path: root/src/application.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/application.lisp')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/application.lisp b/src/application.lisp
index 62849c9..f33bb9f 100644
--- a/src/application.lisp
+++ b/src/application.lisp
@@ -2,38 +2,38 @@
(in-package #:wheelwork)
-(defclass/std application (region interactive)
- ((title :with :ri :std "Wheelwork App")
- (asset-root :ri :std #P"./" :doc "Directory under which assets are stored.")
- (asset-classifiers
- :std '(("png" png) ("ttf" font))
- :doc "ALIST of (EXT CLASS). EXT is a string, file estension. CLASS is a symbol, class name.")
- (assets :with :a :std (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
- :doc "maps asset names to asset instances.")
- (scale :with :std 1.0
- :doc "Scale factor applied before all
- rendering. Affects sizes of all object as well as the
- coordinates of mouse events.")
- (width height :with :std 800 :doc "Window dimensions in real pixels.")
- (projection :with :a :doc "The projection matrix for the scene. Orthographic by default.")
- (window :with :a)
- (refocus-on-mousedown-p
- :std t
- :doc "When T, clicking on a visible object will set the
- application focus to that object.")
- (mouse-button-events-bubble-p
- mouse-motion-events-bubble-p
- :std nil
- :doc "determines whether the search for event handlers stops at
- the first visible unit under the xy position of the mouse or
- not. ")
- (scene focus last-motion-target :with :a)
- (fps :std 30 :doc "Frames Per Second")
- (frame-wait :r))
- (:documentation "The application contains the information and data
- structures necessary for creating a window, adding display units to
- it, handling events, and loading resources. You should sublcass
- this and write your own BOOT method."))
+(def:class application (region interactive)
+ (title :prefix :ro :type string :initform "Wheelwork App")
+ ((asset-root "Directory underwhich assets are stored.")
+ :ro :type pathname :initform #P"./")
+ ((asset-classifiers "ALIST of (FILE-EXTENSION CLASS-NAME) pairs.")
+ :initform '(("png" png) ("ttf" font)))
+ ((assets "Map of asset names to asset instances")
+ :prefix :noarg :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ ((scale "Scale factor applied to all rendering and to all event targeting.")
+ :prefix :type float :initform 1.0)
+ ((width "pixel width")
+ (height "pixel height")
+ :prefix :type fixnum :initform 800)
+ ((projection "Scene projection matrix. Orthographic by default.")
+ :prefix :noarg)
+ ((window "SDL2 application window.")
+ :prefix :noarg)
+ ((refocus-on-mousedown-p "Clicking a visbile unit will set focus to that unit.")
+ :type boolean :initform t)
+ (mouse-button-events-bubble-p
+ mouse-motion-events-bubble-p
+ :type boolean :initform nil
+ :documentation "If T, handler search doesn't stop at first visble event target.")
+ ((scene "Vector of objects to be displayed")
+ :prefix :noarg :type (vector unit))
+ ((focus "Unit with current focus.")
+ (last-motion-target "Unit that last receved a mouse motion event.")
+ :prefix :noarg :type (or null unit) :initform nil)
+ ((fps "Frames per second")
+ :type fixnum :initform 30)
+ ((frame-wait "Pause between frames, in seconds")
+ :type number :ro :noarg))
(defun can-set-projection-p (app)
(and (slot-boundp app 'width)