path: root/src
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1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/app.lisp b/src/app.lisp
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index 0000000..812081f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app.lisp
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+;;;; app.lisp -- definition of CLI options and entry point.
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Colin Okay
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(defpackage #:oneliners.cli.app
+ (:use #:cl #:net.didierverna.clon)
+ (:local-nicknames (#:a #:alexandria)
+ (#:cli #:oneliners.cli)))
+(in-package :oneliners.cli.app)
+(defparameter +ol-version+ "0.6.0")
+(defparameter +invite-help-text+
+ "
+New contributor accounts are added to the your oneliners server by
+redeeming invite tokens.
+When the --redeem option is passed, the ARGS section is expected to be
+three items long, and is interpreted as TOKEN USERNAME PASSWORD. E.g.:
+ ol --redeem PHONEYTOKEN c00lhacker my1337pw
+Would attempt to make a new user named c00lhacker with password
+(defparameter +oneliners-variables-help-text+
+Oneliners may contain variables. There are positional variables and
+named variables.
+POSITIONAL VARIABLES appear in the oneliner as a # followed by a
+number, which must 1 or greater. For example:
+ echo Hello #1, Happy #2
+The #1 and #2 are a positional variables. You might call the above
+ ol --run 8 Doofus Tuesday
+Assuming that the above oneliner has ID 8, then \"Hello Doofus,
+ Happy Tuesday\" would print to the console.
+NAMED VARIABLES are similar. They appear in the oneliner as # followed
+by a letter in the Roman alphabet, followed by any sequence of Roman
+letters, numbers, or the symbol _. For example:
+ echo Hello #name you get a #thing
+The #name and #thing are named variables. You might call the above like so:
+ ol --run 3 name=Goober thing='sock in the nose'
+Which should print \"Hello Goober you get a sock in the nose\".
+Finally, you can MIX POSITIONAL AND NAMED VARIABLES so long as, when
+you run the oneliner, all positional variables appear first.
+(defparameter +configure-your-edtior+
+ "Adding explainations for oneliners, either with --add or --edit,
+will use a default system editor. If you do not like the default
+editor you may configure it by the exporting the EDITOR environment
+variable to whatever you prefer.
+E.g. in your .bashrc you might put
+export EDITOR=/usr/bin/zile
+(defsynopsis (:postfix "[ARGUMENTS ...]")
+ (group (:header "SEARCH OPTIONS")
+ (text :contents "By default, ARGUMENTS are interpeted as search terms for oneliners. For example:")
+ (text :contents "$ ol grep awk # search for oneliners involving both grep and awk")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (lispobj :long-name "limit"
+ :argument-type :optional
+ :argument-name "NUMBER"
+ :default-value 10
+ :description "The maximum number of results to return."
+ :typespec 'integer)
+ (flag :long-name "all-flagged"
+ :description "Request that only flagged oneliners are returned. Without any ARGUMENTS, simply returns all flagged oneliners.")
+ (flag :long-name "not-flagged"
+ :description "Request that no flagged oneliners are returned with the search results. Does nothing without ARGUMENTS")
+ (flag :long-name "newest"
+ :description "Return newest oneliners that match. Without any ARGUMENTS, simply returns the newest oneliners."))
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (group (:header "EXECUTION OPTIONS")
+ (text :contents "Several options override the default interpretation of ARGUMENTS.")
+ (text :contents "Execution options interpret the first argument as the identifier of a oneliner: ")
+ (text :contents "$ ol <EXECUTION OPTION> <NAME or ID> [MORE ARGUMENTS...]")
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (flag :long-name "run"
+ :description "Executes a oneliner by NAME or ID. See also help topic 'variables'.")
+ (flag :long-name "clip"
+ :description "Like --run, but puts the oneliner into the clipboard."))
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (group (:header "OTHER OPTIONS")
+ (flag :long-name "show"
+ :description "View all information for the oneliner given by NAME or ID")
+ (lispobj :long-name "timeout"
+ :argument-type :optional
+ :argument-name "SECONDS"
+ :default-value 2
+ :typespec 'integer
+ :description "How long to wait for standard output before giving up."))
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (group (:header "HELP OPTIONS")
+ (flag :long-name "whois"
+ :description "View information about a contributor. The first argument is a contributor handle.")
+ (flag :long-name "help"
+ :description "Print help for a topic. Topics: wiki, account, invites, variables, editor")
+ (flag :long-name "version"
+ :description "Print the client's version"))
+ (group (:header "Advanced Options" :hidden t)
+ (flag :long-name "clear-cache"
+ :description "Clears all cached search results from your system."))
+ (group (:header "Editor" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents +configure-your-edtior+))
+ (group (:header "Variables" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents +oneliners-variables-help-text+))
+ (group (:header "Wiki" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Options For Managing Oneliners")
+ (flag :long-name "add"
+ :description "Intaractively add a oneliner and update the wiki.")
+ (flag :long-name "edit"
+ :description "Interactively edit a oneliner and update the wiki.")
+ (flag :long-name "flag"
+ :description "Flag a oneliner for review.")
+ (flag :long-name "unflag"
+ :description "If you have admin priviliges, unflag a oneliner.")
+ (flag :long-name "lock"
+ :description "If you have admin priviliges, lock a oneliner from being edited.")
+ (flag :long-name "unlock"
+ :description "If you have admin priviliges, unlock a oneliner."))
+ (group (:header "Account" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents "Options for Managing Your Contributor Account")
+ (flag :long-name "login"
+ :description "Attempt to login to your contributor account. ARGS are interpreted as USERNAME PASSWORD.")
+ (flag :long-name "logout"
+ :description "Revoke your own access token.")
+ (flag :long-name "change-password"
+ :description "Change your password. ARGS are interpreted as CURRENTPW NEWPW NEWPWAGAIN")
+ (flag :long-name "change-signature"
+ :description "Change your contributor signature. You will be prompted."))
+ (group (:header "Invites" :hidden t)
+ (text :contents " ")
+ (text :contents "Options For Making Invites and Redeeming Tokens")
+ (flag :long-name "invite"
+ :description "Request an invite token to send to a friend.")
+ (flag :long-name "redeem"
+ :description "Redeem an invite token.")
+ (text :contents +invite-help-text+)))
+(defun find-group-with-header (header)
+ "This function should be built in. Is it? How to know? The
+documentation is both extensive and trash. Any manual that expects
+you to go to sleep with it at night is written for the author more
+than the users."
+ (loop for item in (net.didierverna.clon::items *synopsis*)
+ when (and (typep item 'net.didierverna.clon::group)
+ (string-equal header (net.didierverna.clon::header item)))
+ return item))
+(defun prepare-oneliner-arguments (arguments)
+ "Takes a list of arguments, as gathered by (REMAINDER), and returns
+ a list that looks like (ID-OR-NAME . ARGS) where ID-OR-NAME is
+ either an integer or a string."
+ (a:if-let (id (parse-integer (first arguments) :junk-allowed t))
+ (cons id (rest arguments))
+ arguments))
+(defun main ()
+ "Entry point for our standalone application."
+ (make-context)
+ (handler-case
+ (let ((arguments (remainder)))
+ (cond
+ ((getopt :long-name "version")
+ (format t "Oneliner CLI Version: ~a~%" +ol-version+))
+ ((getopt :long-name "help")
+ (if (and arguments (find-group-with-header (first arguments)))
+ (help :item (find-group-with-header (first arguments)))
+ (help))
+ (uiop:quit))
+ ((getopt :long-name "whois")
+ (assert (first arguments) () "--whois requires an argument, a user handle.")
+ (cli::show-contributor (first arguments)))
+ ((getopt :long-name "redeem")
+ (assert (= 3 (length arguments)) () "--redeem requires exatly three arguments.")
+ (destructuring-bind (token name pass) arguments
+ (cli::redeem-invite token name pass)))
+ ((getopt :long-name "login")
+ (assert (= 2 (length arguments)) () "--login requires exactly two arguments.")
+ (destructuring-bind (user pass) arguments
+ (cli::login user pass)))
+ ((getopt :long-name "change-password")
+ (assert (= 3 (length arguments)) () "--change-password requires exactly three arguments." )
+ (destructuring-bind (current new repeated) arguments
+ (cli::change-pw current new repeated)))
+ ((getopt :long-name "change-signature")
+ (cli::change-signature))
+ ((getopt :long-name "invite")
+ (cli::request-invite-code))
+ ((getopt :long-name "logout")
+ (cli::revoke-access))
+ ((getopt :long-name "add")
+ (cli::add-new-oneliner))
+ ((and (null arguments) (getopt :long-name "all-flagged"))
+ (cli::all-flagged-oneliners (getopt :long-name "limit")))
+ ((and (null arguments) (getopt :long-name "newest"))
+ (cli::newest-oneliners (getopt :long-name "limit")))
+ ((getopt :long-name "clear-cache")
+ (cli::wipe-cache))
+ (arguments
+ (destructuring-bind (id-or-name . args) (prepare-oneliner-arguments arguments)
+ (cond
+ ((getopt :long-name "flag")
+ (cli::flag-item id-or-name ))
+ ((getopt :long-name "unflag")
+ (cli::unflag-item id-or-name))
+ ((getopt :long-name "lock")
+ (cli::lock-item id-or-name ))
+ ((getopt :long-name "unlock")
+ (cli::unlock-item id-or-name ))
+ ((getopt :long-name "edit")
+ (cli::edit-item id-or-name ))
+ ((getopt :long-name "show")
+ (cli::print-item-explanation id-or-name))
+ ((getopt :long-name "clip")
+ (cli::run-item id-or-name args
+ :force-clip t
+ :timeout (getopt :long-name "timeout")))
+ ((getopt :long-name "run")
+ (cli::run-item id-or-name args
+ :timeout (getopt :long-name "timeout")))
+ (t
+ (cli::search-for-oneliners arguments
+ (getopt :long-name "limit")
+ (getopt :long-name "not-flagged")
+ (getopt :long-name "all-flagged")
+ (getopt :long-name "newest")))))
+ (uiop:quit))
+ (t
+ (help)))
+ (uiop:quit))
+ (error (e)
+ (format *error-output* "~%ERROR: ~a~%" e)
+ (uiop:quit))
+ (#+sbcl sb-sys:interactive-interrupt
+ #+ccl ccl:interrupt-signal-condition
+ #+ecl ext:interactive-interrupt
+ ()
+ (format t "Aborted by User Interrupt.~%")
+ (uiop:quit))))