diff options
-rw-r--r--src/build.lisp (renamed from build.lisp)0
-rw-r--r--src/dnd.lisp (renamed from dnd.lisp)2
-rw-r--r--src/endpoints.lisp (renamed from endpoints.lisp)69
-rw-r--r--src/flash.lisp (renamed from flash.lisp)0
-rw-r--r--src/init.lisp (renamed from init.lisp)0
-rw-r--r--src/model.lisp (renamed from model.lisp)82
-rw-r--r--src/package.lisp (renamed from package.lisp)0
-rw-r--r--src/queries.lisp (renamed from queries.lisp)12
-rw-r--r--src/transactions.lisp (renamed from transactions.lisp)2
-rw-r--r--src/utilities.lisp (renamed from utilities.lisp)4
27 files changed, 321 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/dnd.asd b/dnd.asd
index 5a982d6..2720764 100644
--- a/dnd.asd
+++ b/dnd.asd
@@ -22,13 +22,28 @@
- :components ((:file "package")
- (:file "utilities")
- (:file "model")
- (:file "queries")
- (:file "transactions")
- (:file "flash")
- (:file "pages")
- (:file "endpoints")
- (:file "init")
- (:file "dnd")))
+ :components ((:module "src"
+ :serial t
+ :components ((:file "package")
+ (:file "utilities")
+ (:file "model")
+ (:file "queries")
+ (:file "transactions")
+ (:file "flash")
+ (:file "names")
+ (:file "render")
+ (:module "views"
+ :serial t
+ :components ((:file "components")
+ (:file "hero")
+ (:file "player")
+ (:file "quest")
+ (:file "hazard")
+ (:file "campaign")))
+ (:module "pages"
+ :serial t
+ :components ((:file "doorkeeper")
+ (:file "tavern")))
+ (:FILE "endpoints")
+ (:file "init")
+ (:file "dnd")))))
diff --git a/pages.lisp b/pages.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 378156a..0000000
--- a/pages.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-;;;; pages.lisp -- html generation functions for dnd
-(in-package :dnd)
-(defgeneric render (view object &key)
- (:documentation "Render OBJECT as VIEW. VIEW could be anything, but it is intended to
-be a keyword for usin in EQL method specializers."))
-(defmacro defrender (view (spec &rest kwargs) &body body)
- "A helper macro for defining specializations of render."
- (let ((viewvar (gensym)))
- `(defmethod render ((,viewvar (eql ,view)) ,spec &key ,@kwargs)
- ,@body)))
-(defrender :list ((data list) (class "listview") (item-class "listitem"))
- "A catch all for rendering lists of renderable data items as unordered
-lists. CLASS is the lass string for the containing list. ITEM-CLASS is
-the class string for the contained list items."
- (with-html
- (:ol :class class
- (dolist (item data)
- (:li (render :list-item item :class item-class))))))
-(defrender :three-column-layout (data)
- "A catch all specialization for rendering data in three columns. You
-must specialize :left :milsddle :right on your desired data type."
- (with-html
- (:div :class "three-column-layout"
- (:div :class "left-column" (render :left data))
- (:div :class "middle-column" (render :middle data))
- (:div :class "right-column" (render :right data)))))
-;;; Object-Endpoint Helpers
-(defgeneric url-path-to (obj)
- (:documentation "Return a string that is the absolute url path to OBJ."))
-(defmethod url-path-to ((obj campaign))
- (format nil "/campaign/~a" (urlify (title obj))))
-;;; PAGES
-(defmacro with-page ((&key title) &body body)
- "A helper macro fordefining some standard page boilerplate."
- `(with-html-string
- (:doctype)
- (:html
- (:head
- (:title ,title))
- (:body
- ,@body))))
-(defclass/std doorkeeper ()
- ((message)))
-(defun doorkeeper (&key (message "Come ye player, Wot's yer name?"))
- (render :page (make-instance 'doorkeeper :message message )))
-(defrender :page ((page doorkeeper))
- (with-page (:title "Tavern Door")
- (:h1 (message page))
- (:form :method "POST" :action "/tavern-door"
- (:label :for "NICK" "Wut's yer handle?:")
- (:input :name "NICK")
- (:button :type "submit" "Announce Thyself"))
- (:h2 "Eh? Ye need to announce thyeself?")
- (:a :href "/register" "Follow me...")))
-(defclass/std goddess-shrine () ())
-(defrender :page ((page goddess-shrine))
- (with-page (:title "A Sacred Shrine")
- (:header
- (:h1 "Pray and become a hero..."))
- (:form :method "POST" :action "/godess-shrine"
- (:label :for "NAME" "Enter the epithet by which the ages shall know thy hero:")
- (:input :name "NAME")
- (:button :type "submit" "Pray To The Goddess"))))
-(defclass/std player-registration () ())
-(defrender :page ((page player-registration))
- (with-page (:title "Register Player")
- (:header
- (:h1 "Choose a Nickname Player"))
- (:form :method "POST" :action "/register"
- (:label :for "NICK" "Choose a nickname. No spaces. Letters, Numbers, and -._")
- (:input :name "NICK" :placeholder "superbob")
- (:button :type "submit" "Register"))))
-(defun register ()
- (render :page (make-instance 'player-registration)))
-(defclass/std tavern ()
- ((player alerts)))
-(defun tavern (player)
- (render :page (make-instance 'tavern :player player)))
-(defrender :page ((tavern tavern))
- (with-page (:title "A Bustling Tavern")
- (render :three-column-layout tavern)))
-(defrender :text-page ((tavern tavern))
- (let ((player (player tavern)))
- (with-html
- (render :details player)
- (render :list (player-heroes player))
- (:a :href "/spymaster" "Report a Roguish Rumour...")
- ;; (:table
- ;; (:tr (:td (:h4 "Your Heroes"))
- ;; (:td (:h4 "Your Campaigns")))
- ;; (:tr (:td (:h4 "Gossip & Gab"))
- ;; (:td (:h4 "Comrades in Arms"))))
- )))
-(defrender :list-item ((hero hero))
- (with-html
- (with-slots ((name campaign) hero)
- (:p name "the" (hero-class hero) (hero-title hero)
- (when campaign
- (:span "who is off in the campaign")
- (:span (render :inline campaign)))))))
-(defrender :inline ((campaign campaign))
- (with-html
- (:a :href (url-path-to campaign) (title campaign))))
-(defrender :left ((tavern tavern))
- (let ((player (player tavern)))
- (with-html
- (render :details player)
- (:h4 "Your Heroes")
- (render :list (player-heroes player)))))
-(defrender :middle ((tavern tavern))
- (with-html
- (:h4 "Your Campaigns ")
- (render :list (player-campaigns (player tavern)))))
-(defrender :right ((tavern tavern))
- (with-html
- (:h4 "Gossip & Gab")
- (render :list (alerts tavern))
- (:h4 "Comrades in Arms")
- (render :list (fetch-comrades (player tavern)))))
-(defrender :details ((player player))
- (with-html
- (:div :class "player details"
- (:h3 "Welcome " (player-nick player)))))
-(defun navbar ()
- (with-html
- (:nav :class "navbar" :aria-label "Navigation"
- (:div :class "logo" :aria-label "DND logo" "DND")
- (:ul :class "nav-links" :aria-label "Nav links"
- (:li (:a :href "/hero" :aria-label "Hero profile" "🧝"))
- (:li (:a :href "/inventory" :aria-label "Inventory" "πŸŽ’"))
- (:li (:a :href "/quests" :aria-label "Quests" "πŸ“œ"))
- (:li (:a :href "/tavern" :aria-label "Tavern" "🍺"))))))
-(defun hall-of-heroes ()
- (with-html
- (:ul :class "hall-of-heroes"
- (dolist (hero (all-heroes))
- (:li (hero-name hero)
- "the"
- (hero-class hero)
- (hero-title hero))))))
diff --git a/build.lisp b/src/build.lisp
index 8bb5ec5..8bb5ec5 100644
--- a/build.lisp
+++ b/src/build.lisp
diff --git a/dnd.lisp b/src/dnd.lisp
index 7f7dc77..ae5ae86 100644
--- a/dnd.lisp
+++ b/src/dnd.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
(defvar *dnd-arena* nil
"The instance of the HTTP server")
-(defun conjure-arena ()
+(defun start ()
(setf *dnd-arena* (lzb:create-server))
(lzb:install-app *dnd-arena* (lzb:app 'dnd))
diff --git a/endpoints.lisp b/src/endpoints.lisp
index 96e3876..e33682b 100644
--- a/endpoints.lisp
+++ b/src/endpoints.lisp
@@ -9,29 +9,6 @@
(defparameter +session-cookie-name+ "dnd-session")
-(defgeneric unique-name (object)
- (:documentation "Returns a unique name for an object, or NIL if it does not have one.")
- (:method ((ob t)) nil))
-(defmethod unique-name ((campaign campaign))
- (campaign-title campaign))
-(defmethod unique-name ((hero hero))
- (hero-name hero))
-(defgeneric urlpath (inflection object)
- (:documentation "Return the path to the object given a particular")
- (:method ((inflection t) (object has-uid))
- "If the object has a unique human readable name, urlify that name and
-incorporate it into the urlpath. Otherwise use the object's uid.
-Returns /inflection/class/identifier."
- (format nil "~a/~a/~a"
- (urlify inflection)
- (urlify (class-name (class-of object)))
- (urlify (or (unique-name object) (uid object))))))
@@ -53,12 +30,15 @@ I.e. It should be called within the scope of a request handler."
"Returns T if user agent string matches on a list of known text browsers."
(some (lambda (s) (search s user-agent)) '("Emacs" "Lynx" "w3m")))
-(defun page-render-mode (user-agent)
+(defun page-render-mode (&optional user-agent)
"Given the USER-AGENT string from request headers, returns a symbol which
indicates which render mode to use. For example if Emacs is the user-agent,
return :text-12mode."
- (cond ((text-browser-p user-agent) :text-page)
- (t :page)))
+ (let ((user-agent
+ (or user-agent
+ (lzb:request-header :user-agent))))
+ (cond ((text-browser-p user-agent) :text-page)
+ (t :page))))
(defmacro with-session ((player &key session (redirect "/tavern-door")) &body body)
(let ((session (or session (gensym "SESSION"))))
@@ -100,35 +80,36 @@ functions in url parameters in endpoint definitions."
(defendpoint* :get "/" () ()
(redirect-to "/tavern"))
(defendpoint* :get "/tavern-door" () ()
"Tavern door is where the player logs into the system."
- (a:if-let (name (flashed-value :tavern-door))
- (doorkeeper :message (format nil "Ne'er 'erd of ye ~a" name))
- (doorkeeper)))
+ (let ((doorkeeper
+ (make-instance 'doorkeeper :message (or (flashed-value :tavern-door) ""))))
+ (render (page-render-mode)
+ doorkeeper)))
(defendpoint* :post "/tavern-door" () ()
- (with-plist ((nick :nick)) (lzb:request-body)
- (a:if-let ((player (player-with-nick (string-trim " " nick))))
- (a:when-let ((sesh (new-sesh player)))
- (lzb:set-response-cookie +session-cookie-name+ (session-id sesh)
- :path "/" :domain "localhost") ; TODO: generalize domain
+ (with-plist ((nick :nickname)) (lzb:request-body)
+ (a:if-let ((player
+ (player-with-nick (string-trim " " nick))))
+ (a:when-let ((sesh
+ (new-sesh player)))
+ (lzb:set-response-cookie
+ +session-cookie-name+ (session-id sesh)
+ :path "/" :domain "localhost") ; TODO: generalize domain
(redirect-to "/tavern"))
(flash :tavern-door nick)
(redirect-to "/tavern-door")))) )
-(defendpoint* :get "/register" () ()
- (register))
+(defendpoint* :get "/join" () ()
+ (render (page-render-mode) :join))
-(defendpoint* :post "/register" () ()
+(defendpoint* :post "/join" () ()
"Registers a new player"
- (with-checked-plist ((nick :nick 'a-valid-nick)) (lzb:request-body)
+ (with-checked-plist ((nick :nickname 'a-valid-nick)) (lzb:request-body)
(register-player nick)
(redirect-to "/tavern-door")))
@@ -136,12 +117,12 @@ functions in url parameters in endpoint definitions."
(defendpoint* :get "/tavern" () ()
(with-session (me)
- (render (page-render-mode (lzb:request-header :user-agent))
+ (render (page-render-mode)
(make-instance 'tavern :player me))))
(defendpoint* :get "/godess-shrine" () ()
(with-session (player)
- (godess-shrine)))
+ (render (page-render-mode) :goddess-shrine)))
(defendpoint* :post "/godess-shrine" () ()
(with-session (player)
@@ -154,5 +135,5 @@ functions in url parameters in endpoint definitions."
(with-checked-plist ((title :title 'a-short-string)) (lzb:request-body)
(let ((campaign
(create-campaign creator title)))
- (redirect-to (urlpath :details campaign))))))
+ (redirect-to (urlpath campaign))))))
diff --git a/flash.lisp b/src/flash.lisp
index b655fa0..b655fa0 100644
--- a/flash.lisp
+++ b/src/flash.lisp
diff --git a/init.lisp b/src/init.lisp
index 68b2a16..68b2a16 100644
--- a/init.lisp
+++ b/src/init.lisp
diff --git a/model.lisp b/src/model.lisp
index fef01da..49cd03a 100644
--- a/model.lisp
+++ b/src/model.lisp
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
(defun renown (hero)
(experience hero)) ; TODO: real implementaiton
-;;; persistent mixins
(defclass has-uid ()
((nuid :reader uid
:initform (nuid)
@@ -51,22 +52,24 @@
(defclass has-chronicle ()
((chronicle :accessor chronicle :initform nil))
(:metaclass db:persistent-class)
- (:documentation "A chronicle is a general purpose log of events. It stores a single slot that"))
+ (:documentation "A chronicle is a general purpose log of events."))
(defparameter +standard-humanoid-equipment+
'(:head :neck :torso :waist :legs :feet :arms :left-fingers :right-fingers
:left-holding :right-holding :cloak)
"The equipment slots for standard humanoids")
-;; abstract class
(defclass game-object (db:store-object has-uid has-chronicle)
(:metaclass db:persistent-class))
(defclass player (db:store-object has-uid)
- :reader player-nick
- :initarg :nick
+ :reader nickname
+ :initarg :nickname
:initform (error "Players must have a nick")
:type string
:index-type idx:string-unique-index
@@ -83,50 +86,55 @@
:documentation "Salt for this hero's password hash."))
(:metaclass db:persistent-class))
-;; a user
+;; TODO expiration?
+(defclass session (db:store-object)
+ ((player :reader session-player
+ :initarg :player)
+ (id :reader session-id
+ :initform (nuid)
+ :index-type idx:string-unique-index
+ :index-reader session-with-id))
+ (:metaclass db:persistent-class))
(defclass hero (game-object has-bag can-equip)
- :accessor hero-name
+ :accessor name
:initarg :name
:initform (error "Heroes must be named")
:type string
:index-type idx:string-unique-index
:index-reader hero-known-as)
- :reader hero-player
+ :reader player
:initarg :player
:type player
:index-type idx:hash-index
:index-reader player-heroes)
- (campaign
- :accessor hero-campaign
- :initarg :campaign
+ (quest
+ :accessor quest
+ :initarg :quest
:initform nil
- :type campaign
- :documentation "A hero may be in at most one campaign at a time."))
+ :type (or nil quest)
+ :documentation "The quest that this hero is on. A hero may be on only one quest at a time."))
(:metaclass db:persistent-class))
-;; TODO expiration?
-(defclass session (db:store-object)
- ((player :reader session-player
- :initarg :player)
- (id :reader session-id
- :initform (nuid)
- :index-type idx:string-unique-index
- :index-reader session-with-id))
- (:metaclass db:persistent-class))
+(defmethod campaign ((hero hero))
+ (a:when-let (quest (quest hero))
+ (campaign quest)))
(defclass campaign (game-object)
- :reader campaign-creator
+ :reader creator
:initarg :creator
:initform (error "campaigns must have a creator")
:type player
:documentation "The player instance of the user who made this campaign.")
- :accessor campaign-seers
+ :accessor seers
:initarg :seers
:initform nil
:type (or nil (cons player))
@@ -137,7 +145,7 @@
:initform (error "A campaign needs a title")
:type string)
- :accessor campaign-rumors
+ :accessor rumors
:initform nil
:type (or nil (cons rumor))
:documentation "Beasts, Monsters, and Hazards rumored to be lurking about."))
@@ -146,14 +154,14 @@
(defclass rumor (db:store-object)
- :reader rumor-reporter
+ :reader reporter
:initarg :reporter
:type player
:documentation "The player who hast reported the vile rumor.")
- (content
- :accessor rumor-content
- :initform (error "A rumor must have content")
- :initarg :content
+ (reported
+ :accessor reported
+ :initform (error "A rumor must contain some reported matter")
+ :initarg :reported
:type string
:documentation "A description of the supposed peril that awaits heroes in a particular campaign."))
(:metaclass db:persistent-class)
@@ -161,7 +169,7 @@
(defclass quest (game-object)
- :reader quest-campaign
+ :reader campaign
:initarg :campaign
:initform (error "No quest can fall outside the scope of a campaign.")
:type campaign
@@ -169,7 +177,7 @@
:index-reader quests-in-campaign
:documentation "The campaign to which this quest belongs")
- :accessor quest-name
+ :accessor name
:initarg :name
:type string
:initform (format nil "~a" (gensym "QUEST")))
@@ -179,12 +187,6 @@
:type integer
:initform nil
:documentation "When all hope becomes lost.")
- (heroes
- :accessor heroes-on-quest
- :initarg :heroes
- :initform nil
- :type (or nil (cons hero))
- :documentation "A list of heroes in this quest. Join and flight dates are logged in the chronicle.")
:accessor quest-inception
:initform nil
@@ -220,7 +222,7 @@
(:metaclass db:persistent-class)
(:documentation "Hazard is a superclass for all hazards encountered in a quest. It's chronicle includes data about which heroes fought and which overcame."))
-;; (defclass monster ())
diff --git a/src/names.lisp b/src/names.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cc64af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/names.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+;;;; names.lisp -- a protocol for getting the names of things, and
+;;;; generally referring to objects with strings.
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defgeneric unique-name (object)
+ (:documentation "Returns a unique name for an object, or NIL if it does not have one.")
+ (:method ((ob t)) nil))
+(defmethod unique-name ((campaign campaign))
+ (campaign-title campaign))
+(defmethod unique-name ((hero hero))
+ (hero-name hero))
+(defgeneric urlpath (object)
+ (:documentation "Return the path to the object given a particular")
+ (:method ((object has-uid))
+ "If the object has a unique human readable name, urlify that name and
+incorporate it into the urlpath. Otherwise use the object's uid.
+Returns /inflection/class/identifier."
+ (format nil "/~a/~a"
+ (urlify (class-name (class-of object)))
+ (urlify (or (unique-name object) (uid object))))))
diff --git a/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp
index 20a16d0..20a16d0 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/src/package.lisp
diff --git a/src/pages.lisp b/src/pages.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7e5673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+;;;; pages.lisp -- html generation functions for dnd
+(in-package :dnd)
+;;; PAGES
diff --git a/src/pages/doorkeeper.lisp b/src/pages/doorkeeper.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..560637d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/doorkeeper.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+;;;; pages/doorkeeper.lisp -- announce yourself and enter the hero's tavern
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defclass/std doorkeeper ()
+ ((message)))
+;; the t specialization works for all render targets
+(defrender t ((page doorkeeper))
+ (with-page (:title "Tavern Door")
+ (:h1 (message page))
+ (:form :method "POST" :action "/tavern-door"
+ (:label :for "NICKNAME" "Wut's yer handle?:")
+ (:input :name "NICKNAME")
+ (:button :type "submit" "Announce Thyself"))
+ (:h2 "Eh? Ye need to announce thyeself?")
+ (:a :href "/join" "Follow me...")))
diff --git a/src/pages/goddess-shrine.lisp b/src/pages/goddess-shrine.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b25e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/goddess-shrine.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+;;;; pages/goddess-shrine.lisp
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defrender t ((page (eql :goddess-shrine)))
+ (with-page (:title "A Sacred Shrine")
+ (:header
+ (:h1 "Pray and become a hero..."))
+ (:form :method "POST" :action "/godess-shrine"
+ (:label :for "NAME" "Enter the epithet by which the ages shall know thy hero:")
+ (:input :name "NAME")
+ (:button :type "submit" "Pray To The Goddess"))))
diff --git a/src/pages/join-gaming-group.lisp b/src/pages/join-gaming-group.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e758ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/join-gaming-group.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+;;;; pages/join-gaming-group.lisp
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defrender t ((page (eql :join-gaming-group)))
+ (with-page (:title "Register Player")
+ (:header
+ (:h1 "Choose a Nickname Player"))
+ (:form :method "POST" :action "/register"
+ (:label :for "NICK" "Choose a nickname. No spaces. Letters, Numbers, and -._")
+ (:input :name "NICK" :placeholder "superbob")
+ (:button :type "submit" "Register"))))
diff --git a/src/pages/join.lisp b/src/pages/join.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b48d102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/join.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+;;;; pages/join-gaming-group.lisp
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defrender t ((page (eql :join)))
+ (with-page (:title "Register Player")
+ (:header
+ (:h1 "Choose a Nickname Player"))
+ (:form :method "POST" :action "/join"
+ (:label :for "NICKNAME" "Choose a nickname. No spaces. Letters, Numbers, and -._")
+ (:input :name "NICKNAME" :placeholder "superbob")
+ (:button :type "submit" "Register"))))
diff --git a/src/pages/tavern.lisp b/src/pages/tavern.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79b0e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/tavern.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+;;;; pages/tavern.lisp -- enter the tavern
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defclass/std tavern ()
+ ((player)))
+(defrender t ((tavern tavern))
+ (let ((player (player tavern)))
+ (with-html
+ (render :details player)
+ (render :list (player-heroes player))
+ (:a :href "/spymaster" "Report a Roguish Rumour...")
+ ;; (:table
+ ;; (:tr (:td (:h4 "Your Heroes"))
+ ;; (:td (:h4 "Your Campaigns")))
+ ;; (:tr (:td (:h4 "Gossip & Gab"))
+ ;; (:td (:h4 "Comrades in Arms"))))
+ )))
diff --git a/queries.lisp b/src/queries.lisp
index 4538c75..c657979 100644
--- a/queries.lisp
+++ b/src/queries.lisp
@@ -5,9 +5,17 @@
(defun all-heroes ()
(db:store-objects-with-class 'hero))
+(defun player-quests (player)
+ "Return all quests in which one of player's heroes is engaged."
+ (remove nil (mapcar #'quest (player-heroes player))))
(defun player-campaigns (player)
- "Return a list of campaigns that that player is involved in."
- (remove nil (mapcar #'hero-campaign (player-heroes player))))
+ "Return a list of campaigns one of the players' heroes is involved in."
+ (mapcar #'campaign (player-quests player) ))
+(defun campaign-heroes (campaign)
+ ""
+ )
(defun campaign-heros (campaign &key (activep t))
"All the heros actively involved in this CAMPAIGN. If ACTIVEP, then
diff --git a/src/render.lisp b/src/render.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..140e1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/render.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+;;;; render.lisp -- render protocol and tools
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defgeneric render (view object &key)
+ (:documentation "Render OBJECT as VIEW. VIEW could be anything, but it is intended to
+be a keyword for usin in EQL method specializers."))
+(defmacro defrender (view (spec &rest kwargs) &body body)
+ "A helper macro for defining specializations of render."
+ (let ((viewvar (gensym)))
+ `(defmethod render ((,viewvar ,(if (eq t view) t `(eql ,view))) ,spec &key ,@kwargs)
+ ,@body)))
+(defmacro with-page ((&key title) &body body)
+ "A helper macro fordefining some standard page boilerplate."
+ `(with-html-string
+ (:doctype)
+ (:html
+ (:head
+ (:title ,title))
+ (:body
+ ,@body))))
diff --git a/transactions.lisp b/src/transactions.lisp
index acfa8c2..ad9c9e8 100644
--- a/transactions.lisp
+++ b/src/transactions.lisp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
(defun register-player (nick)
(db:with-transaction ()
- (make-instance 'player :nick nick)))
+ (make-instance 'player :nickname nick)))
(defun create-campaign (player title)
(db:with-transaction ()
diff --git a/utilities.lisp b/src/utilities.lisp
index fee21fe..1e16931 100644
--- a/utilities.lisp
+++ b/src/utilities.lisp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
(and (characterp thing)
(<= 0 (char-code thing) 127)))
-(defun/t urlify (string)
+(defun/t urlify (string &optional (sub #\-))
"Canonical transformation for strings that makes them appropriate for urls."
(equal ("THIS IS COOL") "this-is-cool")
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
(equal ("Mc'this is ΞΊoΓΆl ") "mc-this-is-o-l")
- #\-
+ sub
diff --git a/src/views/campaign.lisp b/src/views/campaign.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e1498a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/campaign.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;;;; views/campaign.lisp -- views of for campaign instances
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defrender :inline ((campaign campaign))
+ (with-html
+ (:a :href (urlpath campaign) (title campaign))))
diff --git a/src/views/components.lisp b/src/views/components.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ed062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/components.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+;;;; views/components.lisp -- reusable components
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defrender :list ((data list) (class "listview") (item-class "listitem"))
+ "A catch all for rendering lists of renderable data items as unordered
+lists. CLASS is the lass string for the containing list. ITEM-CLASS is
+the class string for the contained list items."
+ (with-html
+ (:ol :class class
+ (dolist (item data)
+ (:li :class item-class (render :list-item item))))))
+(defrender :horiz-list ((data list) (class "hlistview") (item-class "listitem"))
+ (with-html
+ (:ol :class class
+ (dolist (item data)
+ (:li :calss item-class (render :list-item item))))))
+(defun navbar ()
+ (with-html
+ (:nav :class "navbar" :aria-label "Navigation"
+ (:div :class "logo" :aria-label "DND logo" "DND")
+ (:ul :class "nav-links" :aria-label "Nav links"
+ (:li (:a :href "/hero" :aria-label "Hero profile" "🧝"))
+ (:li (:a :href "/inventory" :aria-label "Inventory" "πŸŽ’"))
+ (:li (:a :href "/quests" :aria-label "Quests" "πŸ“œ"))
+ (:li (:a :href "/tavern" :aria-label "Tavern" "🍺"))))))
diff --git a/src/views/hazard.lisp b/src/views/hazard.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a842c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/hazard.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+;;;; hazard.lisp -- views of hazard insances
+(in-package :dnd)
diff --git a/src/views/hero.lisp b/src/views/hero.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7387901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/hero.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+;;;; views/hero.lisp
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defrender :list-item ((hero hero))
+ (with-html
+ (with-slots ((name campaign) hero)
+ (:p name "the" (hero-class hero) (hero-title hero)
+ (when campaign
+ (:span "who is off in the campaign")
+ (:span (render :inline campaign)))))))
diff --git a/src/views/player.lisp b/src/views/player.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..087848e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/player.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+;;;; views/player.lisp
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defrender :details ((player player))
+ (with-html
+ (:div :class "player details"
+ (:h3 "Welcome " (nickname player)))))
diff --git a/src/views/quest.lisp b/src/views/quest.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0312dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/quest.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+;;;; views/quest.lisp
+(in-package :dnd)
diff --git a/src/views/rumor.lisp b/src/views/rumor.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90f56ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/rumor.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+;;;; views/rumor.lisp
+(in-package :dnd)