diff options
authorColin Okay <cbeok@protonmail.com>2020-08-13 12:49:26 -0500
committerColin Okay <cbeok@protonmail.com>2020-08-13 12:49:26 -0500
commit5ea4ca47fee1f39f1fc360d44920c79d94007693 (patch)
parent94cdd9c501235aee52d772aa528584d5b023d4fd (diff)
can nest partials
2 files changed, 47 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/macros.lisp b/macros.lisp
index 8157959..eb742e6 100644
--- a/macros.lisp
+++ b/macros.lisp
@@ -3,91 +3,47 @@
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
;;; some fucntions for workign with substitution variables
- (defun substitute-var-p (symbol)
- (and (not (eql '$$ symbol))
+ (defun substitute-var-p (symbol prefix)
+ (and (not (eql '$ symbol))
(symbolp symbol)
- (eq (elt (symbol-name symbol) 0)
- #\$)))
- (defun numeric-char-p (c)
- (and (alphanumericp c) (not (alpha-char-p c))))
- (defun numeric-var-p (symbol)
- (and (substitute-var-p symbol)
- (numeric-char-p
- (elt (symbol-name symbol) 1))))
- (defun numerically-before-p (a b)
- (apply #'<
- (mapcar (lambda (x) (parse-integer (symbol-name x) :start 1 :junk-allowed t))
- (list a b)))))
-(defmacro $$ (expr)
- "Quickly create functions from an expression EXPR with 'blanks' in
-it. Each blank is a symbol that betins with the underscore _. Symbols
-with the same name are treated as the same variable.
-A function is returned, it accepts exactly the number of variables as
-there were unique blanks in the expression. When calling the new
-function, the variables are bound in the order they appeared in EXPR.
-This is a rather simple macro - you cannot nest $$ forms. If you try,
-an error will be raised.
-> (macroexpand-1 '($$ (+ $a (* $b 3) $b (- $a $c) 10)))
- (LAMBDA ($A $B $C)
- (+ $A
- (* $B 3)
- $B
- (- $A $C)
- 10))
-The macro is useful for succinctly passing functions to
-higher order functions:
-> (mapcar ($$ (+ $ 10)) '(1 2 3 4))
- (11 12 13 14)
-> (let ((elt-num 2))
- (mapcar ($ (elt $ elt-num))
- (list \"hey dude\"
- #(1 2 3 4)
- \"ffffffffff\")))
- (#\y 3 #\f)
-You can specify the order of the variable in the argument list by
-nameing the variable with a number after the $ symbol. If you go this
-route, all of your variables must be numbered.
-> (reduce ($$ (concatenate 'string $2-x #\Space $1-acc))
- (list \"one\" \"two\" \"three\")
- :initial-value \"zubas\")
- \"three two one zubas\"
-Note that you can use any numbers, the arguments are sorted by < on
-those numbers.
- (let ((new-params (list))
- (numeric-params nil))
- (subst-if t (constantly nil) expr
- :key (lambda (x)
- (when (substitute-var-p x)
- (pushnew x new-params))
- (when (numeric-var-p x)
- (setf numeric-params t))
- (when (eql '$$ x)
- (error "$$ cannot be nested"))))
+ (<= (length prefix)
+ (length (symbol-name symbol)))
+ (string-equal (symbol-name symbol) prefix
+ :end1 (length prefix))))
+ (defun numeric-var-p (symbol prefix)
+ (and (substitute-var-p symbol prefix)
+ (digit-char-p
+ (elt (symbol-name symbol) (length prefix))))))
+(defmacro $ ((&optional (prefix "$")) expr)
+ (let ((new-params (list))
+ (numeric-params nil))
+ (labels ((walk (node)
+ (cond ((and
+ (consp node)
+ (consp (car node))
+ (eq '$ (caar node)))
+ (walk (cdr node)))
+ ((consp node)
+ (walk (car node))
+ (walk (cdr node)))
+ (t
+ (when (substitute-var-p node prefix)
+ (pushnew node new-params))
+ (when (numeric-var-p node prefix)
+ (setf numeric-params t))))))
+ (walk expr))
(setf new-params
- (if numeric-params
- (sort new-params #'numerically-before-p)
+ (if numeric-params
+ (sort new-params #'<
+ :key (lambda (var)
+ (parse-integer (symbol-name var)
+ :junk-allowed t
+ :start (length prefix))))
(reverse new-params)))
- `(lambda ,new-params ,expr)))
+ `(lambda ,new-params ,expr)))
@@ -130,9 +86,14 @@ those numbers.
(defun enable-partial-eval-reader-macro ()
#\# #\$
- (lambda (stream subchar arg)
- (declare (ignore arg subchar))
- (list '$$ (read stream)))))
+ (lambda (stream subchar infix)
+ (declare (ignore subchar infix))
+ (let ((form1 (read stream)))
+ (if (symbolp form1)
+ (list '$ (list (concatenate 'string "$"
+ (symbol-name form1)))
+ (read stream))
+ (list '$ () form1))))))
(defun enable-lazy-eval-reader-macros ()
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index dc16ff5..e50fe78 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(defpackage #:lambda-tools
(:use #:cl)
- (:export #:$$
+ (:export #:$