path: root/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
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authorColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-02-04 14:56:48 -0600
committerColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-02-04 14:56:48 -0600
commitc4352d64a25d2c5d297d433320df05a5181fee2e (patch)
treef6518402e5db1e386e4c48b42fd8dc91b3bd7929 /lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
parent88c50310089d175a7da9305d666c99cd35cd6796 (diff)
initial work developing hunchentoot backend
Diffstat (limited to 'lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp b/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
index f9c0af6..9d91b54 100644
--- a/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
+++ b/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
@@ -1,2 +1,107 @@
;;;; lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp -- hunchentoot backend for lazybones
+(defpackage #:lazybones.backend/hunchentoot
+ (:use #:cl #:lazybones.backend)
+ (:local-nicknames (#:h #:hunchentoot )))
+(in-package :lazybones.backend/hunchentoot)
+(defun request-path (request)
+ "Returns the PATH part of the REQUEST URL.
+See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax."
+ (h:script-name request))
+(defun request-host (request)
+ "Returns the HOST part of the REQUEST URL.
+See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax"
+ (h:host request))
+(defun request-url (request)
+ "Returns the full url of REQUST"
+ (h:request-uri* request))
+(defun request-port (request)
+ "The port associated with REQUEST."
+ (h:local-port* request))
+(defun request-query-string (request)
+ "Returns the full query string of the URL associated with REQUEST
+See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax"
+ (h:query-string request))
+(defun request-parameter (name request)
+ "Returns the the value of the query parameter named NAME, or NIL
+ if there there is none."
+ (h:get-parameter name request))
+(defun request-parameters (request)
+ "Returns an alist of parameters associated with REQUEST. Each
+member of the list looks like (NAME . VALUE) where both are strings."
+ (h:get-parameters request))
+(defun request-headers (request)
+ "Returns an alist of headers associated with REQUEST. Each member of
+the list looks like (HEADER-NAME . VALUE) where HEADER-NAME is a
+keyword or a string and VALUE is a string."
+ (h:headers-in request))
+(defun request-header (header-name request)
+ "Returns the string value of the REQUEST header named HEADER-NAME.
+HEADER-NAME can be a keyword or a string."
+ (h:header-in header-name request))
+(defun request-method (request)
+ "Returns a keyword representing the http method of the request."
+ (h:request-method request))
+(defparameter +hunchentoot-pre-decoded-content-types+
+ '("multipart/form-data" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
+(defun pre-decoded-body-p (request)
+ (member (request-header :content-type request)
+ +hunchentoot-pre-decoded-content-types+
+ :test #'string-equal))
+(defparameter +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+
+ '(:post :put :patch))
+(defun request-body (request &key (want-stream-p nil))
+ "Returns the decoded request body. The value returned depends upon
+the value of the Content-Type request header."
+ (when (member (request-method request) +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+)
+ (let ((pre-decoded-body-p
+ (pre-decoded-body-p request))
+ (content-type
+ (request-header :content-type request)))
+ (cond
+ ;; try to get a stream on request
+ (want-stream-p
+ ;; can't do it if the body is already decoded - return nil so
+ ;; that request-body can be called again
+ (unless pre-decoded-body-p
+ (h:raw-post-data :request request :want-stream t)))
+ (pre-decoded-body-p
+ (format-as-lazybones-document
+ (h:post-parameters request)))
+ ((string-equal "application/json" content-type)
+ (jonathan:parse
+ (h:raw-post-data :request request :external-format :utf8 ))) ; TODO don't hardcode the format
+ (t
+ ;; default case is to return a bytevector
+ (h:raw-post-data :request request :force-binary t))))))
+(defun format-as-lazybones-document (post-parameters)
+ "internal function. Formats all the post parmaeters (see docstring
+ on hunchentoot:post-parameters) into a plist with keyword keys, as
+ is the convention for lazybones."
+ (loop for (k . value) in post-parameters
+ collect (alexandria:make-keyword k)
+ collect value))