path: root/plugins.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins.lisp')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
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+;;;; Common utilities to help in building bots
+(in-package :granolin)
+;;; Logging Bot
+(defclass message-log ()
+ ((output
+ :accessor output
+ :initarg :output
+ :initform *standard-output*
+ :type stream
+ :documentation "An output stream to which messages are logged.")
+ (logging-p
+ :accessor logging-p
+ :initform t) ))
+(defun print-assoc (alist &optional (stream t))
+ (loop :for (k . v) :in alist
+ :do (format stream "~a: ~a~%" k v)))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((log message-log) (event timeline-event))
+ (when (logging-p log)
+ (print "Joined Room Message/Timeline Event" (output log))
+ (terpri (output log))
+ (let ((fields `(("room" . ,*room-id*)
+ ("sender" . ,(sender event))
+ ("event type" . ,(event-type event))
+ ("message type" . ,(msg-type event))
+ ("messge body" . ,(msg-body event))
+ ("content" . ,(event-content event)))))
+ (print-assoc fields (output log))
+ (terpri (output log)))))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((log message-log) (event room-state-event))
+ (when (logging-p log)
+ (print "Joined Room State Event" (output log))
+ (terpri (output log))
+ (let ((fields `(("room" . ,*room-id*)
+ ("sender" . ,(sender event))
+ ("event type" . ,(event-type event))
+ ("state key" . ,(state-key event))
+ ("content" . ,(event-content event)))))
+ (print-assoc fields (output log))
+ (terpri (output log)))))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((log message-log) (event account-data-event))
+ (when (logging-p log)
+ (print "Account Data Event" (output log))
+ (terpri (output log))
+ (print-assoc `(("content" . ,(event-content event))
+ ("type" . ,(event-type event)))
+ (output log))
+ (terpri (output log))))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((log message-log) (event invitation-event))
+ (when (logging-p log)
+ (print "Invitation Event" (output log))
+ (terpri (output log))
+ (let ((fields `(("room" . ,*room-id*)
+ ("sender" . ,(sender event))
+ ("event type" . ,(event-type event))
+ ("state key" . ,(state-key event))
+ ("content" . ,(event-content event)))))
+ (print-assoc fields (output log))
+ (terpri (output log)))))
+;;; A Room and User Directory Bot
+(defclass server-room ()
+ ((id :accessor room-id :initarg :id :initform (error "Must have a room-id"))
+ (name :accessor room-name :initarg :name :initform "")
+ (aliases :accessor room-aliases :initarg :aliases :initform nil)
+ (members :accessor room-members :initarg :members :initform nil)
+ (direct-p :accessor direct-p :initarg :direct-p :initform nil)))
+(defclass server-directory ()
+ ((directory-table
+ :reader directory-table
+ :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ :documentation "A table mapping room IDs to room struct instances.")
+ (m-direct-event-content
+ :accessor m-direct-event-content
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "A cached copy of the current event")))
+(defun get-room (client room-id)
+ "Get the SERVER-ROOM struct keyed by ROOM-ID, or return NIL."
+ (gethash room-id (directory-table client)))
+(defun update-room-name (client room-id name)
+ (let ((room (get-room client room-id)))
+ (if room
+ (setf (room-name room) name)
+ (setf room (make-instance 'server-room :id room-id :name name)))
+ (setf (gethash room-id (directory-table client)) room)))
+(defun update-room-member (client room-id member)
+ (let ((room (get-room client room-id)))
+ (if room
+ (pushnew member (room-members room) :test #'equal)
+ (setf room (make-instance 'server-room :id room-id :members (list member))))
+ (setf (gethash room-id (directory-table client)) room)))
+;; TODO
+(defun update-room-aliases (client room-id member)
+ (declare (ignore client room-id member)))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((client server-directory) (event room-state-event))
+ (cond
+ ((string= "" (event-type event))
+ (update-room-name client *room-id* (room-name event)))
+ ((string= "" (event-type event))
+ (update-room-member client *room-id* (sender event)))
+ ((string= "" (event-type event))
+ (update-room-aliases client *room-id* (room-aliases event)))))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((client server-directory) (event timeline-event))
+ (update-room-member client *room-id* (sender event)))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((client server-directory) (event account-data-event))
+ (when (equal "" (event-type event))
+ (setf (m-direct-event-content client) (event-content event))
+ (loop :for (user room-ids . more) :on (event-content event) :by #'cddr :do
+ (dolist (room-id room-ids)
+ (mark-as-direct client (symbol-name user) room-id)))))
+(defun mark-as-direct (client user room-id)
+ (let-if (room (get-room client room-id))
+ (progn
+ (setf (direct-p room) t)
+ (push user (room-members room))
+ (setf (gethash room-id (directory-table client)) room))
+ (setf (gethash room-id (directory-table client))
+ (make-instance 'server-room :direct-p t :members (list user) :id room-id))))
+(defun name-of-room (client room-id)
+ "Looks up the name of a room with ROOM-ID. Returns a string of NIL"
+ (let ((room (get-room client room-id)))
+ (when room (room-name room))))
+(defun find-rooms-named (client name &key like full)
+ "Looks up the room ID of rooms with the name NAME. If LIKE is T, then any room
+ whose name contains the NAME as a substring is returned. If FULL is T, then
+ the SERVER-ROOM structs themselves are returned."
+ (with-slots (directory-table) client
+ (loop :for room :being :the :hash-values :of directory-table
+ :when (or (string-equal name (room-name room))
+ (and like (search name (room-name room) :test #'string-equal)))
+ :collect (if full room (room-id room)))))
+(defun client-contacts (client)
+ "Returns a list of all users this client knows about."
+ (let (contacts)
+ (loop :for room :being :the :hash-values :of (directory-table client) :do
+ (dolist (user (room-members room))
+ (pushnew user contacts :test #'equal)))
+ contacts))
+(defun room-member-p (room name &key like)
+ (some (lambda (memb) (or (equal name memb)
+ (and like (search name memb :test #'string-equal))))
+ (room-members room)))
+;; TODO might be too nebulous. Could be split up into two functions.
+(defun find-contact (client name &key like get-direct-room)
+ "Finds a specific matrix or room ID by user name.
+ If LIKE is NIL, returns a string equal to NAME if this client has a contact
+ with that NAME, or NIL otherwise.
+ If LIKE is not NIL, returns the first matrix ID found that contains NAME as a
+ substring, or NIL if no such matrix ID is found.
+ If GET-DIRECT-ROOM is not NIL, behave as above, except return a room address
+ instead. The returned address is usable for direct chats with the contact."
+ (if get-direct-room
+ ;; return a room-id if the room is marked as direct and has name as a member
+ (with-hash-table-iterator (next-room (directory-table client))
+ (loop
+ (multiple-value-bind (theres-more room-id room) (next-room)
+ (unless theres-more (return nil))
+ (when (and (direct-p room)
+ (room-member-p room name :like like))
+ (return room-id)))))
+ ;; return a user-id
+ (find-if (lambda (contact)
+ (or (equal name contact)
+ (and like (search name contact :test #'string-equal))))
+ (client-contacts client))))
+(defun ensure-direct-room (client name &key like)
+ "Returns the room ID of a direct chat room between the bot and the user with NAME. If
+ no direct chat currently exists between the bot and the user, then an attempt will
+ be made to create one before returning the room id."
+ (let-cond
+ (room (find-contact client name :like like :get-direct-room t)
+ room)
+ (full-name (find-contact client name :like like)
+ (create-direct-message-room client full-name))))
+(defun create-direct-message-room (client name)
+ "Attempt to create a direct message room with the given name. If successful
+ the room id is returned. Returns nil and prints to *error-output* if
+ unsuccessful."
+ (let ((body (list :|invite| (list name)
+ :|is_direct| t)))
+ (send (client +create-room-path+ body :method :post :wrap make-basic-json)
+ ;; if successful
+ (let* ((room-id (getob (basic-json-data *response-object*) :|room_id|))
+ (user-key (string->json-key name))
+ (direct (m-direct-event-content client)))
+ ;; add the room to the content for the user
+ (if (getf direct user-key)
+ (push (getf direct user-key) room-id)
+ (setf (getf direct user-key) (list room-id)))
+ (setf (m-direct-event-content client) direct) ; update it here
+ (when (update-account-data client "" direct)
+ room-id))
+ ;; else
+ (format *error-output*
+ "FAILED to create private chat with ~a~%HTTP response: ~a ~a~%"
+ name *response-status*
+ (flexi-streams:octets-to-string *response-body*)))))
+;;; Basic Joiner Bot
+(defclass auto-joiner () ())
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((client auto-joiner) (event invitation-event))
+ (when (equal "invite"
+ (getf (event-content event) :|join_rule|))
+ (join-room client *room-id*)))