* =ol= the oneliners.wiki command-line interface 

** Installation

For now you need to build it from source.

First clone it 

: git clone https://cicadas.surf/cgit/oneliners/oneliners.cli.git oneliners.cli 

then =cd= into the =oneliners.cli= directory and type make app 

: cd oneliners.cli 
: make app 

If the build was successful, the executable will be in =bin/ol= 

I usually place it into =~/.local/bin/=

** Configuration 

The first time you try to run the =ol= command to do anything other
than printing the help menu, you will be prompted to configure it. 

At present there are only two configuration options handled here: a
host and a shell. The host is where the =ol= command will make
requests. The shell is the shell environment where you want to run
oneliners.  Host defaults to https://api.oneliners.wiki and shell
defaults to =bash=.

If you just want to lookup and run oneliners from the default wiki,
you just need to accept the defaults offered by the configuration

If you are self-hosting a oneliners wiki server, you'll need to enter
the address of that server when prompted for a host.  

E.g. if you are running a server locally on port 8080, you'd enter

* License  

Licensed under the AGPLv3 License.