A Goofism Guide to PARZIVAL

Table of Contents

The Goofism Guide to PARZIVAL

A Gentle Introduction

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a moderately sophisticated parser using parzival, a Common Lisp library for writing stream parsers using the "parser combinator" approach.

To motivate your learning, you will be building up a parser for the familiar JSON format, so , take a minute to scroll all the way through the JSON definition document.

Notice the document's structure. At the top is a the definition of a JSON object. That definition refers to other terms, like arrays and strings, the definitions of which appear below. And those terms refer to still simpler terms, all the way to the bottom of the document where the term for whitespace is defined.

As you work through this tutorial, you will work up the JSON definition. That is, you will begin at the very bottom, with whitespace. From there you will define parsers for increasingly complex terms, all the way up to the top where the JSON object appears.

Enough chit-chat. Time to get going.

Concepts & Conventions

You should first understand a few concepts and conventions that will come up in the rest of the tutorial.


In parzival a parser is a function that accepts a character stream and returns three values:

  1. A result value, which can be anything.
  2. A success indicator, which is T if the parse succeeded, or NIL otherwise.
  3. The stream itself, which can be passed to further parsers or can be examined if the parse failed.

On the Terms "Accept", "Succeed", "Fail" and "Result"

Some of the terms used to talk about parsing can be perhaps confused or conflated with terms used to talk about functions. This is especially the case in parzival because a parser is just a function.

When parsing an input stream, the parser is said to "accept" the input when the parse "succeeds" with a "result". Otherwise the parser is said to "fail" to accept the input it was given.

I.e. On the one hand, you may be said to call a function with arguments so that it returns a value. On the other hand, a parser will accept input and either result in a value or fail.

It may seem like nitpicking, but these terms are used frequently in parzival's documentation and in this tutorial. It is my hope that explicit mention of the terms here will make the tutorial easier to read and understand.

Naming Conventions

The parzival package exports a number of tragically un-lispy looking symbols. You'll see things like <<bind and <alphanum< and even <<?. But do not despair! There is a method to this madness.

There are two sorts of value that are important in parzival. The first are the parsers themselves, which are discussed above. The second are higher-order functions that operate on, transform, and create new parsers; i.e. the "combinators".

Parzival adopts two simple naming conventions.

  1. Symbols that look like <moo< refer to parsers.
  2. Symbols that look like <<moo refer to combinators.

As an example:

(<<def <article<
       (<<plus (<<string "a") (<<string "the"))
 "A parser that accepts a lowercase English article.".)

Without knowing the exact meaning of the above code, you can quickly see that <article< is a parser and it is defined using the combinators <<plus, and <<string.

The <<def form is actually a macro that is used to define parsers.

Getting Started (Finally)

As of April 2020 parzival is not in quicklisp, hence you must manually install some things first.

If quicklisp is installed in your local home directory, do:

cd $HOME/quicklisp/local-projects
git clone https://cicadas.surf/cgit/colin/replay-streams
git clone https://cicadas.surf/cgit/colin/parzival

Now you should be able to fire up a lisp and do

(ql:quickload :parzival)

;; and for convenience, go ahead and define a package:

(defpackage :parzival-json
   (:use :cl :parzival)
   (:nicknames :pz-json))

(in-package :parzival-json)

Time for your first parser!

Jumping in with Whitespace

Looking at JSON definition document, you see that whitespace is any of the characters space, linefeed, carriage return, or horizontal tab, repeated zero or more times.

This translates fairly directly to a parser definition:

(<<def <ws<                    ; define parsers with <<def
       (<<*                    ; zero or more, the Kleene star, reminiscent of regex
         (<<or                 ; any of the the following
           (<<char #\Space)    ; parse exactly one character
           (<<char #\Linefeed)
           (<<char #\Return)
           (<<char #\Tab))))

And you can test this out in the repl:

PZ-JSON> (let ((string "   "))
           (parse string <ws< t))
(#\  #\  #\ )

PZ-JSON> (let ((string "
           (parse string <ws< t))
(#\  #\  #\  #\Newline #\  #\  #\  #\  #\  #\  #\  #\  #\ )


So what is going on? The combinators <<char, <<or, and <<* all create parsers. The expression (<<char #\Space), for example, creates a parser that accepts exactly one space character. This parser also happens to result in exactly the space character.

The <<or combinator is called on any number of parsers as arguments and returns a new parser. The new parser will accept any of the inputs that <<or's arguments accept. So in the above, you get a parser that accepts any one of the whitespace characters. It works by trying to parse with each one of its arguments in order. When a parse fails, the stream is rewound to where it was before the parse started, and the next parser is tried. When the end of the list is reached without a successful parse, the whole thing fails.

Finally the <<* combinator is named for the Kleene star. It takes a single parser as an argument and returns a parser that will, effectively, accept the same input zero or more times, resulting in a list of the results from the inner parser.

If the above definition is perhaps more verbose than you would like, you could have instead used <<any-char, which takes a string as an argument and returns a parser that accepts any character in the string.

(<<def <ws<
       (<<* (<<any-char (concatenate 'string '(#\Space #\Linefeed #\Return #\Tab)))))

Mapping Results to true, false, and null

Before moving on to parsing numbers, it will be instructive to first write parsers for the JSON values true, false, and null.

Here you will make use of the <<string and <<map combinators, both of which are used frequently.

The <<string combinator creates a parser that will accept exactly the string it was passed as its argument. Upon success, the defined parser will result in that very same string.

An example should make this clear:

PZ-JSON> (parse "hey dude" (<<string "hey") t)

The parser (<<string "hey") accepted exactly the string hey from the input hey dude and resulted in the string hey.

Notice that if you try to accept the string dude from the same initial input, the parse will fail:

PZ-JSON> (parse "hey dude" (<<string "dude") t)

The parse resulted in failure (indicated by a second return value of NIL) because, though dude appeared in the input, it was not at the beginning of the stream.

At this point it seems clear that you will will want to define parsers that look something like this:

(<<def <true< (<<string "true"))
(<<def <false< (<<string "false"))
(<<def <null< (<<string "null"))

However, while each of the above will accept the right inputs, they all result in strings, which probably isn't what you want. That is, true should probably result in T, false in NIL, and null in.. hmm that's a tough one: perhaps a keyword called :NULL.

This is where <<map comes in.

The <<map combinator accepts two arguments: a function F and a parser P. If P would result in value R, then (<<map F P) returns a parser that accepts the same inputs as P but results in the value of (funcall F R).

If the above word salad is just too bonkers to be of use, an example should be much clearer:

PZ-JSON> (parse "hey dude" (<<map #'string-upcase (<<string "hey")) t)

Ah! Much easier to understand. You just apply #'string-upcase to the result of (<<string "hey").

Writing the parsers for booleans and null values should now be easy:

(<<def <true< (<<map (lambda (true) t) (<<string "true")))
(<<def <false< (<<map (lambda (false) nil) (<<string "false")))
(<<def <null< (<<map (lambda (null) :null) (<<string "null")))

Compiling the above and trying them out in the REPL you get, for example:

; compilation unit finished
;   caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
; in: <<DEF <NULL<
; ==>
;   The variable NULL is defined but never used.
; compilation unit finished
;   caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
PZ-JSON> (parse "null" <null< t)

Hmm everything works, but the compiler isn't happy. It is reporting a warning that a variable is being defined but not used. You could get rid of this by doing something like, for example (declare (ignore null)), for each of the above parser definitions, but it isn't necessary: parzival supplies a mapping variant called <<map-to. If you re-define the above parsers with <<map-to, the compiler warnings will go away:

(<<def <true< (<<map-to t (<<string "true")))
(<<def <false< (<<map-to nil (<<string "false")))
(<<def <null< (<<map-to :null (<<string "null")))

<<map-to is convenient when you don't care about what was accepted from the input, just that a parser did indeed succeed. You can return a literal value upon success.

The Fundamental <<bind, Parsing Numbers

Luckily, parzival includes two parsers that will get you most of the way to parsing JSON numbers. They are <int< and <real<, which parse integers and floating point numbers respectively. What <real< does not do, however, is parse exponential components of number strings. I.e. It will correctly accept "-22.34" but not "-22.34E+33".

To get the rest of the way, you will need to make use of three new combinators: <<bind, <<?, and <<and.

First, <<and is analogous to Lisp's and, but works on parsers instead of values. I.e. (<<and <p1< <p2< ... <pn<) will fail if any of its arguments fail, or will succeed if they all succeed, resulting in the result of its last argument, <pn<.

Next, <<? is a combinator that makes an optional version of a parser. That is, a parser that will always succeed, even if it accepts no input.

For example, in

PZ-JSON> (parse "abcd" (<<? (<<string "ab")) t)
PZ-JSON> (parse "abcd" (<<? (<<string "XXXab")) t)

Both parses succeed, indicated by the T as the second return value, but the second parse would have failed if it were not made optional using <<?. An optional parser will rewind the stream, leaving it the way it was before the parse was attempted. You will see further examples of stream rewinding parsers below.

Finally, <<bind is probably the most fundamental combinator in parzival. With <<bind, you can combine parsers together, making use of intermediate results to make decisions mid-parse about how to parse forthcoming input. Here is an illustrative example:

PZ-JSON> (<<def <bind-test<
           (let ((vars '(#\a 10 #\b 20 #\c 30)))                ; the parser closes over vars
             (<<bind (<<and (<<char #\?)  <item<)               ; <item< accepts any character
                     (lambda (var)                              ; the result is bound to var
                       (let ((val (getf vars  var)))
                         (if val                                ; either return a new parser
                             (<<map (lambda (num) (* val num))  ; that results in a number
                                    (<<and <whitespace< <int<))
                             <fail<))))))                       ; or fail

PZ-JSON> (parse "?a 7" <bind-test< t)
PZ-JSON> (parse "?z 7" <bind-test< t)

What is going on here? The above example, while illustrative, is perhaps a bit hard to look at. Stay strong - relief will soon be found when <<let is introduced in another section! For now, concentrate on <<bind.

The syntax for <<bind looks like this:


Where FUNCTION is a function of one argument that is expected to return a parser.

So in the above, the parser you are binding is

(<<and (<<char #\?) <item<)

which parses any two character sequence that starts with a question mark, resulting in whatever character followed the question mark in the input.

The result of the above becomes bound to the var argument in the lambda appearing as the second argument to <<bind. This function looks up the value of var in the plist called vars. If the value is found, a new parser is returned that accepts whitespace followed by an integer, it then results in multiplying the looked up value by the parsed integer. If no value in vars corresponded to var, then the function returns the <fail< parser, which fails on all input.

You could perhaps clarify the above definition with some intermediate parsers:

(<<def <bind-test<
       (let* ((vars      '(#\a 10 #\b 20 #\c 30))
              (<var<     (<<and (<<char #\?) <item<))
              (<sep-int< (<<and <whitespace< <int<))
              (transform (lambda (var)
                           (if (getf vars var)
                               (<<map (lambda (num) (* num (getf vars var)))

         (<<bind <var< transform)))

Enough palaver. Time for you to define your number parser. Looking back at the diagram in the JSON definition document, you see that numbers are made up of up to four parts: a sign, a whole part, a fractional part, and an exponent part. For the first three parts you are in luck because parzival provides <real<. So you need only concentrate on the exponential part. That is a good place to start.

The exponential part is a case insensitive character #\e followed by a an optional sign symbol and then an integer.

(<<def <number-exp-part<
       (<<and (<<any-char "eE")    ; case insensitive #\e
              (<<? (<<char #\+))   ; optional + sign
              <int<))              ; an integer

You may be wondering why you only need to make the #\+ character optional, and not include a parser for the the #\- sign too. The reason is pretty unexciting: the <int< parser already optionally accepts a minus sign because it parses negative integers as well as positives.

Next, you use <<bind to decide whether or not to scale the order of magnitude of an already parsed real number:

(<<def <number<
       (<<bind <real<
               (lambda (real)
                 (<<map (lambda (exp?)
                          (if exp? (* real (expt 10 exp?))
                        (<<? <number-exp-part<)))))

The above parser does the following:

  1. Parses a real number with <real<
  2. binds a successful result to the variable real inside the lambda expression.
  3. Optionally parses an exponential part using (<<? <number-exp-part<)
  4. binds the result of <number-exp-part< to the variable exp?, which, if non-null, results in real scaled by (expt 10 exp?).

You can now test it out in the REPL:

PZ-JSON> (parse "-234.443e-4" <number< t)

PZ-JSON> (parse "-234.443e4" <number< t)
PZ-JSON> (parse "4.443E+3" <number< t)
PZ-JSON> (parse "0.443E+3" <number< t)
PZ-JSON> (parse "00001.443E+3" <number< t)

In the very last REPL example, you see that <number< is actually slightly wrong! The JSON definition only permits an initial 0 if the number has no whole part. That is, a correctly implemented <number< should reject the string "00001.443E+3". I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader ;) .

A short note. <<let is a stunningly convenient macro that uses <<bind under the hood. Here is the above <number< parser defined using <<let.

(<<def <number<
       (<<let ((real <real<)
               (exp? (<<? <number-exp-part<)))
          (<<result (* real (if exp? (expt 10 exp?) 1)))))

<<let defines a parser by binding intermediate results to variables and then letting you make use of those bindings in an expression that returns a new parser.

The <<result parser in the above accepts no input and results in its argument. E.g. (<<result 10) would succeed, having accepted no input, resulting in the number 10. It is handy inside <<let bodies, but but is used in many surprising places.

Bracketed Sequences with Strings

With strings, things start to get whacky. The basic structure of a JSON string is that of a sequence of zero or more characters surrounded by quotation marks. Included in parzival are two combinators called <<brackets and <<char-brackets. Both are for dealing with demarcated input. I.e. When you want to get TARGET out of something that looks like LEFT TARGET RIGHT, then you use a bracket combinator.

Getting hypothetical for a moment, you can already tell that the string parser will look something like:

;; incomplete sketch
(<<char-brackets #\" (<<* <string-char<) \")

I.e. a sequence of zero or more valid characters, bracketed by quotation marks.

The above is close, but it isn't quite right. The <<* combinator results in a list of matched values, but what you actually want is a string. Hence, your old friend <<map:

(<<def <string<
       (<<map (lambda (accepted) (apply #'concatenate 'string accepted))
              (<<char-brackets  #\"  (<<* <string-char<)  #\")))

Now things get hairy. The definition of <string-char< is slightly more complicated than you might think it should be because of escape sequences: some characters in a valid JSON string are denoted by a sequence that looks like BACKSLASH CHARACTER, and others by a sequence like BACKSLASH U HEX HEX HEX HEX.

Feel free to study the definition of <string< in detail on your own. The only new combinators it uses are <<plus, <<times, and <<sat.

The <<plus combinator is a two argument version of <<or. Actually <<or is defined in terms of <<plus.

The <<times combinator takes a number N and a parser P and results in a list of exactly N results P. E.g.

PZ-JSON> (parse "aaba" (<<times 2 (<<char #\a)) t)
(#\a #\a)
PZ-JSON> (parse "aaba" (<<times 3 (<<char #\a)) t)

And the <<sat combinator accepts a single character, subject to a predicate. If the predicate returns NIL, the parser fails.

So here is the code defining the <string< parser:

 (defun codes-to-char (codes)
   "Accepts a list of characters, each one representing a hex
   digit. Returns a list containing a single character represented by
   those digits"
   (list (code-char (read-from-string
                     (concatenate 'string "#x" codes)))))

 ;; parses a single escaped sequence, either a slash and an escape
 ;; code, or a slash and four hex digits.  results in a list that
 ;; contains one character
 (<<def <escaped-char<
        (let* ((escapes '(#\b #\Backspace   ; a lookup table for character replacement
                          #\f #\Formfeed
                          #\n #\Linefeed
                          #\r #\Return
                          #\t #\Tab
                          #\" #\"
                          #\\ #\\
                          #\/ #\/)))
          (<<and (<<char #\\)              ; escapes start with a \
                  (<<or (<<bind <item<
                                (lambda (c) (if (getf escapes c)
                                                (<<result (list (getf escapes c))) ;; need a list
                        (<<and (<<char #\u)
                               (<<map #'codes-to-char
                                      (<<times 4 (<<any-char "0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF"))))))))

;; a string-char is either an escaped char or any char that is neither
;; a quote nor a slash
 (<<def <string-char<
        (<<plus <escaped-char<
                (<<map #'list (<<sat (lambda (c) (not (member c '(#\" #\\))))))))

 (<<def <string<
        (<<map (lambda (accepted) (apply #'concatenate 'string accepted))
                (<<* <string-char<)

And here you can see it in action. Its a little cumbersome to test in the REPL because you have to escape both the quotes and the the escapes:

PZ-JSON> (parse "\"ab\\u6211cd moo \\n\"" <string< t)
"ab我cd moo
PZ-JSON> (parse "\"ab\\u0123Fcd\"" <string< t)
PZ-JSON> (parse "\"they call me Colin \\\"Parse Master\\\" Okay\"" <string< t)
"they call me Colin \"Parse Master\" Okay"

Recursive Parsers

You're in the home stretch! You've defined parsers for all of the primitive value types, and now only the complex types remain. And here is where you encounter a new and interesting challenge.

Looking at the JSON definition, you notice two things.

  1. value, representing any valid JSON value, is define din terms of object and array.
  2. But object and array are both defined in terms of value.

That's right! It's time for recursive parser definitions.

So, without having defined <object< or <array<, you can still go ahead and define <value<.

;; not strictly necessary, define these to keep the compiler from
;; complaining, and so that you can test things out in the REPL as you
;; go.
(<<def <array< <fail<)
(<<def <object< <fail<)

(<<def <value<
       (<<or <object< <array< <string< <number< <true< <false< <null<))

Now the task is to define <array<. An array is just a bracketed list of zero or more values, separated by commas and whitespace. You already know about brackets, and parzival provides combinators called <<strip, for stripping whitespace, and <<sep-by* for the rest. Here's how it looks:

;; results in a list
(<<def <array<
       (<<char-brackets  #\[
                         (<<sep-by* (<<strip  <value<) (<<char #\,))

And finally, <object<. An object is a sequence of zero or more STRING : VALUE pairs, separated by commas and whitespace, and bracketed by curly braces. Again, pretty straightforward:

(<<def <object-pair<
       (<<let ((prop <string<)
               (value (<<and <ws<
                             (<<char #\:)
              (<<result (cons prop value))))

;; results in an association list
(<<def <object<
       (<<char-brackets #\{
                        (<<sep-by* (<<strip <object-pair<) (<<char #\,))

Glorious! Try it out, go wild! (And please, pester cbeo with bugs.)

PZ-JSON> (parse "{\"a\" : 10 , \"b\" : 3 }" <value< t)
(("a" . 10) ("b" . 3))
PZ-JSON> (parse "{ \"name\" : \"colin\",
\"hobbies\" : [\"lisp\"  , \"parsing\"  ]   ,
\"features\" : { \"head\" : \"round\", \"eyes\" : 2} }" <value< t)
(("name" . "colin") ("hobbies" "lisp" "parsing")
 ("features" ("head" . "round") ("eyes" . 2)))

Parsing JSON Files

Here is how you would parse some JSON from a file:

PZ-JSON> (with-open-file (file-input "examples/foo.json")
           (let ((rp-stream (make-instance 'replay-streams:character-input-replay-stream
                                           :source file-input)))
             (parse rp-stream <value<)))
((("name" . "Boutade")
   (("lang" . "Common Lisp") ("proficiency" . :NULL) ("lovesIt" . T))
   (("lang" . "Rust") ("proficiency" . 0.8) ("lovesIt" . T)
    ("isAshamedToLoveIt" . T))
   (("lang" . "Haskell") ("proficiency" . 0.5)
    ("lovesIt" . "sometimes, in some ways")))
  ("pizzaOrder" "Tempeh Italian Sausage" "Spinach" "Mushrooms"
   "Red Pepper Flakes")
  ("isCool") ("isFunny") ("thinksPeopleAreLaughing" . T)
 (("name" . "Goofist")
   (("lang" . "Common Lisp") ("proficiency" "over" 9000) ("lovesIt" . T))
   (("lang" . "Rust") ("proficiency" . -1) ("lovesIt" . T)
    ("isAshamedToLoveIt" . T))
   (("lang" . "Haskell") ("proficiency" . -1)
    ("lovesIt" . "i cannot tell a lie")))
  ("pizzaOrder" "Blue Stilton" "Walnuts" "Pork Sausage" "Apple Slices")
  ("isCool" . T) ("isFunny" . T) ("thinksPeopleAreLaughing" . T)
  ("beHonest_thinksPeopleAreLaughing" . T)))

For the moment, parsers only work on instances of replay-streams. If you pass raw text to the parse function for its STREAM argument, then you must also pass a T into its third optional argument position. Otherwise the stream is assumed to be a replay-stream.

Problems to Puzzle Out

  1. Association Lists may or may not be the most appropriate data structure for the representation of JSON objects. How could you change the <object< definition to make something more convenient. E.g. plists perhaps?
  2. As noted above, the <number< parser actually parses some numbers that are not technically valid JSON values. Specifically, valid JSON numbers may start with at most one 0. How would you change <number< to correct for this?
  3. Perhaps Lists are not the right structure for JS arrays. Maybe you should change <array< to result in Common Lisp arrays?


I hope you have had a good time learning about how this parser combinator library works. Go forth and parse!

signing off. cbeo.

code listing

For your convenience, the complete code listing follow

(defpackage :parzival-json
   (:use :cl :parzival)
   (:nicknames :pz-json))

(in-package :parzival-json)

(<<def <ws<
       (<<* (<<any-char (concatenate 'string '(#\Space #\Linefeed #\Return #\Tab)))))

(<<def <true< (<<map-to t (<<string "true")))
(<<def <false< (<<map-to nil (<<string "false")))
(<<def <null< (<<map-to :null (<<string "null")))

(<<def <number-exp-part<
       (<<and (<<any-char "eE")
              (<<? (<<char #\+))

(<<def <number<
       (<<let ((real <real<)
               (exp? (<<? <number-exp-part<)))
              (<<result (* real (if exp? (expt 10 exp?) 1)))))

(defun codes-to-char (codes)
  "Accepts a list of characters, each one representing a hex
  digit. Returns a list containing a single character represented by
  those digits"
  (list (code-char (read-from-string
                    (concatenate 'string "#x" codes)))))

(<<def <escaped-char<
       (let* ((escapes '(#\b #\Backspace   ; a lookup table for character replacement
                         #\f #\Formfeed
                         #\n #\Linefeed
                         #\r #\Return
                         #\t #\Tab
                         #\" #\"
                         #\\ #\\
                         #\/ #\/)))
         (<<and (<<char #\\)              ; escapes start with a \
                 (<<or (<<bind <item<
                               (lambda (c) (if (getf escapes c)
                                               (<<result (list (getf escapes c))) ;; need a list
                       (<<and (<<char #\u)
                              (<<map #'codes-to-char
                                     (<<times 4 (<<any-char "0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF"))))))))

(<<def <string-char<
       ;; either an escaped char or any char that is neither a quote nor an escape
       (<<plus <escaped-char<
               (<<map #'list (<<sat (lambda (c) (not (member c '(#\" #\\))))))))

(<<def <string<
       (<<map (lambda (accepted) (apply #'concatenate 'string accepted))
               (<<* <string-char<)

(<<def <array< <fail<)
(<<def <object< <fail<)

(<<def <value<
       (<<or <object< <array< <string< <number< <true< <false< <null<))

(<<def <array<
       (<<char-brackets  #\[
                         (<<sep-by* (<<strip  <value<) (<<char #\,))

(<<def <object-pair<
       (<<let ((prop <string<)
               (value (<<and <ws<
                             (<<char #\:)
              (<<result (cons prop value))))

(<<def <object<
       (<<char-brackets #\{
                        (<<sep-by* (<<strip <object-pair<) (<<char #\,))