path: root/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp b/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
index fd437e0..9c2d108 100644
--- a/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
+++ b/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
@@ -8,6 +8,73 @@
(in-package :lazybones.backend/hunchentoot)
+;;; Hunchentoot Acceptor Subclass
+(defvar %server nil
+ "unexported defvar holding the lazybones-acceptor instance.")
+(defclass lazybones-acceptor (h:acceptor)
+ ((installed-apps
+ :accessor acceptor-apps
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "Instances of LAZYBONES:APP installed to this
+ acceptor. APPs are, among other things, collections of ENDPOINT
+ instances. The acceptor instance uses them to dispatch handlers
+ on requests.")
+ (canned-responses
+ :accessor canned-responses
+ :initarg :canned-responses
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "an alist of (CODE CONTENT-FUNCTION CONTENT-TYPE)"))
+ (:default-initargs
+ :address ""))
+(defmethod h:acceptor-dispatch-request ((%server lazybones-acceptor) request)
+ (loop for app in (acceptor-apps %server)
+ for (endpoint . args) = (lzb::find-endpoint app request)
+ when endpoint
+ return (lzb::run-endpoint endpoint args request h:*reply* app)
+ ;; if no endpoint was found, call next method.
+ finally (call-next-method)))
+(defun create-server (&key (port 8888) (address ""))
+ "Creates an opaque server on port PORT, and returns it. Servers are
+backend specific, but each may be passed in to INSTALL-APP,
+ (make-instance 'lazybones-acceptor :port port :address address))
+(defun start-server (server)
+ (h:start server))
+(defun stop-server (server)
+ (h:stop server))
+(defun install-app (server app)
+ "Installs a LAZYBONES:APP instance to SERVER."
+ ;; TODO add assertsion here
+ (push (if (symbolp app) (lzb:app app) app) (acceptor-apps server)))
+(defun uninstall-app (server app)
+ (setf (acceptor-apps server)
+ (delete (if (symbolp app) (lzb:app app) app) (acceptor-apps server))))
+(defun canned-response (server code)
+ "If a canned response is installed to the server for the HTTP
+response code CODE, return it as a list (RESPONSE-SOURCE CONTENT-TYPE).
+RESPONSE-SOURCE is either a function designator for a function taking
+zero arguments that is expected to return data that matches the
+CONTENT-TYPE. Such a function can always make use of *REQUEST*.
+RESPONSE-SOURCE can also be a pathname to a file to serve."
+ (cdr (assoc code (canned-responses server))))
+(defun set-canned-response (server code content-source content-type)
+ "Set a new canned response for the code CODE."
+ (push (list code content-source content-type) (canned-responses server)))
(defun request-path (&optional (request lzb:*request* ))
@@ -145,6 +212,20 @@ the value of the Content-Type request header."
Hunchentoot, set the response code and a few headers. If content is a
pathname, pass off to HUNCHENTOOT:HANDLE-STATIC-FILE, otherwise just
return the content."
+ ;; When http-err is called, the content is likely to be null. If
+ ;; that is the case, look for the default content for the error
+ ;; code, and set content and content-type appropriately
+ (a:when-let (data
+ (and (null content)
+ (canned-response %server code)))
+ (destructuring-bind (source content-type) data
+ (setf (response-header :content-type) content-type
+ content (if (or (functionp source) (symbolp source))
+ (funcall source)
+ source))))
+ ;; set the response code and header.
(setf (response-code) code
(response-header :content-type) (or (response-header :content-type)
(when (pathnamep content)
@@ -155,46 +236,3 @@ return the content."
(h:handle-static-file content)
-(defun create-server (port)
- "Creates an opaque server on port PORT, and returns it. Servers are
-backend specific, but each may be passed in to INSTALL-APP,
- (make-instance 'lazybones-acceptor :port port))
-(defun start-server (server)
- (h:start server))
-(defun stop-server (server)
- (h:stop server))
-(defun install-app (server app)
- "Installs a LAZYBONES:APP instance to SERVER."
- ;; TODO add assertsion here
- (push (if (symbolp app) (lzb:app app) app) (acceptor-apps server)))
-(defun uninstall-app (server app)
- (setf (acceptor-apps server)
- (delete (if (symbolp app) (lzb:app app) app) (acceptor-apps server))))
-;;; Hunchentoot Acceptor Subclass
-(defclass lazybones-acceptor (h:acceptor)
- ((installed-apps
- :accessor acceptor-apps
- :initform nil
- :documentation "Instances of LAZYBONES:APP installed to this
- acceptor. APPs are, among other things, collections of ENDPOINT
- instances. The acceptor instance uses them to dispatch handlers
- on requests."))
- (:default-initargs
- :address ""))
-(defmethod h:acceptor-dispatch-request ((acceptor lazybones-acceptor) request)
- (loop for app in (acceptor-apps acceptor)
- for (endpoint . args) = (lzb::find-endpoint app request)
- when endpoint
- return (lzb::run-endpoint endpoint args request h:*reply* app)
- ;; if no endpoint was found, call next method.
- finally (call-next-method)))