
1 ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿˆ Threadcat

A radically simple, low feature, message board for shared *nix systems

Why? Because its just 4 small shell scripts and some easy-to-do directory config.

1.1 Basic Idea

You post to threadcat using cat or echo. Here is an example:

cat <<EOF | threadcat write SomeThread

Here is a message! 
It can be multiline!


The above would append the follwing message to a thread called SomeThread

colin -- Mon Aug 15 08:23:10 AM CDT 2022

Here is a message!
It can be multiline!

You can post a short message with echo:

echo Just saying Hey | threadcat write SomeOtherThread 

For very long messages, you can of course use a text editor of choice to compose it. Just save it as a file, then post it like so:

cat my-long-post.txt | threadcat write SomeThread

You can the list and search for threads with

threadcat list                     # just lists all the threads, newest first
threadcat list | grep -i emacs     # lists threads whose names mention emacs

And you can read a particular thread by doing:

threadcat read SomeThread 

This prints to the standard output. You can pipe it to less or head or tail if you want to.

threacat read SomeThread | less         # read the whole thread 
threacat read SomeThread | tail -n 50   # read last 50 lines
threacat read SomeThread | head -n 30   # readd first 30 lines  

See this screencast for basic use. (Also, let me know if the video isn't there any more, I just posted it to asciinema and have no idea how long those videos remain.)

1.2 Install the client

Assuming that ~/.local/bin is in your PATH, just put the threadcat scripts there:

git clone https://cicadas.surf/cgit/colin/threadcat.git threadcat 
cd threadcat 
cp *.sh ~/.local/bin 
cp threadcat ~/.local/bin 

That's all! Type threadcat at the command line to get started!

1.3 Server Setup

ssh you@yourhost.com 
sudo su

#make a group
groupadd threadcat 

# add your users, group available on next login
usermod -a -G threadcat <user1>
usermod -a -G threadcat <user2>

# make the threadcat directory
mkdir /opt/threadcat 

#and make it and its contents writable by threadcat group
chown root:threadcat /opt/threadcat
chmod g+rwxs /opt/threadcat

Thats it!

Created: 2022-08-25 Thu 12:28
