path: root/src/testiere.lisp
diff options
authorcolin <colin@cicadas.surf>2023-09-09 11:09:10 -0700
committercolin <colin@cicadas.surf>2023-09-09 13:59:36 -0700
commit4025722943ae814c88da1fa8fe5778cffecce4ad (patch)
tree12ca12b13dc53913eab33d61e5c7eeea946699e0 /src/testiere.lisp
parent1bb8d1f8826e21314aae0a96dc25d088afad36f5 (diff)
Add examples changed some internal names; improved some error messages Added more examples renaming exports Added New Readme
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testiere.lisp')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testiere.lisp b/src/testiere.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df516e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testiere.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+;;;; testiere.lisp -- core testiere functionality
+(in-package #:testiere)
+(defstruct testiere-hook
+ ;; a function that extracts '(:tests ...), returning them and the modified form
+ (extractor nil)
+ ;; a function that accepts a form and returns a list of restart handlers
+ (restarts-expander nil))
+(defvar *testiere-hooks*
+ (make-hash-table)
+ "Registry of macro functions and testiere-hook")
+(defun register-hook (macro extractor &optional restarts-expander)
+ "Register a new hook for use with testiere.
+MACRO is a symbol naming a macro-function
+EXTRACTOR is a function of one argument, FORM representing the &WHOLE
+of the macro-function call. It returns two values: a modified s form
+identical with FORM except (:tests ...) forms have been
+removed. The second value should be the conatenation of the CDRs of
+these (:tests ...) forms.
+RESTARTS-EXPANDER is an optional functionof one argument. It returns
+the restart handler clauses of a RESTART-CASE form. These are the
+restarts to try when tests fail."
+ (setf (gethash (macro-function macro) *testiere-hooks*)
+ (make-testiere-hook
+ :extractor extractor
+ :restarts-expander restarts-expander)))
+(defvar *cached-macroexpand-hook* nil)
+(defun testiere-hook (expander form environment)
+ (let* ((hook
+ (gethash expander *testiere-hooks*)))
+ (cond
+ (hook
+ (with-slots (extractor restarts-expander) hook
+ (multiple-value-bind (form test-forms) (funcall extractor form)
+ (if test-forms
+ (let ((tests (expand-test-forms test-forms)))
+ (if restarts-expander
+ `(prog1 ,(funcall expander form environment)
+ (restart-case (progn ,@tests)
+ ,@(funcall restarts-expander form)))
+ `(prog1 ,(funcall expander form environment)
+ ,@tests)))
+ (funcall expander form environment)))))
+ (t
+ (funcall expander form environment)))))
+(defun expand-test-forms (forms)
+ (mapcar #'expand-test-form forms))
+(defun expand-test-form (form)
+ (ematch form
+ ((list :fails failing-form)
+ `(assert (handler-case (progn ,failing-form nil)
+ (error () t))
+ ()
+ "~s should have signalled an error but did not."
+ ',failing-form))
+ ((list :signals condition signalling-form)
+ `(assert (handler-case (progn ,signalling-form)
+ (,condition () t)
+ (condition () nil))
+ ()
+ "~s should have signalled ~s but did not."
+ ',condition))
+ ((list* :funcall function args)
+ `(funcall ,function ,@args))
+ ((list* :with-defuns (list* stubs) body)
+ (expand-defun-stubs stubs body))
+ ((list* :with-generic name (list* method-stubs) body)
+ (expand-generic-stub name method-stubs body))
+ ((list* :let (list* bindings) body)
+ `(let ,bindings ,@(expand-test-forms body)))
+ ((list :is form)
+ `(assert ,form () "~s failed" ',form))
+ ((list comparator a b)
+ (let ((a-result (gensym))
+ (b-result (gensym))
+ (pred-result (gensym)))
+ `(let* ((,a-result ,a)
+ (,b-result ,b)
+ (,pred-result (,comparator ,a-result ,b-result)))
+ (assert ,pred-result () "~s failed with ~s"
+ ',form
+ (list ',comparator ,a-result ,b-result)))))))
+(defun expand-defun-stubs (defs body)
+ (let* ((redef-names
+ (mapcar #'car defs))
+ (defun-cache
+ (loop :for name :in redef-names
+ :collect `(cons ',name
+ (and (fboundp ',name)
+ (fdefinition ',name)))))
+ (defun-cache-var
+ (gensym "DEFUN-CACHE"))
+ (defun-redefs
+ (loop :for (name lambda-list . fbod) :in defs
+ :collect `(setf (fdefinition ',name)
+ (lambda ,lambda-list ,@fbod))))
+ (defun-restore
+ (loop :for name :in redef-names
+ :collect `(if (cdr (assoc ',name ,defun-cache-var))
+ (setf (fdefinition ',name)
+ (cdr (assoc ',name ,defun-cache-var)))
+ (fmakunbound ',name)))))
+ `(let ((,defun-cache-var (list ,@defun-cache)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ,@defun-redefs
+ ,@(expand-test-forms body))
+ ,@defun-restore))))
+(defun expand-generic-stub (name method-stubs body)
+ (let* ((orig-generic
+ (gensym "DEFGENERIC-CACHE"))
+ (method-defs
+ (loop :for stub :in method-stubs
+ :collect `(defmethod ,name ,@stub))))
+ `(let ((,orig-generic (and (fboundp ',name) (fdefinition ',name))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ ,@method-defs
+ ,@(expand-test-forms body))
+ (when ,orig-generic
+ (setf (fdefinition ',name) ',orig-generic))))))
+(defun standard-extractor (orig-form)
+ "A somewhat naive default test form extractor. Returns two values,
+orig-form without test forms included, and a collection of test forms."
+ (loop
+ :for form :in orig-form
+ :when (and (listp form)
+ (eq :tests (first form)))
+ :append (cdr form) :into tests-forms
+ :else
+ :collect form :into defun-form
+ :finally (return (values defun-form tests-forms))))
+(defun on ()
+ (unless (member :testiere *features*)
+ (pushnew :testiere *features*)
+ (setf
+ *cached-macroexpand-hook* *macroexpand-hook*
+ *macroexpand-hook* 'testiere-hook )))
+(defun off ()
+ (when (member :testiere *features*)
+ (setf *features* (delete :testiere *features*))
+ (setf *macroexpand-hook* *cached-macroexpand-hook*
+ *cached-macroexpand-hook* nil)))