path: root/src/protocol.lisp
diff options
authorcolin <colin@cicadas.surf>2024-05-04 11:05:12 -0700
committercolin <colin@cicadas.surf>2024-05-04 11:05:12 -0700
commit19792479f89c763b6267399f3a66db6cbe8f10f3 (patch)
tree243e39be674b54adef79622629d86d893b7c3942 /src/protocol.lisp
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/protocol.lisp')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/protocol.lisp b/src/protocol.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19a4791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+(in-package #:weekend)
+(defvar *debugging* nil
+ "If T, the debugger will be evoked.")
+(define-condition protocol-error (error)
+ ((raw-request
+ :reader raw-request
+ :initarg :raw-request
+ :documentation "The server backend's request object, if available")
+ (class
+ :reader endpoint-class
+ :initarg :class
+ :documentation "The class registered to handle the raw-request.")
+ (note
+ :reader note
+ :initform nil
+ :initarg :note
+ :type (or null string))
+ (status-code
+ :reader status-code
+ :initform nil
+ :initarg :status-code
+ :type (or nil (integer 100 599))))
+ (:documentation "Conditions signalled during the request handling protocol."))
+(define-condition cannot-authenticate (protocol-error) ()
+ (:default-initargs :status-code 401)
+ (:documentation "Signalled when a endpoint's AUTHENTICATE method returns NIL,
+indicating that the user's identity is required but cannot be determined."))
+(define-condition not-authorized (protocol-error) ()
+ (:default-initargs :status-code 403)
+ (:documentation "Signalled when an endpoint's AUTHORIZE method returns NIL, indiating
+that the request has insufficient permissions to evoke the endpoint handler. "))
+(define-condition bad-body-error (protocol-error)
+ ((wrapped
+ :reader wrapped
+ :initarg :error
+ :documentation "A root error that may have caused this error to be signalled."))
+ (:default-initargs :status-code 400)
+ (:documentation "Signalled when the body of a request cannot be deserialized."))
+(define-condition slot-required (protocol-error)
+ ((mising-slot
+ :reader missing-slot
+ :initarg :slot))
+ (:default-initargs :status-code 400)
+ (:documentation "Signalled whenever a required slot is missing from a endpoint
+ instance object."))
+(define-condition not-found (protocol-error)
+ (:default-initargs :status-code 404))
+(defgeneric protocol-error-result (err)
+ (:documentation "The content and mimetype to returned to the client having encountered
+ an error.")
+ (:method ((err protocol-error)) (values nil nil)))
+(defun abort-on-error (err)
+ "Assign a return code based on the type of error encountered and
+ immediately reply."
+ (setf (http:return-code*) (status-code err))
+ (multiple-value-bind (content type) (protocol-error-result err)
+ (cond ((and content type)
+ (setf (http:content-type*) type)
+ (http:abort-request-handler content))
+ (t
+ (http:abort-request-handler)))))
+(defvar *debugging* nil
+ "If T, conditions signalled during request handling will invoke the
+ debugger.")
+(defmethod http:acceptor-dispatch-request :around ((acceptor http:acceptor) request)
+ (handler-case (call-next-method)
+ (protocol-error (err)
+ (if *debugging*
+ (invoke-debugger err)
+ (abort-on-error err)))
+ (error (err)
+ (if *debugging*
+ (invoke-debugger err)
+ (http:abort-request-handler)))))
+(defun protocol-error (error-class req &rest kwargs)
+ (apply #'error
+ error-class
+ :raw-request http:*request*
+ :class (class-of req)
+ kwargs))
+(defun not-found (req)
+ (protocol-error 'not-found req))
+(defgeneric authenticate (endpoint)
+ (:documentation "Returns a boolean. Any protected endpoint should implement
+this. Called before handling, should be used to supply
+user-identifying data to the endpoint instance that might be needed by
+the handle function.")
+ (:method ((req t)) t))
+(defgeneric authorize (endpoint)
+ (:documentation "Returns a boolean. Any endpoint requiring special ownership
+permissions should implement this. Called before handling and after
+ (:method ((req t)) t))
+(defgeneric handle (endpoint)
+ (:documentation "The beef of the endpoint handling protocol.
+ _(__)_ V
+ '-e e -'__,--.__)
+ (o_o) )
+ \. /___. |
+ ||| _)/_)/
+ //_(/_(/_(
+By the time this has been called, both AUTHENTICATE and AUTHORIZE have
+been called. This method can be defined with the assumption that any
+work done by AUTHORIZE and AUTHENTICATE has been accomplished
+This method should return data to be sent back to the client and
+MUST be implemented for every endpoint class.")
+ (:method :before ((endpoint t))
+ ;; The default before method checks that the endpoint is
+ ;; authenticated, authorized, default, each of these is T.
+ (unless (authenticate endpoint)
+ (protocol-error 'cannot-authenticate endpoint))
+ (unless (authorize endpoint)
+ (protocol-error 'not-authorized endpoint))))