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authorBoutade <>2019-09-28 22:33:31 -0500
committerBoutade <>2019-09-28 22:33:31 -0500
commitc34fc605de6bd9e41cf4ca964c9a9ae431e5ebf3 (patch)
parent5dcd748a84bf756c6261b9e1aa2284b791d48bea (diff)
ROSHAMBO is working!
4 files changed, 175 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/examples/roshambot.lisp b/examples/roshambot.lisp
index fd6bf36..fcb3198 100644
--- a/examples/roshambot.lisp
+++ b/examples/roshambot.lisp
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
(defpackage #:roshambot
- (:use :cl)
- (:import-from :granolin
- :handle-event
- :find-contact
- :text-message-event
- :send-text-message
- :let-cond))
+ (:use :cl :granolin))
+ ;; (:import-from :granolin
+ ;; :handle-event
+ ;; :find-contact
+ ;; :text-message-event
+ ;; :send-text-message
+ ;; :let-cond))
(in-package :roshambot)
@@ -31,46 +31,170 @@
(defstruct roshambo-match
- challenger-state
+ challenger-room
+ challenger-move
- challenged-state)
+ challenged-room
+ challenged-move)
(defclass roshambot ()
- ((match-id
- :accessor match-id
- :initform 0)
- (live-matches
+ ((live-matches
:accessor live-matches
:initform nil)))
(defparameter +challenge-regex+
- (ppcre:create-scanner "i challenge ([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+) to roshambo"
+ (ppcre:create-scanner " ?i challenge ([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+) to roshambo"
:case-insensitive-mode t))
(defun you-wanna-piece-of-this!? (str)
"If the string communicates one user's intention to challenge another to
roshambo, returns the name of the user that has been challenged. Returns NIL otherwise."
- (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings +challenge-regex+ str)))
+ (let-when (groups (nth-value 1 (ppcre:scan-to-strings +challenge-regex+ str)))
+ (aref groups 0)))
+(defparameter +roshambo-move-regex+
+ (ppcre:create-scanner "(rock|paper|scissors|cancel)" :case-insensitive-mode t))
+(defun roshambo-move!? (str)
+ (nth-value 0 (ppcre:scan-to-strings +roshambo-move-regex+ str)))
(defmethod handle-event :after ((bot roshambot) (event text-message-event) &optional room-id)
- (let ((text (msg-body event)))
+ (let ((text (granolin:msg-body event)))
(challenged (you-wanna-piece-of-this!? text)
- (handle-new-challenge bot room-id (sender event) challenged)))))
-(defun handle-new-challenge (bot room-id challenger challenged)
+ (format t "should be challenging: ~a~%" text)
+ (handle-new-challenge bot room-id (granolin:sender event) challenged))
+ (roshambo-match (challenger-made-move!? bot room-id (granolin::sender event) text)
+ (handle-match-state-change bot roshambo-match))
+ (roshambo-match (challenged-made-move!? bot room-id (granolin::sender event) text)
+ (handle-match-state-change bot roshambo-match)))))
+(defun challenger-made-move!? (bot room-id sender text)
+ (let-when (roshambo-match (find room-id (live-matches bot)
+ :key #'roshambo-match-challenger-room
+ :test #'equal))
+ (unless (roshambo-match-challenger-move roshambo-match)
+ (let-when (move (and (equal sender (roshambo-match-challenger roshambo-match))
+ (roshambo-move!? text)))
+ (setf (roshambo-match-challenger-move roshambo-match) move)
+ roshambo-match))))
+(defun challenged-made-move!? (bot room-id sender text)
+ (let-when (roshambo-match (find room-id (live-matches bot)
+ :key #'roshambo-match-challenged-room
+ :test #'equal))
+ (unless (roshambo-match-challenged-move roshambo-match)
+ (let-when (move (and (equal sender (roshambo-match-challenged roshambo-match))
+ (roshambo-move!? text)))
+ (setf (roshambo-match-challenged-move roshambo-match) move)
+ roshambo-match))))
+(defun handle-match-state-change (bot roshambo-match)
- (direct-chat (find-contact bot challenged :like t :get-direct-room t)
- )
- (let-if (full-challenged (granolin::find-contact bot challenged :like t))
- (make-new-challenge bot room-id challenger full-challenged)
- (send-text-message client room-id
- "Hey ~a, I don't know of anybody named ~a"
- challenger challenged)))
+ (cancelled-by (roshambo-cancelled!? roshambo-match)
+ (send-text-message bot (roshambo-match-room roshambo-match)
+ "The match between ~a and ~a was canceled by ~a."
+ (roshambo-match-challenger roshambo-match)
+ (roshambo-match-challenged roshambo-match)
+ cancelled-by)
+ (kill-roshambo-match bot roshambo-match))
+ (win-list (roshambo-has-winner!? roshambo-match)
+ (destructuring-bind (winner win-move loser lose-move) win-list
+ (if (eql winner :draw) ; this is a draw move
+ (send-text-message bot (roshambo-match-room roshambo-match)
+ "It's a draw! Both ~a and ~a picked ~a."
+ win-move loser lose-move)
+ (send-text-message bot (roshambo-match-room roshambo-match)
+ "~a's ~a beats ~a's ~a! ~a is the winner!~%"
+ winner win-move loser lose-move winner)))
+ (kill-roshambo-match bot roshambo-match))))
+(defun roshambo-cancelled!? (rmatch)
+ (cond ((and (roshambo-match-challenger-move rmatch)
+ (string-equal "cancel" (roshambo-match-challenger-move rmatch)))
+ (roshambo-match-challenger rmatch))
+ ((and (roshambo-match-challenged-move rmatch)
+ (string-equal "cancel" (roshambo-match-challenged-move rmatch)))
+ (roshambo-match-challenged rmatch))))
+(defun roshambo-has-winner!? (rsb)
+ (with-slots (challenger challenger-move challenged challenged-move) rsb
+ (when (and challenger-move challenged-move
+ (not (string-equal "cancel" challenger-move))
+ (not (string-equal "cancel" challenged-move)))
+ (cond ((string-equal challenger-move challenged-move)
+ (list :draw challenger challenged challenger-move)) ; both had same move
+ ((and (string-equal "rock" challenger-move)
+ (string-equal "scissors" challenged-move))
+ (list challenger challenger-move challenged challenged-move))
+ ((and (string-equal "paper" challenger-move)
+ (string-equal "rock" challenged-move))
+ (list challenger challenger-move challenged challenged-move))
+ ((and (string-equal "scissors" challenger-move)
+ (string-equal "paper" challenged-move))
+ (list challenger challenger-move challenged challenged-move))
+ ((and (string-equal "rock" challenged-move)
+ (string-equal "scissors" challenger-move))
+ (list challenged challenged-move challenger challenger-move))
+ ((and (string-equal "paper" challenged-move)
+ (string-equal "rock" challenger-move))
+ (list challenged challenged-move challenger challenger-move))
+ ((and (string-equal "scissors" challenged-move)
+ (string-equal "paper" challenger-move))
+ (list challenged challenged-move challenger challenger-move))))))
+(defun kill-roshambo-match (bot roshambo-match)
+ (setf (live-matches bot)
+ (delete roshambo-match (live-matches bot))))
+(defun handle-new-challenge (bot room-id challenger challenged)
+ (let ((challenger-room (ensure-direct-room bot challenger))
+ (challenged-room (ensure-direct-room bot challenged :like t)))
+ (if (and (send-text-message
+ bot
+ challenger-room
+ "You have challenged ~a to roshambo. Reply with Rock, Paper, Scissors or Cancel."
+ challenged)
+ (send-text-message
+ bot
+ challenged-room
+ "~a has challenged you to roshambo. Reply with Rock, Paper, Scissors, or Cancel."
+ challenger))
+ (push (make-roshambo-match :room room-id
+ :challenger challenger
+ :challenger-room challenger-room
+ :challenger-move nil
+ :challenged (find-contact bot challenged :like t)
+ :challenged-room challenged-room
+ :challenged-move nil)
+ (live-matches bot))
+ (send-text-message bot room-id "Some kind of problem starting a roshambo match :("))))
+(defclass roshambo-bot (granolin:client granolin:server-directory roshambot) ())
+;; (defmethod handle-event :after ((bot roshambot-bot) (ev timeline-event) &optional room-id)
+;; (format t "~a - ~a:~% ~a~%" room-id (granolin::sender ev) (granolin:msg-body ev)))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((bot roshambo-bot) (ev text-message-event) &optional room-id)
+ (format t "~a - ~a:~% ~a~%" room-id (granolin::sender ev) (granolin:msg-body ev)))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((bot roshambo-bot)
+ (ev granolin::account-data-event)
+ &optional room-id)
+ (format t "~a ~a" (event-type ev) (event-content ev)))
+(defvar *roshambot* (make-instance 'roshambo-bot
+ :homeserver ""))
diff --git a/granolin.lisp b/granolin.lisp
index 96af47c..76e7441 100644
--- a/granolin.lisp
+++ b/granolin.lisp
@@ -326,7 +326,6 @@
*response-status* +sync-path+))))
(defun handle-sync-response (client)
- (print *response-object*)
(setf (next-batch client)
(next-batch *response-object*))
(process-joined-events client)
diff --git a/utility-apps.lisp b/utility-apps.lisp
index 9ef8cde..8395805 100644
--- a/utility-apps.lisp
+++ b/utility-apps.lisp
@@ -124,6 +124,12 @@
(update-room-aliases client room-id (room-aliases event)))))
(defmethod handle-event :after ((client server-directory)
+ (event timeline-event)
+ &optional room-id)
+ (update-room-member client room-id (sender event)))
+(defmethod handle-event :after ((client server-directory)
(event account-data-event)
&optional room-id)
(declare (ignore room-id))
@@ -131,10 +137,16 @@
(setf (m-direct-event-content client) (event-content event))
(loop :for (user room-ids . more) :on (event-content event) :by #'cddr :do
(dolist (room-id room-ids)
- (mark-as-direct client room-id)))))
+ (mark-as-direct client (symbol-name user) room-id)))))
-(defun mark-as-direct (client room-id)
- (setf (direct-p (get-room client room-id)) t))
+(defun mark-as-direct (client user room-id)
+ (let-if (room (get-room client room-id))
+ (progn
+ (setf (direct-p room) t)
+ (push user (room-members room))
+ (setf (gethash room-id (directory-table client)) room))
+ (setf (gethash room-id (directory-table client))
+ (make-instance 'server-room :direct-p t :members (list user) :id room-id))))
(defun name-of-room (client room-id)
"Looks up the name of a room with ROOM-ID. Returns a string of NIL"
@@ -162,7 +174,7 @@
(defun room-member-p (room name &key like)
(some (lambda (memb) (or (equal name memb)
(and like (search name memb :test #'string-equal))))
- (members room)))
+ (room-members room)))
;; TODO might be too nebulous. Could be split up into two functions.
(defun find-contact (client name &key like get-direct-room)
@@ -202,6 +214,8 @@
(create-direct-message-room client full-name))))
(defun create-direct-message-room (client name)
"Attempt to create a direct message room with the given name. If successful
the room id is returned. Returns nil and prints to *error-output* if
@@ -219,6 +233,8 @@
(push (getf direct user-key) room-id)
(setf (getf direct user-key) (list room-id)))
+ (setf (m-direct-event-content client) direct) ; update it here
(when (update-account-data client "" direct)
;; else
diff --git a/utils.lisp b/utils.lisp
index 9dd07b5..691685f 100644
--- a/utils.lisp
+++ b/utils.lisp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(in-package :granolin )
(defun string->json-key (s)
- (format nil ":|~a|" s))
+ (read-from-string (format nil ":|~a|" s)))