diff options
authorshoshin <>2023-04-14 21:50:14 -0500
committershoshin <>2023-04-14 21:50:14 -0500
commit21b58059a35527cb59a02f2748bb71341443274e (patch)
parente5c77ceaca623d6d8d9ee932b66f1a0f8a6fdfe3 (diff)
Feat: pull & persist all Steam Games & Achievements
7 files changed, 170 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e02b6c0..0b7f373 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/arclade.asd b/arclade.asd
index c1e8829..dfcca50 100644
--- a/arclade.asd
+++ b/arclade.asd
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
:version "0.0.1"
:serial t
- (#:bknr.datastore
+ (#:alexandria
+ #:bknr.datastore
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@
:components ((:file "package")
+ (:file "utilities")
(:file "arclade")
(:file "model")
(:file "steam")))
diff --git a/arclade.lisp b/arclade.lisp
index e7ce65c..eb34688 100644
--- a/arclade.lisp
+++ b/arclade.lisp
@@ -44,8 +44,9 @@
:content-type "text/html")
(defun start ()
- (setf *config* (make-instance 'config))
+ (setf *config* (config-from-file #P"config.lisp"))
(init-db *config*)
- (setf *server* (lzb:create-server))
- (lzb:install-app *server* (lzb:app 'arclade))
- (lzb:start-server *server*))
+ ;; (setf *server* (lzb:create-server))
+ ;; (lzb:install-app *server* (lzb:app 'arclade))
+ ;; (lzb:start-server *server*)
+ )
diff --git a/config.lisp.example b/config.lisp.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a65b185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.lisp.example
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+(:steam-user-id "xxxx"
+ :steam-key "XXXX")
diff --git a/model.lisp b/model.lisp
index ce537cf..3f0e4a1 100644
--- a/model.lisp
+++ b/model.lisp
@@ -1,31 +1,78 @@
;;;; model.lisp
+(in-package :arclade)
(defclass player ()
((name :initarg :name :reader name)
(games :accessor games)))
-(defclass game ()
- ((name :initarg :name :reader name)
+(defclass game (db:store-object)
+ ((name :initarg :name :reader name
+ :index-type idx:string-unique-index
+ :index-reader game-with-name
+ :index-values all-games)
(rating :accessor rating)
(playtime :accessor playtime)
(icon-url :accessor icon-url)
- (last-played :accessor last-played)))
+ (last-played :accessor last-played))
+ (:metaclass db:persistent-class))
(defclass steam-game (game)
- ((appid :initarg :appid :reader appid)))
+ ((appid :initarg :appid :reader appid
+ :index-type idx:unique-index
+ :index-initargs (:test #'equal)
+ :index-reader steam-game-with-appid))
+ (:metaclass db:persistent-class))
(defmethod print-object ((object steam-game) stream)
(format stream "#<STEAM GAME ~a>" (name object)))
-(defclass feat ()
- ((game :initarg :game :reader game)
- (player :initarg :player :reader player)
- (date :accessor date
- :initform (multiple-value-list (date-calc:today-and-now)))
- (description :accessor description :initform "")))
-(defclass achievement (feat)
- ((name :initarg :name :reader name)))
+(defclass feat (db:store-object)
+ ((game
+ :reader game
+ :initarg :game
+ :initform (error "Feats must belong to a GAME.")
+ :type game
+ :index-type idx:hash-index
+ :index-reader feats-for-game
+ :documentation "Game object to which this feat belongs.")
+ (name
+ :initarg :name
+ :reader name
+ :type string
+ :initform ""
+ :documentation "Optional name of the feat.")
+ (fulfillment
+ :initarg :fulfillment
+ :initform nil
+ :accessor fulfillment
+ :documentation "Ideally a date and time when the feat was fulfilled.
+If nil, implies the feat is yet to be fulfilled.")
+ (description
+ :initarg :description
+ :accessor description
+ :initform ""
+ :type string
+ :documentation "Free text feat flattery."))
+ (:metaclass db:persistent-class)
+ (:documentation "Base class for a notable event performed in GAME.
+ Castlevania - 2003-10-31 (guess)
+ Defeated Dracula and finished the game!"))
(defclass score (feat)
- ((points :initarg :points :accessor points)))
+ ((points :initarg :points :accessor points))
+ (:metaclass db:persistent-class)
+ (:documentation "Feat subclass specific to score based games."))
+(defclass steam-achievement (feat)
+ ((icongray :accessor icongray)
+ (icon :accessor icon)
+ (apiname :accessor apiname))
+ (:metaclass db:persistent-class)
+ (:documentation "Feat with Steam specific slots."))
+;;; "queries"
+(defun feats-fulfilled ()
+ (remove-if-not #'fulfillment (db:store-objects-with-class 'feat)))
diff --git a/steam.lisp b/steam.lisp
index 8d61514..5bc49a8 100644
--- a/steam.lisp
+++ b/steam.lisp
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+(in-package :arclade)
(defvar steam-host "")
(defun set-steam-key (key)
@@ -14,60 +16,119 @@
;; an array named "item" containing several objects following the "item" structure).
;; * Null is represented as JSON's null.
(defun steam-games-uri ()
+ "Builds the uri & query params to get owned games for the configured steam id."
:host steam-host
:path "IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames/v0001/"
:query (quri:url-encode-params `(("key" . ,(steam-key *config*))
- ("steamid" . ,(steam-user-id *config*))
- ("include_appinfo" . "true"))))))
+ ("steamid" . ,(steam-user-id *config*))
+ ("include_appinfo" . "true"))))))
(defun fetch-steam-games ()
+ "Fetch configured user's steam games and return parsed JSON."
(derrida:with-keypaths ((games :|response| :|games|))
- (drakma:http-request (steam-games-uri))))
+ (drakma:http-request (steam-games-uri))))
-(defun make-steam-game (json)
+(defun make-steam-game (data)
+ "Make a STEAM-GAME instance from DATA, a parsed JSON form from Steam's API."
(with-plist ((id :|appid|) (playtime :|playtime_forever|) (name :|name|)
- (icon-url :|img_icon_url|) (last-played :|rtime_last_played|))
- json
+ (icon-url :|img_icon_url|) (last-played :|rtime_last_played|))
+ data
(let ((game (make-instance 'steam-game :name name :appid id)))
(setf (playtime game) playtime
- (icon-url game) icon-url
- (last-played game) last-played)
+ (icon-url game) icon-url
+ (last-played game) last-played)
+(defun steam-game-schema-uri (game)
+ "Returns URI and query params to get detailed info about a game.
+ gameName (string)
+ Steam internal (non-localized) name of game.
+ gameVersion (int)
+ Steam release version number currently live on Steam.
+ availableGameStats
+ achievements (Optional) (array)
+ name (string)
+ API Name of achievement.
+ defaultvalue (int)
+ Always 0 (player's default state is unachieved).
+ displayName (string)
+ Display title string of achievement.
+ hidden (int)
+ If achievement is hidden to the user before earning
+ achievement, value is 1. 0 if public.
+ description (string)
+ Display description string of achievement.
+ icon (string)
+ Absolute URL of earned achievement icon art.
+ icongray (string)
+ Absolute URL of un-earned achievement icon art."
+ (quri:render-uri
+ (quri:make-uri-http
+ :host steam-host
+ :path "ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame/v2/"
+ :query (quri:url-encode-params `(("key" . ,(steam-key *config*))
+ ("appid" . ,(appid game))
+ ("l" . "en"))))))
+(defun fetch-steam-game-schema (game)
+ (derrida:with-keypaths ((achievements :|game| :|availableGameStats| :|achievements|))
+ (json:parse
+ (flexi-streams:octets-to-string
+ (drakma:http-request (steam-game-schema-uri game))))
+ achievements))
(defun steam-achievements-uri (game)
+ "Builds uri & query params for configured steam id's achievements for GAME."
:host steam-host
:path "ISteamUserStats/GetPlayerAchievements/v0001/"
:query (quri:url-encode-params `(("key" . ,(steam-key *config*))
- ("steamid" . ,(steam-user-id *config*))
- ("appid" . ,(appid game))
- ("l" . "en"))))))
+ ("steamid" . ,(steam-user-id *config*))
+ ("appid" . ,(appid game))
+ ("l" . "en"))))))
(defun fetch-steam-achievements (steam-game)
(derrida:with-keypaths ((success :|playerstats| :|success|)
- (achievements :|playerstats| :|achievements|))
+ (achievements :|playerstats| :|achievements|))
- (drakma:http-request (steam-achievements-uri steam-game))))
+ (drakma:http-request (steam-achievements-uri steam-game))))
(when success achievements)))
-(defun steam-game-schema-uri (game)
- "Returns URI and query params to get detailed info about a game. This is where
-the image links for achievements can be found."
- (quri:render-uri
- (quri:make-uri-http
- :host steam-host
- :path "ISteamUserStats/GetSchemaForGame/v2/"
- :query (quri:url-encode-params `(("key" . ,(steam-key *config*))
- ("appid" . ,(appid game))
- ("l" . "en"))))))
+(defun make-steam-achievement (game schema stats)
+ (with-plist ((icon :|icon|) (icongray :|icongray|))
+ schema
+ (with-plist ((name :|name|) (desc :|description|) (time :|unlocktime|)
+ (achieved :|achieved|) (apiname :|apiname|))
+ stats
+ (db:with-transaction ()
+ (let ((rec (make-instance 'steam-achievement
+ :game game :name name :description desc)))
+ (setf (icon rec) icon
+ (icongray rec) icongray
+ (apiname rec) apiname)
+ (unless (zerop achieved)
+ (setf (fulfillment rec) (epoch-time time)))
+ rec)))))
+(defun load-steam-games ()
+ "Fetch and wrap STEAM-GAMES as persistent objects.
+WARNING! Not idempotent!"
+ (db:with-transaction ()
+ (loop for data in (fetch-steam-games)
+ do (make-steam-game data))))
+(defun load-achievement-data (game)
+ (loop for schema in (fetch-steam-game-schema game)
+ for achievements in (fetch-steam-achievements game)
+ do (make-steam-achievement game schema achievements)))
diff --git a/utilities.lisp b/utilities.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d58eb47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utilities.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+;;; utilities.lisp
+(in-package :arclade)
+(defun read-from-file (path)
+ (read-from-string
+ (alexandria:read-file-into-string path)))
+(defvar *epoch* (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 1970)
+ "Jan 1 1970 Unix Epoch time in CL universal time.")
+(defun epoch-time (time)
+ (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time (+ *epoch* time))))