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authorColin Okay <cbeok@protonmail.com>2020-07-09 22:00:58 -0500
committerColin Okay <cbeok@protonmail.com>2020-07-09 22:00:58 -0500
commit998ad387eb169cf3d04c3016d0847fe0aefc7419 (patch)
parent23696015dfe670971e2273720e2025e16853ab91 (diff)
Major refactor. It's all OOPy now.
The purpose for this refactor was twofold. First, I wanted to make stream-backed generators safer to use. Second, I wanted to make all of the code shorter and easier to understand. This refactor certainly accomplishes the first, and hopefully the second.
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/gtwiwtg.lisp b/gtwiwtg.lisp
index 3d03317..c0f5da5 100644
--- a/gtwiwtg.lisp
+++ b/gtwiwtg.lisp
@@ -1,44 +1,119 @@
(defpackage #:gtwiwtg (:use #:cl))
(in-package :gtwiwtg)
-(defclass generator! ()
- ((dirty-p
- :accessor dirty-p
- :initform nil)
- (state
- :accessor gen-state
- :initarg :state
- :initform (error "no state"))
- (next-p-fn
- :accessor next-p-fn
- :initarg :next-p-fn
- :initform (error "no next-p"))
- (next-fn
- :accessor next-fn
- :initarg :next-fn
- :initform (error "no next-fn"))))
+;;; Generator Protocol ;;;
(defgeneric next (gen)
(:documentation "gets next if available. Throws an error otherwise."))
-(defmethod next ((gen generator!))
- (assert (has-next-p gen))
- (with-slots (state next-fn dirty-p) gen
- (setf dirty-p t)
- (multiple-value-bind (val new-state) (funcall next-fn state)
- (setf state new-state)
- val)))
(defgeneric has-next-p (gen)
(:documentation "returns true if next can be called on this generator!"))
-(defmethod has-next-p ((gen generator!))
- (with-slots (next-p-fn state) gen
- (funcall next-p-fn state)))
+(defgeneric stop (gen)
+ (:documentation "stops the generator"))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defun make-keyword (symb)
+ (read-from-string (format nil ":~a" symb))))
+;;; Utility Class Builder ;;;
+(defmacro a-class (name supers &rest slots)
+ `(defclass ,name ,supers
+ ,(mapcar (lambda (def)
+ (if (consp def)
+ `(,(car def)
+ :initarg ,(make-keyword (car def))
+ :initform ,(second def))
+ `(,def :initarg ,(make-keyword def)
+ :initform nil)))
+ slots)))
+;;; Base Generator Class ;;;
+(defclass generator! ()
+ ((dirty-p
+ :accessor dirty-p
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "Indicates whether or not this any of this
+ generator has been consumed, or should behave as if it has been.")
+ (stopped-p
+ :accessor stopped-p
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation "Indicates whether or not this generator has been
+ explicitly stopped.")))
+(defmethod stop ((g generator!))
+ (setf (stopped-p g) t))
(defun make-dirty (g) (setf (dirty-p g) t))
+;;; Generator Classes ;;;
+(a-class range-backed-generator! (generator!)
+ (at 0) to (by 1) inclusive (comparator #'<))
+(defmethod has-next-p ((g range-backed-generator!))
+ (with-slots (to current comparator by at stopped-p) g
+ (unless stopped-p
+ (or (not to)
+ (funcall comparator
+ (+ by at)
+ to)))))
+(defmethod next ((g range-backed-generator!))
+ (with-slots (at by) g
+ (incf at by)
+ at))
+(a-class sequence-backed-generator! (generator!)
+ sequence index)
+(defmethod has-next-p ((g sequence-backed-generator!))
+ (with-slots (stopped-p index sequence) g
+ (unless stopped-p
+ (< index (1- (length sequence))))))
+(defmethod next ((g sequence-backed-generator!))
+ (with-slots (index sequence) g
+ (incf index)
+ (elt sequence index)))
+(a-class thunk-backed-generator! (generator!)
+ next-p-fn
+ next-fn
+ stop-fn)
+(defmethod has-next-p ((g thunk-backed-generator!))
+ (with-slots (stopped-p next-p-fn) g
+ (unless stopped-p (funcall next-p-fn))))
+(defmethod next ((g thunk-backed-generator!))
+ (funcall (slot-value g 'next-fn)))
+(defmethod stop :after ((g thunk-backed-generator!))
+ (with-slots (stop-fn) g
+ (when stop-fn
+ (funcall stop-fn))))
+(a-class stream-backed-generator! (generator!)
+ stream reader)
+(defmethod has-next-p ((g stream-backed-generator!))
+ (with-slots (stopped-p stream) g
+ (unless stopped-p
+ (open-stream-p stream))))
+(defmethod next ((g stream-backed-generator!))
+ (with-slots (reader stream) g
+ (let ((read-value (funcall reader stream)))
+ (unless read-value
+ (close stream))
+ read-value)))
+(defmethod stop :after ((g stream-backed-generator!))
+ (close (slot-value g 'stream)))
(defun range (&key (from 0) to (by 1) inclusive)
@@ -72,70 +147,42 @@ If TO is NIL, then the generator produces an infinite sequence.
(let ((comparator (if (plusp by)
(if inclusive #'<= #'<)
(if inclusive #'>= #'>))))
- (make-instance 'generator!
- :state (list (- from by) to)
- :next-p-fn (lambda (state) (or (not to)
- (funcall comparator
- (+ by (first state))
- (second state))))
- :next-fn (lambda (state)
- (incf (car state) by)
- (values (car state) state)))))
+ (make-instance 'range-backed-generator!
+ :comparator comparator
+ :inclusive inclusive
+ :at (- from by)
+ :to to
+ :by by)))
(defun times (n)
"Shorthand for (RANGE :TO N)"
(range :to n))
-(defun seq (sequence)
+(defun seq (sequence &key (start 0))
"Turns a sequecne (a list, vector, string, etc) into a
generator. The resulting generator will generate exactly the memebers
of the sequence."
- (make-instance 'generator!
- :state 0
- :next-p-fn (lambda (state)
- (< state (length sequence)))
- :next-fn (lambda (state)
- (let ((val (elt sequence state)))
- (values val (1+ state))))))
-(defun repeater (&rest args)
- "Produces a generator that produces an infinite series consisting in
-the values passed as ARGS looped forever."
- (make-instance 'generator!
- :state (copy-list args)
- :next-p-fn (constantly t)
- :next-fn (lambda (state)
- (if (cdr state)
- (values (car state) (cdr state))
- (values (car args) (copy-list (cdr args)))))))
-(defun noise (&optional (arg 1.0))
- "Creates a generator that produces an infinite series of random
- numbers that are the result of calling (RANDOM ARG)."
- (make-instance 'generator!
- :state nil
- :next-p-fn (constantly t)
- :next-fn (lambda (state)
- (declare (ignore state))
- (values (random arg) nil))))
+ (make-instance 'sequence-backed-generator!
+ :sequence sequence
+ :index (1- start)))
-(defun from-thunk-until (thunk &optional (until (constantly nil)))
+(defun from-thunk-until (thunk &optional (until (constantly nil)) clean-up)
"Creates a generator that produces a series of value by successively
calling (FUNCALL THUNK). The iterator stops whenever (FUNCALL UNTIL)
is non null.
+If a CLEAN-UP thunk is supplied, it will be run after consumption of
+the new generator has finished. I.e. when passing this form to a
+consumer such as FOR, FOLD, COLLECT, etc.
By default, UNTIL is the function (CONSTANTLY NIL). I.e. it will
generate forever."
- (make-instance 'generator!
- :state nil
- :next-p-fn (lambda (ignore) (declare (ignore ignore)) (not (funcall until)))
- :next-fn (lambda (ignore)
- (declare (ignore ignore))
- (values (funcall thunk) nil))))
+ (make-instance 'thunk-backed-generator!
+ :stop-fn clean-up
+ :next-p-fn (complement until)
+ :next-fn thunk))
(defun from-thunk (thunk)
@@ -166,10 +213,10 @@ should be K, the number of arguments acepted by REC.
-> (let ((fibs (from-recurrence (lambda (n-1 n-2) (+ n-1 n-2)) 1 0)))
+> (let ((fibs (from-recurrence #'+ 1 0)))
(take 10 fibs))
-(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
+(1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89)
(let* ((history (cons n-1 n-m))
@@ -179,6 +226,24 @@ Example
(from-thunk thunk)))
+(defun repeater (&rest args)
+ "Produces a generator that produces an infinite series consisting in
+the values passed as ARGS looped forever."
+ (let ((state (copy-list args)))
+ (from-thunk
+ (lambda ()
+ (unless (car state)
+ (setf state (copy-list args)))
+ (pop state)))))
+(defun noise (&optional (arg 1.0))
+ "Creates a generator that produces an infinite series of random
+ numbers that are the result of calling (RANDOM ARG)."
+ (from-thunk (lambda () (random arg))))
(defun from-input-stream (stream stream-reader)
"Create a generator from a STREAM.
@@ -186,109 +251,57 @@ You must supply as STREAM-READER function that accepts the stream as
its only argument and returns NIL if the stream has run out of input,
Non-NIL otherwise.
-This function will close the stream when it reaches the end.
A quirk is that the last value returned from this generator is NIL.
-Avoid using with TAKE or PICK-OUT as the file stream will not be closed.
-If you need to use TAKE or PICK-OUT or other consumers that will not
-consume the whole generator, you should evaluate the whole generator
-within an UNWIND-PROTECTing form like WITH-OPEN-FILE.
+Consumers of the new generator will ensure that the stream is properly
-This is fine:
-(with-open-file (input \"hey.txt\")
- (take 2 (from-input-stream
- input
- (lambda (s) (read-char s nil nil)))))
-(#\\h #\\e)
-But this isn't:
+Here is an example:
-(take 2 (from-input-stream
+ (take 2 (from-input-stream
(open \"hey.txt\")
(lambda (s) (read-char s nil nil))))
-(#\\h #\\e)
+ (#\\h #\\e)
- (make-instance 'generator!
- :state stream
- :next-p-fn #'open-stream-p
- :next-fn (lambda (stream)
- (let ((val (funcall stream-reader stream)))
- (if val
- (values val stream)
- (progn
- (close stream)
- (values nil stream)))))))
+ (make-instance 'stream-backed-generator!
+ :stream stream
+ :reader stream-reader))
(defun file-lines (file)
"Creates a generator that produces the lines of a file. The stream
to the file is closed when the generator finishes.
-FILE is either a path to a file, or is an open character input stream
-to a file.
+FILE is either a path to a file.
Returns NIL on the last iteration.
-Avoid using with TAKE or PICK-OUT as the file stream will not be closed.
-If you need to use TAKE or PICK-OUT or other consumers that will not
-consume the whole generator, you should evaluate the whole generator
-within an UNWIND-PROTECTing form such as WITH-OPEN-FILE.
-See the documentation for FROM-INPUT-STREAM for an example of the
- (from-input-stream (if (streamp file) file (open file))
+ (from-input-stream (open file)
(lambda (stream) (read-line stream nil nil))))
(defun file-chars (file)
"Creates a generator that produces the characters of a file. The
stream to the file is closed when the generator finishes.
-FILE is either a path to a file, or is an open character input stream
-to a file.
+FILE is either a path to a file.
Returns NIL on the last iteration.
-Avoid using with TAKE or PICK-OUT as the file stream will not be closed.
-If you need to use TAKE or PICK-OUT or other consumers that will not
-consume the whole generator, you should evaluate the whole generator
-within an UNWIND-PROTECTing form such as WITH-OPEN-FILE.
-See the documentation for FROM-INPUT-STREAM for an example of the
- (from-input-stream (if (streamp file) file (open file))
+ (from-input-stream (open file)
(lambda (stream) (read-char stream nil nil))))
(defun file-bytes (file)
"Creates a generator that produces the bytes of a file. The
stream to the file is closed when the generator finishes.
-FILE is either a path to a file, or is an open byte input stream to a
+FILE is either a path to a file.
Returns NIL on the last iteration.
-Avoid using with TAKE or PICK-OUT as the file stream will not be closed.
-If you need to use TAKE or PICK-OUT or other consumers that will not
-consume the whole generator, you should evaluate the whole generator
-within an UNWIND-PROTECTing form such as WITH-OPEN-FILE.
-See the documentation for FROM-INPUT-STREAM for an example of the
- (from-input-stream (if (streamp file) file
- (open file :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+ (from-input-stream (open file :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(lambda (stream) (read-byte stream nil nil))))
;;; Some utilities
@@ -314,7 +327,6 @@ distinction.
(defun all-different (things)
(= (length things) (length (remove-duplicates things))))
(defun all-clean (gens)
(every (complement #'dirty-p) gens))
@@ -323,35 +335,6 @@ distinction.
-(defmethod yield-to! (gen1 gen2)
- "GEN1 passes generation control to GEN2. This control will be return
-to GEN1 after GEN2 is done. This function modifies GEN1.
-Hence, YIELD-TO! can be used within an iteration to conditionally dive
-off into some new iteration, knowing that business as usuall will
-resume when the \"sub iteration\" finishes.
-It is kind of dark magic, and so I don't recommend using it except in
-the rareest of circumstances."
- (assert (not (eq gen1 gen2)))
- (make-dirty gen2)
- (let ((orig-pred (next-p-fn gen1))
- (orig-fn (next-fn gen1)))
- (with-slots ((s1 state) (p1 next-p-fn) (f1 next-fn)) gen1
- (with-slots ((s2 state) (p2 next-p-fn) (f2 next-fn)) gen2
- (setf s1 (list s1 s2))
- (setf p1 (lambda (state)
- (or (funcall p2 (second state))
- (funcall orig-pred (first state)))))
- (setf f1 (lambda (state)
- (if (funcall p2 (second state))
- (multiple-value-bind (val new-s2) (funcall f2 (second state))
- (values val (list (first state) new-s2)))
- (multiple-value-bind (val new-s1) (funcall orig-fn (car state))
- (values val (list new-s1 (second state)))))))))))
(defun map! (map-fn gen &rest gens)
"Maps a function over a number of generators, returning a generator
that produces values that result from calling MAP-FN on those
@@ -365,34 +348,17 @@ generators.
Error Conditions:
- If any of the generators compare EQL an error will be signalled
- If any of the generators have been used elsewhere, an error will be signalled.
- - This function modifies and returns its first generator argument.
- (assert (all-good (list* gen gens)))
- (dolist (g gens) (make-dirty g)) ;; to ensure gens wont be re-used after use here.
- (let ((orig-fns (mapcar #'next-fn (cons gen gens)))
- (orig-preds (mapcar #'next-p-fn (cons gen gens))))
- (setf (gen-state gen) (mapcar #'gen-state (cons gen gens))
- (next-p-fn gen) (lambda (states)
- (loop
- :for state :in states
- :for pred :in orig-preds
- :unless (funcall pred state) :do (return nil)
- :finally (return t)))
- (next-fn gen) (lambda (states)
- (let ((args)
- (new-states))
- (loop
- :for state :in states
- :for fn :in orig-fns
- :do (multiple-value-bind (val new-state) (funcall fn state)
- (push val args)
- (push new-state new-states)))
- (values (apply map-fn (reverse args))
- (reverse new-states))))))
- gen)
+ (let ((all-gens (list* gen gens)))
+ (assert (all-good all-gens))
+ (dolist (g all-gens) (make-dirty g))
+ (from-thunk-until
+ (lambda ()
+ (apply map-fn (mapcar #'next all-gens)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (some (complement #'has-next-p) all-gens))
+ (lambda ()
+ (dolist (g all-gens) (stop g))))))
(defun filter! (pred gen)
"Produces a generator that filters out members of GEN that are NIL
@@ -400,37 +366,23 @@ when applied to PRED.
Error Condition:
- If GEN has been used elsewhere, an error will be signalled.
- - This function modifies and returns its generator argument.
(assert (not (dirty-p gen)))
- (let* ((orig-fn (next-fn gen))
- (orig-p-fn (next-p-fn gen))
- (last-good nil)
- (last-known-state (gen-state gen))
- (new-next-p-fn (lambda (state)
- (or last-good
- (loop :while (funcall orig-p-fn state)
- :do (multiple-value-bind (val new-state) (funcall orig-fn state)
- (if (funcall pred val)
- (progn (setf last-good (list val))
- (setf last-known-state (list new-state))
- (return t))
- (setf state new-state)))
- :finally (return nil))))))
- (setf (next-p-fn gen) new-next-p-fn)
- (setf (next-fn gen) (lambda (state)
- (declare (ignore state))
- (let ((tmp-state (car last-known-state))
- (tmp-val (car last-good)))
- (setf last-good nil)
- (setf last-known-state nil)
- (values tmp-val tmp-state))))
- gen))
+ (make-dirty gen)
+ (let (on-deck)
+ (from-thunk-until
+ (lambda () on-deck)
+ (lambda ()
+ (loop
+ :while (has-next-p gen)
+ :for candidate = (next gen)
+ :when (funcall pred candidate)
+ :do (progn
+ (setf on-deck candidate)
+ (return nil))
+ :finally (return t)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (stop gen)))))
(defun inflate! (fn gen)
@@ -454,28 +406,29 @@ Here is an example:
Error Conditions:
- If GEN has been used elsewhere, an error will be signalled.
- - INFLATE! Modifies and returns its generator argument.
(assert (not (dirty-p gen)))
- (let ((orig-fn (next-fn gen))
- (orig-p (next-p-fn gen))
- (orig-state (gen-state gen)))
- (multiple-value-bind (val state) (funcall orig-fn orig-state)
- (setf orig-state state
- (gen-state gen) (funcall fn val)
- (next-p-fn gen) (lambda (sub)
- (or (has-next-p sub)
- (funcall orig-p orig-state)))
- (next-fn gen) (lambda (sub)
- (if (has-next-p sub)
- (values (next sub) sub)
- (multiple-value-bind (val state) (funcall orig-fn orig-state)
- (setf orig-state state)
- (let ((new-sub (funcall fn val)))
- (values (next new-sub) new-sub))))))))
- gen)
+ (make-dirty gen)
+ (let ((sub-gen (funcall fn (next gen))))
+ (from-thunk-until
+ (lambda () (next sub-gen))
+ (lambda ()
+ (loop
+ :until (has-next-p sub-gen)
+ :while (has-next-p gen)
+ :do
+ (stop sub-gen)
+ (setf sub-gen (funcall fn (next gen))))
+ ;; the 'until' thunk must return t when we should stop generating
+ ;; hence:
+ (not (or (has-next-p sub-gen)
+ (has-next-p gen))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (stop gen)
+ (when sub-gen (stop sub-gen))))))
(defun concat! (gen &rest gens)
@@ -493,7 +446,7 @@ Caveat:
- CONCAT! Modifies and returns its first argument.
(assert (all-good (list* gen gens)))
- (dolist (g gens) (make-dirty g)) ;; to help ensure that gens can be combined elsewhere
+ (dolist (g (list* gen gens)) (make-dirty g))
(inflate! #'identity (seq (list* gen gens))))
(defun zip! (gen &rest gens)
@@ -540,8 +493,12 @@ Error Conditions:
(nconc (when (cdr vals) (list (seq (cdr vals))))
(car vals)))
(lambda ()
- (null all-gens)))))
+ (null all-gens))
+ (lambda ()
+ (dolist (g all-gens) (stop g))))))
(defun skip! (n gen)
@@ -563,7 +520,7 @@ returns NIL."
-(defun nfurcate! (count gen)
+(defun nfurcate! (count source-generator)
Return a list of COUNT copies of GEN.
@@ -576,26 +533,36 @@ Caveat:
on infinite generators.
- (make-dirty gen)
- (let ((qs (loop :for _ :below count :collect (make-queue))))
- (loop :for build-q :in qs
+ (make-dirty source-generator)
+ (let ((qs (loop :for _ :below count :collect (make-queue)))
+ (stop-cells (loop :for _ :below count :collect (list nil))))
+ (loop
+ :for build-q :in qs
+ :for stop-cell :in stop-cells
- (let ((local-q build-q))
+ (let ((local-q build-q)
+ (local-stop stop-cell))
(lambda ()
(cond ((not (queue-empty-p local-q))
(dequeue local-q))
- ((has-next-p gen)
- (let ((next-v (next gen)))
+ ((has-next-p source-generator)
+ (let ((next-v (next source-generator)))
(loop :for q :in qs :do (enqueue next-v q))
(dequeue local-q)))
(t (error "Attempted to get next from a spent generator."))))
(lambda ()
- (and (not (has-next-p gen))
- (queue-empty-p local-q))))))))
+ (and (not (has-next-p source-generator))
+ (queue-empty-p local-q)))
+ (lambda ()
+ (setf (car local-stop) t)
+ (when (every #'car stop-cells)
+ (stop source-generator))))))))
(defun partition! (pred gen)
@@ -634,8 +601,8 @@ procuded by GEN.
-(for (x y) (zip! (repeater 'a 'b 'c) (times 5))
- (format t \"~a -- ~a~%\" x y))
+ (for (x y) (zip! (repeater 'a 'b 'c) (times 5))
+ (format t \"~a -- ~a~%\" x y))
A -- 0
B -- 1
@@ -652,7 +619,8 @@ A -- 4
:while (has-next-p ,gen-var)
- ,expr-body))))
+ ,expr-body)
+ (stop ,gen-var))))
(defmacro fold ((acc init-val) (var-exp gen) expr)
"The accumulating generator consumer.