path: root/pastiche.lisp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pastiche.lisp')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pastiche.lisp b/pastiche.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ca4807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pastiche.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+;;;; pastiche.lisp
+(in-package #:pastiche)
+(def:var *config*
+ :init nil
+ :doc "Global config instance.")
+(def:var *server*
+ :init nil
+ :doc "The hunchentoot acceptor instance.")
+(def:const +paste-title-limit+
+ 80
+ "The upper limit on the character length of a paste title.")
+(def:class config ()
+ ((service-domain "Most public domain name where this service is running.")
+ (service-protocol "HTTP or HTTPS")
+ :ro
+ :type string
+ :initform (error "Missing required slot."))
+ ((db-path "Path to BKNR.DATASTORE root.")
+ (paste-path "Path to where pastes data is stored.")
+ :ro
+ :type (or string pathname)
+ :initform (error "Missing required slot"))
+ ((localhost-port "Port on which the HTTP server should listen.")
+ (service-port "Port that should be mentioned in URLs generated by the app.")
+ (ttl "The default time-to-live, in milliseconds")
+ :ro
+ :type integer
+ :initform (error "Missing required slot"))
+ :documentation "Application confiration, probably loaded from disk via LOAD-CONFIG.")
+(defun service-protocol* ()
+ (service-protocol *config*))
+(defun service-domain* ()
+ (service-domain *config*))
+(defun service-port* ()
+ (service-port *config*))
+(defun localhost-port* ()
+ (localhost-port *config*))
+(defun db-path* ()
+ (db-path *config*))
+(defun paste-path* ()
+ (paste-path *config*))
+(defun ttl* ()
+ (ttl *config*))
+(defun load-config (path)
+ "Loads a PLIST from disk from PATH.
+E.g. you'd put this in a file.
+(:service-domain \"paste.coolstuff.somewhere\",
+ :service-protocol 8989
+ :db-path \"/absolute/path/to/a/directory/\",
+ :paste-path \"/absolute/path/to/another/directory/\",
+ :server-port 8000
+ :ttl 7776000)"
+ (destructuring-bind
+ (&key
+ service-domain
+ service-protocol
+ service-port
+ localhost-port
+ db-path
+ paste-path
+ ttl)
+ (uiop:read-file-form path)
+ (setf *config*
+ (make-instance 'config
+ :service-domain service-domain
+ :service-protocol service-protocol
+ :service-port service-port
+ :localhost-port localhost-port
+ :db-path db-path
+ :paste-path paste-path
+ :ttl ttl))))
+(defun start ()
+ (unless *config*
+ (error "No CONFIG has been loaded."))
+ (when *server*
+ (hunchentoot:stop *server*))
+ (ensure-directories-exist (db-path*))
+ (ensure-directories-exist (paste-path*))
+ (make-instance 'db:mp-store
+ :directory (db-path*)
+ :subsystems (list (make-instance 'db:store-object-subsystem)))
+ (setf *server*
+ (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor
+ :port (localhost-port*)))
+ (hunchentoot:start *server*))
+;;; MODEL
+(def:class paste (db:store-object)
+ ((title "A name for this paste. Used to generate file name on disk.")
+ (content "The text of this paste")
+ (filename "Filename relative to CONFIG's PASTE-PATH")
+ :type string
+ :initform (error "Missing required slot")
+ :index-type bknr.indices:string-unique-index
+ :index-reader lookup-paste)
+ ((paste-time "The server-local timestamp when this was pasted.")
+ :type integer
+ :initform (error "Missing required slot."))
+ ((privacy "A token indicating how to restrict access to this paste.")
+ :type (member :unlisted :public)
+ :initform :unlisted)
+ ((pinned "T indicates this paste should not be deleted during a cleaning cycle.")
+ :type boolean
+ :initform nil)
+ :metaclass db:persistent-class)
+(defun santize-title (str)
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (loop :for char :across str
+ :if (alphanumericp char)
+ :do (write-char char)
+ :else
+ :do (write-char #\-))))
+(defun make-paste-filename (content title)
+ (format nil "~a-~a~a"
+ (santize-title title)
+ (sxhash content)
+ (get-universal-time)))
+(defun fully-qualified-route-to (paste)
+ (format nil "~a://~a:~a~a"
+ (service-protocol*)
+ (service-domain*)
+ (service-port*)
+ (http:route-to 'get-paste :id (filename paste))))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (def:const +paste-id-regex+ "(([a-zA-Z0-9]*-)+[0-9]+)"
+ "A regular expression accepting paste file names, the sort returned
+from make-paste-filename."))
+(http:defendpoint get-paste
+ :get :route "paste" (:id +paste-id-regex+)
+ :returns "text/html"
+ :parameters
+ (id string)
+ :properties
+ (paste paste)
+ :authenticate
+ (or (setf paste (lookup-paste id))
+ (http:not-found instance))
+ :documentation "Fetch a "
+ :var instance
+ :handle
+ (do>
+ filename := (merge-pathnames (filename paste) (paste-path*))
+ content := (a:read-file-into-string filename)
+ (with-output-to-string (out)
+ (html:html
+ (html:<html>
+ (html:<body>
+ (html:<h2> (title paste))
+ (html:<pre> content)))
+ out))))
+(http:defendpoint create-paste
+ :post :to "create" "paste"
+ :returns "text/plain"
+ :parameters
+ (title string)
+ (content string)
+ :documentation "Create a new paste and return a URL to its content."
+ :authenticate
+ (< (length title) +paste-title-limit+)
+ :handle
+ (do>
+ location := (make-paste-filename content title)
+ qualified-location := (merge-pathnames location (paste-path*))
+ (a:write-string-into-file
+ content qualified-location
+ :if-exists :supersede
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)
+ instance := (db:with-transaction ()
+ (make-instance 'paste
+ :pinned nil
+ :privacy :unlisted
+ :paste-time (get-universal-time)
+ :content content
+ :title title
+ :filename location))
+ (fully-qualified-route-to instance)))
+(http:defendpoint new-paste-form
+ :get :route ""
+ :returns "text/html"
+ :handle
+ (with-output-to-string (out)
+ (html:html
+ (html:<html>
+ (html:<body>
+ (html:<h1> "Paste something")
+ (html:<form>
+ (html:@ :method "POST" :action (http:route-to 'create-paste))
+ (html:<input> (html:@ :name "title" :placeholder "title"))
+ html:<br>
+ (html:<textarea> (html:@ :name "content" :rows "20" :cols "88"))
+ html:<br>
+ (html:<button> "Paste"))))
+ out)))