path: root/src
diff options
authorcolin <colin@cicadas.surf>2023-11-18 15:25:51 -0800
committercolin <colin@cicadas.surf>2023-11-18 15:25:51 -0800
commitc201a822f264041a1b9169824c0f9acbfae9cf6e (patch)
tree47ebbdfeaf4bc184a676537ec03637b3ec023c5d /src
parent1d3d018f01ffb71dcdeaa086b3025a00428b45c1 (diff)
version 1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
7 files changed, 1359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/backend/hunchentoot.lisp b/src/backend/hunchentoot.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acb15cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/backend/hunchentoot.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 colin@cicadas.surf
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(defpackage #:lazybones-backend.hunchentoot
+ (:use #:cl #:lazybones-backend)
+ (:local-nicknames (#:h #:hunchentoot)
+ (#:lzb #:lazybones)
+ (#:a #:alexandria)))
+(in-package :lazybones-backend.hunchentoot)
+;;; Hunchentoot Acceptor Subclass
+(defvar %server% nil
+ "unexported defvar holding the lazybones-acceptor instance.")
+(defclass lazybones-acceptor (h:acceptor)
+ ((installed-apps
+ :accessor acceptor-apps
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "Instances of LAZYBONES:APP installed to this
+ acceptor. APPs are, among other things, collections of ENDPOINT
+ instances. The acceptor instance uses them to dispatch handlers
+ on requests.")
+ (canned-responses
+ :accessor canned-responses
+ :initarg :canned-responses
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "an alist of (CODE CONTENT-FUNCTION CONTENT-TYPE)")
+ (domain
+ :accessor domain
+ :initarg :domain
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "A specific domain to associate with this server
+ for the purposes of cookie handling. NIL by default, which is
+ fine."))
+ (:default-initargs
+ :address ""))
+(defvar %request-body-cache% nil
+ "Internal use. Dynamically bound per request. Caches the request
+ body after the first call to REQUEST-BODY so that subsequent calls
+ return the same thing, even if they've already been read off the
+ stream.")
+(defmethod h:acceptor-dispatch-request ((%server% lazybones-acceptor) request)
+ (let* ((%request-body-cache% nil)
+ (route
+ (request-path request))
+ (apps
+ (remove-if-not (lambda (app) (a:starts-with-subseq (lzb::app-prefix app) route))
+ (acceptor-apps %server%))))
+ (handler-case
+ (loop for app in apps
+ for (endpoint . args) = (lzb::find-endpoint app request)
+ when endpoint
+ return (lzb::run-endpoint endpoint args request h:*reply* app)
+ ;; if no endpoint was found, call next method.
+ finally (let ((lzb:*request* request)
+ (lzb:*response* h:*reply*))
+ (lzb:http-err 404)))
+ (lzb::http-error (http-error)
+ (let ((lzb:*request* request)
+ (lzb:*response* h:*reply*))
+ (with-slots (lzb::code lzb::content) http-error
+ (http-respond lzb::content lzb::code))))
+ (error (e)
+ (declare (ignorable e))
+ (let ((lzb:*request* request)
+ (lzb:*response* h:*reply*))
+ (if lzb:*debugging*
+ (invoke-debugger e)
+ (http-respond nil 500)))))))
+(defun create-server (&key (port 8888) (address "") (domain "localhost"))
+ "Creates an opaque server on port PORT, and returns it. Servers are
+backend specific, but each may be passed in to INSTALL-APP,
+ (let ((server (make-instance 'lazybones-acceptor
+ :port port
+ :address address
+ :domain domain)))
+ (set-canned-response server 404 "Not Found" "text/plain")
+ (set-canned-response server 500 "Server Error" "text/plain")
+ server))
+(defun start-server (server)
+ (h:start server))
+(defun stop-server (server)
+ (h:stop server))
+(defun install-app (server app)
+ "Installs a LAZYBONES:APP instance to SERVER, first checking that
+the app exists. If app is already installed, does nothing."
+ (a:if-let (app (and app (if (symbolp app) (lzb:app app) app)))
+ (pushnew app (acceptor-apps server) :key 'lzb::app-name)
+ (error () "No app to install.")))
+(defun uninstall-app (server app)
+ (setf (acceptor-apps server)
+ (delete (if (symbolp app) (lzb:app app) app) (acceptor-apps server))))
+(defun canned-response (server code)
+ "If a canned response is installed to the server for the HTTP
+response code CODE, return it as a list (RESPONSE-SOURCE CONTENT-TYPE).
+RESPONSE-SOURCE is either a function designator for a function taking
+zero arguments that is expected to return data that matches the
+CONTENT-TYPE. Such a function can always make use of *REQUEST*.
+RESPONSE-SOURCE can also be a pathname to a file to serve."
+ (cdr (assoc code (canned-responses server))))
+(defun set-canned-response (server code content-source content-type)
+ "Set a new canned response for the code CODE."
+ (push (list code content-source content-type) (canned-responses server)))
+(defun server-domain (&optional (server %server%))
+ (domain server))
+(defun request-path (&optional (request lzb:*request* ))
+ "Returns the PATH part of the REQUEST URL.
+See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax."
+ (h:script-name request))
+(defun request-host (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "Returns the HOST part of the REQUEST URL.
+See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax"
+ (h:host request))
+(defun request-url (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "Returns the full url of REQUST"
+ (h:request-uri* request))
+(defun request-port (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "The port associated with REQUEST."
+ (h:local-port* request))
+(defun request-query-string (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "Returns the full query string of the URL associated with REQUEST
+See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax"
+ (h:query-string request))
+(defun request-parameter (name &optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "Returns the the value of the query parameter named NAME, or NIL
+ if there there is none."
+ (h:get-parameter name request))
+(defun request-parameters (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "Returns an alist of parameters associated with REQUEST. Each
+member of the list looks like (NAME . VALUE) where both are strings."
+ (h:get-parameters request))
+(defun request-headers (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "Returns an alist of headers associated with REQUEST. Each member of
+the list looks like (HEADER-NAME . VALUE) where HEADER-NAME is a
+keyword or a string and VALUE is a string."
+ (h:headers-in request))
+(defun request-header (header-name &optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "Returns the string value of the REQUEST header named HEADER-NAME.
+HEADER-NAME can be a keyword or a string."
+ (h:header-in header-name request))
+(defun request-cookie (name &optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "Returns the cookie with NAME sent with the REQUEST"
+ (h:cookie-in name request))
+(defun request-method (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
+ "Returns a keyword representing the http method of the request."
+ (h:request-method request))
+(defparameter +hunchentoot-pre-decoded-content-types+
+ '("multipart/form-data" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
+(defun pre-decoded-body-p (request)
+ (let ((header (request-header :content-type request)))
+ (when (stringp header)
+ (loop for prefix in +hunchentoot-pre-decoded-content-types+
+ thereis (a:starts-with-subseq prefix header)))))
+(defparameter +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+
+ '(:post :put :patch))
+(defun request-body (&key (request lzb:*request*) (want-stream-p nil))
+ "Returns the decoded request body. The value returned depends upon
+the value of the Content-Type request header.
+If WANT-STREAM-P is non-null, then an attempt is made to return a
+stream from which the body content can be read. This may be impossible
+if the Content-Type of the request is one of multipart/form-data or
+If the body's Content-Type is application/json, multipart/form-data,
+or application/x-www-form-urlencoded then a property-list
+representation of the body is returned.
+Otherwise a bytevector of the body is returned.
+Work to unpack the body is performed once per request. Calling this"
+ (if %request-body-cache% %request-body-cache%
+ (setf %request-body-cache%
+ (when (member (request-method request) +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+)
+ (let ((pre-decoded-body-p
+ (pre-decoded-body-p request))
+ (content-type
+ (request-header :content-type request)))
+ (cond
+ ;; try to get a stream on request
+ (want-stream-p
+ ;; can't do it if the body is already decoded - return nil so
+ ;; that request-body can be called again
+ (unless pre-decoded-body-p
+ (h:raw-post-data :request request :want-stream t)))
+ (pre-decoded-body-p
+ (format-as-lazybones-document
+ (h:post-parameters request)))
+ ((string-equal "application/json" content-type)
+ (jonathan:parse
+ (h:raw-post-data :request request :external-format :utf8)
+ :as :plist
+ :keywords-to-read *allowed-keywords*))
+ (t
+ ;; default case is to return a bytevector
+ (h:raw-post-data :request request :force-binary t))))))))
+(defun format-as-lazybones-document (post-parameters)
+ "internal function. Formats all the post parmaeters (see docstring
+ on hunchentoot:post-parameters) into a plist with keyword keys, as
+ is the convention for lazybones."
+ (loop for (k . value) in post-parameters
+ collect (alexandria:make-keyword k)
+ collect value))
+(defun response-code (&optional (response lzb:*response*))
+ "Access the return code of the resposne. Return code should be an integer."
+ (h:return-code response))
+(defun (setf response-code) (code &optional (response lzb:*response*))
+ (setf (h:return-code response) code))
+(defun response-header (name &optional (response lzb:*response*))
+ "Access the response header that has NAME, which can be a keyword (recommended) or a string."
+ (h:header-out name response))
+(defun (setf response-header) (value name &optional (response lzb:*response*))
+ (setf (h:header-out name response) value))
+(defun response-cookie (name &optional (response lzb:*response*))
+ "Access the cookie with NAME in the response object."
+ (h:cookie-out name response))
+(defun set-response-cookie
+ (name value
+ &key expires max-age path domain secure http-only (response lzb:*response*))
+ "Sets the response cookie"
+ (apply 'h:set-cookie name
+ :value value
+ :reply response
+ (nconc (when expires (list :expires expires))
+ (when max-age (list :max-age max-age))
+ (when path (list :path path))
+ (cond
+ (domain (list :domain domain))
+ ((server-domain) (list :domain (server-domain))))
+ (when secure (list :secure secure))
+ (when http-only (list :http-only http-only)))))
+(defun http-respond (content)
+ "Final step preparing response before backend does the rest. For
+Hunchentoot set a few headers. If content is a pathname, pass off to
+HUNCHENTOOT:HANDLE-STATIC-FILE, otherwise just return the content."
+ ;; When http-err is called, the content is likely to be null. If
+ ;; that is the case, look for the default content for the error
+ ;; code, and set content and content-type appropriately
+ (a:when-let (data
+ (and (null content)
+ (canned-response %server% (response-code))))
+ (destructuring-bind (source content-type) data
+ (setf (response-header :content-type) content-type
+ content (if (or (functionp source) (symbolp source))
+ (funcall source)
+ source))))
+ ;; set the response code and header.
+ (setf
+ (response-header :content-type) (or (response-header :content-type)
+ (when (pathnamep content)
+ (h:mime-type content))
+ (when lzb:*app*
+ (lzb::default-content-type lzb:*app*))
+ "text/plain"))
+ (if (pathnamep content)
+ (h:handle-static-file content)
+ content))
diff --git a/src/client/dexador.lisp b/src/client/dexador.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2503b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/dexador.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+;;;; lazybones-client.lisp -- macro to generate a set of http request functions given an APP instance
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 Colin Okay
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(defpackage #:lazybones/client.dexador
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:local-nicknames (#:a #:alexandria-2))
+ (:export #:generate))
+(in-package :lazybones/client.dexador)
+(defun endpoint-defun-name (ep)
+ "Returns the string name of a defun for making requests to
+endpoint EP."
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (princ (string-downcase (symbol-name (lazybones::endpoint-method ep))))
+ (princ "-")
+ (loop for (term . more) on (lazybones::endpoint-dispatch-pattern ep)
+ when (and (stringp term) (plusp (length term)))
+ do (princ (string-downcase term))
+ when (listp term)
+ do (princ (string-downcase (car term)))
+ when (and more (plusp (length term)))
+ do (princ "/"))))
+(defun endpoint-defun-route-var-names (ep)
+ "Returns a list of strings representing the names of route variables
+extracted from endpoint EP, to be used as variable names in the defun
+for making requests to that endpoint."
+ (lazybones::endpoint-route-vars ep))
+(defun endpoint-defun-query-var-names (ep)
+ "Returns a list of strings representing the names of query parameter
+variables extraced from the endpoint EP, to be used as variable names
+in the defun for making request to that endpoint."
+ (mapcar (a:compose #'symbol-name #'first)
+ (lazybones::endpoint-params ep)))
+(defun endpoint-accepts-body-p (ep)
+ (member (lazybones::endpoint-method ep) '(:post :put :patch)) )
+(defun endpoint-defun-lambda-list (ep)
+ "Returns a string representation of the lambda list of the defun
+for making requests to endpoint EP."
+ (format
+ nil
+ "(~{~a ~} %host &key ~:[~;%content-type %body ~] %headers %cookies)"
+ (append
+ (endpoint-defun-route-var-names ep)
+ (endpoint-defun-query-var-names ep))
+ (endpoint-accepts-body-p ep)))
+(defun endpoint-defun-dexador-uri-route-format-string (ep)
+ "Returns a string representing a format string, intended to be
+ embedded into the body of a defun for making requests to the
+ endpoint Ep. It is designed to be passed to FORMAT, where route
+ variables are substituted into the string."
+ (str:join "/"
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (listp x) "~a" x))
+ (lazybones::endpoint-dispatch-pattern ep))))
+(defun endpoint-defun-dexador-uri-route-query-format-string (ep)
+ "Returns a string representing a format string, intended to be
+ embedded into the body of a defun for making requests to the
+ endpoint EP. It is desienged to be passed to FORMAT, where query
+ paramters are substituted into the string, if they exist."
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (loop
+ for first = t then nil
+ for varname in (endpoint-defun-query-var-names ep)
+ do
+ (princ "~@[")
+ (unless first (princ #\&))
+ (princ (string-upcase varname))
+ (princ "=~a~]"))))
+(defun endpoint-defun-dexador-request-uri (app ep)
+ "Returns a string representation of code that generates a URI for
+ passing to the dexador request function within the body of the defun
+ for making requests to the endpoint EP of the application APP."
+ (concatenate
+ 'string
+ "(format nil "
+ "\""
+ "~a"
+ (lazybones::app-prefix app)
+ (endpoint-defun-dexador-uri-route-format-string ep)
+ "?"
+ (endpoint-defun-dexador-uri-route-query-format-string ep)
+ "\" "
+ "%host "
+ (str:join " " (endpoint-defun-route-var-names ep))
+ " "
+ (str:join " " (endpoint-defun-query-var-names ep))
+ ")"))
+(defun endpoint-defun-body (app ep)
+ "Returns a string representation of the function body of a defun
+ for making requests to the endpoint EP in the app APP."
+ (format
+ nil
+ " (dexador:~a~% ~a~%~{ ~a~^~%~})"
+ (string-downcase (symbol-name (lazybones::endpoint-method ep)))
+ (endpoint-defun-dexador-request-uri app ep)
+ (append
+ (if (endpoint-accepts-body-p ep)
+ (list ":content %body"
+ ":cookie-jar %cookies"
+ ":headers (if %content-type (cons (cons \"Content-Type\" %content-type) %headers) %headers)")
+ (list ":cookie-jar %cookies"
+ ":headers %headers")))))
+(defun generate-defun-for-endpoint (app ep)
+ "Returns a string representation of a defun form for a function that
+makes a request to the endpoint EP."
+ (format nil
+ "(defun ~a~% ~a~% ~s~%~a)"
+ (endpoint-defun-name ep)
+ (endpoint-defun-lambda-list ep)
+ (lazybones::endpoint-documentation ep)
+ (endpoint-defun-body app ep)))
+(defun all-function-names (app)
+ (mapcar 'endpoint-defun-name (lazybones::app-endpoints app)))
+(defun app-client-package-name (app)
+ (format nil "~a-CLIENT" (lazybones::app-name app)))
+(defun generate-defsystem-for-client-of-app (app)
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (princ "(asdf:defsystem #:") (princ (app-client-package-name app))
+ (terpri)
+ (princ " :depends-on (#:dexador)")
+ (terpri)
+ (princ " :components ((:file ")
+ (princ #\")
+ (princ (string-downcase (app-client-package-name app)))
+ (princ #\")
+ (princ ")))")))
+(defun generate-defpackage-for-client-of-app (app)
+ (with-output-to-string (out)
+ (format
+ out
+ "
+(defpackage #:~a
+ (:use :cl)
+ (:export ~%~{ #:~a~^~%~}))"
+ (app-client-package-name app)
+ (all-function-names app))
+ (terpri out)
+ (format out "(in-package :~a)" (app-client-package-name app))
+ (terpri out)))
+(defun client-asd-file-name (app)
+ (format nil "~a.asd" (string-downcase (app-client-package-name app))))
+(defun client-lisp-file-name (app)
+ (format nil "~a.lisp" (string-downcase (app-client-package-name app))))
+(defun generate-client-functions-for-app (app)
+ (loop for ep in (lazybones::app-endpoints app)
+ collect (generate-defun-for-endpoint app ep)))
+(defun generate (directory app)
+ "Generate "
+ (assert (uiop:directory-exists-p directory))
+ (alexandria:write-string-into-file
+ (generate-defsystem-for-client-of-app app)
+ (merge-pathnames (client-asd-file-name app) directory))
+ (alexandria:write-string-into-file
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (princ (generate-defpackage-for-client-of-app app))
+ (princ #\newline) (princ #\newline)
+ (princ #\newline) (princ #\newline)
+ (dolist (defun-string (generate-client-functions-for-app app))
+ (princ defun-string)
+ (princ #\newline) (princ #\newline)))
+ (merge-pathnames (client-lisp-file-name app) directory))
+ :ok)
diff --git a/src/client/parenscript.lisp b/src/client/parenscript.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75afbd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/parenscript.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+(defpackage #:lazybones/client.parenscript
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:export #:generate))
diff --git a/src/documentation/markdown.lisp b/src/documentation/markdown.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f2b883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/documentation/markdown.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 colin@cicadas.surf
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;;; markdown.lisp -- documenting APP instances
+(defpackage #:lazybones/documentation.markdown
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:export #:generate))
+(in-package :lazybones/documentation.markdown)
+(defun sorted-endpoints (endpoints)
+ (sort (copy-seq endpoints) #'string< :key #'endpoint-route))
+(defun generate (app)
+ "For now, returns a single Markdown formatted string that documents
+each endpoint in APP."
+ (symbol-macrolet ((newline (progn (princ #\newline)(princ #\newline))))
+ (with-slots
+ (title
+ version
+ endpoints
+ (default-authorizer authorizer)
+ default-content-type
+ description
+ definitions)
+ app
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (princ "# ") (princ title) (princ " - ") (princ "v") (princ version)
+ newline
+ (princ description)
+ newline
+ (princ "## Endpoints")
+ (dolist (ep (sorted-endpoints endpoints))
+ (with-slots (method content-type route authorizer params endpoint-documentation) ep
+ newline
+ (princ "### ") (princ method) (princ " ") (princ (make-route-presentable route))
+ (terpri)
+ (princ "*")
+ (princ (if content-type content-type default-content-type ))
+ (princ "*")
+ (when authorizer
+ newline
+ (princ "Authorization Required: ")
+ newline
+ (cond ((function-or-function-name-p authorizer)
+ (princ (ensure-blockquote (documentation authorizer 'function))))
+ ((function-or-function-name-p default-authorizer)
+ (princ (ensure-blockquote (documentation default-authorizer 'function)))))
+ newline)
+ (a:when-let (vars (endpoint-route-vars ep))
+ newline
+ (princ "Route Variables: ") newline
+ (dolist (var vars)
+ (princ "- ") (princ var)
+ (a:when-let (val-parser (route-var-value-parser ep var))
+ (princ ": ") (princ (strip-newlines (documentation val-parser 'function))))
+ (princ #\newline)))
+ (when params
+ newline
+ (princ "Documented Query Parameters: ") newline
+ (loop for (var parser) in params
+ do (princ "- ") (princ (string-downcase (symbol-name var)))
+ (princ ": ") (princ (strip-newlines (documentation parser 'function)))
+ (princ #\newline)))
+ newline
+ (princ endpoint-documentation)))
+ newline
+ (when (plusp (hash-table-count definitions))
+ (princ "## Definitions") newline
+ (loop for name being the hash-key of definitions
+ for (node-id . text) being the hash-value of definitions
+ do (format *standard-output*
+ "<h3 id='~a'>~a</h3>"
+ node-id name)
+ (princ #\newline) (princ #\newline)
+ (princ text)
+ (princ #\newline) (princ #\newline)))))))
+(defun ensure-blockquote (string)
+ (concatenate 'string "> "
+ (str:replace-all
+ '(#\newline)
+ "
+> "
+ string)))
+(defun strip-newlines (string)
+ (str:replace-all '(#\newline) "" string))
+(defun function-or-function-name-p (thing)
+ (or (functionp thing)
+ (and (symbolp thing) (fboundp thing))))
+(defun endpoint-route-vars (ep)
+ "return a list of route variables for endpoint EP"
+ (mapcar 'first (remove-if-not #'consp (endpoint-dispatch-pattern ep))))
+(defun route-var-value-parser (ep var)
+ (second (assoc var (remove-if-not #'consp (endpoint-dispatch-pattern ep)))))
+(defun make-route-presentable (routestring)
+ (ppcre:regex-replace-all " [a-z0-9A-Z\-]+:" routestring ":"))
diff --git a/src/lazybones.lisp b/src/lazybones.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c7d40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lazybones.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 colin@cicadas.surf
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;;; lazybones.lisp
+(in-package #:lazybones)
+(defvar *request* nil
+ "Dynamic Variable holding the current request object. Dynamically
+ bound and available to each handler. The exact object bound to
+ *request* varies according to the current backend.")
+(defvar *response* nil
+ "Dynamic variable holding the current response object. Dynamically
+ bound and available to each handler. The exact object bound
+ *response* varies according to the current backend. ")
+(defvar *app* nil
+ "Dynamic variable holding the an APP instance. Dynamically bound by
+ RUN-ENDPOINT so that it is available if needed in request handlers.")
+(defvar *allowed-keywords* nil
+ "Dynamic variable. Can be bound by handler functions to control which
+keywords are read in while parsing request bodies. Should be used
+when keyword bombing is a concern.")
+(defvar *debugging* nil)
+(define-condition http-error (condition)
+ ((code :initarg :code)
+ (content :initarg :content)))
+(lisp-namespace:define-namespace lazybones)
+(defun default-app-name ()
+ (intern (package-name *package*) *package*))
+(defclass app ()
+ ((name
+ :reader app-name
+ :initarg :name
+ :initform (error "Appname is required")
+ :type symbol)
+ (title
+ :accessor app-title
+ :initarg :title
+ :initform ""
+ :type string
+ :documentation "A string title")
+ (description
+ :accessor app-description
+ :initarg :description
+ :initform ""
+ :type string
+ :documentation "A string describing the app")
+ (version
+ :accessor app-version
+ :initarg :vsn :initarg :version
+ :initform "0.0.1"
+ :type string)
+ (prefix
+ :accessor app-prefix
+ :initarg :prefix
+ :initform ""
+ :documentation "Effectively prepended to all endpoints for the
+ purposes of request handling. E.g. \"/api\" is a good prefix." )
+ (definitions
+ :accessor app-definitions
+ :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ :documentation "Definitions are used in the generation of
+ documentation. They can be linked to from docstrings of
+ endpoints. Used to provide additional documentation for, e.g.,
+ JSON object specifications for post bodies or return types.")
+ (authorizer
+ :accessor request-authorizer
+ :initarg :auth
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "A function of zero arguments that uses the request
+ API functions in LAZYBONES.BACKEND to determine whether or not the
+ current request is authorized. This is the default authorizer, and
+ is evoked when an ENDPOINT's AUTH slot is T. Endpoints may
+ override this behavor by supplying a function in place of T. A
+ value of NIL means that there is no default authorizer.")
+ (default-content-type
+ :accessor default-content-type
+ :initarg :content-type
+ :initform "text/html"
+ :documentation "Default content type sent back to clients.")
+ (endpoints
+ :accessor app-endpoints
+ :initform nil)
+ (dict
+ :accessor app-dict
+ :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ :documentation "A hash table for storing arbitrary informatrion on this application.")))
+(defun expand-provision-app-option (app option value)
+ (list 'setf
+ (ecase option
+ ((:desc :description) `(lazybones::app-description ,app))
+ (:prefix `(lazybones::app-prefix ,app))
+ (:title `(lazybones::app-title ,app))
+ (:version `(lazybones::app-version ,app))
+ (:content-type `(lazybones::default-content-type ,app))
+ ((:auth :authorizer) `(lazybones::request-authorizer ,app)))
+ value))
+(defmacro provision-app ((&optional name) &body body)
+ (assert (evenp (length body)) () "Odd number of forms in PROVISION-APP BODY.")
+ (let* ((the-app
+ (gensym))
+ (provisioning
+ (loop for (k v . more) on body by #'cddr
+ collect (expand-provision-app-option the-app k v))))
+ `(let ((,the-app
+ (if (null ',name)
+ (or (app) (make-instance 'app :name (default-app-name)))
+ (or (app ',name) (make-instance 'app :name ',name)))))
+ ,@provisioning)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :before ((app app) &key name &allow-other-keys)
+ (when (app name)
+ (error "an app named ~s already exists" name)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((app app) &key)
+ (setf (symbol-lazybones (app-name app)) app))
+(defun app (&optional name)
+ "Get the APP instance named by the symbol NAME. If NAME is not
+supplied, get the default app. Every package has at most one default
+app, named with the package name. If no app can be found, return NIL"
+ (symbol-lazybones (or name (default-app-name)) nil))
+(defun dictionary (key &optional name)
+ "Get value from the application dict"
+ (gethash key (app-dict (app name))))
+(defun (setf dictionary) (new key &optional name)
+ "Set a value in the application dict."
+ (setf (gethash key (app-dict (app name))) new))
+(defclass endpoint ()
+ ((method
+ :reader endpoint-method
+ :initarg :method
+ :initform :get)
+ (route
+ :reader endpoint-route
+ :initarg :route
+ :initform (error "endpoint route required"))
+ (params
+ :reader endpoint-params
+ :initarg :params
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "A list of (SYMBOL-NAME FUNCTION-SYMBOL),
+ documenting the query parameters this endpoint expects. Used for
+ generating both documentation and client functions.")
+ (content-type
+ :reader endpoint-content-type
+ :initarg :content-type
+ :initform nil)
+ (authorizer
+ :reader request-authorizer
+ :initarg :auth
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "A function of zero arguments used to authorize the
+ request currently bound to *REQUEST*. Returns non-nil if
+ authorized, and NIL if not.")
+ (dispatch-pattern
+ :reader endpoint-dispatch-pattern
+ :initarg :pattern)
+ (handler-function
+ :reader endpoint-request-handler
+ :initarg :function)
+ (endpoint-documentation
+ :reader endpoint-documentation
+ :initarg :doc
+ :initform "")))
+(defun routekey-term-match-p (pattern-term routekey-term)
+ "Internal helper function. Returns T if both arguments are strings
+and they compare with STRING-EQUAL. Otherwise, PATTERN-TERM is
+assumed to be a route variable representation, in which case T is
+returned, indicating that the variable should bind to anything."
+ (if (stringp pattern-term)
+ (string-equal pattern-term routekey-term)
+ t))
+(defun matches-routekey-p (pattern key)
+ "PATTERN is a list, each member of which is a string or a variable
+representation. PATTERN will have been generated by
+If there are no variables in PATTERN, MATCHES-ROUTEKEY-P returns T
+or NIL.
+If there are variables in the pattern, MATCHES-ROUTEKEY-P returns a
+list of values, in the case of success, or NIL in the case of failure."
+ (when (= (length pattern) (length key))
+ (loop for pterm in pattern
+ for rterm in key
+ for matchp = (routekey-term-match-p pterm rterm)
+ unless matchp
+ return nil
+ when (listp pterm) ; looks like (var) or (var value-parser)
+ collect (if (second pterm)
+ (funcall (second pterm) rterm) ; parse value from rterm if we can
+ rterm) ; otherwise use rterm string
+ into arguments
+ finally (return (or arguments t)))))
+(defun strip-app-prefix (app path)
+ (multiple-value-bind (success suffix) (a:starts-with-subseq (app-prefix app) path :return-suffix t)
+ (unless success (error "~a is not prefixed by ~a" path (app-prefix app)))
+ suffix))
+(defun find-endpoint (app &optional (request *request*))
+ (find-endpoint-matching-key
+ app
+ (request-method request)
+ (url-path->request-routekey (strip-app-prefix app (request-path request)))))
+(defun method-match-for-dispatch-p (req-method ep-method)
+ "Either the arguments compare EQ or the first is :HEAD and the second is :GET."
+ (or (eq req-method ep-method)
+ (and (eq :head req-method) (eq :get ep-method))))
+(defun find-endpoint-matching-key (app method key)
+ "Returns a list. NIL represents failure to find match.
+Otherwise the result is (ENDPOINT . ARGS) where ENDPOINT is an
+endpoint instanceq and ARGS is a list of arguments to pass to
+ENDPOINT's handler function."
+ (loop for endpoint in (app-endpoints app)
+ for match = (and (method-match-for-dispatch-p method (endpoint-method endpoint))
+ (matches-routekey-p (endpoint-dispatch-pattern endpoint) key))
+ when match
+ return (cons endpoint (when (listp match) match))))
+(defun patterns-match-p (p1 p2)
+ (and (eql (length p1) (length p2))
+ (every 'routekey-term-match-p p1 p2)))
+(defun find-endpoint-matching-pattern (app method pattern)
+ (loop for ep in (app-endpoints app)
+ when (and (eql method (endpoint-method ep))
+ (patterns-match-p pattern (endpoint-dispatch-pattern ep)))
+ return ep))
+(defun unregister-endpoint (app method dispatch-pattern)
+ (a:when-let (extant-ep (find-endpoint-matching-pattern app method dispatch-pattern))
+ (setf (app-endpoints app) (delete extant-ep (app-endpoints app)))))
+(defun register-endpoint (app ep)
+ (unregister-endpoint app (endpoint-method ep) (endpoint-dispatch-pattern ep))
+ (push ep (app-endpoints app)))
+(defparameter +http-methods+
+ (list :get :head :put :post :delete :patch))
+(defun url-path->request-routekey (path)
+ "A routekey is used to match urls to endpoints that handle them."
+ (str:split #\/ path))
+(defun parse-route-string-template (template)
+ "Routes are of the form
+/foo/bar/:var parse-integer:/blah
+On success returns things like:
+(\"foo\" \"bar\" (VARIABLE) \"blah\")
+(\"foo\" \"bar\" (VAR PARSE-INTEGER) \"blah\")
+Returns NIL on failure"
+ (cond ((equal "" template) nil)
+ (t
+ (when (search "//" template)
+ (warn "The proposed route ~s contains a double forward-slash (//), is this intended?"
+ template))
+ (unless (eql #\/ (elt template 0))
+ (error "The proposed route ~s does not begin with a forward-slash, is this intended?"
+ template))
+ (loop for field in (str:split #\/ template)
+ for var? = (parse-route-variable-string field)
+ when var?
+ collect var?
+ else
+ collect (string-downcase field)))))
+(defun parse-route-variable-string (string)
+ "A route variable string looks like :foo: or :foo bar:
+In the case of a successful parse, a list of one or two symbols is
+returned. These symbosl are created using read-from-string, which
+allows for these symbols' packages to be specified if desired.
+Returns NIL on failure."
+ (when (and (a:starts-with-subseq ":" string)
+ (a:ends-with-subseq ":" string))
+ (destructuring-bind
+ (var-name . decoder?)
+ (re:split " +"
+ (string-trim " "
+ (subseq string 1 (- (length string) 1))))
+ (if decoder?
+ (list (string-upcase var-name) (read-from-string (first decoder?)))
+ (list (string-upcase var-name))))))
+(defun route-variables (pattern)
+ (loop for term in pattern
+ when (listp term)
+ collect (first term)))
+(defun run-endpoint (endpoint args request response app)
+ "Bind dynamic variables *request* *response* and *app* before
+applying HANDLER-FUNCTION slot of ENDPOINT to the ARGS list."
+ (let ((*request* request)
+ (*response* response)
+ (*app* app))
+ (setf (response-code) 200)
+ (if (request-authorized-p endpoint)
+ (http-respond (apply (endpoint-request-handler endpoint) args))
+ (http-err 403))))
+(defun request-authorized-p (endpoint)
+ "Attempts to authorize an endpoint.
+If the endpoint's request-authorizer is NIL, then the endpoint doesn't
+require authorization, and T is returned.
+If the endpoint's request-authorizer is a function, call it.
+If the endpoint's request-authorizer is T, then the app's default
+authorizer is used.
+Hence, if the endpoint authorizer is T and the app doesn't have an
+authorizer, then, the endpoint wants to be authorized but there isn't
+any way to do it, hence NIL is returned."
+ (a:if-let (auth (request-authorizer endpoint))
+ (if (or (functionp auth)
+ (and (symbolp auth) (fboundp auth)))
+ (funcall auth)
+ (when (request-authorizer *app*) ; perhaps this should be an if, and
+ (funcall (request-authorizer *app*))))
+ t))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defun endpoint-function-name-helper (method route)
+ (string-upcase
+ (format nil "~a-~{~a~^-~}"
+ (symbol-name method)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (x) (if (stringp x) x (car x)))
+ (cdr (parse-route-string-template route)))))))
+(defmacro defendpoint
+ (appname method route
+ query-params
+ (&key
+ (auth nil)
+ content-type)
+ &body body)
+ "Defines and installs an ENDPOINT instance to the APP instance
+indicated by APPNAME, first checking an APP called APPNAME exits,
+making a new one if not."
+ (assert (member method +http-methods+) ()
+ "~a is not a valid http method keyword"
+ method)
+ (a:with-gensyms (the-app auth-method)
+ (let* ((dispatch-pattern
+ (parse-route-string-template route))
+ (endpoint-name
+ (intern (endpoint-function-name-helper method route)))
+ (lambda-list
+ (mapcar 'intern (route-variables dispatch-pattern)))
+ (documentation
+ (when (stringp (first body)) (first body)))
+ (body-without-docstring
+ (if (stringp (first body)) (rest body) body))
+ (real-body
+ (if query-params
+ `((lazybones:map-parameters ,query-params ,@body-without-docstring))
+ body-without-docstring)))
+ `(let* ((,the-app
+ (or (app ',appname) (make-instance 'lazybones:app :name ',appname)))
+ (,auth-method
+ ,auth))
+ (defun ,endpoint-name ,lambda-list
+ (declare (ignorable ,@lambda-list))
+ (setf (lazybones:response-header :content-type)
+ (or ,content-type (lazybones::default-content-type ,the-app)))
+ ,@real-body)
+ (register-endpoint
+ ,the-app
+ (make-instance
+ 'lazybones:endpoint
+ :method ,method
+ :route ,route
+ :params ',query-params
+ :content-type ,content-type
+ :pattern ',dispatch-pattern
+ :doc ,documentation
+ :auth ,auth-method
+ :function ',endpoint-name))))))
+(defmacro defendpoint* (method route params options &rest body)
+ "Like DEFENDPOINT but uses the current package name as the app name."
+ `(defendpoint ,(default-app-name) ,method ,route ,params ,options ,@body))
+(defun http-err (code &optional content)
+ "Singals an HTTP-ERROR with code and content."
+ (signal 'http-error :content content :code code))
+(defun set-definition (name item-id definition-text &optional (app (lazybones:app)))
+ "Name is a string"
+ (setf (gethash name (app-definitions app)) (cons item-id definition-text)))
+(defun drop-definition (name &optional (app (lazybones:app)))
+ "Remove definition keyed by LINK-TARGET from APP."
+ (remhash name (app-definitions app)))
+(defun names-equal-p (s1 s2)
+ (or (equalp s1 s2)
+ (and (symbolp s1) (equalp (symbol-name s1) s2))
+ (and (symbolp s2) (equalp s1 (symbol-name s2)))
+ (and (symbolp s1) (symbolp s2)
+ (string-equal (symbol-name s1) (symbol-name s2)))))
+(defun getplist (indicator plist &key (test 'names-equal-p ) key)
+ (let ((indicator (if key (funcall key indicator) indicator)))
+ (loop for (k0 v . more) on plist by #'cddr
+ for k = (if key (funcall key k0) k0)
+ when (funcall test indicator k)
+ return (values v t)
+ finally (return (values nil least-negative-long-float )))))
+(defun class-docs (class-name)
+ (closer-mop:ensure-finalized (find-class class-name))
+ (loop for plist in (trivial-documentation:symbol-definitions class-name)
+ when (eql :class (getf plist :kind))
+ return (list (getf plist :documentation)
+ (getf plist :slots))))
+(defun add-class-to-definitions (app class-name &rest slot-names)
+ "Generates a definition entry from class and slot documentation
+CLASS-NAME should be a symbol, and SLOT-NAMES symbols."
+ (destructuring-bind (documentation slots) (class-docs class-name)
+ (set-definition (string-downcase (symbol-name class-name))
+ (string-downcase (format nil "#~a" class-name))
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (princ documentation)
+ (princ #\newline) (princ #\newline)
+ (princ "**Slots:**") (princ #\newline)
+ (dolist (sn slot-names)
+ (a:when-let (slot-doc (getplist sn slots))
+ (princ "- ") (princ sn) (princ ": ")
+ (princ slot-doc)
+ (princ #\newline)))
+ (princ #\newline))
+ app)))
+(defparameter +extension->mimetype+
+ '(("aac" "audio/aac")
+ ("abw" "application/x-abiword")
+ ("arc" "application/x-freearc")
+ ("avif" "image/avif")
+ ("avi" "video/x-msvideo")
+ ("azw" "application/vnd.amazon.ebook")
+ ("bin" "application/octet-stream")
+ ("bmp" "image/bmp")
+ ("bz" "application/x-bzip")
+ ("bz2" "application/x-bzip2")
+ ("cda" "application/x-cdf")
+ ("csh" "application/x-csh")
+ ("css" "text/css")
+ ("csv" "text/csv")
+ ("doc" "application/msword")
+ ("docx" "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document")
+ ("eot" "application/vnd.ms-fontobject")
+ ("epub" "application/epub+zip")
+ ("gz" "application/gzip")
+ ("gif" "image/gif")
+ ("htm" "text/html")
+ ("ico" "image/vnd.microsoft.icon")
+ ("ics" "text/calendar")
+ ("jar" "application/java-archive")
+ ("jpeg" "image/jpeg")
+ ("js" "text/javascript")
+ ("json" "application/json")
+ ("jsonld" "application/ld+json")
+ ("mid" "audio/x-midi")
+ ("mjs" "text/javascript")
+ ("mp3" "audio/mpeg")
+ ("mp4" "video/mp4")
+ ("mpeg" "video/mpeg")
+ ("mpkg" "application/vnd.apple.installer+xml")
+ ("odp" "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation")
+ ("ods" "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet")
+ ("odt" "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text")
+ ("oga" "audio/ogg")
+ ("ogv" "video/ogg")
+ ("ogx" "application/ogg")
+ ("opus" "audio/opus")
+ ("otf" "font/otf")
+ ("png" "image/png")
+ ("pdf" "application/pdf")
+ ("php" "application/x-httpd-php")
+ ("ppt" "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint")
+ ("pptx" "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation")
+ ("rar" "application/vnd.rar")
+ ("rtf" "application/rtf")
+ ("sh" "application/x-sh")
+ ("svg" "image/svg+xml")
+ ("tar" "application/x-tar")
+ ("tif" "image/tiff")
+ ("ts" "video/mp2t")
+ ("ttf" "font/ttf")
+ ("txt" "text/plain")
+ ("vsd" "application/vnd.visio")
+ ("wav" "audio/wav")
+ ("weba" "audio/webm")
+ ("webm" "video/webm")
+ ("webp" "image/webp")
+ ("woff" "font/woff")
+ ("woff2" "font/woff2")
+ ("xhtml" "application/xhtml+xml")
+ ("xls" "application/vnd.ms-excel")
+ ("xlsx" "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet")
+ ("xml" "application/xml")
+ ("xul" "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml")
+ ("zip" "application/zip")
+ ("3gp" "audio/3gpp")
+ ("3g2" "audio/3gpp2")
+ ("7z" "application/x-7z-compressed")))
+(defun ext->mimetype (ext)
+ (second (assoc ext +extension->mimetype+ :test #'string-equal)))
diff --git a/src/macros.lisp b/src/macros.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d941b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/macros.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+;; Copyright (C) 2022 colin@cicadas.surf
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;;; macros.lisp --- utility macros
+(in-package :lazybones)
+(defmacro let-parameters ((&rest names) &body body)
+ "NAMES is a list of symbols. Binds the names to the value of the
+request parameters whose keys compare string-equal to the symbol-name
+of each NAME, or NIL if there is no such parameter."
+ (let ((params (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,params (lazybones:request-parameters)))
+ (let ,(loop for name in names
+ for string-name = (symbol-name name)
+ collect `(,name (cdr (assoc ,string-name ,params :test #'string-equal))))
+ (declare (ignorable ,@names))
+ ,@body))))
+(defmacro map-parameters ((&rest params) &body body)
+ "PARAMS is a list of pairs (NAME PARSER). MAP-PARAMETERS behaves
+exactly like LET-PARAMETERS except that the values boudn to NAMEs are
+first mapped with the PARSER function."
+ (assert (loop for (name parser) in params
+ always (and (symbolp name)
+ (or (symbolp parser) (functionp parser))))
+ ()
+ "Malformed PARAMS in MAP-PARAMETERS macro")
+ (let ((names (mapcar #'car params)))
+ `(let-parameters ,names
+ (let ,(loop for name in names
+ collect `(,name (when ,name (funcall ',(second (assoc name params)) ,name))))
+ ,@body))))
diff --git a/src/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04cc5bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/package.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+;;;; package.lisp
+;; any backend must implement functions for these
+;; use the hunchentoot backend as a reference
+(defpackage #:lazybones-backend
+ (:export
+ ;; request functions
+ #:request-url
+ #:request-path
+ #:request-host
+ #:request-port
+ #:request-query-string
+ #:request-parameter
+ #:request-parameters
+ #:request-headers
+ #:request-header
+ #:request-method
+ #:request-body
+ #:request-cookie
+ ;; resposne functions
+ #:response-header
+ #:response-code
+ #:set-response-cookie
+ #:response-cookie
+ #:http-respond
+ ;; server functions
+ #:install-app
+ #:uninstall-app
+ #:create-server
+ #:server-domain
+ #:start-server
+ #:stop-server
+ #:canned-response
+ #:set-canned-response
+ ;; special variables
+ #:*allowed-keywords*
+ ))
+;; the symbols exported here are available for end users to use in the
+;; building of their apps
+(defpackage #:lazybones
+ (:use #:cl #:lazybones-backend)
+ (:local-nicknames (#:a #:alexandria)
+ (#:re #:cl-ppcre))
+ (:export
+ #:*app*
+ #:*request*
+ #:*response*
+ #:*debugging*
+ #:*allowed-keywords*
+ #:http-error
+ #:generate-app-documentation
+ #:provision-app
+ #:app
+ #:canned-response
+ #:set-canned-response
+ #:create-server
+ #:defendpoint
+ #:defendpoint*
+ #:endpoint
+ #:let-parameters
+ #:map-parameters
+ #:http-err
+ #:http-respond
+ #:install-app
+ #:request-body
+ #:request-cookie
+ #:request-header
+ #:request-headers
+ #:request-host
+ #:request-method
+ #:request-parameter
+ #:request-parameters
+ #:request-path
+ #:request-port
+ #:request-query-string
+ #:request-url
+ #:response-code
+ #:set-response-cookie
+ #:response-cookie
+ #:response-header
+ #:start-server
+ #:stop-server
+ #:uninstall-app
+ #:set-definition
+ #:drop-definition
+ #:add-class-to-definitions
+ #:ext->mimetype
+ #:dictionary))