diff options
authorGrant Shoshin Shangreaux <>2023-01-07 11:12:15 -0600
committerGrant Shoshin Shangreaux <>2023-01-07 11:12:15 -0600
commitaee7f487f97c10c15b6c7b48156cc95db19d9137 (patch)
parent9a040d4e78ab07eb9c482a40042f2ba92d2a8e3b (diff)
First Draft of hero creation and login
8 files changed, 105 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad8eab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+* Four fings for wargfood
+** DONE Make Heroes
+ - [X] route to serve the form
+ - [X] form to enter a name
+ - [X] route handler to take the post & persist object
+** DONE Enter the tavern
+ - [X] Wot's Yer Name, Fella? (make the form)
+ - [X] handle post (set a cookie/header)
+ - [X] make a tavern page
+** TODO Make Campaigns
+** TODO Make Monsters (in campaigns)
+** TODO Attack Monsters (assign heroes / change status)
+* More fings for wargfood
+** TODO Setup Auth / User Reg
+** TODO Deploy
diff --git a/api.lisp b/api.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index cecacb4..0000000
--- a/api.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-;;;; api.lisp -- http routes for dnd
-(in-package :dnd)
-(lzb:provision-app (api)
- :title "Dungeons & Deadlines"
- :version "0.1.0"
- :prefix "/api"
- :content-type "application/json"
- :auth 'default-auth)
-(defun default-auth (&rest ignore)
- (declare (ignore ignore))
- t)
-(defendpoint* :get "/hall-of-legends" ((filter-by identity))
- (:auth t)
- "Get a list of heros sorted by renown"
- (json:to-json
- (list :heroes
- (sort (copy-seq (db:store-objects-with-class 'hero))
- #'>
- :key #'renown))))
diff --git a/dnd.lisp b/dnd.lisp
index a5cb0a4..3c80f2b 100644
--- a/dnd.lisp
+++ b/dnd.lisp
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
;;;; dnd.lisp
(in-package #:dnd)
+(defvar *dnd-arena* nil
+ "The instance of the HTTP server")
+(defun conjure-arena ()
+ (setf *dnd-arena* (lzb:create-server))
+ (lzb:install-app *dnd-arena* (lzb:app))
+ (lzb:start-server *dnd-arena*))
diff --git a/model.lisp b/model.lisp
index 8605ace..46bf4e3 100644
--- a/model.lisp
+++ b/model.lisp
@@ -62,6 +62,16 @@
:documentation "Salt for this hero's password hash."))
(:metaclass db:persistent-class))
+;; TODO expiration?
+(defclass session (db:store-object)
+ ((hero :reader session-hero
+ :initarg :hero)
+ (id :reader session-id
+ :initform (nuid)
+ :index-type idx:string-unique-index
+ :index-reader session-with-id))
+ (:metaclass db:persistent-class))
;; aka an issue
;; (defclass monster (can-equip has-uid)
;; ((name)
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index 2c7bff8..a844c56 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -6,10 +6,14 @@
(#:idx #:bknr.indices)
(#:lzb #:lazybones)
(#:re #:cl-ppcre)
- (#:json #:jonathan))
+ (#:json #:jonathan)
+ (#:a #:alexandria-2))
(:import-from #:lazybones
(:import-from #:derrida
- #:with-plist))
+ #:with-plist)
+ (:import-from #:spinneret
+ #:with-html
+ #:with-html-string))
diff --git a/pages.lisp b/pages.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bbf48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+;;;; pages.lisp -- html generation functions for dnd
+(defmacro with-page ((&key title) &body body)
+ `(with-html-string
+ (:doctype)
+ (:html
+ (:head
+ (:title ,title))
+ (:body ,@body))))
+(defun a-hero-is-born ()
+ (with-page (:title "A Hero Is Born!")
+ (:header
+ (:h1 "A Hero Is Materializing From the Void..."))
+ (:form :method "POST" :action "/a-hero-is-born"
+ (:label :for "NAME" "Thy Hero's Appelation")
+ (:input :name "NAME")
+ (:button :type "submit"))))
+(defun doorkeeper ()
+ (with-page (:title "Tavern Door")
+ (:h1 "Wot's yer name 'ero?")
+ (:form :method "POST" :action "/tavern-door"
+ (:label :for "NAME" "Thy Hero's Appelation")
+ (:input :name "NAME")
+ (:button :type "submit"))))
+(defun tavern (hero)
+ (with-page (:title "A Bustling Tavern")
+ (:h1 "Aye! Welcome " (hero-name hero))))
diff --git a/routes.lisp b/routes.lisp
index 56b6191..b1d4ff7 100644
--- a/routes.lisp
+++ b/routes.lisp
@@ -2,11 +2,43 @@
(in-package :dnd)
-(lzb:provision-app (api)
+(lzb:provision-app ()
:title "Dungeons & Deadlines"
:version "0.1.0"
- :prefix "/api"
- :content-type "application/json")
+ :content-type "text/html")
+(defparameter +session-cookie-name+ "dnd-session")
+(defendpoint* :get "/a-hero-is-born" () ()
+ (a-hero-is-born))
+(defendpoint* :post "/a-hero-is-born" () ()
+ (with-plist ((name :name)) (lzb:request-body)
+ (birth-from-the-goddess-loins name)
+ (setf (lzb:response-header :location) "/tavern-door"
+ (lzb:response-code) "303")))
+(defendpoint* :get "/tavern-door" () ()
+ (doorkeeper))
+(defendpoint* :post "/tavern-door" () ()
+ (with-plist ((name :name)) (lzb:request-body)
+ (a:if-let ((hero (hero-known-as name)))
+ (a:when-let ((sesh (new-sesh hero)))
+ (lzb:set-response-cookie +session-cookie-name+ (session-id sesh)
+ :path "/" :domain "localhost")
+ (setf (lzb:response-header :location) "/tavern"
+ (lzb:response-code) "303"))
+ (setf (lzb:response-header :location) "/tavern-door"
+ (lzb:response-code) "303"))))
+(defendpoint* :get "/tavern" () ()
+ (let ((hero (session-hero (session-with-id (lzb:request-cookie +session-cookie-name+)))))
+ (tavern hero)))
+(defun birth-from-the-goddess-loins (name)
+ (db:with-transaction ()
+ (make-instance 'hero :name name)))
+(defun new-sesh (hero)
+ (db:with-transaction () (make-instance 'session :hero hero)))
diff --git a/serialization.lisp b/serialization.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6579b92..0000000
--- a/serialization.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-;;;; serialization.lisp
-(in-package :dnd)
-(defun hall-of-fame-hero-view (hero)
- (json:to-json
- (list :name (hero-name hero)
- :uid (uid hero)
- :renown (renown hero)
- :title (hero-title hero)
- :class (hero-class hero))))