path: root/src/endpoint.lisp
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1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/endpoint.lisp b/src/endpoint.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec1937
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+++ b/src/endpoint.lisp
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+(in-package #:weekend)
+(deftype http-method ()
+ '(member :get :post :put :patch :delete :head))
+(defun list-of-strings-p (xs)
+ (and (listp xs)
+ (every #'stringp xs)))
+(deftype list-of-strings ()
+ '(satisfies list-of-strings-p))
+(defun merge-plists (source target)
+ "Merge two plists SOURCE and TARGET. Return a plist with all elements
+ of SOURCE, plus any from target. When conflcts, source wins."
+ (let ((result (copy-seq source)))
+ (loop :for (k v . _more) :on target :by #'cddr
+ :unless (getf result k)
+ :do (setf (getf result k) v))
+ result))
+(defun class-initargs (class)
+ "Return the list of all INITARG symbols that can be supplied as
+keyword arguments to make-instance for CLASS."
+ (reduce #'append (mop:class-slots class)
+ :key #'mop:slot-definition-initargs))
+(defclass endpoint (standard-class)
+ ((route
+ :reader route
+ :initarg :raw-route
+ :type string
+ :documentation
+ "A regex string used for matching routes to dispatch this
+ endpoint. This :RAW-ROUTE or the :ROUTE-PARTS kwarg must be
+ supplied.")
+ (route-parts
+ :accessor route-parts
+ :initarg :route-parts
+ :type list-of-strings
+ :documentation
+ "A list of strings that, if present, are used to construct the ROUTE
+ to this endpoint. It is an error to supply both a :ROUTE and a
+ :ROUTE-PARTS. An example: if the ROUTE-PARTS is a b c d then
+ ROUTE will be ^a/b/c/d$")
+ (extractors
+ :reader route-extractors
+ :initarg :extractors
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation
+ "Extract and process matchines from the ROUTE regex.
+ It is provided as a list of extractor specs. Each spec should be
+ the INITARG of one of the instance class's slots, or a pair
+ consisting in an INITARG and a function to parse a regex group
+ match. There should be the same number of extractors as there
+ are regex groups in ROUTE.")
+ (method
+ :reader request-method
+ :initarg :method
+ :initform (error "Must supply a request method.")
+ :type http-method)
+ (dispatch-function
+ :accessor dispatch-function
+ :type function
+ :documentation
+ "Function in HUNCHENTOOT:*DISPATCH-TABLE*. (Re)defined whenever an
+ instance of this class is defined.")
+ (body-type
+ :reader body-type
+ :initarg :body-type
+ :initform nil
+ :type (or null string)
+ :documentation "The mimetype of the body for requests that have them.")
+ (want-body-stream
+ :reader want-body-stream
+ :initarg :want-stream
+ :initform nil
+ :type boolean
+ :documentation
+ "If T, a stream is passed to the body parser instead of a string.")
+ (content-type
+ :reader content-type
+ :initarg :content-type
+ :initform "application/json"
+ :type string
+ :documentation
+ "The content-type the handling of this request returns to the requesting client."))
+ (:documentation "Metaclass for all request types."))
+(defmethod mop:validate-superclass ((sub endpoint) (sup standard-class)) t)
+(defparameter +hunchentoot-pre-decoded-content-types+
+ '("multipart/form-data" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
+(defun pre-parsed-body-p (&optional type)
+ "Hunchentoot pre-parses bodies with Content-type multipart/form-data
+and application/x-www-form-urlencoded and stores them as an alist in
+the request's POST-PARAMETERS slot."
+ (let ((header (or type (http:header-in* :content-type))))
+ (when (stringp header)
+ (loop for prefix in +hunchentoot-pre-decoded-content-types+
+ thereis (a:starts-with-subseq prefix header)))))
+(defvar *mimetype-parsers*
+ (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+(defun lookup-body-parser (type)
+ (gethash type *mimetype-parsers*))
+(defun register-body-parser (type function)
+ (setf (gethash type *mimetype-parsers*) function))
+(define-condition unregistered-body-type (warning)
+ ((type :initarg :mimetype :type string)
+ (class :initarg :class :type symbol))
+ (:report
+ (lambda (c s)
+ (with-slots (type class) c
+ (format s
+ "
+Class ~a was defined with body type ~a, but no parser has been
+registered for that body type.
+Check your spelling or call
+ (REGEISTER-BODY-PARSER ~s <your function>)
+ class type type)))))
+(defun route-matching-regex (parts)
+ "Joins route part strings into a route-matching regular expression."
+ (format nil "^/~{~a~^/~}$" parts))
+(defun resolve-route-spec (class)
+ "If CLASS has a route spec, then it is transfomred into a route
+matching regex."
+ (cond
+ ((and (slot-boundp class 'route) (not (slot-boundp class 'route-parts)))
+ ;; we don't want to set anything, but it can't hurt to check the value
+ (unless (stringp (route class))
+ (error "Route should be a string representing a valid regular expression.")))
+ ((and (not (slot-boundp class 'route)) (slot-boundp class 'route-parts))
+ (setf (slot-value class 'route)
+ (route-matching-regex (route-parts class))))
+ (t
+ (error
+ "Exactly one of :RAW-ROUTE or :ROUTE-PARTS must be supplied to the defintion of class ~a"
+ (class-name class)))))
+(defun check-endpoint-class (class)
+ "Signals an error if any slot values are malformed.
+Good for indicating that you've got a bonkers class option syntax"
+ (assert (slot-boundp class 'route) (class) "ROUTE must be bound")
+ (with-slots
+ (route extractors method body-type want-body-stream content-type)
+ class
+ (check-type route string "a regex STRING.")
+ (check-type method http-method "an HTTP-METHOD keyword")
+ (when body-type
+ (unless (or (pre-parsed-body-p body-type)
+ (lookup-body-parser body-type))
+ (warn 'unregistered-body-type :type body-type :class (class-name class))))
+ (check-type want-body-stream boolean "a BOOLEAN")
+ (check-type content-type string "a STRING mimetype")
+ (loop
+ :with initargs := (class-initargs class)
+ :for ex :in extractors
+ :when (symbolp ex)
+ :do (assert (member ex initargs :test #'eq) (class)
+ "Extractor ~s is not a valid initarg for ~a"
+ ex (class-name class))
+ :else
+ :do (assert (do>
+ :when (listp ex)
+ :when (= 2 (length ex))
+ (arg parser) :match= ex
+ :when (member arg initargs :test #'eq)
+ (and (symbolp parser)
+ (fboundp parser)))
+ (class)
+ "Extactor ~s is not a valid extractor" ex))))
+(defun process-extractors (class)
+ "If extractors are set on CLASS, extract regex group matches. Return a
+ PLIST whose keys are the extractor spec's keywords and values are
+ the match string transformed by the extractor spec's parser.
+ E.g. If ROUTE is
+ ^/foo/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/(.+)$
+ ((:id #'parse-int) :name (:thingy #'parse-thingy))
+ /foo/33/coolbeans/niftydifty
+ Then process-extractors returns
+ (:id 33 :name \"coolbeans\" :thingy #<a thingy I guess>)"
+ (do>
+ extractors :when= (route-extractors class)
+ path := (http:script-name*)
+ route := (route class)
+ (_i1 _i2 starts ends) := (ppcre:scan route path)
+ (declare (ignore _i1 _i2))
+ (loop :for start :across starts
+ :for end :across ends
+ :for extractor :in extractors
+ :for strval := (subseq path start end)
+ :when (symbolp extractor)
+ :collect extractor
+ :and :collect strval
+ :else
+ :collect (first extractor)
+ :and :collect (funcall (second extractor) strval))))
+(defun extract-initargs (args alist &key (test #'string-equal))
+ ;; return a plist consisting of just those keys found in args who
+ ;; have values in alist. If key is in args but not in alist, then
+ ;; key will not be in the returned plist.
+ (loop :for arg :in args
+ :for pair := (assoc arg alist :test test)
+ :when pair
+ :collect arg
+ :and :collect (cdr pair)))
+(defparameter +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+
+ '(:post :put :patch))
+(defun body-expected-p ()
+ (member (http:request-method*) +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+))
+(defun collect-body (class)
+ "The body of the current request as an ALIST. If necessary, the body
+ will be parsed using CLASS's BODY-PARSER."
+ (when (body-expected-p)
+ (or (and (pre-parsed-body-p)
+ (http:post-parameters*))
+ (do>
+ parser :when= (lookup-body-parser (body-type class))
+ post-data :when= (http:raw-post-data
+ :external-format :utf8
+ :want-stream (want-body-stream class))
+ (funcall parser post-data)))))
+(defun instantiate-endpoint (class args)
+ "This attempts to instantiate CLASS, filling slots found in ARGS by
+ searching for their values in the hunchentoot:*request*.
+ Potential initarg values are found with the following priority:
+ 1. in path extractors
+ 2. in query parameters
+ 3. in the request body."
+ (let ((extracted-args
+ (process-extractors class))
+ (params-args
+ (extract-initargs args (http:get-parameters*)))
+ (body-args
+ (extract-initargs args (collect-body class))))
+ (apply #'make-instance class
+ (reduce #'merge-plists
+ (list extracted-args params-args body-args)))))
+(defun build-handler (class)
+ "Create a hunchentoot dispatch function that instantiates and handles
+ a request for the supplied class.
+ The returned handler is a thunk that sets the reply content type,
+ authenticates, authoriizes, and handles the request, returning raw
+ data to the client. "
+ (let ((init-slots
+ (class-initargs class))
+ (content-type
+ (content-type class)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (http:content-type*) (concatenate 'string content-type "; charset=utf-8"))
+ (handle (instantiate-endpoint class init-slots)))))
+(defun create-class-dispatcher (class)
+ "Creates a function that dispatches a handler function if a request
+ matches CLASS's ROUTE and METHOD slots."
+ (let ((scanner (ppcre:create-scanner (route class)))
+ (method (request-method class))
+ (handler (build-handler class)))
+ (lambda (request)
+ (and (string-equal method (http:request-method request))
+ (ppcre:scan scanner (http:script-name request))
+ handler))))
+(defun update-dispatch-function (class)
+ "If CLASS has a cached dispatch function, removes it from
+ hunchentoot's *DISPATCH-TABLE* before building a new one "
+ (when (slot-boundp class 'dispatch-function)
+ (setf http:*dispatch-table*
+ (delete (dispatch-function class) http:*dispatch-table*)))
+ (setf (dispatch-function class) (create-class-dispatcher class))
+ (push (dispatch-function class) http:*dispatch-table*))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((class endpoint) &key)
+ (mop:ensure-finalized class)
+ (resolve-route-spec class)
+ (check-endpoint-class class)
+ (update-dispatch-function class))
+(defmethod reinitialize-instance :after ((class endpoint) &key)
+ (mop:ensure-finalized class)
+ (resolve-route-spec class)
+ (check-endpoint-class class)
+ (update-dispatch-function class))