path: root/argot.lisp
diff options
authorcolin <colin@cicadas.surf>2023-08-02 07:08:30 -0700
committercolin <colin@cicadas.surf>2023-08-02 07:08:30 -0700
commit483867e966e5b009be1892cc3f81de0b5885ba17 (patch)
tree5bfbddaed41768289b2125b9053d994edc8ced4a /argot.lisp
parent4fdd13fd1544117f05482c260033db5759db652a (diff)
Moving code around
Diffstat (limited to 'argot.lisp')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/argot.lisp b/argot.lisp
index ec5f9b8..2218dd5 100644
--- a/argot.lisp
+++ b/argot.lisp
@@ -2,30 +2,12 @@
(in-package #:argot)
-(defstruct rule lhs pattern action check)
-(defclass grammar ()
- ((rules
- :accessor grammar-rules
- :initform (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
- (start
- :accessor start-rule
- :initarg :start-rule
- :initform (error "START-RULE is required")
- :type symbol)
- (documentation
- :reader grammar-documentation
- :initarg :documentation
- :initform "")))
(define-condition invalid-rule-def (error)
((rule :reader rule :initarg :rule))
(:report (lambda (e stream)
(format stream "The rule ~s is malformed." (car (rule e))))))
-(defun include-rule (grammar rule)
- (setf (gethash (rule-lhs rule) (grammar-rules grammar)) rule))
(defun nonterminal? (lhs)
(and (symbolp lhs)
(let* ((name (symbol-name lhs))
@@ -113,28 +95,30 @@ and it returns VAR in that case."
(loop :for var :in vars
:collect `(,var (cdr (assoc ',var ,bindings-var))) :into bs
:finally (return (cons (list lhs `(cdr (assoc ',lhs ,bindings-var))) bs))))
- (expand-functional-argument (initarg lhs bindings action )
+ (expand-functional-argument (initarg lhs bindings action vars)
(cond ((and action (symbolp action))
(list initarg `(lambda (,bindings-var)
(let ,bindings
+ (declare (ignorable ,lhs ,@vars))
(,action ,lhs)))))
((function-form-p action)
(list initarg `(lambda (,bindings-var)
(let ,bindings
+ (declare (ignorable ,lhs ,@vars))
(funcall ,action ,lhs)))))
((consp action)
(list initarg `(lambda (,bindings-var)
(let ,bindings
- (declare (ignorable ,lhs))
+ (declare (ignorable ,lhs ,@vars))
- (rule-includer (name lhs pattern &optional check action bindings)
+ (rule-includer (name lhs pattern &optional check action bindings vars)
:lhs ',lhs
:pattern ',pattern
- ,@(expand-functional-argument :check lhs bindings check)
- ,@(expand-functional-argument :action lhs bindings action)))))
+ ,@(expand-functional-argument :check lhs bindings check vars)
+ ,@(expand-functional-argument :action lhs bindings action vars)))))
(defvar ,name nil)
(setf ,name (make-instance 'grammar
@@ -145,228 +129,11 @@ and it returns VAR in that case."
:for (lhs pattern vars check action) := (handler-case (parse-rule-def ruledef)
(invalid-rule-def (e) (invoke-debugger e)))
:for bindings := (collect-let-bindings lhs vars)
- :collect (rule-includer name lhs pattern check action bindings))
+ :collect (rule-includer name lhs pattern check action bindings vars))
(defmacro ,name (&body tokens)
(argot:parse ,name tokens))))))
-(defvar *position*)
-(defvar *grammar*)
-(defvar *tokens*)
-(defvar *bindings*)
-(defun succeed (result)
- (values result t))
-(defun fail ()
- (values nil nil))
-(defparameter +eof+ #())
-(defun next-token ()
- (if (< *position* (length *tokens*))
- (prog1 (elt *tokens* *position*)
- (incf *position*))
- +eof+))
-(defun update-bindings (var value)
- (setf *bindings* (acons var value *bindings*)))
-(defmacro try-parse
- ((&optional (result (gensym)))
- parse-expression
- &optional
- (success-clause `(succeed ,result))
- (fail-clause '(fail)))
- (alexandria:with-gensyms (successp pos)
- `(let ((,pos *position*))
- (multiple-value-bind (,result ,successp) ,parse-expression
- (if ,successp ,success-clause
- (progn
- (setf *position* ,pos)
- ,fail-clause))))))
-(defmacro if-parse
- ((&optional (result (gensym)))
- parse-expression
- &optional
- (success-clause `(succeed ,result))
- (fail-clause '(fail)))
- (alexandria:with-gensyms (successp)
- `(multiple-value-bind (,result ,successp) ,parse-expression
- (if ,successp ,success-clause
- ,fail-clause))))
-(defun parse-sequence (patterns)
- "Parse each member of PATTERNS and succeed with a list of results. If
-any pattern fails the whole parse fails."
- (loop :for pattern :in patterns
- :for (result successp)
- := (multiple-value-list (parse-pattern pattern))
- :if successp
- :collect result :into results
- :else :return (fail)
- :finally (return (succeed results))))
-(defun parse-optional (pattern)
- (try-parse
- (res) (parse-pattern pattern)
- (succeed res)
- (succeed nil)))
-(defun parse-kleene (pattern)
- (loop :for (res successp) := (multiple-value-list (try-parse () (parse-pattern pattern)))
- :while successp :collect res :into results
- :finally (return-from parse-kleene (succeed results))))
-(defun parse-one-or-more (pattern)
- (if-parse (first) (parse-pattern pattern)
- (if-parse (rest) (parse-kleene pattern)
- (succeed (cons first rest)))))
-(defun parse-alternatives (patterns)
- (if (endp patterns) (fail)
- (try-parse (result) (parse-pattern (first patterns))
- (succeed result)
- (parse-alternatives (rest patterns)))))
-(defun literals->patterns (literals)
- (loop :for l :in literals :collect (list := l)))
-(defun literals-equal? (a b) (eq a b))
-(defun parse-literal (literal)
- (if (literals-equal? (next-token) literal)
- (succeed literal)
- (fail)))
-(defun parse-literal-alternatives (literals)
- (parse-alternatives (literals->patterns literals)))
-(defun parse-kleene-literal (literal)
- (parse-kleene (list := literal)))
-(defun parse-one-or-more-literal (literal)
- (parse-one-or-more (list := literal)))
-(defun parse-optional-literal (literal)
- (parse-optional (list := literal)))
-(defun parse-literal-sequence (literals)
- (parse-sequence (literals->patterns literals)))
-(defun parse-binding-pattern (var pattern)
- (if-parse
- (result) (parse-pattern pattern)
- (progn
- (update-bindings var result)
- (succeed result))))
-(defun parse-item ()
- (let ((token (next-token)))
- (if (not (eq token +eof+))
- (succeed token)
- (fail))))
-(defun parse-eof ()
- (if (eq +eof+ (next-token))
- (succeed nil)
- (fail)))
-(defun find-grammar (name)
- (and (symbolp name)
- (boundp name)
- (let ((val (symbol-value name)))
- (and (typep val 'grammar)
- val))))
-(defun parse-grammar-pattern (language)
- (if-parse (subtokens) (parse-item)
- (if (listp subtokens)
- (if-let (grammar (find-grammar language))
- (let ((*grammar* grammar)
- (*position* 0)
- (*tokens* (coerce subtokens 'vector)))
- (parse-rule (start-rule grammar)))
- (error "No grammar called ~s" language))
- (fail))))
-(defun parse-pattern (pattern)
- (if (nonterminal? pattern)
- (parse-rule pattern)
- (destructuring-bind (op . args) pattern
- (case op
- (:seq (parse-sequence args))
- (:? (parse-optional (first args)))
- (:* (parse-kleene (first args)))
- (:+ (parse-one-or-more (first args)))
- (:or (parse-alternatives args))
- (:or= (parse-literal-alternatives args))
- (:= (parse-literal (first args)))
- (:*= (parse-kleene-literal (first args)))
- (:+= (parse-one-or-more-literal (first args)))
- (:?= (parse-optional-literal (first args)))
- (:seq= (parse-literal-sequence args))
- (:@ (parse-binding-pattern (first args) (second args)))
- (:{} (parse-grammar-pattern (first args)))
- (:item (parse-item))
- (:eof (parse-eof))))))
-(defun handle-post-rule (rule result)
- (with-slots (lhs check action) rule
- (let ((bindings (acons lhs result *bindings*)))
- (when check
- (unless (funcall check bindings)
- (return-from handle-post-rule (fail))))
- (if action
- (succeed (funcall action bindings))
- (succeed result)))))
-(defun parse-rule (nonterminal)
- (if-let (rule (gethash nonterminal (grammar-rules *grammar*)))
- (let ((*bindings* nil))
- (if-parse (result) (parse-pattern (rule-pattern rule))
- (handle-post-rule rule result)))
- (fail)))
-(define-condition argot-parse-error (error)
- ((position :initarg :position)
- (input :initarg :input))
- (:report (lambda (err stream)
- (with-slots (position input) err
- (let ((pos (max 0 (- position 2))))
- (format
- stream
- "Parse failed at position ~a, around:~%~a"
- pos (print-seq-range-pointing-at-center input pos 4)))))))
-(defun listslice (seq start stop)
- (coerce (alexandria-2:subseq* seq start stop) 'list))
-(defun print-seq-range-pointing-at-center (items position radius)
- (let* ((front
- (format nil "... ~{~s~^ ~}" (listslice items (max 0 (- position radius)) position )))
- (line
- (format nil "~a ~{~s~^ ~} ..."
- front (listslice items position (+ position radius 1)))))
- (concatenate
- 'string
- line (list #\Newline)
- (loop :repeat (1+ (length front)) :collect #\Space)
- "^" (list #\Newline))))
-(defun parse (grammar tokens)
- (let ((*position* 0)
- (*grammar* grammar)
- (*tokens* (coerce tokens 'vector)))
- (multiple-value-bind (result successp) (parse-rule (start-rule *grammar*))
- (unless successp
- (error 'argot-parse-error
- :position *position*
- :input *tokens*))
- result)))