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index 67a78cc..3772e96 100644
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* Murder Mystery Game Prototype
+** Summary
ideally a small city/village simulator where there are many independent actors
all doing their routines. one of them gets triggered by something and commits
a murder. they will continue to murder any time their pattern is triggered until
@@ -447,6 +447,106 @@ its ~death-countown~, but I'm not quite prepared for that at this moment.
(setf status 'dead)))
+* Events
+** Summary
+Rather than logging every single thing that happens in the sim, perhaps we can
+emit Events when something significant happens. As devs wanting to inspec the
+simulation, it might be nice to see every action one of the actors takes. Thus,
+we can emit an event when an actor changes targets, but don't have to do anything
+if they keep looking at the same one.
+Its relatively the same to how the log function in the code (as i write this)
+is only logging when the killer winks, someone dies, or target switches.
+But this is data! It makes up the timeline of the simulation, and one list of
+events can describe a whole game. It could be visualized by stepping through it
+or perhaps showing it all laid out as one with certain events highlighted.
+Giving some structure to this fact rather than just logging it into a buffer
+gives us some more flexibility to displaying it down the road.
+So we should ad a slot to ~mafia-game~ to be a list of ~mafia-event~ objects.
+Each event could have a reference to the actor who caused it, the current ~tick~
+or ~round~ when it happened (gotta clear up this time model), and some message
+or other data. Specializing event types could allow us to use some generic
+function like ~mafia-display-event~ and each type could use the base behavior or
+something more specialized as needed.
+** ~mafia-event~ classes
+#+name: mafia-event-class
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (defclass mafia-event nil
+ ((tick
+ :initarg :tick
+ :custom number
+ :label "Time of occurance"
+ :documentation "The tick of the parent game when the event happened")
+ (actor-id
+ :initarg :actor-id
+ :custom number
+ :label "Actor ID"
+ :documentation "The id of the actor who caused event.")
+ (message
+ :initarg :message
+ :custom string
+ :label "Event message"
+ :documentation "Freeform text string for an event message"))
+ "Base class for events that happen during a mafia simulation.")
+ (defclass mafia-retarget-event (mafia-event)
+ ((old
+ :initarg :old
+ :custom number
+ :label "ID of previous target")
+ (new
+ :initarg :new
+ :custom number
+ :label "ID of new target")))
+#+RESULTS: mafia-event-class
+: mafia-retarget-event
+** ~mafia-event-log~ methods
+The base method handles formatting the log string and sticking in all the relevant
+data from the event object. The ~&rest extra~ in the argument list lets this method
+take an unspecified number of optional extra parameters. We can pass down additional
+pre-formatted strings from specialized methods and log all of those with
+~(apply #'mafia-log extra-strings)~. The log string will look something like this
+(subject to change):
+ =000389: mafia-event actor 3 --- msg: pooop=
+#+name: base-mafia-log-event
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (cl-defmethod mafia-log-event ((event mafia-event) &rest extra-strings)
+ (with-slots (tick actor-id message) event
+ (let ((format-string "%06d: %s actor %d --- msg: %s")
+ (event-type (eieio-object-class event)))
+ (mafia-log format-string tick event-type actor-id
+ (propertize message 'face 'font-lock-string-face))
+ (when extra-strings (apply #'mafia-log extra-strings)))))
+Lets specialize for the retarget event class, and we can ~cl-call-next-method~
+to pass control to the base ~mafia-log-event~ method.
+#+name: retarget-mafia-log-event
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (cl-defmethod mafia-log-event ((event mafia-retarget-event))
+ (with-slots (actor-id old new) event
+ (cl-call-next-method event (format "%02d focuses from %02d to %02d" actor-id old new))))
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (mafia-log-event
+ (mafia-retarget-event
+ :tick 389 :actor-id 3 :message "foo" :old 2 :new 8))
* Emacs "UI"
we can use an emacs buffer and all of the ways we have to manipulate text to