diff options
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index f0b6114..008239a 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -7,27 +7,54 @@ directory config.
** Basic Idea
You post to threadcat using =cat= or =echo=. Here is an example:
+#+begin_src shell
+cat <<EOF | threadcat write SomeThread
+Here is a message!
+It can be multiline!
- : cat <<EOF | threadcat write SomeThread
- :
- : Here is a message!
- : It can be multiline!
- :
- : EOF
- Or you can post a short message with =echo=:
+Or you can post a short message with =echo=:
- : echo Just saying Hey | threadcat write SomeOtherThread
+#+begin_src shell
+echo Just saying Hey | threadcat write SomeOtherThread
- You can the list and read messages with
+For longer messages, you can of course use a text editor of choice to
+compose it, save it as a file, then at it that way:
- : threadcat list
+#+begin_src shell
- and read them with
+cat my-long-post.txt | threadcat write SomeThread
- : threadcat read SomeThread
+You can the list and search for threads with
+#+begin_src shell
+threadcat list # just lists all the threads, newest first
+threadcat list | grep -i emacs # lists threads whose names mention emacs
- both of which print to standard out.
+And you can read a particular thread by doing:
+#+begin_src shell
+threadcat read SomeThread
+This prints to the standard output. You can pipe it to =less= or
+=head= or =tail= if you want to.
+#+begin_src shell
+threacat read SomeThread | less # read the whole thread
+threacat read SomeThread | tail -n 50 # read last 50 lines
+threacat read SomeThread | head -n 30 # readd first 30 lines
See this [[https://asciinema.org/a/dyRz4AnQWKGsZe0A96oAnUP3O][screencast]] for basic use. (Also, let me know if the video
isn't there any more, I just posted it to asciinema and have no idea