committerBoutade <>2019-10-02 19:12:45 -0500
commitd16314c42dfc9e4161f1182c4b493d160f507bdd (patch)
parente6a3fe45682a33204304643f1ff944d8312d16d0 (diff)
added easing.lisp
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/easing.lisp b/easing.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef20a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/easing.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+;;;; easing.lisp
+(in-package #:animise)
+;;; Utilities for defining easing functions
+(defun time-frac (start duration current)
+ (let* ((end (+ start duration))
+ (progress (max 0 (- end current))))
+ (- 1.0 (/ progress duration))))
+(defmacro def-ease (name &rest body)
+ `(defun ,name (start duration current &optional (delta 1))
+ (let ((frac (time-frac start duration current)))
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro def-mirror-for (name-of-ease)
+ (let ((mirror-name (read-from-string (format nil "mirror-~a" name-of-ease))))
+ `(def-ease ,mirror-name
+ (if (<= frac 0.5)
+ (,name-of-ease start (* 0.5 duration) current delta)
+ (,name-of-ease start (* 0.5 duration)
+ (- (+ start (* 0.5 duration))
+ (- current (+ start (* 0.5 duration))))
+ delta)))))
+;;; The DEF-EASE macro defines a function. the BODY of the function has the
+;;; following variables available to it:
+;;; START the start time in MS
+;;; DURATION intended duration of this animation
+;;; CURRENT the current time, sometime after START
+;;; DELTA, a number, the total change in the value being animated (e.g. X coordinate)
+;;; FRAC, a number between 0 and 1, the how close to completion this animation is.
+(def-ease linear (* delta frac))
+(def-mirror-for linear)
+(def-ease quad-in (* frac frac delta))
+(def-mirror-for quad-in)
+(def-ease quad-out (* frac (- frac 2.0) -1 delta))
+(def-mirror-for quad-out)
+(def-ease quad-in-out
+ (setf frac (/ frac 0.5))
+ (if (< frac 1) (* frac frac 0.5 delta)
+ (progn (decf frac)
+ (* -1 delta 0.5 (1- (* frac (- frac 2)))))))
+(def-mirror-for quad-in-out)
+(def-ease cubic-in (* frac frac frac delta))
+(def-mirror-for cubic-in)
+(def-ease cubic-out
+ (decf frac)
+ (* (1+ (* frac frac frac)) delta))
+(def-mirror-for cubic-out)
+(def-ease cubic-in-out
+ (setf frac (/ frac 0.5))
+ (if (< frac 1) (* delta 0.5 frac frac frac)
+ (progn
+ (decf frac 2)
+ (* delta 0.5 (+ 2 (* frac frac frac))))))
+(def-mirror-for cubic-in-out)
+(def-ease sinusoidal-in
+ (+ delta (* -1 delta (cos (* frac pi 0.5)))))
+(def-mirror-for sinusoidal-in)
+(def-ease sinusoidal-out
+ (* delta (sin (* frac pi 0.5))))
+(def-mirror-for sinusoidal-out)
+(def-ease sinusoidal-in-out
+ (* delta -0.5 (1- (cos (* pi frac)))))
+(def-mirror-for sinusoidal-in-out)
+(def-ease elastic-out
+ (let ((sqrd (* frac frac))
+ (cubed (* frac frac frac)))
+ (* 100 delta (+ (* 0.33 sqrd cubed)
+ (* -1.06 sqrd sqrd)
+ (* 1.26 cubed)
+ (* -0.67 sqrd)
+ (* 0.15 frac)))))
+(def-mirror-for elastic-out)
+(def-ease bounce-out
+ (let ((coeff 7.5627)
+ (step (/ 1 2.75)))
+ (cond ((< frac step)
+ (* delta coeff frac frac))
+ ((< frac (* 2 step))
+ (decf frac (* 1.5 step))
+ (* delta
+ (+ 0.75
+ (* coeff frac frac))))
+ ((< frac ( * 2.5 step))
+ (decf frac (* 2.25 step))
+ (* delta
+ (+ 0.9375
+ (* coeff frac frac))))
+ (t
+ (decf frac (* 2.65 step))
+ (* delta
+ (+ 0.984375
+ (* coeff frac frac)))))))
+(def-mirror-for bounce-out)
+;;; Some functions to check your intuitions about the output of easing functions
+(defun make-frames (ease-fn &optional (step 0.1))
+ (loop :for time :from 0 :upto (+ 1 step) :by step
+ :collect (funcall ease-fn 0 1.0 time)))
+(defun print-frames (fn &key (width 20) (mark #\.) (step 0.1))
+ (loop for frame in (make-frames fn step) do
+ (dotimes (x width) (princ #\Space))
+ (dotimes (x (round (* frame width)))
+ (princ #\Space))
+ (princ mark)
+ (terpri)))