diff options
authorBoutade <>2019-10-02 19:08:05 -0500
committerBoutade <>2019-10-02 19:08:28 -0500
commite6a3fe45682a33204304643f1ff944d8312d16d0 (patch)
parentab18e63ecb3c29371eb89e668df4c6527b78104b (diff)
massive changes ↓
- added trivia dependency - changed tween to explicitly store an 'end value' - added tween-group
3 files changed, 202 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/animise.asd b/animise.asd
index 1117e94..7c59066 100644
--- a/animise.asd
+++ b/animise.asd
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
:license "Specify license here"
:version "0.0.1"
:serial t
- :depends-on (#:lettuce)
+ :depends-on (#:lettuce #:trivia)
:components ((:file "package")
+ (:file "easing")
(:file "animise")))
diff --git a/animise.lisp b/animise.lisp
index 99dbc54..1de9f33 100644
--- a/animise.lisp
+++ b/animise.lisp
@@ -2,157 +2,32 @@
(in-package #:animise)
-;;; Utilities for defining easing functions
+;;; Interface generices
-(defun time-frac (start duration current)
- (let* ((end (+ start duration))
- (progress (max 0 (- end current))))
- (- 1.0 (/ progress duration))))
-(defmacro def-ease (name &rest body)
- `(defun ,name (start duration current &optional (delta 1))
- (let ((frac (time-frac start duration current)))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro def-mirror-for (name-of-ease)
- (let ((mirror-name (read-from-string (format nil "mirror-~a" name-of-ease))))
- `(def-ease ,mirror-name
- (if (<= frac 0.5)
- (,name-of-ease start (* 0.5 duration) current delta)
- (,name-of-ease start (* 0.5 duration)
- (- (+ start (* 0.5 duration))
- (- current (+ start (* 0.5 duration))))
- delta)))))
-;;; The DEF-EASE macro defines a function. the BODY of the function has the
-;;; following variables available to it:
-;;; START the start time in MS
-;;; DURATION intended duration of this animation
-;;; CURRENT the current time, sometime after START
-;;; DELTA, a number, the total change in the value being animated (e.g. X coordinate)
-;;; FRAC, a number between 0 and 1, the how close to completion this animation is.
-(def-ease linear (* delta frac))
-(def-mirror-for linear)
-(def-ease quad-in (* frac frac delta))
-(def-mirror-for quad-in)
-(def-ease quad-out (* frac (- frac 2.0) -1 delta))
-(def-mirror-for quad-out)
-(def-ease quad-in-out
- (setf frac (/ frac 0.5))
- (if (< frac 1) (* frac frac 0.5 delta)
- (progn (decf frac)
- (* -1 delta 0.5 (1- (* frac (- frac 2)))))))
-(def-mirror-for quad-in-out)
-(def-ease cubic-in (* frac frac frac delta))
-(def-mirror-for cubic-in)
-(def-ease cubic-out
- (decf frac)
- (* (1+ (* frac frac frac)) delta))
-(def-mirror-for cubic-out)
-(def-ease cubic-in-out
- (setf frac (/ frac 0.5))
- (if (< frac 1) (* delta 0.5 frac frac frac)
- (progn
- (decf frac 2)
- (* delta 0.5 (+ 2 (* frac frac frac))))))
-(def-mirror-for cubic-in-out)
-(def-ease sinusoidal-in
- (+ delta (* -1 delta (cos (* frac pi 0.5)))))
-(def-mirror-for sinusoidal-in)
-(def-ease sinusoidal-out
- (* delta (sin (* frac pi 0.5))))
-(def-mirror-for sinusoidal-out)
-(def-ease sinusoidal-in-out
- (* delta -0.5 (1- (cos (* pi frac)))))
-(def-mirror-for sinusoidal-in-out)
-(def-ease elastic-out
- (let ((sqrd (* frac frac))
- (cubed (* frac frac frac)))
- (* 100 delta (+ (* 0.33 sqrd cubed)
- (* -1.06 sqrd sqrd)
- (* 1.26 cubed)
- (* -0.67 sqrd)
- (* 0.15 frac)))))
-(def-mirror-for elastic-out)
-(def-ease bounce-out
- (let ((coeff 7.5627)
- (step (/ 1 2.75)))
- (cond ((< frac step)
- (* delta coeff frac frac))
- ((< frac (* 2 step))
- (decf frac (* 1.5 step))
- (* delta
- (+ 0.75
- (* coeff frac frac))))
- ((< frac ( * 2.5 step))
- (decf frac (* 2.25 step))
- (* delta
- (+ 0.9375
- (* coeff frac frac))))
- (t
- (decf frac (* 2.65 step))
- (* delta
- (+ 0.984375
- (* coeff frac frac)))))))
-(def-mirror-for bounce-out)
+;; In addition to the following, both a `DURATION' method and
+;; a `START-TIME' setf-able method are implemented for each class.
-;;; Some functions to check your intuitions about the output of easing functions
-(defun make-frames (ease-fn &optional (step 0.1))
- (loop :for time :from 0 :upto (+ 1 step) :by step
- :collect (funcall ease-fn 0 1.0 time)))
-(defun print-frames (fn &key (width 20) (mark #\.) (step 0.1))
- (loop for frame in (make-frames fn step) do
- (dotimes (x width) (princ #\Space))
- (dotimes (x (round (* frame width)))
- (princ #\Space))
- (princ mark)
- (terpri)))
+(defgeneric run-tween (tween time))
-"A TWEEN is function to produce a sequence of values over time for the purpose
- of animating an object.
+;; A TWEEN is effectively a function. A tween is used to produce a sequence of
+;; values over time the purpose of animating an object.
- START-TIME and DURATION arguments are a representation of time and must use
- the same units. START-TIME must be supplied on TWEEN instantiation, and is
- used to record when the tween begins running.
+;; START-TIME and DURATION arguments are a representation of time and must use
+;; the same units. START-TIME must be supplied on TWEEN instantiation, and is
+;; used to record when the tween begins running.
- DELTA-VAL is a number, the amount by which the animated object's target
- property should have changed by the time the animation is over.
+;; DELTA-VAL is a number, the amount by which the animated object's target
+;; property should have changed by the time the animation is over.
- Different EASE functions may be supplied to modulate the way that sequence is
- produced. EASE is the heart of the TWEEN's behavior.
- Every TWEEN instance must have an EFFECTOR, which should be a closure that
- accepts a single argument. The purpose of the EFFECTOR is to apply the values
- generated by the TWEEN to some object."
+;; Different EASE functions may be supplied to modulate the way that sequence is
+;; produced. EASE is the heart of the TWEEN's behavior.
+;; Every TWEEN instance must have an EFFECTOR, which should be a closure that
+;; accepts a single argument. The purpose of the EFFECTOR is to apply the values
+;; generated by the TWEEN to some object.
(defclass tween ()
@@ -170,112 +45,196 @@
:accessor start-val
:initarg start-val
:initform (error "Must supply a start value."))
- (delta-val
- :accessor delta-val
- :initarg :delta-val
- :initform (error "Must supply a delta value."))
+ (end-val
+ :accessor end-val
+ :initarg :end-val
+ :initform (error "Must supply an end value."))
:initarg :effector
:initform (error "Must supply an effector function"))))
+;;; TWEEN-SEQ combines tweens to run one after another.
+(defclass tween-seq ()
+ ((tweens
+ :accessor tweens
+ :initarg :tweens
+ :initform (error "empty tween sequences are disallowed."))
+ (loop-mode
+ :accessor loop-mode
+ :initarg :loop-mode
+ :initform nil))) ; :looping :reflecting (:looping max n) (:reflecting max n)
+(defclass tween-group ()
+ ((members
+ :accessor members
+ :initarg :members
+ :initform nil
+ :type list)))
+;;; Some functions that use the protocol defined by the generics
+(defun in-sequence (t1 &rest tws)
+ (let ((seq (make-instance 'tween-seq :tweens (cons t1 tws))))
+ (correct-sequencing seq)
+ seq))
(defun end-time (tween)
- (+ (start-time tween) (duration tween)))
+ "Some tweens dont have a duration ,and hence never end. NIL is returned to
+ reflect this."
+ (let-when (dur (duration tween))
+ (+ (start-time tween) dur)))
-(defun tween-finished-p (tween current-time)
- (>= current-time (end-time tween)))
+(defun tween-finished-p (tween time)
+ "Returns T if TWEEN is done running."
+ (let-when (end (end-time tween))
+ (>= time end)))
-(defgeneric run-tween (tween time))
+(defun add-to-group (group tween &keys (offset 0))
+ "Adds TWEEN to GROUP. If TWEEN is the first tween added to GROUP, then TWEEN'S
+ start time becomes the GROUP'S start time and the OFFSET is ignored.
+ Otherwise, TWEEN's start time is set to the start time of the GROUP modified
+ by OFFSET."
+ (let-when (start-time (and (members group) (start-time group)))
+ (setf (start-time tween)
+ (+ offset start-time)))
+ (push (members group) tween))
+(defun as-group (tween &rest tweens)
+ (make-instance 'tween-group :members (cons tween tweens)))
+;;; Interface implementations for TWEEN class
(defmethod run-tween ((tween tween) time)
- (with-slots (start-time duration ease start-val delta-val effector) tween
+ (with-slots (start-time duration ease start-val end-val effector) tween
(when (>= time start-time)
(funcall effector
(+ start-val
- (funcall ease start-time duration time delta-val))))))
-(defgeneric reverse-tween (tween &optional start))
-(defmethod reverse-tween ((tween tween) &optional start)
- (with-slots (start-time duration ease start-val delta-val effector) tween
- (make-tween :start-time (if start start (+ duration start-time))
- :duration duration
- :start-val (+ start-val delta-val)
- :delta-val (* -1 delta-val)
- :effector effector)))
+ (funcall ease
+ start-time
+ duration
+ time
+ (- end-val start-val)))))))
-(defclass tween-seq ()
- ((tweens
- :accessor tweens
- :initarg :tweens
- :initform nil)
- (loop-mode
- :accessor loop-mode
- :initarg :loop-mode
- :initform nil))) ; :looping :reflecting
+;;; Interface implementations for TWEEN-SEQ
(defmethod start-time ((ob tween-seq))
(when (tweens ob)
(start-time (car (tweens ob)))))
-(defmethod duration ((ob tween-seq))
- (when (tweens ob)
- (reduce #'+ (tweens ob) :key #'duration :initial-value 0)))
-;; TODO implmeent the reflecting tween behavior
-(defun apply-looping (seq)
- (case (loop-mode seq)
- (:looping
- (setf (start-time seq) (end-time seq))
- (correct-sequencing seq)
- (car (tweens seq)))
- (:reflecting nil)))
-(defmethod run-tween ((ob tween-seq) time)
- (let-cond
- (tween (find-if-not (lambda (tween) (tween-finished-p tween time))
- (tweens ob))
- (run-tween tween time))
- (tween (apply-looping ob)
- (run-tween tween time))))
-(defgeneric add-after (first second)
- (:documentation "A potentialy destructive function that puts its tween
- arguments into sequence. In the case of a TWEEN-SEQ in the first position, it
- is that argument that will be returned. Consider the second argument as
- discarded."))
-(defmethod add-after ((first tween) (second tween))
- (setf (start-time second) (end-time first))
- (make-instance 'tween-seq :tweens (list first second)))
-(defmethod add-after ((first tween-seq) (second tween))
- (setf (start-time second) (end-time first))
- (setf (tweens first)
- (append (tweens first) (list second)))
- first)
(defun correct-sequencing (seq)
+ ;; A helper function that sets the start and stop time for each tween in a
+ ;; tween sequence. It assumes the first tween is correctly configured.
(when (tweens seq)
(let ((end (end-time (car (tweens seq)))))
- (doist (tween (cdr (tweens seq))
+ (dolist (tween (cdr (tweens seq)))
(setf (start-time tween) end)
(setf end (end-time tween))))))
-(defmethod add-after ((first tween) (second tween-seq))
- (push first (tweens second))
- (correct-sequencing second)
- second)
-(defmethod add-after ((first tween-seq) (second tween-seq))
- (setf (tweens first)
- (append (tweens first) (tweens second)))
- (correct-sequencing first)
- first)
-;; TODO perhaps a little slow b/c of the unnecessary calls to correct-sequencing
-;; in the intermediate steps
-(defun join (tween1 tween2 &rest tweens)
- (let ((tween (add-after tween1 tween2)))
- (dolist (tw tweens)
- (setf tween (add-after tween tw)))
- tween))
+(defmethod (setf start-time) (val (ob tween-seq))
+ (unless (tweens ob) (error "Cannot set start time of empty sequence."))
+ (setf (start-time (car (tweens ob))) val)
+ (correct-sequencing ob)
+ val)
+(defmethod duration ((ob tween-seq))
+ "NIL means that the tween is infinitely looping."
+ (unless (tweens ob) (error "Cannot determine the duration of an empty sequence."))
+ (with-slots (tweens loop-mode) ob
+ (match loop-mode
+ (:looping nil)
+ (:reflecting nil)
+ ((list _ max _)
+ (* max
+ (reduce #'+ tweens :key #'duration :initial-value 0)))
+ (nil
+ (reduce #'+ tweens :key #'duration :initial-value 0)))))
+(defun reset-child-loops (seq)
+ ;; Resets LOOP-MODEs that have counts to whatever their initial count was.
+ ;; Does the same for all tweens in the sequence that might themselves be
+ ;; TWEEN-SEQ instances
+ (dolist (sub (tweens seq))
+ (when (typep sub tween-seq)
+ (reset-child-loops seq)))
+ (with-slots (loop-mode) seq
+ (when (consp loop-mode)
+ (setf (nth 2 loop-mode)
+ (nth 1 loop-mode)))))
+;; TODO implmeent the reflecting tween behavior
+(defun apply-looping (seq now)
+ ;; Applies any looping in order to see if, after doing so, a runnable tween
+ ;; becomes available.
+ (with-slots (loop-mode) seq
+ (match loop-mode
+ (:looping
+ ;; If you're simply looping, you need to make sure each non-infinite subloop
+ ;; be reset.
+ (reset-child-loops seq)
+ ;; then set the start time to right now and correct start times of the
+ ;; subsequent loops
+ (setf (start-time seq) now)
+ (car (tweens seq)))
+ ((list :looping _ n)
+ (when (plusp n)
+ (decf (nth 2 loop-mode))
+ (reset-child-loops seq)
+ (setf (start-time seq) now)
+ (car (tweens seq)))) )))
+ ;; (:reflecting
+ ;; (reverse-tween seq)
+ ;; (car (tweens seq)))
+ ;; ((list :reflecting max n)
+ ;; (when (plusp n)
+ ;; (decf (nth 2 loop-mode))
+ ;; (reverse-tween seq)
+ ;; (car (tweens seq)))))))
+(defmethod run-tween ((ob tween-seq) time)
+ (let-when (tween (or
+ ;; find the first unfinished tween in the sequence
+ (find-if-not (lambda (tween)
+ (tween-finished-p tween time))
+ (tweens ob))
+ ;; otherwise apply any looping configuration on the sequence
+ ;; and apply the tween that results
+ (apply-looping ob time)))
+ (run-tween tween time)))
+;;; Interface Implementations for TWEEN-GROUP
+(defmethod start-time ((ob tween-group))
+ (loop :for tw :in (members ob) :minimizing (start-time tw)))
+(defmethod (setf start-time) (val (ob tween-group))
+ (unless (members ob) (error "Can't setf the start time on an empty group"))
+ (let* ((old-start-time (start-time ob))
+ (offset (- now old-start-time)))
+ (dolist (tween (members ob))
+ (incf (start-time tween) offset))
+ val))
+(defmethod duration ((ob tween-group))
+ (when (members ob)
+ (let ((start-time (start-time ob))
+ (end-time (loop :for tw :in (members ob) :maximizing (end-time tw))))
+ (- end-time start-time))))
+(defmethod run-tween ((ob tween-group) now)
+ (dolist (tween (members ob))
+ (run-tween tween now)))
+;;; Sequencing operations
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index 5f739c5..e79e1a7 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -2,13 +2,25 @@
(defpackage #:animise
(:use #:cl #:lettuce)
+ (:import-from #:trivia #:match)
- #:make-tween
- #:end-time
+ #:tween-seq
+ #:tween-group
+ #:start-time
+ #:duration
+ #:run-tween
+ #:in-sequence
+ #:end-time
+ #:add-to-group
+ #:as-group