BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
clos-page-sketchingWIP: sketches of clos pages with render defgenericGrant Shangreaux15 months
colins-hackingAdd: path to adventure pages; stuff to asd file; some endpointscolin14 months
mainClean: double defvarsGrant Shoshin Shangreaux14 months
mini-marathonAdd: I dunno. lots of little thingscolin14 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-03-07Add: path to adventure pages; stuff to asd file; some endpointscolins-hackingcolin
2023-03-07Add: reporting rumorscolin
2023-03-07Add: growing an app skeletoncolin
2023-03-06Add: basic page stub to view an adventurecolin
2023-03-06Add: adventure creationcolin
2023-03-06Altered: s/campaign/adventure globallycolin
2023-03-05Fix: many little bugscolin
2023-03-05Fix: tavern pagecolin
2023-03-05Remove: pages.lisp, join-gaming-group.lisp;colin
2023-03-05Moved build.lisp back to root dircolin