diff options
authorColin Okay <>2021-05-14 10:42:49 -0500
committerColin Okay <>2021-05-14 10:42:49 -0500
commit80bcc89584298a6168b2f27c78ee99d1d6c652c3 (patch)
parentb8cf2e70a4cdb6c88922cabab6312976d0828607 (diff)
docstrings and exported functions
2 files changed, 229 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/flexo.lisp b/flexo.lisp
index 63f3b36..d9db7d1 100644
--- a/flexo.lisp
+++ b/flexo.lisp
@@ -2,12 +2,128 @@
(in-package #:flexo)
+(defvar *auto-refresh-key* nil
+ "Set when interactively building a site with auto-refresh turned on.")
+(defvar *development-acceptor* nil
+ "Hunchentoot acceptor for the dev server.")
(defvar *content* nil
"Dynamic hash-table, bound before building a site. All instances of
subclasses of content are automatically inserted into this index.")
+(defvar *site* nil
+ "Dynamic hash-table, bound before building a site. A collection of
+ artifacts, indexed by the url path of the artifact.")
+(defun make-auto-refresh-key ()
+ (symbol-name (gensym "auto-refresh-")))
+(defun mark-autorefresh-true (directory)
+ (when *auto-refresh-key*
+ (alexandria:write-string-into-file
+ "true"
+ (format nil "~a/~a.json" directory *auto-refresh-key*)
+ :if-exists :supersede )))
+(defun mark-autorefresh-false (directory)
+ (when *auto-refresh-key*
+ (alexandria:write-string-into-file
+ "false"
+ (format nil "~a/~a.json" directory *auto-refresh-key*)
+ :if-exists :supersede )))
+(defun inject-autorefresh-into-spinneret-body (spinneret-template-form)
+ (labels ((inject-into-body (tree)
+ (cond
+ ((and (consp tree) (eql :body (first tree)))
+ (list* :body '(flexo::auto-refresh-script) (rest tree)))
+ ((consp tree)
+ (mapcar #'inject-into-body tree))
+ (t tree))))
+ (inject-into-body spinneret-template-form)))
+(defun auto-refresh-script ()
+ (when *auto-refresh-key*
+ (with-html
+ (:script
+ (ps:ps
+ (let ((poll-url (+ "/" (ps:lisp flexo::*auto-refresh-key*) ".json")))
+ (set-interval
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((fetched (fetch poll-url)))
+ (ps:chain fetched
+ (then (lambda (resp) (ps:chain resp (json))))
+ (then (lambda (json)
+ (when json (ps:chain location (reload))))))))
+ 1000)))))))
+(defun table-subset-p (tab1 tab2 &key (test 'equal))
+ "TEST compares values"
+ (loop :for key :being :the :hash-key :of tab1
+ :when (or (not (gethash key tab2))
+ (not (funcall test
+ (gethash key tab1)
+ (gethash key tab2))))
+ :do (return nil)
+ :finally (return t)))
+(defun tables-equal-p (tab1 tab2 &key (test 'equal))
+ (and (table-subset-p tab1 tab2 :test test)
+ (table-subset-p tab2 tab1 :test test)))
+(defun site-changed-p (backup)
+ "A site has changed since backed up if either the asset table or the
+artifact tables have changed."
+ (not (tables-equal-p backup *site*)))
+(defun run-recipe (recipe)
+ "Runs the recipe in a fresh context and returns the site hash table it built."
+ (let ((*site* (make-hash-table))
+ (*content* (make-hash-table)))
+ (funcall recipe)
+ *site*))
+(defun hack-on
+ (recipe location &key (port 4242) (rebuild-freqeuncy 1) (auto-refresh t) log-to-repl)
+ (setf *development-acceptor*
+ (hunchentoot:start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor
+ :port port
+ :document-root location
+ :access-log-destination log-to-repl)))
+ (bt:make-thread
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((*auto-refresh-key* (when auto-refresh (make-auto-refresh-key)))
+ (the-site (run-recipe recipe)))
+ (format t "Start Hacking on localhost port ~a~%" port)
+ (loop :while (hunchentoot:started-p *development-acceptor*)
+ :do
+ (let ((candidate-site (run-recipe recipe)))
+ (cond
+ ((site-changed-p the-site candidate-site)
+ (setf the-site candidate-site)
+ (publish-site the-site location)
+ (mark-autorefresh-true location))
+ (*auto-refresh-key*
+ (mark-autorefresh-false location)))
+ (sleep rebuild-freqeuncy)))
+ (format t "Stopped Hacking~%")))))
+(defun stop-hacking ()
+ "Stop the deveopment server."
+ (hunchentoot:stop *development-acceptor*))
(defclass content ()
:reader content-keywords
@@ -40,6 +156,49 @@
(setf (gethash (filepath content) *content*)
+(defclass artifact ()
+ ((url
+ :accessor artifact-url-path
+ :initarg :url
+ :initform (error "An artifact needs a url")
+ :documentation "A URL path, relative to the site root, from where
+ this artifact is to be served."))
+ (:documentation
+ "ARTIFACT instances represent what flexo publishes: i.e. pages and
+ files to be served from some web root."))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((artifact artifact) &key)
+ (when *site*
+ (setf (gethash (artifact-url-path artifact) *site*)
+ artifact)))
+(defclass template-generated-text (artifact)
+ ((text
+ :reader generated-text
+ :initarg :text
+ :initform (error "TEXT content required")
+ :documentation "A UTF8 formatted string holding content generated
+ from a template."))
+ (:documentation "A class that represents content that has been
+ generated by some kind of lisp template. e.g. spinenret, lass,
+ paranscript. "))
+(defclass spinneret-page (template-generated-text) ()
+ (:documentation "An artifact generated from a spinneret template
+ representing an entire web page.."))
+(defclass ps-script (template-generated-text) ()
+ (:documentation "An artifact generated from a collection of
+ parenscript expressions holding a javascript script."))
+(defclass lass-sheet (template-generated-text) ()
+ (:documentation "An artifact generated from LASS expressions that
+ holds CSS content."))
(defun content-with-tags (&rest tags)
"Content utility function to locate all content with all of the
supplied keyword tags"
@@ -59,7 +218,7 @@
:collect instance)))
(defun lookup-content (key)
- "Looks up KEY in *CONTENT*."
+ "Looks up KEY in *CONTENT*. key cna be a PATHNAME or a KEYWORD"
(when *content*
(gethash key *content*)))
@@ -71,12 +230,6 @@
(and (typep content 'file)
(ppcre:scan regex (namestring (filepath content)))))))
-(defvar *site* nil
- "Dynamic hash-table, bound before building a site. A collection of
- artifacts, indexed by the url path of the artifact.")
(defun find-artifacts (pred)
"Generic artifact query. PRED is a preedicate of one argument, and is
passed an ARTIFACT instance. Returns a list of instances for which
@@ -96,42 +249,13 @@
supplied regex."
(lambda (artifact)
- (ppcre:scan regex (url-path artifact)))))
-(defclass artifact ()
- ((url
- :accessor url-path
- :initarg :url
- :initform (error "An artifact needs a url")
- :documentation "A URL path, relative to the site root, from where
- this artifact is to be served."))
- (:documentation
- "ARTIFACT instances represent what flexo publishes: i.e. pages and
- files to be served from some web root."))
+ (ppcre:scan regex (artifact-url-path artifact)))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((artifact artifact) &key)
- (when *site*
- (setf (gethash (url-path artifact) *site*)
- artifact)))
-(defclass template-generated-text (artifact)
- ((text
- :reader generated-text
- :initarg :text
- :initform (error "TEXT content required")
- :documentation "A UTF8 formatted string holding content generated
- from a template."))
- (:documentation "A class that represents content that has been
- generated by some kind of lisp template. e.g. spinenret, lass,
- paranscript. "))
-(defclass spinneret-page (template-generated-text) ()
- (:documentation "An artifact generated from a spinneret template
- representing an entire web page.."))
(defmacro spinneret-page (url &body body)
- "Creates a page instance with the given url path and expdning the
-spinneret template in BODY."
+ "Creates a SPINNERET-PAGE instance with the given url path by
+ expanding the SPINNERET template in BODY."
(let ((body (inject-autorefresh-into-spinneret-body body)))
@@ -140,43 +264,54 @@ spinneret template in BODY."
(defmacro define-spinneret-template
(template-name (url-arg &rest lambda-list-def) &body template-body)
- "Defines a function that creates an instance of PAGE from a reusable template."
+ "Defines a function that creates an instance of SPINNERET-PAGE from a
+ reusable template."
`(defun ,template-name (,url-arg ,@lambda-list-def)
(spinneret-page ,url-arg
-(defclass ps-script (template-generated-text) ()
- (:documentation "An artifact generated from a collection of
- parenscript expressions holding a javascript script."))
(defmacro ps-script (url &body body)
+ "Creates a PS-SCRIPT instance with given URL by expanding the
+ PARENSCRIPT template in BODY."
:url ,url
:text (ps:ps ,@body)))
-(defclass lass-css (template-generated-text) ()
- (:documentation "An artifact generated from LASS expressions that
- holds CSS content."))
-(defmacro lass-css (url &body body)
+(defmacro lass-sheet (url &body body)
+ "Creates a LASS-SHEET instance with URL by expanding the LASS template in BODY."
- 'lass-css
+ 'lass-sheet
:url ,url
:text (lass:compile-and-write ,@body)))
(defmacro define-lass-template
(template-name (url-arg &rest keyword-args) &body template-body)
+ "Defines a function that produces an instance of LASS-SHEET from a
+ reusable template.
+ The KEYWORD-ARGS must be a list of pairs of the sort that would
+ appear after &KEY in a DEFUN's lambda list. Single variables are
+ not allowed, only pairs. Moreover, string, symbol, and numeric
+ literals are the only permitted values.
+ Example:
+ (define-lass-template my-style (url (bg \"#fab\") (size \"1.2em\"))
+ (body
+ :background #(bg)
+ :font-size #(size)))
+ "
(let ((arg-names
(mapcar #'first keyword-args)))
`(defun ,template-name (,url-arg &key ,@keyword-args)
- (lass-css ,url-arg
+ (lass-sheet ,url-arg
(list* :let (mapcar #'list ',arg-names (list ,@arg-names))
-(defclass file-artifact (artifact file) ())
+(defclass file-artifact (artifact file) ()
+ (:documentation
+ "Meant to be extended by all artifacts that are also files on
+ disk."))
@@ -185,123 +320,25 @@ spinneret template in BODY."
(defmethod publish ((artifact file-artifact) (location pathname))
(uiop:copy-file (filepath artifact)
- (uiop:merge-pathnames* (url-path artifact) location)))
+ (uiop:merge-pathnames* (artifact-url-path artifact) location)))
(defmethod publish ((generated template-generated-text) (location pathname))
(generated-text generated)
- (uiop:merge-pathnames* (url-path generated) location)
+ (uiop:merge-pathnames* (artifact-url-path generated) location)
:if-exists :supersede
:external-format :utf8))
(defun publish-site (site location)
+ "SITE is a hashtable keyed by url paths whose values are ARTIFACT
+ intances. LOCATION is a publication location. Calls PUBLISH under
+ the hood."
(loop for artifact being the hash-value of site
do (publish artifact location)))
-;;; hacking
-(defvar *auto-refresh-key* nil)
-(defun make-auto-refresh-key ()
- (symbol-name (gensym "auto-refresh-")))
-(defun mark-autorefresh-true (directory)
- (when *auto-refresh-key*
- (alexandria:write-string-into-file
- "true"
- (format nil "~a/~a.json" directory *auto-refresh-key*)
- :if-exists :supersede )))
-(defun mark-autorefresh-false (directory)
- (when *auto-refresh-key*
- (alexandria:write-string-into-file
- "false"
- (format nil "~a/~a.json" directory *auto-refresh-key*)
- :if-exists :supersede )))
-(defun inject-autorefresh-into-spinneret-body (spinneret-template-form)
- (labels ((inject-into-body (tree)
- (cond
- ((and (consp tree) (eql :body (first tree)))
- (list* :body '(flexo::auto-refresh-script) (rest tree)))
- ((consp tree)
- (mapcar #'inject-into-body tree))
- (t tree))))
- (inject-into-body spinneret-template-form)))
-(defun auto-refresh-script ()
- (when flexo::*auto-refresh-key*
- (with-html
- (:script
- (ps:ps
- (let ((poll-url (+ "/" (ps:lisp flexo::*auto-refresh-key*) ".json")))
- (set-interval
- (lambda ()
- (let ((fetched (fetch poll-url)))
- (ps:chain fetched
- (then (lambda (resp) (ps:chain resp (json))))
- (then (lambda (json)
- (when json (ps:chain location (reload))))))))
- 1000)))))))
-(defun table-subset-p (tab1 tab2 &key (test 'equal))
- "TEST compares values"
- (loop :for key :being :the :hash-key :of tab1
- :when (or (not (gethash key tab2))
- (not (funcall test
- (gethash key tab1)
- (gethash key tab2))))
- :do (return nil)
- :finally (return t)))
-(defun tables-equal-p (tab1 tab2 &key (test 'equal))
- (and (table-subset-p tab1 tab2 :test test)
- (table-subset-p tab2 tab1 :test test)))
-(defun site-changed-p (backup)
- "A site has changed since backed up if either the asset table or the
-artifact tables have changed."
- (not (tables-equal-p backup *site*)))
-(defvar *development-acceptor* nil
- "Hunchentoot acceptor for the dev server.")
-(defun run-recipe (recipe)
- "Runs the recipe in a fresh context and returns the site hash table it built."
- (let ((*site* (make-hash-table))
- (*content* (make-hash-table)))
- (funcall recipe)
- *site*))
-(defun hack-on
- (recipe location &key (port 4242) (rebuild-freqeuncy 1) (auto-refresh t) log-to-repl)
- (setf *development-acceptor*
- (hunchentoot:start (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor
- :port port
- :document-root location
- :access-log-destination log-to-repl)))
- (bt:make-thread
- (lambda ()
- (let ((*auto-refresh-key* (when auto-refresh (make-auto-refresh-key)))
- (the-site (run-recipe recipe)))
- (format t "Start Hacking on localhost port ~a~%" port)
- (loop :while (hunchentoot:started-p *development-acceptor*)
- :do
- (let ((candidate-site (run-recipe recipe)))
- (cond
- ((site-changed-p the-site candidate-site)
- (setf the-site candidate-site)
- (publish-site the-site location)
- (mark-autorefresh-true location))
- (*auto-refresh-key*
- (mark-autorefresh-false location)))
- (sleep rebuild-freqeuncy)))
- (format t "Stopped Hacking~%")))))
-(defun stop-hacking ()
- "Stop the deveopment server."
- (hunchentoot:stop *development-acceptor*))
+(defun build-and-publish (recipe location)
+ "RECIPE is a function of zero arguments that builds a site in a
+ fresh context and, if successful, publishes that site to
+ LOCATION. Calls PUBLISH under the hood on each ARTIFACT created in
+ the recipe."
+ (publish-site (run-recipe recipe) location))
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index 130ce1b..30ea6e2 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -4,4 +4,30 @@
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:spinneret
- #:with-html-string))
+ #:with-html-string)
+ (:export
+ #:artifact
+ #:artifacts-with-class
+ #:artifacts-with-urlpath-like
+ #:build-and-publish
+ #:content
+ #:content-keywords
+ #:content-with-filepath-like
+ #:content-with-tags
+ #:define-lass-template
+ #:define-spinneret-template
+ #:file
+ #:file-artifact
+ #:filepath
+ #:find-artifacts
+ #:find-content
+ #:hack-on
+ #:lass-sheet
+ #:lookup-content
+ #:ps-script
+ #:publish
+ #:publish-site
+ #:spinneret-page
+ #:stop-hacking
+ #:template-generated-text
+ #:url-path))