* Basic Info ** Release Schedule Prior to 1.0.0, there will be a weekly release each Friday. After 1.0.0, a new release schedule will be decided upon. At any moment, there are three branches: | BRANCH | PURPOSE | |---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------| | main | Where stable releases reside. Each taggged with a version. | |---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------| | rc | The release candidate branch. Courageous may build and test the | | | this branch prior to its release. Bugfix patches and PRs | | | are submitted to rc. | |---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------| | develop | Where new features are actively developed. | |---------+-----------------------------------------------------------------| ** Suggesting Features & Reporting Bugs To bring something up with the developers, send an email to ~cbeo/oneliners.wiki@lists.sr.ht To keep up with developments and discuss this tool, join the mailing list by visiting https://lists.sr.ht/~cbeo/oneliners.wiki and hitting "subscribe".