path: root/generic.lisp
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1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/generic.lisp b/generic.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d160527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generic.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+;;;; An implementation of a kind of generic function. This is not
+;;;; terribly CLOSy, as it does not support inheritance. What we have
+;;;; is a method selection routine that works on arbitrary types.
+;;;; Some effort has been made to emulate CLOS's primary method
+;;;; selection.
+(in-package :def)
+(defvar *genfuns* (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
+ "Mapping from symbol names to GENFUN instances.")
+(defclass genfun ()
+ ((name
+ :reader genfun-name
+ :initarg :name
+ :type symbol)
+ (methods
+ :accessor genfun-methods
+ :type (or null cons)
+ :initform nil
+ :documentation
+ "A sorted association list, keyed by TYPE SPECIFIER, storing
+ S-EXPRESSIONS representing the method implementation for that
+ type. This list is sorted in topological order according the
+ natural order on the type keys.")
+ (lambda-list
+ :reader genfun-lambda-list
+ :initarg :lambda-list
+ :type (or null cons)
+ :documentation
+ "The lambda list for this generic function")
+ (docstring
+ :reader genfun-docstring
+ :initarg :docstring
+ :type (or null string))))
+(defun type-specifier-p (thing)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (typep nil thing)
+ t))
+(deftype lambda-list-option-term ()
+ '(member cl:&rest cl:&aux cl:&optional cl:&key))
+(defun expand-generic-function-def (generic)
+ (let ((vars
+ (method-sig-vars (genfun-lambda-list generic)))
+ (types
+ (gensym "TYPES-")))
+ `(defun ,(genfun-name generic) ,(genfun-lambda-list generic)
+ ,(genfun-docstring generic)
+ (let ((,types (mapcar #'type-of (list ,@vars))))
+ (cond
+ ,@(loop :for (signature . body) :in (genfun-methods generic)
+ :collect `((every #'subtypep ,types ',signature) ,@body) :into clauses
+ :finally
+ (return (nconc clauses
+ (list
+ `(t (error "No implementation of ~s for ~s"
+ ',(genfun-name generic)
+ ,types)))))))))))
+(defun method-signature (lambda-list)
+ (loop
+ :for param :in lambda-list
+ :until (typep param 'lambda-list-option-term)
+ :when (and (listp param) (= 2 (length param)))
+ :do (assert (type-specifier-p (second param)) ()
+ "~s is not a valid type-specifier"
+ (second param))
+ :and :collect (second param)
+ :else
+ :collect 't))
+(defun method-sig-vars (gen-lambda-list)
+ (loop :for x :in gen-lambda-list
+ :until (typep x 'lambda-list-option-term)
+ :collect x))
+(defun sig-before-p (sig1 sig2)
+ (let* ((before (mapcar #'subtypep sig1 sig2))
+ (after (mapcar #'subtypep sig2 sig1)))
+ (or (every #'identity before)
+ (and (find 't before) (find 't after)
+ (< (position 't before) (position 't after))))))
+(defun add-meth (gen spec)
+ (with-slots (methods) gen
+ (push spec methods)
+ (setf methods (sort methods #'sig-before-p :key #'car))))
+(defun method-lambda-list-matches-generic (mll gll)
+ (and (= (length mll) (length gll))
+ (loop :for m :in mll
+ :for g :in gll
+ :for mvar := (if (consp m) (first m) m)
+ :for gvar := (if (consp g) (first g) g)
+ :always (string-equal mvar gvar))))
+(defmacro generic (name lambda-list &optional docstring)
+ "Define a generic function with optional docstring"
+ (expand-generic-function-def
+ (setf (gethash name *genfuns*)
+ (make-instance 'genfun
+ :name name
+ :lambda-list lambda-list
+ :docstring docstring))))
+(defmacro method (name lambda-list &body body)
+ "Define a method on the generic function called NAME, which must exist already."
+ (let ((gen (gethash name *genfuns*)))
+ (unless gen
+ (error "Unknown GENFUN named ~s" name))
+ (unless (method-lambda-list-matches-generic lambda-list (genfun-lambda-list gen))
+ (error "Method lambda-list ~s does not match generic function ~s"
+ lambda-list (genfun-lambda-list gen)))
+ (let* ((sig
+ (method-signature lambda-list))
+ (bound
+ (assoc sig (genfun-methods gen) :test #'equalp)))
+ (if bound
+ (rplacd bound body)
+ (add-meth gen (cons sig body)))
+ (expand-generic-function-def gen))))