diff options
authorColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-02-17 09:27:40 -0600
committerColin Okay <okay@toyful.space>2022-02-17 09:27:40 -0600
commitc48ecda020797fe3fe65d55d02a8b72f6e7f19cb (patch)
parent65963eeef5afea104d5a94a99851e6eb79acd101 (diff)
add whole classes to documentation
6 files changed, 107 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/clpmfile.lock b/clpmfile.lock
index 874567c..54750b5 100644
--- a/clpmfile.lock
+++ b/clpmfile.lock
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
("trivial-backtrace" :version "2020-06-10" :source "quicklisp" :systems
+("trivial-documentation" :version "2016-12-07" :source "quicklisp" :systems
+ ("trivial-documentation"))
("trivial-features" :version "2021-12-09" :source "quicklisp" :systems
("trivial-garbage" :version "2021-12-30" :source "quicklisp" :systems
@@ -148,7 +150,8 @@
("cl-unicode" ((:system :name "cl-ppcre-unicode") (:system :name "cl-unicode")))
-("closer-mop" ((:system :name "lazybones") (:system :name "closer-mop")))
+ ((:system :name "trivial-documentation") (:system :name "closer-mop")))
("fast-io" ((:system :name "jonathan") (:system :name "fast-io")))
@@ -186,6 +189,9 @@
((:system :name "hunchentoot") (:system :name "trivial-backtrace")))
+ ((:system :name "lazybones") (:system :name "trivial-documentation")))
((:system :name "cl+ssl") (:system :name "trivial-features"))
((:system :name "cffi") (:system :name "trivial-features"))
diff --git a/example/lazybones-example-docs.md b/example/lazybones-example-docs.md
index a7dfca9..522d129 100644
--- a/example/lazybones-example-docs.md
+++ b/example/lazybones-example-docs.md
@@ -6,6 +6,17 @@ Just an API that defines some endpoints. These
## Endpoints
+### GET /animal/:genus:/:species:
+Route Variables:
+Prints information about [Animal](#animal) specified by GENUS and SPECIES
### POST /crapshoot
@@ -97,3 +108,15 @@ An instance of person. As JSON, it looks like:
+<h3 id='#animal'>animal</h3>
+An animal
+- GENUS: The genus
+- SPECIES: The species
+- POPULATION: Population on Earth
+- HABITAT: Where the animal lives
diff --git a/example/lazybones-example.lisp b/example/lazybones-example.lisp
index 5eb00d9..018b4ae 100644
--- a/example/lazybones-example.lisp
+++ b/example/lazybones-example.lisp
@@ -135,3 +135,35 @@
+(defclass animal ()
+ ((genus :initarg :genus :documentation "The genus")
+ (species :initarg :species :documentation "The species")
+ (population :initarg :population :documentation "Population on Earth")
+ (habitat :initarg :habitat :documentation "Where the animal lives"))
+ (:documentation "An animal"))
+;; add a documentation definition for animal class, the provided slots
+;; will show up in the api docs
+(lzb:add-class-to-definitions (lzb:app)
+ 'animal
+ 'genus 'species 'population 'habitat)
+(defvar +dummy-animal+
+ (make-instance 'animal
+ :genus "Pseudocheirus"
+ :species "Peregrinis"
+ :population "Unknown"
+ :habitat "Australia"))
+;; you can refer to definitions in docstrings
+(defendpoint* :get "/animal/:genus:/:species:" () ()
+ "Prints information about [Animal](#animal) specified by GENUS and SPECIES"
+ (if (and (string-equal genus "Pseudocheirus")
+ (string-equal species "Peregrinis"))
+ (with-output-to-string (out)
+ (with-slots (genus species population habitat) +dummy-animal+
+ (format out "The ~a ~a lives in ~a. Population: ~a~%"
+ genus species population habitat)))
+ (http-err 404)))
diff --git a/lazybones.asd b/lazybones.asd
index f5d819e..058257c 100644
--- a/lazybones.asd
+++ b/lazybones.asd
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
:description "http route handling"
:author "Colin Okay <okay@toyful.space>"
:license "AGPLv3"
- :version "0.6.1"
+ :version "0.7.0"
:serial t
:depends-on (#:alexandria
- #:closer-mop
+ #:trivial-documentation
:components ((:file "package")
diff --git a/lazybones.lisp b/lazybones.lisp
index 66192a2..80d7f73 100644
--- a/lazybones.lisp
+++ b/lazybones.lisp
@@ -400,3 +400,42 @@ making a new one if not."
"Remove definition keyed by LINK-TARGET from APP."
(remhash name (app-definitions app)))
+(defun names-equal-p (s1 s2)
+ (or (equalp s1 s2)
+ (and (symbolp s1) (equalp (symbol-name s1) s2))
+ (and (symbolp s2) (equalp s1 (symbol-name s2)))
+ (and (symbolp s1) (symbolp s2)
+ (string-equal (symbol-name s1) (symbol-name s2)))))
+(defun getplist (indicator plist &key (test 'names-equal-p ) key)
+ (let ((indicator (if key (funcall key indicator) indicator)))
+ (loop for (k0 v . more) on plist by #'cddr
+ for k = (if key (funcall key k0) k0)
+ when (funcall test indicator k)
+ return (values v t)
+ finally (return (values nil least-negative-long-float )))))
+(defun class-docs (class-name)
+ (closer-mop:ensure-finalized (find-class class-name))
+ (loop for plist in (trivial-documentation:symbol-definitions class-name)
+ when (eql :class (getf plist :kind))
+ return (list (getf plist :documentation)
+ (getf plist :slots))))
+(defun add-class-to-definitions (app class-name &rest slot-names)
+ "Generates a definition entry from class and slot documentation
+CLASS-NAME should be a symbol, and SLOT-NAMES symbols."
+ (destructuring-bind (documentation slots) (class-docs class-name)
+ (set-definition (string-downcase (symbol-name class-name))
+ (string-downcase (format nil "#~a" class-name))
+ (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+ (princ documentation)
+ (princ #\newline) (princ #\newline)
+ (princ "**Slots:**") (princ #\newline)
+ (dolist (sn slot-names)
+ (a:when-let (slot-doc (getplist sn slots))
+ (princ "- ") (princ sn) (princ ": ")
+ (princ slot-doc)
+ (princ #\newline)))
+ (princ #\newline))
+ app)))
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index 07c003d..6503203 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -75,5 +75,8 @@
- #:uninstall-app))
+ #:uninstall-app
+ #:set-definition
+ #:drop-definition
+ #:add-class-to-definitions))