diff options
4 files changed, 171 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/lazybones-hunchentoot.asd b/lazybones-hunchentoot.asd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b094c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lazybones-hunchentoot.asd
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;;;; lazybones-hunchentoot.asd
+(asdf:defsystem #:lazybones-hunchentoot
+ :description "hunchentoot backend for lazybones"
+ :author "Colin Okay <okay@toyful.space>"
+ :license "AGPLv3"
+ :version "0.0.1"
+ :serial t
+ :depends-on (#:hunchentoot #:lazybones)
+ :components ((:file "lazybones-hunchentoot")))
diff --git a/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp b/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
index 9d91b54..2b84ac1 100644
--- a/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
+++ b/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
@@ -2,58 +2,62 @@
(defpackage #:lazybones.backend/hunchentoot
(:use #:cl #:lazybones.backend)
- (:local-nicknames (#:h #:hunchentoot )))
+ (:local-nicknames (#:h #:hunchentoot)
+ (#:lzb #:lazybones)
+ (#:a #:alexandria)))
(in-package :lazybones.backend/hunchentoot)
-(defun request-path (request)
+(defun request-path (&optional (request *request* ))
"Returns the PATH part of the REQUEST URL.
See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax."
(h:script-name request))
-(defun request-host (request)
+(defun request-host (&optional (request *request*))
"Returns the HOST part of the REQUEST URL.
See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax"
(h:host request))
-(defun request-url (request)
+(defun request-url (&optional (request *request*))
"Returns the full url of REQUST"
(h:request-uri* request))
-(defun request-port (request)
+(defun request-port (&optional (request *request*))
"The port associated with REQUEST."
(h:local-port* request))
-(defun request-query-string (request)
+(defun request-query-string (&optional (request *request*))
"Returns the full query string of the URL associated with REQUEST
See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax"
(h:query-string request))
-(defun request-parameter (name request)
+(defun request-parameter (name &optional (request *request*))
"Returns the the value of the query parameter named NAME, or NIL
if there there is none."
(h:get-parameter name request))
-(defun request-parameters (request)
+(defun request-parameters (&optional (request *request*))
"Returns an alist of parameters associated with REQUEST. Each
member of the list looks like (NAME . VALUE) where both are strings."
(h:get-parameters request))
-(defun request-headers (request)
+(defun request-headers (&optional (request *request*))
"Returns an alist of headers associated with REQUEST. Each member of
the list looks like (HEADER-NAME . VALUE) where HEADER-NAME is a
keyword or a string and VALUE is a string."
(h:headers-in request))
-(defun request-header (header-name request)
+(defun request-header (header-name &optional (request *request*))
"Returns the string value of the REQUEST header named HEADER-NAME.
HEADER-NAME can be a keyword or a string."
(h:header-in header-name request))
-(defun request-method (request)
+(defun request-method (&optional (request *request*))
"Returns a keyword representing the http method of the request."
(h:request-method request))
@@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ HEADER-NAME can be a keyword or a string."
(defparameter +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+
'(:post :put :patch))
-(defun request-body (request &key (want-stream-p nil))
+(defun request-body (&key (request *request*) (want-stream-p nil))
"Returns the decoded request body. The value returned depends upon
the value of the Content-Type request header."
(when (member (request-method request) +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+)
@@ -104,4 +108,25 @@ the value of the Content-Type request header."
collect (alexandria:make-keyword k)
collect value))
+;;; Hunchentoot Acceptor Subclass
+(defclass lazybones-acceptor (h:acceptor)
+ ((installed-apps
+ :accessor acceptor-apps
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "Instances of LAZYBONES:APP installed to this
+ acceptor. APPs are, among other things, collections of ENDPOINT
+ instances. The acceptor instance uses them to dispatch handlers
+ on requests."))
+ (:default-initargs
+ :address ""))
+(defmethod h:acceptor-dispatch-request ((acceptor lazybones-acceptor) request)
+ (let ((lzb:*request* request)
+ (lzb:*response* h:*reply*))
+ (loop for app in (acceptor-apps acceptor)
+ for (endpoint . args) = (lzb:find-endpoint app request)
+ when endpoint
+ return (lzb:run-endpoint endpoint args request)
+ ;; if no endpoint was found, call next method.
+ finally (call-next-method))))
diff --git a/lazybones.lisp b/lazybones.lisp
index d72189b..593328e 100644
--- a/lazybones.lisp
+++ b/lazybones.lisp
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
(in-package #:lazybones)
-(defgeneric handle-request (what request)
- (:documentation "Implemented for APP and ENDPOINT instances."))
-(defgeneric dispatch-handler-p (endpoint request)
- (:documentation "T if ENDPOINT should handle REQUEST, NIL otherwise"))
-(defgeneric request-authorized-p (endpoint request)
- (:documentation "Returns T if the REQUEST has authorization to dispatch the handler for ENDPOINT"))
+(defvar *request* nil
+ "Dynamic Variable holding the current request object. Dynamically
+ bound and available to each handler. The exact object bound to
+ *request* varies according to the current backend.")
+(defvar *response* nil
+ "Dynamic variable holding the current response object. Dynamically
+ bound and available to each handler. The exact object bound
+ *response* varies according to the current backend. ")
@@ -27,43 +27,90 @@
:initarg :vsn :initarg :version
:initform "0.0.1"
:type string)
- (root
- :reader app-root
- :initarg :root
- :initform "/"
- :type string)
- (default-request-authorizer
- :initarg :default-authorizier :initarg :auth-with
- :initform nil)
- (default-http-responders
- :initarg :default-responders
- :initform nil
- :documentation "A PLIST with keys being integers that represent
- HTTP response codes and with values that are symbols naming
- responder functions.")
:accessor app-endpoints
:initform nil)))
-(defmethod handle-request ((app app) request)
- (a:if-let (endpoint (lookup-endpoint-for app request))
- (handle-request endpoint request)
- (error-response ))
(defclass endpoint ()
- ((method :reader endpoint-method :initarg :method :initform :get)
- (template :reader endpoint-template :initarg :template :initform (error "endpoint template required"))
- (dispatch-pattern :reader endpoint-dispatch-pattern)
- (handler-function :reader endpoint-request-handler)
- (app :reader endpoint-app :initarg :app :initform (error "every endpoint must have backlink to an app")
- :documentation "backlink to the app that this endpoint is a part of.")
- (documentation :reader endpoint-documentation :initarg :doc :initform "")))
+ ((method
+ :reader endpoint-method
+ :initarg :method
+ :initform :get)
+ (template
+ :reader endpoint-template
+ :initarg :template
+ :initform (error "endpoint template required"))
+ (dispatch-pattern
+ :reader endpoint-dispatch-pattern)
+ (handler-function
+ :reader endpoint-request-handler)
+ (documentation
+ :reader endpoint-documentation
+ :initarg :doc
+ :initform "")))
+(defun routekey-term-match-p (pattern-term routekey-term)
+ "Internal helper function. Returns T if both arguments are strings
+and they compare with STRING-EQUAL. Otherwise, PATTERN-TERM is
+assumed to be a route variable representation, in which case T is
+returned, indicating that the variable should bind to anything."
+ (if (stringp pattern-term)
+ (string-equal pattern-term routekey-term)
+ t))
+(defun matches-routekey-p (pattern key)
+ "PATTERN is a list, each member of which is a string or a variable
+representation. PATTERN will have been generated by
+If there are no variables in PATTERN, MATCHES-ROUTEKEY-P returns T
+or NIL.
+If there are variables in the pattern, MATCHES-ROUTEKEY-P returns a
+list of values, in the case of success, or NIL in the case of failure."
+ (when (= (length pattern) (length key))
+ (loop for pterm in pattern
+ for rterm in key
+ for matchp = (routekey-term-match-p pterm rterm)
+ unless matchp
+ return nil
+ when (listp pterm) ; looks like (var) or (var value-parser)
+ collect (if (second pterm)
+ (funcall (second pterm) rterm) ; parse value from rterm if we can
+ rterm) ; otherwise use rterm string
+ into arguments
+ finally (return (or arguments t)))))
+(defun find-endpoint (app &optional (request *request*))
+ (find-endpoint-matching-key
+ app
+ (request-method request)
+ (request-routekey request)))
+(defun find-endpoint-matching-key (app method key)
+ "Returns a list. NIL represents failure to find match.
+Otherwise the result is (ENDPOINT . ARGS) where ENDPOINT is an
+endpoint instanceq and ARGS is a list of arguments to pass to
+ENDPOINT's handler function."
+ (loop for endpoint in (app-endpoints app)
+ for match = (and (eql method (endpoint-method endpoint))
+ (matches-routekey-p endpoint key))
+ when match
+ return (cons endpoint (when (listp match) match))))
(defparameter +http-methods+
(list :get :head :put :post :delete :patch))
+(defun url-path->request-routekey (path)
+ "A routekey is used to match urls to endpoints that handle them."
+ (str:split #\/ path))
+(defun request-routekey (request)
+ (url-path->request-routekey
+ (request-path request)))
(defun parse-route-string-template (template)
"Routes are of the form
@@ -77,15 +124,23 @@ On success returns things like:
(\"foo\" \"bar\" (VAR PARSE-INTEGER) \"blah\")
Returns NIL on failure"
- (when (stringp template)
- (cond ((equal "" template) nil)
- (t
- (loop for field in (str:split #\/ template)
- for var? = (parse-route-variable-string field)
- when var?
- collect var?
- else
- collect (string-downcase field))))))
+ (cond ((equal "" template) nil)
+ (t
+ (when (search "//" template)
+ (warn "The proposed route ~s contains a double forward-slash (//), is this intended?"
+ template))
+ (when (a:ends-with #\/ template)
+ (warn "The proposed route ~s ends with a forward-slash (/), is this intended?"
+ template))
+ (unless (eql #\/ (elt template 0))
+ (warn "The proposed route ~s does not begin with a forward-slash, is this intended?"
+ template))
+ (loop for field in (str:split #\/ template)
+ for var? = (parse-route-variable-string field)
+ when var?
+ collect var?
+ else
+ collect (string-downcase field)))))
(defun parse-route-variable-string (string)
"A route variable string looks like <<foo>> or <<foo bar>>
@@ -100,13 +155,13 @@ Returns NIL on failure."
(var-name . decoder?)
(re:split " +"
- (string-trim " " (subseq string 2 (- (length string) 2))))
+ (string-trim " "
+ (subseq string 2 (- (length string) 2))))
(if decoder?
- (list (read-from-string var-name) (read-from-string (first decoder?)))
- (list (read-from-string var-name))))))
-;; (defun add-route (method routestring handler-function)
-;; (assert (member method +http-methods+) nil
-;; "~a is not a valid HTTP method indicator."
-;; method)
-;; )
+ (list (gensym var-name) (read-from-string (first decoder?)))
+ (list (gensym var-name))))))
+(defun run-endpoint (endpoint args &optional (request *request*))
+ (let ((*request* request))
+ (apply (endpoint-request-handler endpoint) args)))
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index 436eb7f..3217d59 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -12,10 +12,21 @@
- #:request-body))
+ #:request-body
+ #:install-app
+ #:start-server
+ #:stop-server
+ ))
(defpackage #:lazybones
(:use #:cl #:lazybones.backend)
(:local-nicknames (#:a #:alexandria)
- (#:re #:cl-ppcre)))
+ (#:re #:cl-ppcre))
+ (:export
+ #:*request*
+ #:*response*
+ #:*app*
+ #:run-endpoint
+ #:find-endpoint))