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authorColin Okay <>2022-06-21 06:39:36 -0500
committerColin Okay <>2022-06-21 06:39:36 -0500
commitfb5698552df041b38ef5299fd7c1ab9c4b420057 (patch)
2 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hyperquirks.lisp b/hyperquirks.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e90ff35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hyperquirks.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+;;;; hyperquirks.lisp
+(in-package #:hyperquirks)
+(defmacro imperative (&body body)
+ "Evaluate expressins in BODY in sequence. Expressions that look
+ like (:= VAR1 EXPR1 ...) will expand into a LET* form whose bindings
+ are valid for the rest of the BODY
+ E.g.
+ (imperative
+ (format t \"Welcome to IMPERATIVE\")
+ (terpri)
+ (:= x 10 z (+ x 20))
+ (format t \"X = ~a, Z = ~a~%\" x z)
+ (:= y (+ z 20))
+ (format t \"Y = ~a~%\" y)
+ (list x y z))
+ would evaluate to:
+ Welcome to IMPERATIVE ;; <-- printed to stdout
+ X = 10, Z = 30
+ Y = 50
+(10 50 30) ;; <-- return value
+IMPERATIVE introduces an implicit, anonymous BLOCK, and hence can be
+returned from.
+ "
+ (labels ((binding-form-p (form)
+ (and (consp form)
+ (keywordp (first form))
+ (eql := (first form))))
+ (collect-bindings (bindings)
+ (loop for (var expr . more) on bindings by #'cddr
+ collect (list var expr)))
+ (expander (body)
+ (cond
+ ((null body) body)
+ ((binding-form-p (first body))
+ (list (list* 'let* (collect-bindings (rest (first body)))
+ (expander (rest body)))))
+ (t
+ (cons (first body)
+ (expander (rest body)))))))
+ `(block () ,@(expander body))))
+(defmacro imperative-cond (&body clauses)
+ "Like cond except the first form of every clause is a binding form
+ ((:= x (and (zerop (random 2)) 10)
+ y 11)
+ (list :x x :y y))
+ (t
+ 12))
+That would bind x and y in the first clause, check both both are non
+nil, and if they are, return the evaluated body, in this case (list :x x :y y)
+Otherwise 12 would be returned."
+ (let ((imperative-body
+ (loop for (bindings . body) in clauses
+ for vars = (unless (eq t bindings)
+ (loop for (var _ . more) on (rest bindings) by #'cddr
+ collect var))
+ collect bindings
+ collect `(when (and ,@vars) (return (progn ,@body))))))
+ `(imperative ,@imperative-body)))
+(defmacro with-plist (vars plist &body body)
+ "Extract some properties from a property list, bind them to a variable
+with the same name as the property, and execute the body.
+PLIST is any expression that evaluates to a propety list.
+(let ((me (list :name \"colin\" 'age 40 :occupation :slacker)))
+ (with-plist (name age occupation) me
+ (format t \"My name is ~a, and I am a ~a year old ~a~%\"
+ name age occupation)))
+Will print out:
+My name is colin, and I am a 40 year old SLACKER
+Notice that the keys in the PLIST can be eitehr keywords or symbols in
+some other package.
+ (let* ((plist-var
+ (gensym))
+ (bindings
+ (loop for var in vars
+ for keyword-var = (intern (symbol-name var) 'keyword)
+ collect `(,var (or (getf ,plist-var ,keyword-var)
+ (getf ,plist-var ',var))))))
+ `(let ((,plist-var ,plist))
+ (let ,bindings
+ ,@body))))
+(defmacro with-leaves (leaf-var tree &body body)
+ "Binds each atom in TREE to LEAF-VAR and then executes BODY."
+ (let ((tree-var (gensym))
+ (ignore-var (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,tree-var ,tree))
+ (tree-equal ,tree-var ,tree-var
+ :test (lambda (,leaf-var ,ignore-var)
+ (declare (ignore ,ignore-var))
+ ,@body
+ t)))))
+(defun group (n xs &optional default)
+ "Group a list XS into consequtive sublists of size N, using the
+DEFAULT to fill in any remainder in the case the length of XS is not
+neatly divisible by N."
+ (loop for l on xs by (lambda (l) (nthcdr n l))
+ when (<= n (length l))
+ collect (subseq l 0 n)
+ else
+ collect (append l (loop repeat (- n (length l)) collect default))))
+(defun tabulate
+ (objects line-width col-count
+ &key
+ (default-fill #\space)
+ (stream t)
+ (object-formatter "~a"))
+"Print a table of OBJECTS to STREAM. The table will be LINE-WIDTH
+chracters wide and each line will have COL-COUNT columns.
+The objects are formatted with the format string OBJECT-FORMATTER,
+which defaults to ~a. DEFAULT-FILL is used to fill in blanks in the
+ (let ((row-format
+ (apply 'concatenate 'string
+ "~" (prin1-to-string line-width) "<"
+ (loop for i from 1 to col-count
+ collect object-formatter
+ when (< i col-count)
+ collect "~;"
+ else
+ collect "~>~%"))))
+ (dolist (g (group col-count objects default-fill))
+ (apply #'format stream row-format g))))
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de47364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;;;; package.lisp
+(defpackage #:hyperquirks
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:nicknames #:hq)
+ (:export #:imperative
+ #:imperative-cond
+ #:with-plist
+ #:group
+ #:tabulate))