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authorColin Okay <>2021-05-14 07:38:39 -0500
committerColin Okay <>2021-05-14 07:38:39 -0500
commita0de7f93f1af5b2ea27d098eed081122bf17fa63 (patch)
parentf4a607f7efc457f7afe299b721487f348bbf7ace (diff)
templates and multiple-inheritance artifact classes
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/flexo.lisp b/flexo.lisp
index 64a2203..182c24f 100644
--- a/flexo.lisp
+++ b/flexo.lisp
@@ -114,15 +114,20 @@
(setf (gethash (url-path artifact) *site*)
-(defclass page (artifact)
+(defclass html ()
- :accessor page-html
+ :reader html
:initarg :html
- :initform (error "A PAGE must have some HTML")
- :documentation
- "A utf8 encoded string holding the html content of this page artifact.")))
+ :initform (error "HTML content required")
+ :documentation "A UTF8 formatted string holding HTML content.")))
-(defmacro page (url &body body)
+(defclass spinneret-page (artifact html) ()
+ (:documentation "An artifact generated from a spinneret template
+ representing an entire web page.."))
+(defmacro spinneret-page (url &body body)
"Creates a page instance with the given url path and expdning the
spinneret template in BODY."
@@ -130,10 +135,76 @@ spinneret template in BODY."
:url ,url
:html (with-html-string ,@body)))
-(defmacro define-page-template (template-name (url-arg &rest lambda-list-def) &body template-body)
+(defmacro define-spinneret-template
+ (template-name (url-arg &rest lambda-list-def) &body template-body)
"Defines a function that creates an instance of PAGE from a reusable template."
`(defun ,template-name (,url-arg ,@lambda-list-def)
- (page ,url-arg
+ (spinneret-page ,url-arg
+(defclass javascript ()
+ ((javascript
+ :reader javascript
+ :initarg :javascript
+ :initform (error "JAVASCRIPT content required")
+ :documentation "A UTF8 strign holding textual Javascript.")))
+(defclass ps-script (artifact javascript) ()
+ (:documentation "An artifact generated from a collection of
+ parenscript expressions holding a javascript script."))
+(defmacro ps-script (url &body body)
+ `(make-instance
+ 'ps-script
+ :url ,url
+ :javascript (ps:ps ,@body)))
+(defclass css ()
+ ((css
+ :reader css
+ :initarg :css
+ :initform (error "CSS content required.")
+ :documentation "A UTF8 string holding textual css content.")))
+(defclass lass-css (artifact css) ()
+ (:documentation "An artifact generated from LASS expressions that
+ holds CSS content."))
+(defmacro lass-css (url &body body)
+ `(make-instance
+ 'lass-css
+ :url ,url
+ :css (lass:compile-and-write ,@body)))
+(defmacro define-lass-template
+ (template-name (url-arg &rest keyword-args) &body template-body)
+ (let ((arg-names
+ (mapcar #'first keyword-args)))
+ `(defun ,template-name (,url-arg &key ,@keyword-args)
+ (lass-css ,url-arg
+ (list* :let (mapcar #'list ',arg-names (list ,@arg-names))
+ ',template-body)))))
+(defclass file-artifact (artifact file) ())
+(defgeneric publish (artifact location)
+ (:documentation "Publish the given artifact in the given location."))
+(defmethod publish ((artifact file-artifact) (location pathname))
+ (uiop:copy-file (filepath artifact)
+ (uiop:merge-pathnames* (url-path artifact) location)))
+(defmethod publish ((page page) (location pathname))
+ (alexandria:write-string-into-file
+ (page-html page)
+ (uiop:merge-pathnames* (url-path page) location)
+ :if-exists :supersede
+ :external-format :utf8))
+(defun publish-site-to (location)
+ (dolist (a *artifacts*)
+ (publish a location)))