;;;; search.lisp -- search function interface for oneliners wiki cli

(in-package :oneliners.cli.app )

(defun search/options ()
  "Returns a list of options for the search command."
    :short-name #\l
    :long-name "limit"
    :description "number of results to return"
    :initial-value 10
    :key :limit)
    :short-name #\f
    :long-name "flagged"
    :description "only flagged oneliners are returned"
    :key :flagged)
    :short-name #\F
    :long-name "no-flagged"
    :description "only unflagged oneliners are returned"
    :key :no-flagged)
    :short-name #\n
    :long-name "newest"
    :description "the newest matching oneliners are returned"
    :key :newest)

   ;; TODO
   ;; (cli:make-option
   ;;  :flag
   ;;  :short-name #\c
   ;;  :long-name "cache"
   ;;  :description "restrict search to what is already in the local cache"
   ;;  :env-vars '("OL_CACHE_ONLY")
   ;;  :key :cache)


(defun search/handler (cmd)
  "Handler function for the search command. "
  (let ((args
          (cli:command-arguments cmd))
          (cli:getopt cmd :limit)))
       ;; if there are search terms, call the main search function
        (cli:getopt cmd :no-flagged)
        (cli:getopt cmd :flagged)
        (cli:getopt cmd :newest)))

      ;; if no search terms, but --newest or -n
      ((cli:getopt cmd :newest)
       (ol::newest-oneliners limit))

      ;; no args, but --flagged or -f
      ((cli:getopt cmd :flagged)
       (ol::all-flagged-oneliners limit))

       (cli::print-usage cmd t)))))

(defparameter +search/examples+
  '(("Search for oneliners involving grep and awk" .
     "ol search grep awk")
    ("Limit search to flagged oneliners (useful for contributors)" .
     "ol search --flagged grep awk")))

(defun search/command ()
  "Creates a new command for interfacing with the search api."
   :name "search"
   :description "search for oneliners with provided tags"
   :options (search/options)
   :handler #'search/handler
   :examples +search/examples+))