path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib.lisp b/src/lib.lisp
index b87ffc6..d990b22 100644
--- a/src/lib.lisp
+++ b/src/lib.lisp
@@ -157,10 +157,11 @@ the directories that appear in the value of that variable."
(nth n contents)))))
(defmacro with-cached-result ((olvar n &optional idp) &body body)
- (a:with-gensyms (nvar)
- `(let ((,nvar ,n))
+ (a:with-gensyms (nvar idpvar)
+ `(let ((,nvar ,n)
+ (,idpvar ,idp))
(assert (plusp ,nvar) () "Item number must be 1 or greater")
- (a:if-let (,olvar ,(if idp `(cached-result ,nvar t) `(cached-result (1- ,nvar))))
+ (a:if-let (,olvar (if ,idpvar (cached-result ,nvar t) (cached-result (1- ,nvar))))
(progn ,@body)
(format t "Could not find the oneliner specified by ~a~%" ,nvar)))))
@@ -172,29 +173,29 @@ the directories that appear in the value of that variable."
-(defun flag-item (item-number)
- (with-cached-result (ol item-number)
+(defun flag-item (item-number &optional idp)
+ (with-cached-result (ol item-number idp)
(:host (host))
(api:put--oneliner-entry-flag (getf ol :id) :token (api-token) :value "true"))))
-(defun unflag-item (item-number)
- (with-cached-result (ol item-number)
+(defun unflag-item (item-number &optional idp)
+ (with-cached-result (ol item-number idp)
(:host (host))
(api:put--oneliner-entry-flag (getf ol :id) :token (api-token) :value "false"))))
-(defun lock-item (item-number)
- (with-cached-result (ol item-number)
+(defun lock-item (item-number &optional idp)
+ (with-cached-result (ol item-number idp)
(:host (host))
(api:put--oneliner-oneliner-locked (getf ol :id) :token (api-token) :value "true"))))
-(defun unlock-item (item-number)
- (with-cached-result (ol item-number)
+(defun unlock-item (item-number &optional idp)
+ (with-cached-result (ol item-number idp)
(:host (host))
@@ -249,12 +250,20 @@ the directories that appear in the value of that variable."
(handle-run-oneliner oneliner (or force-clip (equalp runstyle "manual"))))))
(defun run-item (item-number args &key by-id force-clip (timeout nil timeout-p))
- (let ((*ol-output-timeout* (if timeout-p timeout *ol-output-timeout*)))
- (if by-id
- (with-cached-result (ol item-number t)
- (bind-vars-and-run-oneliner ol args force-clip))
- (with-cached-result (ol item-number)
- (bind-vars-and-run-oneliner ol args force-clip)))))
+ (let ((*ol-output-timeout* (if timeout-p timeout *ol-output-timeout*))
+ (found nil))
+ (with-cached-result (ol item-number by-id)
+ (setf found t)
+ (bind-vars-and-run-oneliner ol args force-clip))
+ (when (and by-id (not found))
+ (format t "Trying to fetch that oneliner with id ~a from the wiki.~%" item-number)
+ (a:if-let ((ol
+ (api:request-with (:host (host))
+ (jonathan:parse
+ (api::get--oneliner-entry item-number)))))
+ (progn (bind-vars-and-run-oneliner ol args force-clip)
+ (merge-into-cache (list ol)))
+ (format t "Still couldn't find it. Is something wrong?")))))
(defun valid-oneliner-string-p (string)
(and (not (find #\newline string))
@@ -329,10 +338,10 @@ the directories that appear in the value of that variable."
(api:post--oneliner :token (api-token))
(format t "Added~%"))))
-(defun edit-item (n)
+(defun edit-item (n &optional idp)
(assert (api-token) () "Cannot edit a oneliner without an api token.")
- (with-cached-result (ol n)
+ (with-cached-result (ol n idp)
(let* ((oneliner
(prompt "Oneliner: "
:expect 'valid-oneliner-string-p
@@ -377,7 +386,9 @@ the directories that appear in the value of that variable."
:content-type "application/json")
(api:patch--oneliner-entry-edit (getf ol :id) :token (api-token))
- (update-history-item n new-item)
+ (if idp
+ (update-history-item n new-item)
+ (update-cached-item new-item))
(format t "OK~%"))))))
(defun request-invite-code ()
@@ -480,7 +491,15 @@ the directories that appear in the value of that variable."
(ol (nth (1- n) results)))
(when ol
(setf (nth (1- n) results) (append item ol))
- (cache-search-results-to-last-search-file results)))))
+ (cache-search-results-to-last-search-file results))))
+ (merge-into-cache (list item)))
+(defun update-cached-item (item)
+ (let* ((history (with-open-file (input (last-search-file)) (read input)))
+ (pos (position (getf item :id) history :key (lambda (x) (getf item :id)))))
+ (if pos
+ (update-history-item (1+ pos) item)
+ (merge-into-cache (list item)))))
(defun cache-search-results-to-last-search-file (results)
(with-open-file (output (last-search-file) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)