path: root/www/js/ashlar.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/js/ashlar.js')
1 files changed, 1385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/js/ashlar.js b/www/js/ashlar.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1530a39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/js/ashlar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1385 @@
+ //// ashlar.js ////
+ / /
+ / A tilings library /
+ / /
+ ///////////////////////
+ author:
+ license: MIT
+ created: 7/8/2014
+ modified: 7/26/2014
+ version: 0.0.10 (a.k.a. "Horrors Abound")
+var Ashlar;
+Ashlar = Ashlar || {};
+(function (Ashlar) {
+ // a cheap clone for small objects
+ var clone = function (o) {
+ if (typeof o === 'object') {
+ return JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( o ));
+ } else {
+ return o;
+ }
+ };
+ var inRanges = function (val, ranges) {
+ var low,high;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i += 2) {
+ low = Math.min(ranges[i],ranges[i+1]);
+ high = Math.max(ranges[i],ranges[i+1]);
+ if (val < low || val > high) return false;
+ };
+ return true;
+ };
+ var sign = function (x) {
+ return ((x > 0) && 1) || ((x < 0) && -1) || 0;
+ };
+ var approx = function (a,b,e) {
+ return Math.abs(a - b) < .001;
+ };
+ // computes the dot product of two vectors
+ var dot = function (v1,v2) {
+ var p = 0, l = v1.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 1)
+ p += (v1[i] * v2[i]);
+ return sane(p);
+ };
+ var sane = function (n) {
+ return Math.round(n * 1000) / 1000;
+ }
+ // converts from degrees to radians
+ var radians = function (deg) {
+ return deg * Math.PI / 180;
+ };
+ // converts from radians to degrees
+ var degrees = function (rad) {
+ return rad * 180 / Math.PI;
+ };
+ /// Identity Function ///
+ var Identity = function (x) {return x;};
+ /// Point Class ///
+ var Point = function (x, y) {
+ if (!(this instanceof Point)) {
+ return new Point(x, y);
+ }
+ if ((typeof x.x === 'number') && (typeof x.y === 'number')) {
+ this.x = x.x;
+ this.y = x.y;
+ } else {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ Point.prototype.clone = function () {return Point(this)};
+ Point.prototype.toString = function () {
+ return '{x = ' + this.x + ' ,y = ' + this.y + '}';
+ };
+ Point.prototype.approx = function (pt) {
+ return approx(pt.x, this.x) && approx(pt.y, this.y);
+ };
+ // computes the distance between two points
+ Point.distance = function (p1, p2) {
+ var dx = p2.x - p1.x, dy = p2.y - p1.y;
+ return Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy);
+ };
+ Point.midpoint = function (p1, p2) {
+ return Point( (p1.x + p2.x) / 2, (p1.y + p2.y) / 2);
+ };
+ Ashlar.Point = Point;
+ /// Transform Matrix Class ///
+ var TransformMatrix = function () {
+ if (! (this instanceof TransformMatrix)) {
+ return new TransformMatrix();
+ }
+ this.matrix = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]];
+ return this;
+ };
+ TransformMatrix.prototype = {
+ __: function (row, col, val) {
+ if ((typeof val) === 'number') {
+ this.matrix[row-1][col-1] = val;
+ } else {
+ return this.matrix[row-1][col-1];
+ }
+ },
+ row: function (i) {
+ return this.matrix[i-1];
+ },
+ col: function (j) {
+ return (r) {
+ return r[j-1];
+ });
+ },
+ _X_: function (m) {
+ var prod = TransformMatrix();
+ for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
+ for (var j = 1; j <= 3; j++)
+ prod.__(i,j, dot(this.row(i), m.col(j)));
+ return prod;
+ },
+ _: function (v, isDestructive) {
+ var v0 = [v.x, v.y, 1],
+ v1 = [dot(this.row(1), v0),
+ dot(this.row(2), v0),
+ dot(this.row(3), v0)];
+ if (isDestructive) {
+ v.x = v1[0];
+ v.y = v1[1];
+ return v;
+ } else {
+ return Point(v1[0], v1[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /// Translation Transform Factory ///
+ var TranslationTransform = function (dx, dy, isDestructive) {
+ if ((dx instanceof Point) && (dy instanceof Point)) {
+ return TranslationTransform(dy.x - dx.x, dy.y - dx.y, isDestructive);
+ }
+ var m = TransformMatrix();
+ m.__(1,3,dx);
+ m.__(2,3,dy);
+ var that = function (pt) {return m._(pt, isDestructive);};
+ that.isDestructive = isDestructive;
+ that.m = m;
+ return that;
+ };
+ Ashlar.TranslationTransform = TranslationTransform;
+ /// Rotation Transform Factory ///
+ var RotationTransform = function (center, angle, isDestructive) {
+ var angle = radians(angle);
+ var toOrigin = TranslationTransform( -1 * center.x, -1 * center.y ).m;
+ var toCenter = TranslationTransform( center.x, center.y ).m;
+ var rotation = TransformMatrix();
+ rotation.__( 1, 1, Math.cos( angle ));
+ rotation.__( 1, 2, -1 * Math.sin( angle ));
+ rotation.__( 2, 1, Math.sin( angle ));
+ rotation.__( 2, 2, Math.cos( angle ));
+ var m = toCenter._X_(rotation._X_(toOrigin));
+ var that = function (pt) {return m._(pt, isDestructive);};
+ that.isDestructive = isDestructive;
+ that.m = m;
+ return that;
+ };
+ Ashlar.RotationTransform = RotationTransform;
+ /// Reflection Transform Factory ///
+ var VERTICAL_REFLECT = (function () {
+ var m = TransformMatrix();
+ m.__(2,2,-1);
+ return m;
+ })();
+ var ReflectionTransform = function (p1, p2, isDestructive) {
+ var p1ToOrigin = TranslationTransform( -1 * p1.x, -1 * p1.y).m;
+ var originToP1 = TranslationTransform( p1.x, p1.y).m;
+ var angle = ((p2.x - p1.x) === 0 ? -90 : degrees(-1 * Math.atan((p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x))));
+ var p2RotatedToHoriz = RotationTransform(Point(0,0), angle).m;
+ var p2RotatedBack = RotationTransform(Point(0,0), -1 * angle).m;
+ var m = originToP1._X_( p2RotatedBack._X_( VERTICAL_REFLECT._X_( p2RotatedToHoriz._X_( p1ToOrigin ) ) ) );
+ var that = function (pt) {return m._(pt, isDestructive);};
+ that.isDestructive = isDestructive;
+ that.m = m;
+ return that;
+ };
+ Ashlar.ReflectionTransform = ReflectionTransform;
+ /// Segments ///
+ // segments are directed lines between two points.
+ var Segment = function (pt1, pt2) {
+ if (!(this instanceof Segment)) return new Segment( pt1, pt2 );
+ this.tail = Point( pt1 );
+ this.head = Point( pt2 );
+ this.vector = Point( this.head.x - this.tail.x, this.head.y - this.tail.y);
+ return this;
+ };
+ Segment.prototype = {
+ slope: function () {
+ return sane((this.head.y - this.tail.y) / (this.head.x - this.tail.x));
+ },
+ intersectAt: function (other) {
+ var s1 = this.slope(), s2 = other.slope();
+ // same slope indicates either disjoint and parallel, or colinear
+ if ( approx( s1, s2 )) return false;
+ // check if any segment end points are coincident, and return if so.
+ if ( this.head.approx( other.head ) || this.head.approx( other.tail ) )
+ return Point( this.head );
+ if ( this.tail.approx( other.head ) || this.tail.approx( other.tail ) )
+ return Point( this.tail );
+ // otherwise "solve" for intersection
+ var i1 = this.head.y - s1 * this.head.x;
+ var i2 = other.head.y - s2 * other.head.x;
+ var xint = (i2 - i1) / (s1 - s2);
+ // and check that the solution appears in both x-ranges
+ if ( inRanges( xint, [this.head.x, this.tail.x,
+ other.head.x, other.tail.x]) ) {
+ return Point(xint, s1 * xint + i1);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Ashlar.Segment = Segment;
+ /// Polygon Class ///
+ var Polygon = function (pts, path) {
+ if (!(this instanceof Polygon)) {
+ return new Polygon( pts, path );
+ }
+ // accepts arbitrarily many arguments, interepreted as points
+ // or as coordinates of points.
+ // WARNING! the constructor makes no attempt to determine the
+ // orientation of the points. For the purposes of this
+ // application, polygons should be built with a ccw listing of
+ // points.
+ var vertices = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < pts.length; i += 1) {
+ if (pts[i] instanceof Point) {
+ vertices.push(pts[i].clone());
+ } else if (typeof pts[i] === 'number') {
+ vertices.push( Point( pts[i], pts[i+1] ) );
+ i += 1;
+ } else if (typeof pts[i].x === 'number' && typeof pts[i].y === 'number') {
+ vertices.push( Point(pts[i].x, pts[i].y) );
+ } else {
+ throw "Error: bad argument in Polygon constructor";
+ }
+ }
+ this.vertices = vertices;
+ // the path can have more points than are in the vertex
+ // array. It is used for associating a mor einteresting shape
+ // with the basic underlying form.
+ if (path) {
+ this.path = (pt) {return Point(pt);});
+ } else {
+ this.path = (pt) {return pt.clone();});
+ this.path.push(this.vertices[0].clone());
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ Polygon.prototype = {
+ __dropCaches: function () {
+ this.__cachedSize = false;
+ this.__cachedCentroid = false;
+ this.__cachedArea = false;
+ },
+ clone: function () {
+ return Polygon(this.vertices, this.path);
+ },
+ size: function () {
+ if (!this.__cachedSize) {
+ this.__cachedSize = this.vertices.length;
+ }
+ return this.__cachedSize;
+ },
+ // gets the nth edge, indexed from 1
+ edge: function (n) {
+ if (1 <= n && n <= this.size()) {
+ return [ this.vertex(n), this.vertex(n+1)];
+ } else {
+ throw "Error: edge out of range."
+ }
+ },
+ vertex: function (n) {
+ return this.vertices[(n-1) % this.size()];
+ },
+ // preserves ordering of vertices and their mapped
+ // counterparts.
+ transform: function (t) {
+ if (t.isDestructive) {
+ var s = this.size();
+ for (var i = 0; i < s; i += 1) t(this.vertices[i]);
+ this.__dropCaches();
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return Polygon(;
+ }
+ },
+ area: function () {
+ if (! this.__cachedArea && this.__cachedArea !== 0) {
+ var a = 0, s = this.size(), v0,v1;
+ for (var i = 0; i <= (s - 1); i += 1) {
+ v0 = this.vertices[i];
+ v1 = this.vertices[(i+1) % s];
+ a += ((v0.x * v1.y) - (v1.x * v0.y));
+ }
+ this.__cachedArea = a * 0.5;
+ }
+ return this.__cachedArea;
+ },
+ centroid: function () {
+ if (! this.__cachedCentroid) {
+ var cx = 0, cy = 0, s = this.size(), a = this.area(), v0, v1;
+ for (var i = 0; i <= (s - 1); i += 1) {
+ v0 = this.vertices[i];
+ v1 = this.vertices[(i+1) % s];
+ cx += ((v0.x + v1.x) * (v0.x * v1.y - v1.x * v0.y));
+ cy += ((v0.y + v1.y) * (v0.x * v1.y - v1.x * v0.y));
+ }
+ this.__cachedCentroid = Point( cx / (6 * a), cy / (6 * a) );
+ }
+ return this.__cachedCentroid;
+ }
+ };
+ Ashlar.Polygon = Polygon;
+ /// Ashlar.Isohedral Submodule ///
+ var Isohedral = (function () {
+ var module = {};
+ // Vertex Parameterizations
+ var TV = {
+ TV9 : [[0],[0],[1],[0],[1.5],[0.866],[1],[1.732],[0],[1.732],[-0.5],[0.866]],
+ TV10: [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,0,0], [1,1,0],
+ [0,0,0.5], [1,0,0], [0,0,1], [0,0,0], [0,0,1],
+ [0,-1,0], [0,0,0.5]],
+ TV24: [[0],[0],[-0.866],[-0.5], [0], [-1], [0.866],[-0.5]],
+ TV25: [[0],[0],[1],[0],[-0.5],[0.866]],
+ TV26: [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,1], [0,0,0], [0,0,1]],
+ TV30: [[0,0], [0,0], [1,0],[0,0], [1,0],[0,1], [0,0], [0,1]],
+ TV35: [[0],[0], [1],[0], [1],[1], [0],[1]],
+ TV40: [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,1], [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,0]],
+ TV41: [[0],[0], [1],[0], [0],[1]],
+ TV43: [[0],[0], [1],[0], [0.5],[0.866]]
+ };
+ // Isohedral Tiling Templates
+ var IH = {
+ IH10: {
+ topology: '3^6',
+ incidence: 'a+b+a+b+a+b+;b+a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV9',
+ aspects: ['A'],
+ rules: {},
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 6}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1.5,0.866, 1,1.732, 0,1.732, -0.5,0.866]
+ },
+ IH11: {
+ topology: '3^6',
+ incidence: 'a+a+a+a+a+a+;a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV9',
+ aspects: ['A'],
+ rules: {},
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps:[{hop:['rm',180], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps:[{hop:['rm',180], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1.5,0.866, 1,1.732, 0,1.732, -0.5,0.866]
+ },
+ IH12: {
+ topology: '3^6',
+ incidence: 'ab+c+dc-b-;dc-b-a',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'b', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'd', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 0}},
+ {name: 'c', dir: -1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'b', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: -1, type: 'J'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV10',
+ aspects: ['A'],
+ rules: {},
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['tbv',4,2], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['tbv',5,3], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 2,0.5, 1,1, 0,1, -1, 0.5]
+ },
+ IH17: {
+ topology: '3^6',
+ incidence: 'ab+b-ab+b-;ab+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj:{name: 'a', dir: 0}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S',},
+ {name: 'b', dir: -1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj:{name: 'a', dir: 0}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S',},
+ {name: 'b', dir: -1, type: 'S'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV10',
+ aspects: ['A'],
+ rules: {},
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['tbv',2,4], edge:1}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['rm',180],edge:2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 2,0.5, 1,1, 0,1, -1, 0.5]
+ },
+ IH18: {
+ topology: '3^6',
+ incidence: 'ababab;ba',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 0}},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 0}},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 0}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV9',
+ aspects: ['A'],
+ rules: {},
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 4,2], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 5,3], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1.5,0.866, 1,1.732, 0,1.732, -0.5,0.866]
+ },
+ IH33: {
+ topology: '',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+d+;d+c+b+a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'b', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'd', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV24',
+ aspects: ['A', 'B', 'C'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1, -120], edge: 1}]},
+ 'C': {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1, -120], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2}]},
+ {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 3}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, -0.866, -0.5, 0, -1, 0.866, -0.5]
+ },
+ IH34: {
+ topology: '',
+ incidence: 'a+b+a+b+;b+a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV24',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1,-120], edge:1}]},
+ 'C': {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1,-120], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rv',2, -60], edge: 2}]}, //diverged from source
+ {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rv',4, 60], edge: 3}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, -0.866, -0.5, 0, -1, 0.866, -0.5]
+ },
+ IH36: {
+ topology: '',
+ incidence: 'a+a-b+b-;b-a-',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: -1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: -1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: -1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV24',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['rf'], edge:1}]},
+ 'C': {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['rf'], edge:4}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps:[{hop: ['rf'], edge: 3}]}, //Note, diverged from source material here
+ {start: 'C', steps:[{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, -0.866, -0.5, 0, -1, 0.866, -0.5]
+ },
+ IH38: {
+ topology: '3.12^2',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+;c+b-a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'b', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV25',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C','D','E','F'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B' : {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rv', 1, -120], edge: 1}]},
+ 'C' : {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rv', 1, -120], edge: 1}]},
+ 'D' : {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2}]},
+ 'E' : {start: 'D', steps: [{hop: ['rv', 1, 120], edge: 1}]},
+ 'F' : {start: 'E', steps: [{hop: ['rv', 1, 120], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'E', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2}]},
+ {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2},
+ {hop: ['rv', 1, -120], edge: 3},
+ {hop: ['rf'], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, -0.5,0.866]
+ },
+ IH39: {
+ topology: '3.12^2',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+;c+b+a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV25',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C','D','E','F'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rv', 1, -120], edge: 1}]},
+ 'C': {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rv', 1, -120], edge: 1}]},
+ 'D': {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 2}]},
+ 'E': {start: 'D', steps: [{hop: ['rv', 1, -120], edge: 1}]},
+ 'F': {start: 'E', steps: [{hop: ['rv', 1, -120], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'C', steps: [{hop:['rm',180], edge: 2},
+ {hop:['rv',1,-120], edge: 1},
+ {hop:['rm',180], edge:2}]},
+ {start:'F', steps: [{hop: ['rm',180], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, -0.5,0.866]
+ },
+ IH41: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+d+;c+d+a+b+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'd', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'b', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV26',
+ aspects: ['A'],
+ rules: {},
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['tbv',2,1], edge:2}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['tbv',3,2], edge:1}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,1, 1,2, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH42: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+d+;c+b-a+d-',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'b', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'd', dir: 1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'd', dir: -1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV26',
+ aspects: ['A', 'B'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B' : {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 4, 1], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 4}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,1, 1,2, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH43: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+d+;c-d+a-b+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'd', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'b', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV26',
+ aspects: ['A','B'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 1},
+ {hop: ['rc', 180], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 2,1], edge: 2}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 3}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,1, 1,2, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH47: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+d+;c+b+a+d+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'd', dir: 1, type: 'S'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV26',
+ aspects: ['A','B'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 2}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 4, 1], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 4}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,1, 1,2, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH50: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+d+;c+b-a+d+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'b', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'd', dir: 1, type: 'S'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV26',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C','D'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 4}]},
+ 'C': {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rm',180], edge: 2}]},
+ 'D': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rm',180], edge: 2}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 4},
+ {hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 2}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 4, 1], edge: 1}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,1, 1,2, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH52: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+d+;c-d-a-b-',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'd', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'b', dir: -1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV30',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C','D'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B' : {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['rf'], edge: 1}]},
+ 'C' : {start: 'B', steps:[{hop: ['rf'], edge: 4}]},
+ 'D' : {start: 'C', steps:[{hop: ['rf'], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps:[{hop: ['rf'], edge: 3}]},
+ {start: 'D', steps:[{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH55: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+d+;b+a+d+c+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'd', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'c', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV35',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C','D'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B' : {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv',-90, 2], edge: 2}]},
+ 'C' : {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv',-90, 2], edge: 2}]},
+ 'D' : {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv',-90, 2], edge: 2}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv',-90, 3], edge:3}]},
+ {start: 'D', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', 90, 1], edge:4}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH57: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+a+b+;a+b+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S', adj: {name: 'b', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV26',
+ aspects: ['A'],
+ rules: {},
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,1, 1,2, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH58: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+a+b+;a-b+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S', adj: {name: 'b', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV26',
+ aspects: ['A', 'B'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 2}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 3}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,1, 1,2, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH61: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+a+b+;b+a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type:'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type:'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type:'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type:'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV35',
+ aspects: ['A','B'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B' : {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', -90, 1], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', -90, 1], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', -90, 3], edge: 3}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH62: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+a+a+a+;a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV35',
+ aspects: ['A'],
+ rules: {},
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 2, 3], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 2, 1], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH64: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'ab+cb-;cb-a',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'b'}},// not sure about this...
+ {name: 'c', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a'}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: -1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'b'}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV30',
+ aspects: ['A'],
+ rules: {},
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 2, 3], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 2, 1], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH66: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'ab+cb-;cb+a',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 0}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: -1, type: 'S'}//, adj: {name: 'b'}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV30',
+ aspects: ['A', 'B'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rm',180], edge: 2}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['tbv', 3, 2], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 4}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH71: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'a+b+b-a-;b+a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: -1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'a', dir: -1, type: 'J'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV35',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C','D'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', 90, 2], edge: 1}]},
+ 'C': {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', 90, 2], edge: 1}]},
+ 'D': {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', 90, 2], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', -90, 4], edge: 4}]},
+ {start: 'D', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', 90, 4], edge: 3}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH73: {
+ topology: '4^4',
+ incidence: 'abab;ba',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 0}},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 0, type: 'U'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 0, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 0}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV35',
+ aspects: ['A', 'B'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', 90, 2], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', -90, 1], edge: 1}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rc-tv', 90, 1], edge: 3}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH79: {
+ topology: '4.8^2',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+;c+b+a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV41',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C','D'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1,-90], edge: 1}]},
+ 'C': {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1,-90], edge: 1}]},
+ 'D': {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1,-90], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 2}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 2},
+ {hop: ['rv', 1, -90], edge: 1}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH81: {
+ topology: '4.8^2',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+;c+b-a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'b', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV41',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1,-90], edge: 1}]},
+ 'C': {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1,-90], edge: 1}]},
+ 'D': {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1,-90], edge: 1}]},
+ 'E': {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2}]},
+ 'F': {start: 'E', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1, 90], edge: 1}]},
+ 'G': {start: 'F', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1, 90], edge: 1}]},
+ 'H': {start: 'G', steps: [{hop: ['rv',1, 90], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'F', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2}]},
+ {start: 'G', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 2},
+ {hop: ['rv',1, -90], edge: 1}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 0,1]
+ },
+ IH84: {
+ topology: '6^3',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+;a+b+c+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'S'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV40',
+ aspects: ['A', 'B'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B':{start: 'A', steps: [{hop:['rm', 180], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop:['rm', 180], edge: 2}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop:['rm', 180], edge: 3}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1]
+ },
+ IH85: {
+ topology: '6^3',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+;a-b+c+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'U', adj: {name: 'a', dir: -1}},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'S'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV40',
+ aspects: ['A','B','C','D'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B' : {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rm',180], edge: 2}]},
+ 'C' : {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 1}]},
+ 'D' : {start: 'C', steps: [{hop: ['rm',180], edge: 2}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge:3}]},
+ {start: 'D', steps: [{hop: ['rf'], edge: 1}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 1,1]
+ },
+ IH88: {
+ topology: '6^3',
+ incidence: 'a+b+c+;b+a+c+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'J'},
+ {name: 'b', dir: 1, type: 'J', adj: {name: 'a', dir: 1}},
+ {name: 'c', dir: 1, type: 'S'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV43',
+ aspects:['A','B','C','D','E','F'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B' : {start: 'A', steps:[{hop: ['rv',2,60], edge: 1}]},
+ 'C' : {start: 'B', steps:[{hop: ['rv',2,60], edge: 1}]},
+ 'D' : {start: 'C', steps:[{hop: ['rv',2,60], edge: 1}]},
+ 'E' : {start: 'D', steps:[{hop: ['rv',2,60], edge: 1}]},
+ 'F' : {start: 'E', steps:[{hop: ['rv',2,60], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'D', steps:[{hop:['rm',180], edge: 3}]},
+ {start: 'E', steps:[{hop:['rm',180], edge: 3},
+ {hop:['rv',2,-60], edge: 2}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 0.5,0.866]
+ },
+ IH90: {
+ topology: '6^3',
+ incidence: 'a+a+a+;a+',
+ edges: [
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'},
+ {name: 'a', dir: 1, type: 'S'}
+ ],
+ parameterization: 'TV43',
+ aspects: ['A','B'],
+ rules: {
+ 'B': {start: 'A', steps: [{hop: ['rm',180], edge: 1}]}
+ },
+ translationRules: [
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 2}]},
+ {start: 'B', steps: [{hop: ['rm', 180], edge: 3}]}
+ ],
+ baseVertices: [0,0, 1,0, 0.5,0.866]
+ }
+ };
+ /// Ashlar.Isohedral.Prototile Class ///
+ var Prototile = function (template) {
+ if (!(this instanceof Prototile)) return new Prototile(template);
+ this.templateName = template;
+ this.template = IH[template];
+ this.parameterization = TV[ this.template.parameterization ];
+ this.polygon = Polygon( this.template.baseVertices );
+ this.scale = 1.0;
+ this.parameterCount = this.parameterization[0].length - 1;
+ this.parameters = [1.0];
+ this.edgePaths = {};
+ var tedges = this.template.edges;
+ for (var i = 0; i < tedges.length; i += 1) {
+ this.edgePaths[tedges[i].name] = [Point(0,0), Point(1,0)]
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.parameterCount; i += 1) {
+ this.parameters.unshift(1.0);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ Prototile.fromJSON = function (json) {
+ var parsed = JSON.parse(json);
+ return Prototile.fromSettings(parsed);
+ };
+ Prototile.fromSettings = function (parsed) {
+ var prototile = Prototile( parsed.t);
+ prototile.polygon = Polygon( parsed.p.v, parsed.p.p);
+ prototile.scale = parsed.s;
+ prototile.parameters =;
+ prototile.edgePaths = parsed.ep;
+ return prototile;
+ };
+ Prototile.prototype = {
+ settings: function () {
+ return {
+ t: this.templateName,
+ p: {v: this.polygon.vertices, p: this.polygon.path},
+ s: this.scale,
+ pa: this.parameters,
+ ep: this.edgePaths
+ };
+ },
+ toJSON: function () {
+ return JSON.stringify(this.settings());
+ },
+ // form a translational unit, as an array of polygons plus
+ // the translation transforms necessary to tile them
+ // across a plane.
+ translationalUnit: function () {
+ var aspects = {}, shapes = [], name;
+ aspects['A'] = this.applyVertexParameterization();
+ shapes.push( aspects['A'] );
+ for (var i = 1; i < this.template.aspects.length; i += 1) {
+ name = this.template.aspects[i];
+ aspects[name] = applyHops(aspects, this.template.rules[name]);
+ shapes.push( aspects[name] );
+ }
+ var t1 = centroidTranslation(aspects['A'], applyHops(aspects, this.template.translationRules[0]));
+ var t2 = centroidTranslation(aspects['A'], applyHops(aspects, this.template.translationRules[1]));
+ var that = this;
+ shapes = (shape) {return shapeTile(shape,that);});
+ return {
+ shapes: shapes,
+ t1: t1,
+ t2: t2
+ };
+ },
+ getEdgePath: function (edgeNumber) {
+ var e = this.template.edges[edgeNumber - 1];
+ if (e.adj) {
+ var path = this.edgePaths[];
+ if (e.dir === -1 && e.adj.dir === -1) {
+ return (p) {
+ var pp = Point(p);//p.clone();
+ pp.y *= -1;
+ pp.x = 1 - p.x;
+ return pp;
+ }).reverse();
+ }
+ if (e.dir === -1) {
+ return (p) {
+ var pp = Point(p);//p.clone();
+ pp.y *= -1;
+ return pp;
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (e.adj.dir === -1) {
+ return this.edgePaths[].map(function (p) {
+ var pp = Point(p);//p.clone();
+ pp.y *= -1;
+ return pp;
+ });
+ }
+ return this.edgePaths[].map(function (p) {
+ var pp = Point(p);//p.clone();
+ pp.y *= -1;
+ pp.x = 1 - p.x;
+ return pp;
+ }).reverse();
+ }
+ }
+ if (e.dir === -1) {
+ return this.edgePaths[].map(function (p) {
+ var pp = Point(p);//p.clone();
+ pp.x = 1 - p.x;
+ return pp;
+ }).reverse();
+ }
+ return this.edgePaths[].map(function (p) {return Point(p);});//p.clone();});
+ },
+ getEdgePathLength: function (edgeNumber) {
+ var e = this.template.edges[edgeNumber - 1];
+ if (e.adj) return this.edgePaths[].length;
+ return this.edgePaths[].length;
+ },
+ // return an array of edges uncontrained by other edges
+ getFreeEdges: function () {
+ var labels = [];
+ return clone(this.template.edges.filter(function (e) {
+ if ((labels.indexOf( === -1) && !e.adj) {
+ labels.push(;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }));
+ },
+ getEdgeType: function (label) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.template.edges.length; i += 1) {
+ if (this.template.edges[i].name === label) return this.template.edges[i].type;
+ }
+ },
+ getEdgeDescription: function (edgeNumber) {
+ return clone(this.template.edges[edgeNumber - 1]);
+ },
+ applyVertexParameterization: function () {
+ var l = this.polygon.vertices.length;
+ var verts = [];
+ for (var j = 0; j < l; j += 1 ) {
+ var rx = this.parameterization[2 * j];
+ var ry = this.parameterization[(2 * j) + 1];
+ verts.push( Point( dot(rx, this.parameters) * this.scale,
+ dot(ry, this.parameters) * this.scale )); //here
+ }
+ return Polygon(verts);
+ },
+ getPathLimitsForEdge: function (label) {
+ var start = 0;
+ var i = 1;
+ while (i <= this.template.edges.length) {
+ var ed = this.getEdgeDescription(i);
+ if ( === label)
+ return {start: start, stop: start + this.getEdgePathLength(i)};
+ start += this.getEdgePathLength(i) - 1;
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ module.Prototile = Prototile;
+ module.available = function () {
+ var a = [];
+ for (var c in IH)
+ if (IH.hasOwnProperty(c)) a.push(c);
+ return a;
+ };
+ /// Prototile Utilities ///
+ var shapeTile = function (tile, prototile) {
+ var points = [], edge, edgePath;
+ for (var i = 1; i <= tile.size(); i += 1) {
+ edge = tile.edge(i);
+ edgePath = adjustEdgePath(edge, prototile.getEdgePath(i));
+ points = points.concat(edgePath);
+ points.pop();
+ }
+// points.push(points[0].clone());
+ points.push(Point(points[0]));
+ tile.path = points;
+ return tile;
+ };
+ // takes a parameter adjusted edge and maps a primitive
+ // edgePath to match the edge's proportions.
+ var adjustEdgePath = function (edge, path) {
+ var head = edge[0], tail = edge[1],
+ hyp = Point.distance( head, tail );
+ var angle = sane(degrees(Math.acos((tail.x - head.x) / hyp)));
+ if (tail.y < head.y) angle = 360 - angle;
+ var rotation = RotationTransform(head, angle);
+ return (pt) {
+ // scale then translate (can simply mult b/c path is unit x)
+ return rotation( Point( pt.x * hyp + head.x, pt.y * hyp + head.y));
+ });
+ };
+ var applyHops = function (aspects, rule) {
+ var poly = aspects[rule.start].clone();
+ for (var i = 0; i < rule.steps.length; i += 1) {
+ poly = applyStep( poly, rule.steps[i] );
+ }
+ return poly;
+ };
+ var applyStep = function (orig, step) {
+ var poly = orig.clone();
+ if (step.hop[0] === 'rc-tv') {
+ // rotate about the centroid of poly, then translate
+ // by the difference in vertex positions indicated
+ poly.transform( RotationTransform( poly.centroid(), step.hop[1], true ));
+ poly.transform( TranslationTransform( poly.vertex( step.hop[2] ),
+ orig.vertex( step.hop[2] ), true ));
+ } else if (step.hop[0] === 'tbv') {
+ //translate between vertices
+ poly.transform( TranslationTransform( poly.vertex( step.hop[1] ),
+ poly.vertex( step.hop[2] ), true));
+ } else if (step.hop[0] === 'rm') {
+ // rotate about the midpoint
+ var edge = poly.edge( step.edge );
+ poly.transform( RotationTransform( Point.midpoint(edge[0], edge[1]), step.hop[1], true));
+ } else if (step.hop[0] === 'rf') {
+ var edge = poly.edge( step.edge );
+ poly.transform( ReflectionTransform( edge[0], edge[1], true));
+ } else if (step.hop[0] === 'rv') {
+ poly.transform( RotationTransform( poly.vertex( step.hop[1] ), step.hop[2], true));
+ }
+ return poly;
+ };
+ // given two polygons, returns a Point representing a "vector"
+ // from the centroid of the first to that of the second.
+ var centroidTranslation = function (p1, p2) {
+ // return TranslationTransform(p1.centroid(), p2.centroid(), false);
+ return Point(p2.centroid().x - p1.centroid().x, p2.centroid().y - p1.centroid().y);
+ };
+ return module;
+ })();
+ Ashlar.Isohedral = Isohedral;