
1 Flatbind

The flatbind system exports a single symbol called do>, which is a DSL that is a kind of gross mutant of let* and alexandria:when-let*, with some multiple-value-bind and with-slots and destructuring-bind mixed in.

It was built with argot

1.1 Example

  object :when= (get-some-oject)
  (x y) :slots= object
  :when (evenp (+ x y))
  :when (plusp y)
  (quotient remainder) := (floor (+ x y) y)
  (newx newy &key message) :match= (calculate-new-x-y quotient remainder)
  (setf x newx ;; X and Y were bound above like WITH-SLOTS
        y newy)
  (print message))

1.2 Grammar


DO> names a macro:
  Lambda-list: (&BODY TOKENS)

    start ::= clause* eof
    clause ::= (binding-clause | destructuring-clause | with-slots-clause | predicate-binding-clause | predicate-clause | simple-clause)
    binding-clause ::= values-bind ':=' token
    values-bind ::= token
    destructuring-clause ::= destructuring-list ':MATCH=' token
    destructuring-list ::= token
    with-slots-clause ::= slot-value-list ':SLOTS=' token
    slot-value-list ::= token
    predicate-binding-clause ::= token ':WHEN=' token
    predicate-clause ::= ':WHEN' token
    simple-clause ::= token
    values-bind Either a symbol or a list suitable for passing to MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND
    destructuring-list An list that might be passed as the first argument to DESTRUCTURING-BIND.
    slot-value-list A list that is suitable for passing to with-slots.
    predicate-binding-clause Bind variable to form, exit early if form evaluated to nil.
    token Any ole token
    eof Explicitly match the end of the input
    {LANGUAGE} Parse a sublist of tokens with LANGUAGE
    (A|B|…) One of the alternavites a b …
    PATTERN+ One or more PATTERN
    PATTERN* Zero or more PATTERN
    OPT? Zero or one of OPT
  Source file: /home/colin/projects/flatbind/flatbind.lisp


Created: 2024-12-22 Sun 14:49
