path: root/lazybones.lisp
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authorColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-02-03 15:55:14 -0600
committerColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-02-03 15:55:14 -0600
commit68cd7958d8434330eeeeb486bee974bfa5c2c33e (patch)
tree562ed5ea283647bb81230c1436ed03ff54285340 /lazybones.lisp
parent2896eacccd28fe80d07b9be0e13df4b8770378cd (diff)
defined initial app class
Diffstat (limited to 'lazybones.lisp')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/lazybones.lisp b/lazybones.lisp
index 2f7dbfb..82e5fff 100644
--- a/lazybones.lisp
+++ b/lazybones.lisp
@@ -2,422 +2,37 @@
(in-package #:lazybones)
-(clack.util:find-handler :hunchentoot) ;; temporary
-(defvar *handler* nil
- "Clack handler top-level handler.")
-(defvar *routes* nil
- "Datastructure that maps routes to route handlers.")
-(defvar *req* nil
- "A PLIST that bound by and available to route handlers.")
-(defvar *body* nil
- "Holds body of a request, decoded according to known decoders.
-If no known decoder matches, holds a stream.
-Bound by route handlers for POST, PUT, and PATCH requests.")
-(defvar *logging-p* nil
- "Set to T if you want ot log requests to the value of *logging-stream*.")
-(defvar *logging-stream* t
- "Set to T (i.e the standard output) by default.")
-(defvar *resp-headers* nil
- "A PLIST bound at the beginning of every response. Can be used to
- add additional headers to responses valid responses.")
-(defvar *decoders* nil
- "An ALIST holding (mimetype . decoder) pairs. Add a decoder to this
- to customize decoding of POST and PUT bodies.")
-(defvar *fallback-response-mimetype* "application/octet-stream"
- "What to serve files as if their mimetype is unknown")
-(defvar *file-handler-configs* nil
-EXTENSION is a string, a file extension.
-MIMETYPE is a string, used for setting the Content-Type HTTP response
-header for files with extension EXTENSION.
-READER is a function designator. The function should accept a OS path
-and return either a string or a byte-vector.")
-(defun register-file-handler-config (ext mimetype &optional (reader 'read-file-into-string))
- "Downcases both arguments, which are assumed to be strings.
-Adds the (EXT MIMETYPE READER) to the global file handler
-registry. Used to determine the Content-Type when serving files whose
-file extension is EXT.
-READER is a function designator. The function should accept a path and
-read that path from disk, returning either a string or a byte-vector."
- (if-let (entry (assoc ext *file-handler-configs* :test #'string-equal))
- (setf (second entry) (string-downcase mimetype)
- (third entry) reader)
- (push (list ext (string-downcase mimetype) reader)
- *file-handler-configs*)))
-;; TODO raise a condition here in case of failure?
-(defun get-file-handler-config (ext)
- "Looks up the mimetype for the file extention EXT. Returnes the
-mimetype as a string, or NIL"
- (assoc ext *file-handler-configs* :test #'equal))
-(defun clean-split-path (path)
- (loop :for entry :in (split-sequence #\/ (namestring path))
- :when (plusp (length entry)) :collect entry))
-(defun add-header (key val)
- "Adds a header to the response headers. Can be used within a handler
- (setf (getf *resp-headers* key) val))
-(defun add-decoder (mimetype decoder)
- "Adds or replaces a DECODER function for supplied MIMETYPE"
- (if-let ((decoder-pair (assoc mimetype *decoders* :test #'string-equal)))
- (setf (cdr decoder-pair) decoder)
- (push (cons mimetype decoder)
- *decoders*)))
-(defun decode-body (stream content-type content-length)
- "Decodes the body according to the Content-Type header.
-If no matching decoder is found in the *DECODERS* ALIST, then the
-STREAM itself is returned unaltered.
- (if-let ((decoder (assoc content-type *decoders*
- :test (lambda (ct key) (starts-with-subseq key ct)))))
- (funcall (cdr decoder) stream content-type content-length)
- stream))
-(defun content-length (content)
- "Utility for determining the Content-Length header for response bodies."
- (cond ((consp content)
- (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'length content)))
- (t (length content))))
-(defun http-ok (content-type &rest content)
- "Utility function for creating an 200 HTTP response.
-CONTENT-TYPE is a string, a mimetype.
-CONTENT is either a list of strings or a byte vector. It can be other
-stuff but CLACK has abysmal documentation.
-HTTP-OK will determine the content length of the content automatically.
-Any headers currently contained in the *RESP-HEADERS* ALIST will be
-included in the response.
-The function symbol HTTP-OK also has a different meaning when used
-within the body of a DEFROUTE form. There it will early escape from
-the route handler with the value as described above.
-E.G. Consider the form
-(http-ok \"text/plain\" \"OK\")
-Outside of a DEFROUTE this returns the list
-(200 (:CONTENT-TYPE \"text/plain\" :CONTENT-LENGTH 2) (\"OK\"))
-But inside of a DEFROUTE, the same form would be equivalent to something like
-(return-from #HANDERL123
- (apply #'http-ok \"text/plain\" (\"OK\")))
-where #HANDERL123 is a block label unique to the handler.
- (when (typep (car content) '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8)))
- (setq content (car content)))
- (list 200
- (list* :content-type content-type
- :content-length (content-length content)
- *resp-headers*)
- content))
-(defun http-redirect (location)
- (list 303 (list* :location location
- *resp-headers*)
- nil))
-(defun serve-directory (root-path root-dir &key headers cache-p (filter #'identity))
- "Adds handlers for every file in the directory tree with the root ROOT-DIR.
-The if PATH is the file pathname relative to ROOT-DIR, then the route
-added to serve the file located at PATH looks like ROOT-PATH/PATH.
-HEADERS and CACHE-P are passed to MAKE-FILE-HANDLER as the keyword
-arguments of the same names.
-The FILTER function is used to control which paths are added. It is a
-predicate. If it is NIL the path is skipped, otherwise the path is used.
-If the appropriate mimetype cannot be determined for any file
-encountered under the ROOT-DIR, then an error will be
-signalled. Similarly, if a file reading function cannot be determined
-an error will be signalled. See also REGISTER-FILE-HANDLER-CONFIG."
- (let ((prefix-len (length (namestring root-dir)))
- (key-prefix (path-to-route-key :get root-path)))
- (uiop:collect-sub*directories
- root-dir
- (constantly t)
- (constantly t)
- (lambda (subdir)
- (dolist (file (uiop:directory-files subdir))
- (when (funcall filter file)
- (add-route
- (append key-prefix
- (clean-split-path (subseq (namestring file) prefix-len)))
- (make-file-handler file :headers headers :cache-p cache-p))))))))
-(defun make-file-handler
- (file &key
- mimetype
- file-reader
- headers
- cache-p)
- "Given a path to a file, returns a handler function for serving that
-file. If the file cannot be found on disk, an error will be raised
-and the server will return 500.
-If MIMETYPE is not specified, it will be determined from the file
-extension. If it cannot be determined from the file extension, the
-current value of *FALLBACK-RESPONSE-MIMETYPE* will be used,
-application/octet-stream by default.
-FILE-READER names a function that reads file content from disk. It
-should accept a file name and return either a string or a byte
-vector. If it is not specified, it will be determined fromt he file
-extension. If it cannot be determined from the file extension,
-HEADERS is a PLIST of additional HTTP headers. Content-Length need
-not be included as it will be determined automatically.
-CACHE-P determines whether or not the file is read from disk upon
-every request. By default files are not cached."
- (assert (probe-file file))
- (let* ((ext (pathname-type file))
- (config (get-file-handler-config ext))
- (mimetype (or mimetype
- (second config)
- *fallback-response-mimetype*))
- (file-reader (or file-reader
- (third config)
- 'read-file-into-byte-vector))
- (content (if cache-p (funcall file-reader file)
- (lambda () (funcall file-reader file)))))
- (lambda (*req*)
- (let ((*resp-headers* headers))
- (http-ok mimetype (if cache-p content (funcall content)))))))
-(defun http-err (code text)
- (let ((resp (format nil "~a ~a" code text)))
- (list code
- (list :content-type "text/plain"
- :content-length (length resp))
- (list resp))))
-(defun add-route (route-key route-handler)
- "A Helper, used by DEFROUTE. Adds or replaces a handler for a route.
-ROUTE-KEY is of the form (METHOD . STRINGS) where METHOD is
-one of :GET :POST :PUT :HEAD etc, and where STRINGS is a list of strings.
-ROUTE-HANDLER is a function of several arguments. The first argument
-always binds the special variable *REQ* to the current request PLIST.
-Additional arguments are bound to variables that may appear in the
-route key. A string in STRINGS that starts with a colon will
-correspond to a variable in the handler function. This the value of
-this variable is extracted from a request path and passed to the
-handler function.
-For example: (:GET \"persons\" \":id\" \"view\") matched against the
-url path \"/persons/23/view\" would pass the value 23 to the route
-handler, bound to the variable ID.
- (let ((found (assoc route-key *routes* :test #'equal)))
- (if found
- (setf (cdr found) route-handler)
- (push (cons route-key route-handler) *routes*))))
-(defun path-var-p (str)
- "Returns T if STR is a string that looks like :foo, Nil otherwise."
- (and
- (stringp str)
- (plusp (length str))
- (eql #\: (aref str 0))))
-(defun path-to-arglist (path-spec)
- "Parses a URL path and extracts any variables, returning a list of symbols.
-E.g.: /foo/bar/:goo/zar/:moo would result in (GOO MOO)"
- (loop :for val :in (clean-split-path path-spec)
- :when (path-var-p val) :collect (read-from-string (subseq val 1))))
-(defmacro with-handler-preamble ((&rest preamble) &body route-defs)
- "Inserts PREAMBLE form into the beginning of each ROUTE-DEF, which
-must be a valid DEFROUTE form.
-WITH-HANDLER-PREAMBLE is useful for adding resource control or
-preparation to big blocks of routes. E.g. ensuring authorization,
-setting up variables, etc.
- (let ((transformed
- (loop
- :for (_ method path . handler-forms) :in route-defs
- :collect (list* 'lazybones:defroute
- method
- path
- (append preamble handler-forms)))))
- `(progn ,@transformed)))
-(defun path-to-route-key (method path)
- (cons method (clean-split-path path)))
-(defmacro defroute (method path &rest body)
- "Defines a new route handler.
-Method is one of :GET :POST :PUT etc...
-PATH is a string representing a URL path. The PATH may contain
-variable segmets, that start with a colon.
-The new route is added to the currently defined routes and is
-available for use.
-If the METHOD has a body, then the defined route handler will
-automatically decode the body according the the request's
-Content-Length and Content-Type headers, which will then be bound to
-*BODY* for the extent of the handler.
-A special variable *RESP-HEADERS* is also bound to NIL at the start of
-the handler, and can be used to add headers to a successful response.
-The request PLIST is boudn to *REQ* for the extent of the handler.
-A handler is wrapped in an implicit block called
-CURRENT-HANDLER, allowing for non-local exits via (RETURN-FROM CURRENT-HANDLER ...)
- (let* ((arglist (path-to-arglist path))
- (key (path-to-route-key method path))
- (block-label (gensym "HANDLER"))
- (body-block `(block ,block-label
- (flet ((http-ok (content-type &rest content)
- (return-from ,block-label
- (apply #'http-ok content-type content)))
- (http-err (code text)
- (return-from ,block-label
- (funcall #'http-err code text))))
- ,@body))))
- (if (member method '(:post :put :patch))
- `(add-route ',key
- (lambda (*req* ,@arglist)
- (let ((*body* (decode-body (getf *req* :raw-body)
- (getf *req* :content-type)
- (getf *req* :content-length)))
- (*resp-headers*))
- ,body-block)))
- `(add-route ',key
- (lambda (*req* ,@arglist)
- (let (*resp-headers*)
- ,body-block))))))
-(defun route-part-match-p (word1 word2)
- "A utility function, returns T if word1 and word2 unify as
-non-variable URL path segments."
- (or (eql word1 word2)
- (and (stringp word1)
- (stringp word2)
- (string-equal word1 word2))))
-(defun match-route-key (req-key route-key)
- "Compares a route keys extracted from an HTTP request path with an
-already extant route key.
-Returns two values, a possible argument list to pass to the route
-handler and a boolean indicating success"
- (if (not (= (length req-key) (length route-key)))
- (values nil nil)
- (let (args)
- (loop
- :for req-part :in req-key
- :for route-part :in route-key
- :do (cond
- ((path-var-p route-part)
- (push req-part args))
- ((not (route-part-match-p req-part route-part))
- (return-from match-route-key (values nil nil)))))
- (values (reverse args) t))))
-(defun lookup-route (req)
- "Looks up a route and returns two values. The first is a list of
-arguments extracted from the request path. The second is the handler
-function itself. Both are NIL if the lookup failed to find a handler
-for the request's path."
- (when-let* ((path (getf req :path-info))
- (method (getf req :request-method))
- (key (path-to-route-key method path)))
- (loop :for (route-key . handler) :in *routes*
- :do (multiple-value-bind (args match-p) (match-route-key key route-key)
- (when match-p (return-from lookup-route (values args handler)))))
- ;; otherwise
- (values nil nil)))
-(defvar *debugging* nil
- "Set to T to allow the main thread to drop into the debugger when
- errors are encountered")
-(defun main-handler (*req*)
- (when *logging-p*
- (format *logging-stream* "~a~%" *req*))
- (handler-case
- (multiple-value-bind (args handler) (lookup-route *req*)
- (if handler
- (apply handler *req* args)
- (http-err 404 "Not Found")))
- (error (e)
- (if *debugging*
- (invoke-debugger e)
- (print e *error-output* ))
- (http-err 500 (format nil "Internal Server Error:~%~a" e)))))
-(defun start (&key (port 5000))
- (setf *handler* (clack:clackup 'main-handler :port port)))
-(defun stop ()
- (when *handler*
- (clack:stop *handler*)))
-(defun reload (&key (port 5000))
- (stop)
- (start :port port))
+(defclass app ()
+ ((name
+ :reader app-name
+ :initarg :name
+ :initform (error "Appname is required")
+ :type symbol)
+ (version
+ :reader app-version
+ :initarg :vsn :initarg :version
+ :initform "0.0.1"
+ :type string)
+ (root
+ :reader app-root
+ :initarg :root
+ :initform "/"
+ :type string)
+ (default-request-authorizer
+ :initarg :default-authorizier :initarg :auth-with
+ :initform nil)
+ (default-http-responders
+ :initarg :default-responders
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "A PLIST with keys being integers that represent
+ HTTP response codes and with values that are symbols naming
+ responder functions.")
+ (routes
+ :accessor app-routes
+ :initform nil)))
+(defun parse-route-string-template (template)
+ )
+(defun add-route (method routestring handler-function)
+ )