path: root/hyperquirks.lisp
diff options
authorcolin <>2023-03-04 19:06:44 -0800
committercolin <>2023-03-04 19:06:44 -0800
commitb905aeb158fd19ccf5ec78d8f7b2ea23767e6af1 (patch)
tree78a68e251ed524aa4a6481e4d726f31e521125f3 /hyperquirks.lisp
parenta912e36ee33091a6d1c0047a738c9a94ba22ffc9 (diff)
Trashed most of hyperquirks, added let+
Diffstat (limited to 'hyperquirks.lisp')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/hyperquirks.lisp b/hyperquirks.lisp
index 70ee560..f0e8bfc 100644
--- a/hyperquirks.lisp
+++ b/hyperquirks.lisp
@@ -4,10 +4,41 @@
-(defmacro defvarf (var &optional val doc)
- `(if (boundp ',var)
- (setf ,var ,val)
- (defvar ,var ,val ,doc)))
+(defmacro let+ (bindings &body body)
+ "General purpose binding. Normal let bindings, destructuring-binds,
+and multiple-value-binds all in the same form.
+(let+ ((x
+ 10)
+ ((y z . w)
+ (list 1 2 3 4 5))
+ (p q r
+ (values :oh :my :goodness)))
+ (list x y x w p q r))
+;; returns
+(10 1 2 (3 4 5) :oh :my :goodness)
+ (flet ((destructuring-binding-p (binding)
+ (and (consp (first binding))
+ (every #'symbolp (first binding))))
+ (mvb-binding-p (binding)
+ (and (every #'symbolp (butlast binding))
+ (consp (first (last binding))))))
+ (loop
+ :with body = `(progn ,@body)
+ :for binding :in (reverse bindings)
+ :when (destructuring-binding-p binding)
+ :do (setf body
+ `(destructuring-bind ,(first binding) ,(second binding)
+ ,body))
+ :when (mvb-binding-p binding)
+ :do (setf body
+ `(multiple-value-bind
+ ,(butlast binding) ,(first (last binding))
+ ,body))
+ :finally (return body))))
(defmacro imperative (&body body)
"Evaluate expressins in BODY in sequence. Expressions that look
@@ -54,60 +85,14 @@ returned from.
(expander (rest body)))))))
`(block () ,@(expander body))))
-(defmacro >> (ob &rest accessors)
- "Chain access to OB."
- (let* ((tmpvar
- (gensym))
- (block-name
- (gensym))
- (body
- (loop for a in accessors
- when (symbolp a)
- collect `(setf ,tmpvar (funcall ',a ,tmpvar))
- else
- collect `(setf ,tmpvar (funcall ,a ,tmpvar)))))
- `(block ,block-name
- (let ((,tmpvar ,ob))
- ,@body))))
-(defmacro ?> ((&key default (test 'null)) ob &rest accessors)
- "Chain access to OB, returning DEFAULT the first time TEST returns null.
-> (let ((num-tree '(1 (2 3 (4 5) 6))))
- (?> num-tree second third fourth))
-> (let ((num-tree '(1 (2 3 (4 5) 6))))
- (?> num-tree second third first))
- (let* ((tmpvar
- (gensym "TEMP"))
- (block-name
- (gensym "BLOCK"))
- (body
- (loop for a in accessors
- collect `(when (funcall ',test ,tmpvar)
- (return-from ,block-name ,default))
- when (symbolp a)
- collect `(setf ,tmpvar (funcall ',a ,tmpvar))
- else
- collect `(setf ,tmpvar (funcall ,a ,tmpvar)))))
- `(block ,block-name
- (let ((,tmpvar ,ob))
- ,@body))))
-(defmacro imperative-cond (&body clauses)
+(defmacro binding-cond (&body clauses)
"Like cond except the first form of every clause is a binding form
((:= x (and (zerop (random 2)) 10)
y 11)
(list :x x :y y))
@@ -129,55 +114,6 @@ Otherwise 12 would be returned."
collect `(when (and ,@vars) (return (progn ,@body))))))
`(imperative ,@imperative-body)))
-(defmacro with-plist (keys plist &body body)
- "KEYS is a list, each member of which is either a symbol or a pair of symbols.
-If a member is just a symbol, say KEY, then it is treated as the name
-of a symbol-macro (defined using symbol-macrolet) that expands to the
-expression (getf PLIST KEY). In this case, KEY is not allowed to be a
-keyword symbol.
-If a member is a pair of symbols, it is of the form (VAR KEY). Here,
-key is a valid key into the PLIST and VAR is the name of the symbol
-macrolet that will be bound to (getf PLIST KEY).
-(let ((pl
- (list 'name \"colin\" :age 40 :|currentJob| :crumb-bum)))
- (hq:with-plist (name (age :age) (job :|currentJob|)) pl
- (setf age (1+ age))
- (format t \"~a the ~a had a birthday, and is now ~a years old~%\"
- name job age)
- pl))
-The above would print out:
-colin the CRUMB-BUM had a birthday, and is now 41 years old
-And would return
-(NAME \"colin\" :AGE 41 :|currentJob| :CRUMB-BUM)"
- (let* ((plist-var
- (gensym))
- (macrolet-bindings
- (loop for term in keys
- when (consp term )
- collect (destructuring-bind (var key) term
- `(,var (getf ,plist-var ',key)))
- else
- collect `(,term (getf ,plist-var ',term)))))
- `(let ((,plist-var ,plist)) (symbol-macrolet ,macrolet-bindings ,@body))))
-(defmacro with-leaves (leaf-var tree &body body)
- "Binds each atom in TREE to LEAF-VAR and then executes BODY."
- (let ((tree-var (gensym))
- (ignore-var (gensym)))
- `(let ((,tree-var ,tree))
- (tree-equal ,tree-var ,tree-var
- :test (lambda (,leaf-var ,ignore-var)
- (declare (ignore ,ignore-var))
- ,@body
- t)))))
@@ -202,47 +138,11 @@ E.g.
(case (length ,rest-args)
-(defun group (n xs &optional default)
- "Group a list XS into consequtive sublists of size N, using the
-DEFAULT to fill in any remainder in the case the length of XS is not
-neatly divisible by N."
- (loop
- with len = (length xs)
- for start from 0 to len by n
- for end = (+ start n)
- when (<= end len)
- collect (subseq xs start end)
- when (< start len end)
- collect (nconc (subseq xs start)
- (loop repeat (- end len) collect default))))
-(defun tabulate
- (objects line-width col-count
- &key
- (default-fill #\space)
- (stream t)
- (object-formatter "~a"))
-"Print a table of OBJECTS to STREAM. The table will be LINE-WIDTH
-chracters wide and each line will have COL-COUNT columns.
-The objects are formatted with the format string OBJECT-FORMATTER,
-which defaults to ~a. DEFAULT-FILL is used to fill in blanks in the
- (let ((row-format
- (apply 'concatenate 'string
- "~" (prin1-to-string line-width) "<"
- (loop for i from 1 to col-count
- collect object-formatter
- when (< i col-count)
- collect "~;"
- else
- collect "~>~%"))))
- (dolist (g (group col-count objects default-fill))
- (apply #'format stream row-format g))))